Составьте предложения c независимым причастным оборотом, подбирая их части в левой и правой колонках. 

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Составьте предложения c независимым причастным оборотом, подбирая их части в левой и правой колонках.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The experiment being over, The doctor being out, The patient suffering from pneumonia, The patient feeling better, The patient’s condition becoming worse, My friend suffering from a severe pain, The doctor having performed the operation, The work being done, The students passed several exams, Clinical tests of the medicine were successful, a b c d e f g h i j the patient’s condition began to improve. he was allowed to walk. Anatomy being most difficult. we called in a doctor. the doctors decided to operate on him. the doctor decided to hospitalize him. they went home. no side effects having been noted. the scientists discussed the results. we could not talk to him.

100. *Переведите предложения с самостоятельным причастным оборотом и укажите форму причастия.

1. My brother being operated on for appendicitis successfully, his post-operative course was uneventful.

2. I felt an unbearable pain in the lower part of the abdomen, it increas­ing on the slightest physical exertion.

3. I having recovered my consciousness, the nurse was staying at my bedside.

4. Food mass and turbid exudates being found in the abdominal cavity, the surgeon cleansed it thoroughly.

5. Surgeon Belov having got ready for the operation, his assistants followed him into the operating room.

6. The presence of free gas in the abdominal cavity being revealed, a pathologic process was suggested.

7. The operating surgeon must always have the necessary set of surgical instruments, scalpels, pincers and clamps being the most important of them.

8. 500 ml of anti­biotics having been introduced into the abdominal cavity, the patient was transfused preserved blood as well.

9. Her friends being gone, she started to clear the table.

10. A dark cloud having appeared in the sky, we decided to stay at home.

11. My brother being operated successfully, his post-operative course was uneventful.

12. Surgeon Belov having got ready for the operation, his assistants followed him into the operating-room.




  Известно, что она изучает английский язык.   При переводе сказуемое выносится перед подлежащим и переводится неопределенно-личной формой глагола типа «говорят», «извес­тно», «сообщается» и т. д., а сам комплекс переводится прида­точным предложением с союзом «что» или «чтобы». Именная часть комплекса переводится подлежащим придаточного пред­ложения, а инфинитив — сказуемым.   Сказуемое в таком предложении может быть выражено глаголами: А) в страдательном залоге: to think, to believe, to suppose, to consider, to feel — думать, считать, полагать; to expect — ожидать; to know — знать; to allow — разрешать; to see — видеть; to say, to tell, to report — говорить, сообщать, утверждать; to find — обнаруживать, to show, to demonstrate — показывать и др. He is said to work in this hospital. Говорят, что он работает в этой больнице. В) в действительном залоге: to seem - казаться; to appear, to chance, to turn out, to prove, to happen - оказываться The patient seems to have taken an overdose. Кажется, что пациент принял слишком большую дозу лекарства. С) сочетаниями: to be sure, to be certain — несомненно, to be likely (unlikely) — вероятно (маловероятно). (После этих сочетаний инфинитив переводится будущим временем). The patient is likely to recover soon. Вероятно, пациент скоро поправится. Сложное подлежащее в определительных придаточных пред­ложениях: The paper which is reported to be published is interesting. Статья, которая, как сообщают, опубликована, интересна.

Способы перевода инфинитива в составе сложного подлежащего:


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