III. Fill in the correct prepositions according to the text. 

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III. Fill in the correct prepositions according to the text.


1. success depends......... the copy of the advertisement

2. must be thoroughly acquainted.......the mental process

3. produce the desired effect....the prospective customer

4. to separate an advertisement copy....... the rest of the setting

5. the product sticks.....the memory

6. the consumer may go......it with confidence

7. superiority competitive products

8. attitudes of individuals.........various things

9. It increases the demand.......the product

10. It creates new habits.......people

11. to act......a certain way

12. to think well.....a product and to take...its use

13.is advertised by the appeal........this instinct


IV. Match these words from 2 columns to make word partnerships.

1. to share a. a copy
2.to develop   b. hazards
3. advertising   c. suggestion
4. potential   d. ideas  
5. offer   e.to instinct
6.to appeal f.slogan
7. to draft g. customers
8.to tempt h.customer loyalty


V. Make sentences of your own using the word partnerships in exercise IV.

Language Development

I. Read the text. Match the headlines to the appropriate paragraphs.

How to Write Ad Copy

A great ad starts with great ad copy. Advertising copywriting is a tool that persuades a targeted group that they really do need to buy something.


1. Keep your body copy as short and succinct as possible. a)Your copy can be funny, clever, and eye-catching, but you’re in trouble if the reader doesn’t know what to do. This is typically pretty easy if you have a product or service—you can simply urge the reader to contact you or buy something. You may have more trouble if you’re running an awareness campaign, crafting a political ad, or advocating for a cause. · Standard lines like, “Call us at (phone number)” or, “Visit us at (website)” are straightforward and easy for readers to understand. You may also say something like, “Find out more…” or, “Download the app at…” to direct the reader to do something else. · For a non-profit, political, or awareness ad, you may write something like, “Donate to help our children today,” or, “Vote Jimmy Watkins for mayor.”  
2. Pepper in some persuasive keywords to direct the reader’s attention. b) If the service or product requires a bit of an explanation, the body copy is the best place to do it. For this type of copy, use the headline to catch the reader’s attention and compose body copy that highlights the features. · For example, if your product is an app that tracks expenses, the body copy may read, “Piggy Bank makes it easy to track your spending habits and expenses. Just open the app, take a photo of your receipt, and let us do the rest. You will instantly see the amount on your screen and Piggy Bank will send you a weekly report to let you know if you’re on budget.”  
3. Add the who, what, and where if you’re advertising a service. c) Body copy refers to the text that goes underneath your headline. Body copy can explain a product, emphasize the company’s authority in an area, or appeal to a demographic directly. However, the reader is unlikely to finish reading your copy if you get too wordy or you write too much. Less is always better when it comes to body copy. · For online advertisements, 2-3 sentences are probably the max. For billboards, 1-2 sentences are likely the most you can cram in with the reader driving past and looking from far away. Newspaper and magazine ads may be 4-5 sentences, but again, less is better. · Some advertisements don’t include any body copy. These ads tend to rely on potent visuals and a single well-written headline to keep things simple.  
4. Build on the headline by explaining the product if it’s unclear. d)Customers do not like being lied to, deceived, or talked down to. Be honest about what the product does and do not include information that is not supported by market research. · Nobody has ever been tricked by, “The world’s best pizza.” You’re wasting space if you throw phrases like that around. · Other phrases that sound ridiculous may be, “The world will never be the same,” “Life-changing,” or, “We’re the best.” · Stay away from exclamation marks unless you’re being ironic or playful. A sincere exclamation mark on an ad often comes off as lazy.  
5. Include a call to action to give the reader something to do. e) You’ve done your job as a copywriter if you can persuade the reader that your product or service is valuable or worth looking into. To do this, include persuasive language in the body copy to pique the reader’s interest. · For a gourmet chocolate, you may write “Fall in love all over again. Because everyone deserves a treat.” Here, “love,” “because,” and “treat” create a kind of narrative string that compels the reader to try the chocolate. Tip: When it comes to persuasive keywords, the key terms are "new", "free", "because", and "instantly". These words tend to trigger positive responses in readers.
6. Be honest, direct, and avoid wild claims or lazy superlatives. f)Services typically use the body copy to highlight the provider’s skills, tell readers where to find their services, and show readers the features and benefits of the company. This is particularly important if you service a specific area or you have a website for readers to visit. · For example, if your company is a maid service, you may write something like, “Cassie’s Cleaners are professional, fast, and ready to tackle any job. We come to you and service homes all over Seattle. Take a dayoff. Call 555-2500 to find out more.”  




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