Force 1, Range 72” — Farseer Only 

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Force 1, Range 72” — Farseer Only

Pick a single Eldar squad or vehicle within range; a +1 modifier is applied to all that unit‘s shooting (27) to hit rolls and Combat Scores in close combat (32) while this power lasts. Remains until the beginning of the next psychic phase.



Force 2

Place the Destructor template (Flamer (225) template (29)) so that its point is touching the user. Anything more than half under the template is hit unless it rolls equal to or under its Initiative on D6. Hit models suffer an S6 hit with no possible armour save. Vehicles and buildings are hit automatically and the Destructor bolt is stopped if it strikes either. Otherwise, the template moves 12” each subsequent psychic phase. Remains until voluntarily ended, nullified (37), or the template leaves the battlefield.



Force 1, Range 36” — Farseer Only

Pick a single model within range. All hits to that model caused by shooting (27), hand-to-hand combat (32), or psychic attacks automatically wound — you don‘t need to make a Strength/Toughness chart (20) roll. In addition, any wounds inflicted on the model are doubled. Vehicles may not be Doomed. Remains in play until nullified (37), voluntarily ended, or the user is slain.



Force 1-3, Range 18”

Pick a number of models within range that equals the number of Force cards used. For each model, work out a round of hand-to-hand combat (32) as normal — the user counts as charging (23) and if he is fighting more than one opponent with this power, the rules for multiple combatants (33) are ignored. If the user loses any of the combats, he suffers no damage but this power is nullified (37) immediately.



Force 1, Range 8”

All Eldar within range of the user get a +2 bonus on their armour saves as long as this power is in effect. Has no effect on vehicles or Dreadnoughts — only living Eldar. Remains in play until nullified (37), voluntarily ended, or the user is slain.


Mind War

Force 1-3, Range 36” — Farseer Only

Pick a single enemy model within range. Roll 4D6+ n D6, where n is the number of Force cards used for this

power. Mind War inflicts 1 wound on the target for each 6 you roll. May be used on vehicle crewmen, but you then only roll 2D6+ n D6. If used on an enemy psyker, he must permanently discard a psychic card for each 6 rolled instead of taking Wounds. If the enemy psyker has less than the number of cards required to discard he loses all of his powers and suffers D3 wounds.



Force 1-2, Range 12”

Pick a single Eldar within range. That model may immediately fire his weapon at up to double normal range and will hit automatically. Just select the target and calculate damage as normal. Guiding a pistol (240) or basic (224) weapon requires 1 Force; for ancient, heavy (233), or support (242) weapons, 2 Force is required. The weapon

may only fire once, so even weapons with sustained fire (30) or multiple shots may only score a single hit when




Eldritch Storm

Force 3, Range 24”

Place  a   2”   blast template  (29)  within  range.  Roll  a  Scatter  Die  for  any  models  more  than  half  under  the  template. If an arrow is rolled, the model is flung in that direction to the   storm’s edge and  may not move or shoot next turn. If a ―Hit‖ is rolled, the model suffers an S3 hit and is flung as above. Vehicles will move out of control (26) when they next move.  Nothing  may  move,  see  or  shoot  through  the   Storm.  Remains  until  voluntarily  ended,  nullified (37), or the user is slain.

Inquisition Powers Aura of Fire

Force 1

When in play, will negate any Wound suffered by the user on a D6 roll of 4+. In hand-to-hand combat (32), any wound saved means that the Aura is rebounded against the model that struck it, causing a Wound for each Wound saved. Remains in play until nullified (37) or the user is slain.


Aura of Fortitude

Force 1, Range 9”

The user and all friendly models within range increase their Ld to 10 as long as this power is in play. All affected models also gain a saving throw of 4+ on D6 against all psychic attacks. Remains in play until nullified (37) or the user is slain.


Destroy Daemon

Force 2, Range 24”

Strikes the first target in a straight  line  within  range.  The  user  rolls   2D6   and  adds  his  Mastery  Level  (36)  to  the result; the Daemon rolls 1D6 and adds its current number of Wounds to the result. If the psyker‘s score beats the Daemon‘s, the Daemon is instantly destroyed. If the scores tie, the Daemon loses half its remaining Wounds, rounding down. If the psyker‘s score is lower, the power does not work. If the Daemon‘s score is exactly twice that of the psyker‘s, the psyker suffers D3 Wounds from feedback. Has no effect on non-Daemon models.



Force 3, Range 12”

Every living creature within range suffers an S4 hit. After damage has been assessed, the psyker himself must pass a Leadership test (47) in order to stop the Holocaust. If he fails — or decides to continue the firestorm — he suffers a wound as the flames start to consume his body and the Holocaust card remains in play, scoring another S4 hit on all living models within range at the start of the next psychic phase. Repeat until the power is nullified (37), the psyker succeeds in his test, or the psyker is slain.


Purge Psyker

Force 1, Range 36”

Pick an enemy psyker within range. The enemy psyker rolls D6 and adds his Mastery Level (36) to the roll; your psyker rolls 2D6 and adds his Mastery Level to the roll. If the enemy psyker‘s score is lower, he loses and suffers 1 Wound for each point he lost by. Otherwise, unless the defender‘s score is exactly double the attackers — in which case, the feedback inflicts D6 wounds on the friendly psyker.



Force 1, Range 24”

Strikes the first target within range in a straight-line path. The victim suffers D3 S4 hits and must pass a

Leadership test (47) or be stunned and unable to do anything until the next psychic phase. Daemons struck by

Scourging suffer D3 hits at S8 rather than S4.



Storm of Wrath

Force 3, Range 12”

All enemy models within range must pass a Leadership test (47) before they can move or charge (23). Enemy vehicles will go out of control (26) on a 5+ on D6 when they attempt to move. All enemy shooting (27) within or

into the area suffers a –2 to hit. Friendly models are completely unaffected. Remains in play until nullified (37) or until the user is slain.



Force 3, Range 3D6”

Place the Vortex template (1½” template (29)) on the table next to the user and move it 3D6” away in a random

direction. Anything touched by the template is affected as by a Vortex grenade (259). While this power is in play, treat the template as if it was created by such a grenade. The Vortex lasts until it is nullified (37), dissipates or leaves the battlefield.

Librarian Powers Iron Arm

Force 2, Range 3”

May target the user or a single model within range. The target‘s Toughness and Strength are doubled up to a maximum of 10 while this power is in play. He may fight normally, but his Move is halved, rounding up. The subject also gains an unmodified additional armour saving throw of 4+ which is rolled before his normal armour

save — this applies to psychic attacks, too. Remains until nullified (37) or the user is slain.



Force 1

From the moment this power is used to the beginning of the next psychic phase, the user may re-roll any of his failed dice throws once — to hit rolls, damage rolls, armour saves, Ld tests (47), etc.


Psychic Shield

Force 1

Should the user suffer 1 or more Wounds from shooting (27) or close combat (32), the Shield will negate each wound on a D6 roll of 3+. If the user is attacked by a psychic power which either causes wounds or kills him

outright, then the Shield will save him on a D6 roll of 4+. When used against a psychic power, the Shield is

nullified (37) if the save is successful. Remains until nullified or the user is slain.



Force 2, Range 3”

May target the user or any single model within 3”. The target doubles his Movement, Initiative and Attacks as long as this power is in play, and may fire twice in the shooting phase (27) if it doesn‘t run (24) or charge (23) in the movement phase (23). Remains until nullified (37) or the user is slain.


Salamander, The

Force 2, Range 5D6”

All models in a straight-line path within range are hit, suffering one S5 hit. Any squad suffering at least one

casualty from Salamander must take a break test (47).



Force 3, Range 24”

Place a 2” blast template (29) anywhere within range. If a vehicle is hit, one randomly selected crewman (13) will be affected. Models hit must pass a Ld test (47) with a –2 modifier or be slain immediately. Armour saving throws

are not permitted Smite victims.


Strength of Mind

Force 2, Range 6”

Psychic attacks against the user or any models within 6” of him are automatically nullified (37) unless they roll higher than the user‘s Mastery Level (36) on D6. Remains until nullified or the user is slain.




Force 1, Range 4D6”

The user moves up to 4D6” away in any direction, ignoring all terrain. The user may teleport into close combat

(32), and counts as charging (23).

Ork Powers Brain Bursta

Force 2, Range 24”

The first model in a straight line within range is overloaded with Ork power and must roll under its Toughness on

D6 or its head explodes! Needless to say, head explosions always kill their victims regardless of how many Wounds they have. Armour saving throws will not protect against this power. Vehicles hit by this power suffer a hit to one randomly-determined crewman (13) who must roll to survive as above.


Da Krunch

Force 3, Range 24”

The user summons the foot of Gork himself — use the special Gork‘s Foot. Place it within range; any models under the template must roll under their Initiative on D6 or suffer an S10 hit.


Death Wave

Force 3, Range 4D6”

Place the Death Wave template (29) so its centre touches the user and then move it 4D6” in a straight line away

from him. Any models covered by the template as it moves suffer a hit; models partially touched are hit on a 4+ on D6 as normal. For each hit model, roll a D6; if the roll is equal to or greater than their Toughness they are slain regardless of how many Wounds they have. Vehicles are not affected but their crew are — each crew member suffers a hit from the Death Wave on a 5+ on D6. Ignore all obstacles and terrain features when moving the Wave. The Wave remains in play and will move a further 4D6” in the same direction at the start of each psychic phase until it is nullified (37) or leaves the table.



Force 1, Range 36”

Pick an enemy psyker within range. Both players roll D6   and  add  the  Mastery Level  (36) of their  respective psyker. If the enemy psyker‘s score is less, he suffers 1 wound and can‘t use any powers until the next psychic phase; otherwise, this power has no effect.


Kop Dis!

Force 3, Range 36”

Strikes the first target in its path. The victim is hurled back D6+1”; if the model hits anything, its move is halted and both models involved take an S5 hit. Can also be used on blast templates (29) If a template is moved, it will

score a hit as normal on anything it moves over.


Power Vomit

Force 2, Range 18”

Any models in a straight line within range sustain an S5 hit. Ignore all obstacles and terrain features.



Force 2, Range 24”

Target a single model within range; the victim suffers 2D6 minus his own Strength S5 hits. Vehicles deduct their

Ram Value (26) Strength from the number of hits inflicted.



Force 3, Range 36”

All enemy psykers in range are knocked flat and suffer 1 wound if you can roll higher than their Mastery Level

(36) on D6. If they are knocked flat, they can‘t use any more powers until the next psychic phase, though they can continue to use Warp Cards (37) normally to nullify (37), etc. All Ork and Gretchin units within 36” of the

user add 1 to their WS and may re-roll any failed Leadership tests (47) they take until the end of the next turn.



Squat Powers



Force 1, Range 12”

Nominate a single target within 12”; that model must pass a Leadership test (47) with a –2 modifier. If it fails, you may force that model to perform any one action immediately — e.g., a normal move, fire a weapon, throw (28) a  grenade, etc. Vehicle crew may be targeted using this power but those in enclosed vehicles make their Ld test with a Ld of 10. A Dominated model may not be forced to kill itself.


Force Dome

Force 2, Range 24”

Take the special Force Dome Template (2” radius) and centre it anywhere within 24” of the user. The Dome prevents all movement across its edge, trapping models inside, and stops models from seeing, shooting (27) or using psychic powers through it. At the end of each of their own movement phases (23), models in contact with the Dome can try to destroy it by rolling under their Strength on 3D6. Vehicles can destroy the dome by rolling

2D6 and scoring equal to or less than their the Strength of their Ram Value (26). The Dome remains in play until

nullified (37) or removed.


Hammer of Fury

Force 3, Range 9”

All enemy models within 9” of the user are blasted backwards 3” directly away from the user and suffer an S5 hit. Vehicles suffer an S5 hit to each location. Moving enemy vehicles will go out of control (26) in their next

movement phase (23). Models with a Strength of 6+ will not be driven back by this power.


Mental Fortress

Force 1, Range 12”

The user and all friendly models within 12” gain an additional saving throw of 5+ on D6 against psychic attacks.

This power remains in play until nullified (37) or removed.

Tyranid Powers Catalyst

Force 3, Range 18”

Target a single brood within range of the user. The brood becomes frenzied (47) and makes its armour saving throws on 2D6. Remains until nullified (37) or the brood is destroyed.


Horror, The

Force 1-3, Range 6-18”

The effect radius of this power depends on how much Force is used to power it; 6” for each Force. All squads and

character models within the effect range must take an immediate break test (47).


Hypnotic Gaze

Force 1, Range 18”

Use on a brood of Tyranid Warriors, Genestealers or Genestealer Hybrids within 18” of the user. Roll a leadership

test (47) for every enemy model which is within 6” and visible to one of the brood. Any models which fail are paralyzed and can‘t perform any actions as long as this power remains in play. Paralyzed models are hit automatically in hand-to-hand combat (32). Any affected models which end up  more  than   6”   away  from  the affected brood at the start of either player‘s turn recover automatically.


Psychic Scream

Force 2, Range 36”

Every enemy psyker within 36” of the user must roll 2D6; if the score is greater than the roller‘s Toughness but under his Leadership, he is stunned by the scream and incapable of using any Warp Cards (37) or taking any actions until the start of the next psychic phase. Stunned psykers fight in hand-to-hand combat (32) with a WS of

1. If the roll is greater than the psyker‘s Leadership, the model goes insane and takes no further part in the battle

— remove the model as an effective casualty.



Rally Phase

Not much happens in the Rally Phase; it‘s probably the most boring phase. If neither side has any broken (46) units, you may skip the phase, as what occurs in it affects only such units.



Break Checks


A squad must take a Break Check if it loses 25% of its current Strength in a single turn. Other situations may also force a squad to make a Break Check. In either case, the unit must make a Leadership Test (47). If it fails, the unit is Broken.


Broken Troops

A broken squad will remain where it is and hide (23) at the start of its next turn if it is in cover. If it is not in cover, it will immediately flee 2D6" towards the nearest cover away from enemy models. After this initial fleeing move, broken troops may not move again unless they are in the open at the start of their turn (in which case they flee again

as above). If a broken squad is attacked in hand-to-hand combat (32), or a creature which causes Fear (47) or Terror

(48) moves within 8”, it will flee immediately as above. Fleeing troops ignore terrain penalties but may not enter

impassible terrain (24). Broken troops may escape from hand-to-hand combat (32) as normal.


Character Models

In some circumstances, one or more model attached to a squad may be immune to whatever caused the unit to break. In this case, the character model is not forced to flee and may stay and fight if it chooses. Characters which are

required (by their special rules) to remain with the unit must keep within normal squad coherency (12) range, but are otherwise unhindered in their actions.




During the Rally Phase, troops which are Broken (46) may attempt to recover. Broken models may only attempt to rally if they are in some kind of cover, they were not forced to flee on the same turn for any reason, and the closest other friendly models are not Broken themselves. Units attempting to Rally make a standard Leadership test — if they pass, they lose the Broken status. If they fail, they remain Broken.





Leadership Test


Many situations will require a model or squad to make a Leadership test. Roll 2D6 and compare the number with the model‘s Leadership (Ld). If the result is equal to or less than the Leadership value, the model passes the test. If it's greater, the model fails. What happens then depends on why the test was made.


Squad Leaders

Certain models may ―lend‖ their Leadership rating to other units. The most common example of this is a squad led by a special character. As long as the character is within squad coherency (12) range, any model in the unit may use

the character's Leadership for any tests it is required to make, including Break Checks.


Immunity to Psychology

Some units are designated as being immune to psychology. These models may ignore all psychology rules in this section. In addition, they automatically pass any Leadership (or Break) tests they would otherwise be required to



Blood Greed


If a model with Blood Greed slays a foe in hand-to-hand combat (32) they are not allowed to make a follow-up  move (33) but must remain where they are for the rest of the turn. If the model is a psyker, it may not use any powers during that psychic phase (36). If an enemy charges (23) the model while it is feeding, the model becomes  frenzied (47) for the remainder of the turn.




Models which cause Discord affect all units with 12" of their location at the start of each turn. For each squad (not characters, vehicles or support weapons) in range, roll a D6. On a ― 1 ‖, the members of that unit fall to arguing amongst themselves and may not move or fire during that turn. Daemons (50) within range do not fight with others of their kind, but automatically fail (treat as a ― 1 ‖) any animosity (50) check.




If a model is charged (23) by a model that causes Fear, the model being charged must make a Leadership Test (47) to overcome its fear. If passed, the unit may fight as normal — if the test fails and the unit is outnumbered by the enemy, the unit will break (46). If the fearsome enemy does not outnumber the unit, the unit may fight as normal, but loses half its Weapon Skill in the first turn of hand-to-hand combat (32) and may not fire Overwatch (24) shots at the charging enemy. If a unit wishes to charge an enemy that it Fears, it must make a Leadership test first. If the test is failed, the squad may not charge and must remain stationary for the turn; it may still fire normally, however. If a unit is hit by a weapon that it fears it must make an immediate Break test — this test is separate from and in addition to any caused by casualties from the weapon. A squad in hand-to-hand combat and outnumbered by an enemy it fears must make a Break test at the end of each close combat phase.


Fear versus Fear

Creatures which cause Fear are not affected by enemies that cause Fear. Faced with an enemy that causes Terror

(48), a Fear-causing unit will suffer only Fear, not Terror. Models which cause Terror are not affected by Fear at all.




Frenzied troops will automatically charge (23) any enemies within charge distance at the start of their turn, and will remain frenzied until they are Broken (46) in hand-to-hand combat (32) or until there is no enemy within charge reach. Frenzied troops charge during the compulsory movement phase and fight with double their Attack Dice in HtH (note that this is their A x 2, and does not include bonuses for Close Combat weapons).



Frenzied troops may not parry, and must always use their 2" follow-up move (33) to get closer to or engage the enemy. While frenzied, troops are unaffected by other psychology. Frenzied troops broken in HtH instantly lose the Frenzy status and must flee just like other troops — should they later rally (46), they are unaffected by their former frenzy.


You can try to restrain troops attempting to charge via Frenzy — make a Leadership test; if you are successful, the unit is not frenzied for that turn and not affected.




Units who hate their adversaries take any Break test (47) with a Leadership of 10. Models fighting in hand-to-hand  combat (32) with hated enemies may re-roll any Attack Dice once when they first attack, and must always use their  follow-up move (33) to get closer to or engage the enemy.




Stupid creatures must make a Break test (47) at the start of each of their turns to overcome their stupidity. If you pass the test, the creatures behave normally; otherwise, the following rules apply until their next turn, when they can test once again:


If already in hand-to-hand combat (32), roll a D6 for each stupid creature in HtH; on a roll of 1-3, it rolls no attack dice and makes no parries. If not in HtH, roll D6 for each stupid unit. On a 1-3, move each stupid creature its normal move in a random direction (roll scatter die); any enemies encountered are automatically engaged in HtH (you must still roll to determine whether the stupid creatures will actually fight as above). On a 4-6, the creatures do nothing for the remainder of the turn. Creatures cannot shoot weapons or use psychic abilities while suffering from stupidity. While overcome by stupidity, they ignore all further psychology tests; Broken (46) troops are not affected by Stupidity until they have rallied.




Units that cause Terror also cause Fear (47). Troops only test for Terror once per battle; once they have overcome their terror they are not affected again. You never have to take a Fear and a Terror test from the same situation — just take a Terror test; if you pass the Terror test, you pass the Fear test too. A unit must make a Leadership test (47) if it is charged by or wishing to charge an enemy that causes Terror. A unit must make a test for Terror at the start of its turn if there is an enemy model causing Terror within 8". Units which fail any Terror test must flee as described in the Broken Troops section regardless of whether they are in cover or not.


Creatures which cause Terror are not affected by enemies that cause Fear or Terror.


Armies of the 41st Millennium



Chaos Rules




Daemon Worlds

Daemons must be summoned (52) before appearing in a Chaos Space Marine (62) or Chaos Cult (72) force. Not

surprisingly, daemons are much more common on a Daemon World (74). Here, they may be deployed along with normal troops and most also have a lower point cost. However, a Daemon World army may only include daemons of the same God as the reigning Demon Prince (75).


Daemons and Victory Points

Victory Points (13) are only earned by your opponent for daemons that you have brought into play and which have

subsequently been destroyed or eliminated. Your opponent scores points for Greater Daemons as if they were  characters (12) based on their points value. Other daemons earn your opponent 1 Victory Point for every 3 models he slays or banishes, no matter what their type or point cost.



Daemon Animosity


Tzeentch is a rival of Nurgle. Slaanesh is a rival of Khorne. Whenever you have daemons whose Gods are rivals within 12" of each other at the start of your turn, and they are not engaged in close combat (32), roll a D6 for each unit:


1-2 Remove all rival models from play, but don‘t count them as having been destroyed for the purpose of Victory Points (13).
3-4 The daemons will not move or do anything else this turn, but are otherwise unaffected and will fight back if attacked in close combat (32).
5-6 No effect.


Daemonic creatures given as Chaos Rewards (53) do not count.


Daemons Princes

Because of the favour each Demon Prince (75) is held in, an army will never contain both a Daemon Prince and

other daemons of a rival God. If the battle takes place on a Prince's Daemon World (74) army, no model bearing the rival's Mark of Chaos (53) may be included on the Prince's side, nor are any Chaos Rewards (53) available from the Prince's rival.


Chaos Psychic Powers


Daemons have psychic powers appropriate to their particular Chaos God. Because these powers are granted specifically, you do not need to deal out psychic power cards. As a side effect, this means that other models may have powers which duplicate those of the particular daemons.


Greater Daemons

All Greater Daemons (55) are psykers of Mastery Level (36) of 4, and may freely use any of the powers of their particular Chaos God.


Lesser Daemons

Lesser daemons are permitted psychic powers for units rather than for individual models. The powers granted are based on the number of models in the unit, as is the effective Mastery Level (36) of the unit.

Chaos Rules



Type of



Number of Daemons in Unit

  1-5 6-10 11-15 16+
  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Daemonette Slaanesh (40) Power Acquiescence Beam of Slaanesh Pavane of Slaanesh Fleshy Curse
Plaguebearer Nurgle (39) Power Aura of Decay Miasma of Pestilence Stream of Corruption Plague Wind
Pink Horror Tzeentch (39) Power Pink Fire of Tzeentch Bolt of Change  T zeentch‘s Fire Storm Boon of Tzeentch


Daemonic Vulnerabilities and Immunities


Unless noted here — and where not specifically mentioned in the weapon‘s description — Daemons are affected by all weapons normally, and are given their demonic aura saving throw.


Daemonic Aura

With few exceptions noted where applicable, all daemons are protected by a demonic aura which gives them a 4+ unmodified armour saving throw in addition to any other armour saves. This save does not protect against psychic attacks or force weapons.


Psychic Attacks

Daemons do not receive their normal aura save against psychic attacks or related weapons, include Force weapons and the following wargear items: Banshee Mask (206), Bonesword (230), Hood of Hellfire (214), Nemesis Blades (253), Psycannon  (253), Runestaff Stormcaller  (218),  Sharpened  Claws  (193),  Singing Spear  (254), Staff of

Ulthamar (220),  Sword of Asur  (254),  Wailing Doom (229),  Weirdboy Staff (255), Witch Blade  (223) and

Zoanthrope Warp Blast (195).


Blinding Attacks

Daemons are immune to all blinding attacks, including Photon Flares (257), Blind grenades (256) and Conversion  Fields (208) They are also immune to electrical attacks, including the Electro-Hull (260) vehicle card and the

Voltage Field (193) biomorph.


Daemons on Fire

A Daemon which has caught on fire (20) may ignore the flames and behave as normal, though it must still roll for damage while it is on fire.


Gases & Toxins

Daemons are immune to the following effects: Choke (256), Hallucinogen (257), Scare (258), Toxin (259), Virus

(259), Lictor (195) poison, Tyranid Venom Sac biomorph (193), and Shuriken Shreiker (238) ammunition. Needle  weapons (241, 227) inflict their S3 hit, but do not wound Daemons automatically. The Tyranid Venom Cannon (239), Spinefist (241) and Devourer (225) divide their Strength value in half, rounding up, to reflect the lack of effect of the poison which forms a part of these weapon‘s attacks. Daemons are immune to the effects of Hellfire

(234) shells and are unaffected by Combat Drugs (208), Frenzon (212) and MediPacks (216).


Graviton Guns

Daemons are unaffected by Graviton Guns (226).


Ork Field Artillery

When rolling to hit with a Smasha Gun, treat Greater Daemons as Dreadnought-sized targets. All daemons are counted as ―foot troops‖ for Pulsa Rokkits and Shokk Attack Guns. Daemons get the save for Buzzer Squigs as noted — this is instead of their normal aura save.



Summoning Daemons


Daemons purchased as part of a Chaos Space Marine (62) or Chaos Cult (72) are not deployed as normal at the start of the game, and may not be deployed via Strategy Cards (17) or other non-standard methods. Instead, they must be summoned into battle during the game.


Summoning Points

Summoning a daemon occurs during your psychic phase (36), and requires the expenditure of Summoning Points: it requires 2 Summoning Points to summon a daemon, and 10 points to summon a Greater Daemon. Summoned

daemon models are placed anywhere you wish within 6” of a model which bears the Mark of Chaos (53) of the daemon‘s patron god, and at least 1" away from any enemy model. Daemons are placed at the very end of the psychic phase. If the Energy Drain Force Card (37) is played, then no daemons may be summoned in that turn.


Daemon Type Procedure
Khorne Each hit scored by a Chaos model in close combat (32) earns 1 point.
Nurgle Each Wound inflicted on an enemy model earns 1 point.
Slaanesh Every time an enemy unit takes a Leadership test (47) for any reason (whether the test is failed or not), score a number of points equal to half the Leadership value of the unit.
Tzeentch Each Force Card used by either side in the psychic phase (36) scores 1 point (Ultimate Force (38) is worth 3). Discarded cards do not count, but cards spent for powers that are nullified (37) apply normally.


There is a different kind of Summoning Point for each Chaos God; for example, Khorne Summoning Points may only be used to summon daemons of Khorne, and daemons of Khorne may only be summoned by Khorne Summoning Points. A single action may meet criteria for multiple point earnings; for example, a model inflicting a Wound on an enemy in hand-to-hand combat (32) would earn a point for both Khorne and Nurgle. The earning of summoning points is described below. Note that a model which bears the appropriate Mark of Chaos (53) earns double the specified number of points.


Possession of Models

Another way to get a daemon onto the battlefield is to have it take over the body and mind of a living creature. Possession allows the daemon to be put into play without the expenditure of Summoning Points. A daemon model may possess any other model which bears its Mark of Chaos (53) — Greater Daemons may only possess Chaos Sorcerers, Chaos Lords, or Chaos Champions bearing the appropriate Mark. The model being possessed is removed from play, and replaced with the appropriate daemon model. Models in hand-to-hand combat (32) may be possessed.


Possessing Teleporting Troops

Roll a D6 any time a non-Chaos model teleports (24, including via psychic power or Wargear Card (14)) in a battle where there is at least one daemon model awaiting to be summoned onto the battlefield. On a 1, the teleporting model has been possessed by a daemon! The possessed model is slain and replaced by an awaiting daemon model of the Chaos player‘s choice. Note that this rule does not apply to Grey Knights and Inquisitors.



Daemons are instantly banished if there are no models bearing their Mark of Chaos (53) left on the table.

Chaos Wargear



Chaos Wargear


Marks of Chaos


Models on a Daemon World (74) may only bear the mark appropriate to the reigning Demon Prince (75).


Mark Description Cost
Khorne The model gains an armour saving throw of 2+. In addition, the model is subject to frenzy (47), but may still parry (33). May not be taken by psykers. 30
Nurgle The model gains +1 Toughness. 20
Slaanesh The model is immune to psychology (47). 10
Tzeentch The model may attempt to nullify (37) any psychic power which affects them on a 4+ roll of a D6. 20



Chaos Rewards


Each Reward uses up one of the ―slots‖ that may have been allocated for a Wargear Cards (14). No two models in your army may have exactly the same combination of Chaos Rewards,  but  the  same  Reward  may  be  given  to multiple  models.



Power Description Cost
Axe of Khorne Model is armed with an Axe of Khorne (230) 15
Collar of Khorne Model is equipped with a Collar of Khorne (208) 30
Juggernaught The model rides atop a Juggernaut of Khorne (56). 50
Praise of Khorne The model may re-roll any failed armour save once. 20



Power Description Cost
Beast of Nurgle Model  is  accompanied  by  a  Beast  of  Nurgle  (53), which must remain with 6" coherency (12) at all times. 40
Cloud of Flies All enemy models in base contact suffer a –1 modifier to their Weapon Skill. 5
Nurgle's Rot At the end of the close combat (32) phase, roll a D6 for each living enemy model in base contact; on a 6 the model suffers 1 wound with no saving throw allowed. 5
Plaguesword If a living model is wounded by this weapon, roll a D6; on a 4+ the model is slain, regardless of how may wounds it has left. Roll once for each wound inflicted. 15



Power Description Cost
Allure of Slaanesh Living enemies in hand-to-hand combat (32) must pass a Leadership test (47) on 3D6; if they fail, any hits against this model are wasted. Check once per combat. 20
Gaze of Slaanesh Enemies in hand-to-hand combat (32) with this model suffer a -1 penalty to their Attacks characteristic. 10
Scream of Slaanesh When charging (23), the model causes fear (47). 5
Steed of Slaanesh The model rides a Steed of Slaanesh (57). 25




Power Description Cost
Breath Fire The model may breathe fire in the shooting phase (27) as if it had a flamer (225); all shooting rules apply. 10
Destiny of Tzeentch Warp Cards (37) are always dealt to your side first during any psychic phase (36). In addition, this model may always use the first psychic power of each phase. 25
Disc of Tzeentch The model rides a Disc of Tzeentch (54). 30
Fortune of Tzeentch The model may attempt nullify (37) one power each psychic phase (36). This always succeeds on 4+ roll. 40



Chaos Icons


Banner of Rage

Points; Khorne only

Any Chaos models — apart from those bearing the Mark of Slaanesh — within 6” of the Standard are subject to

frenzy (47).


Blasted Standard

Points; Tzeentch only

Contains a spell which may be cast once per battle, during any psychic phase (36). Treat the spell as a psychic

power cast with Ultimate Force (38) but requires no Force cards to cast. The spell inflicts 2D6 S6 hits with a –3 save modifier, which may be distributed on any enemy models within 6” of the Standard. Any unit suffering one or more casualties from this effect must make an immediate Break test (47).


Flesh Banner


In the hand-to-hand combat phase (32), the Flesh Banner inflicts D6 S5 hits with a –2 save modifier, which may be distributed amongst any of the Standard Bearer‘s close combat opponents. This attack is made at the start of the close combat phase, before any normal attacks are worked out.


Rapturous Standard

Points; Slaanesh only

Any Chaos models, apart from those bearing the Mark of Khorne (53), within 6" of the Standard are rendered immune to psychology (47), and may never be broken (46).


Plague Banner

Points; Nurgle only

Contains a spell which may be cast once per battle, during any psychic phase (36). Treat the spell as a psychic power cast with Ultimate Force (38) but requires no Force cards to cast. The spell inflicts D6 Wounds which may be distributed on any enemy models or vehicle crew (13) within 6” of the Standard. No more than 1 Wound may be applied per enemy model. No saving throws of any kind apply.


Warp Banner


Once per battle, the Warp banner can be used in the psychic phase (36) to generate 2D6 summoning points (52). Any of the points not used on the turn they are generated are lost. For the purposes of summoning daemons, the model bearing the Banner counts as a model with all Marks of Chaos (53).



Chaos Daemon Units

Greater Daemons                                                                                           counts as Characters


BloodThirster of Khorne


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