I. Evaluation of the daily energy consumption 

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I. Evaluation of the daily energy consumption

A. Basal metabolism is estimated according to Table 12.

B. Energy consumption for digestion of nutrition — 10 % of basal metabolism.

C. Energy consumption for all kinds of activity:

1. Estimate basal metabolism per hour. Basal metabolism per hour = Basal metabolism: 24 hours.

2. Estimate energy consumptionfor all kinds of activity: energy consumptionfor activity = (Basal metabolism per hour) x (duration of activity) x (coefficient of activity). The coefficient of activity is indicated in Table 13.

3. Sum up all the energy consumption for the activity (for all twenty-four hours) — (Table 3).

D Daily energy consumption = energy consumption for digestion of nutrition + energy consumption for all kinds of activity

Table 12

Basal Metabolism

  Age (in years) Basal metabolism (00) kcal of energy
Men 10-18 (16.6 х W) + (77 х H) + 572
  18-30 (15.4 х W) + (27 х H) + 717
  30-60 (11.3 х W) + (16 х H) + 901
  older than 60 (8.8 х W) + (1128 х H) + 1071
Women 10-18 (7.4 х W) + (482 х H) + 217
  18-30 (13.3 х W) + (334 х H) + 35
  30-60 (8.7 х W) + (25 х H) + 865
  older than 60 (9.2 х W) + (637 х H) — 302

Note: W- weight in kilograms, H — height in metres


Table 13

Coefficient of Activity

Kind of activity

Coefficient of activity

  Women Men
I. Studies    
1.1. Practical classes:    
Classes at theoretical departments 1.9 1.8
Classes in a clinic 2.3 2.2
1.2. Work with a computer 1.7 1.6
1.3. Attendance of lectures 2.0 1.9
1.4. Preparation for classes: 1.6 1.6
 II. Personal hygiene:    
Washing 1.4 1.6
Shower 1.6 1.7
Dressing, undressing 1.5 1.8
Meals 1.5 1.3
III. Household activity:    
Tidying up 2.7 2.7
Sweeping the floor 3.5 3.5
Washing 2.5 3.3
Washing up 1.6 1.5
Cooking 1.8 2.2
Washing the floor 3.5 3.7
IV. Movement:    
Walking around a house 2.5 2.4
Slow walk 2.8 3.0
Moderate walk 3.2 3.4
Fast walk 4.7 4.7
Walk upstairs and downstairs 6.2 6.1
Going by transport 1.7 1.5
V. Going in for sports:    
Morning exercises 3.3 2.2
Playing chess 2.2 2.1
Playing billiards 2.2 4.4
Aerobics (light) 3.1 3.2
Aerobics (heavy) 7.3 7.2
Playing rugby, basketball 5.5 5.6
Playing volleyball 3.6 3.8
Playing cricket 7.0 7.1
Gymnastics (light) 3.5 3.5
Gymnastics (heavy) 7.0 6.6
Running moderate 7.0 7.1
Running fast 11.0 11.0
Swimming (at average speed) 2.9 3.0
Swimming (at high speed) 6 6
Ping-pong 3-4 3-3.9
Football 6.8 6.6
Application of sports equipment 8.0 7.6
IX. Rest:    
Sitting calmly 1.2 1.2
Watching TV 1.4 1.4
Dancing (in a middle tempo) 3.0 3.0
Dancing (in a quick tempo) 6.0 5.8
Singing 1.6 1.6
Reading 1.7 1.7
Sewing 2.1 2.2
Knitting 1.9 2.0
X. Sleep 1 1


Sum up all the energy consumption for the activity (during the whole twenty-four hours)


Table 14

Activity Duration of activity (per hour) Coefficient of activity Basal metabolism per hour Energy consumption for the activity


Note: 1 minute = 0.016 hour 3 minutes = 0.05 hour 5 minutes = 0.083 hour 7 minutes = 0.12 hour 20 minutes = 0.33 hour 25 minutes = 0.42 hour 30 minutes = 0.5 hour



A man aged 20 is 60 kg in weight, 1.7 m in height. His work during the whole twenty-four hours is as follows: classes in a clinic — 5 hours, attendance of lectures — 3 hours, going by transport — 2 hours, work on a computer — 1 hour, preparation for classes — 4 hours, sleep — 9 hours. Calculate his energy consumption for twenty-four hours.


1. Calculation of the basal metabolism (Table 12).

The basal metabolism = (15.4 х W) + (27 х H) + 717 = 924 + 45.9 + 717 = 1686.9 kcal.

Basal metabolism per hour = 1686.9 kcal: 24 hours = 70.29 kcal per hour.

2. Calculation of the energy consumption for all kinds of activity (Tables 13, 14).


№ № Activity Duration of activity (in hours) Coefficient of activity Basal metabolism per hour (kcal per hour) Energy consumption for the activity
1. Classes in a clinic 5 2.2 70.3 5´2.2´70.3 = 773.3
2. Attendance of lectures 3 1.9 70.3 3´1.9´70.3 = 400.7
3. Going by transport  2 1.5 70.3 2´1.5´70.3 = 210.9
4. Work on a computer  1 1.6 70.3 1´1.6´70.3 = 112.4
5. Preparation for classes 4 1.6 70.3 4´1.6´70.3 = 449.9
6. Sleep 9 1 70.3 9´1´70.3 = 632.7

Sum up all the energy consumption for the activity (for the whole twenty-four hours) =

773.3 + 400.7 + 210.9 + 112.4 + 449.9 + 632.7 = 2579.9 kcal


3. Daily energy consumption = energy consumption for digestion of nutrition + energy consumption for all kinds of activity.

Daily energy consumption = 168.69 + 2579.9 = 2748.6 kcal

The answer: The daily energy consumption = 2748.6 kcal

II. Evaluation of the necessary quantity of nutrients according to the amount of the daily energy consumption

Caloric content of protein makes up 12-14 % of common caloric content of nutrition.


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