Существительные, у которых одинаковы формы единственного и множественного числа (Nouns with the same singular and plural forms) 

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Существительные, у которых одинаковы формы единственного и множественного числа (Nouns with the same singular and plural forms)

В английском языке некоторые существительные имеют одинаковую форму для единственного и множественного числа. Среди таких существительных есть оканчивающиеся на -s:

· means (средство, средства)

· series (ряд, серия событий)

· species (биологический вид)

· works (завод)


· The bicycle is a means of transport.
Велосипед - это транспортное средство.

· The five human senses are our means of communication with the material world.
Пять человеческих чувств - это наши средства связи с окружающим миром.

· A series of burglaries has been going on around the neighbourhood.
В этом районе продолжаются серийные ограбления.

· Which are your favourite TV series?
Какие у тебя любимые телесериалы?

· A new species of bird has been discovered in Indonesia recently.
Новый вид птиц был недавно открыт в Индонезии.

· Since the 17th century more than 500 marine species have become extinct in the US.
С 17-го века в США вымерли более 500 видов морских животных.

· A new glass works has been built near the village.
Возле деревни построен новый стекольный завод.

· There are two bricks works outside the town.
За городом находятся два кирпичных завода.



Our company has opened a new works in China. – Наша компания от -

крыла новый завод в Китае.

Our company has a lot of works all over the world. – Наша компания

имеет заводы по всему миру.

I have found a means of improving the situation. – Я нашел средство

для улучшения ситуации.

Are there any means of helping them? – Есть ли какие-либо средства

им помочь?


Итак, неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке имеют только одну форму(не единственное и не множественное число), которая согласовывается с глаголом в единственном числе.

Но очень часто эта форма не совпадает с употреблением эквивалентов этих слов в русском языке.


В отличие от русского языка, следующие существительные согласуются

только с единственным числом глагола (независимо от того, что они мо-

гут иметь суффикс –s).


I will give you one piece of advice.

Я дам тебе совет.

— Let me give you a little advice.

— Позвольте дать Вам небольшой совет.

Я пришёл вам рассказать важную новость.

No, I came out to tell you some big news.

Сегодня за ужином я расскажу родителям огромную новость.

Tonight at dinner, I'm telling my parents the biggest news of all.

Money isn't everything.

Деньги — это ещё не всё.

Money reigns supreme here.

Здесь всем заправляют деньги.

“Money says” - they say

Mathematics has always been a closed book to me.

Математика всегда была для меня китайской грамотой.

Mathematics is not his forte.

В математике он не силён.



1) Слово hair можно использовать во множественном числе со значе-

нием волоски, волосинки.

2) Очень редко слово money можно использовать во множественном числе со зна-

чением валюты, т. к. существует слово currency.

3) Слово fruit можно использовать во множественном числе со значе-

нием различные виды фруктов.

В отличие от русского языка, следующие существительные в английском употребляются как правило во множественном числе:

Goods - товары, stairs - лестница, clothes - одежда, arms - оружие, wages – зарплата.

The stairs are steep.

Эта лестница крутая.

The stairs lead to the roof.

Эта лестница ведёт на крышу

Are the clothes dry yet?

Одежда уже высохла?

My clothes smelt of smoke.

Моя одежда пропахла дымом.

Clothes make the man.

Одежда красит человека. / Встречают по одёжке, провожают по уму.

These clothes don't fit him.

Этот комплект на нём не сидит.


*** Существительное people согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе и имеет значение люди; в то время как peoples имеет значение народы.


Content and contents are nouns.

Content (uncountable)

Content as a singular noun is uncountable. It means the ideas that are contained in a piece of writing or a film or a speech:

This film has adult content; it is not suitable for children.

His speech was very flowery, but it lacked content and was quite superficial.

Content can also mean the amount of a particular substance contained in something:

These hamburgers have a high fat content; they’re not good for you.

Contents (plural)

The contents of a book is the list of chapters or articles or parts that are in the book, with the number of the page they begin on:

If you look at the contents, you’ll see there’s a chapter on Japanese folk music.




1. Say which word is countable and which one is uncountable. For countable

words say if they are singular or plural. Use a/an or some before each word.

Correspondence, report, literature, statistics, furniture, job, accommodation, hotel, oil, chance, equipment, machine, money, news, cheque, cash, letter,    e-mail, work, wages, maths.


2. Complete the sentences using the plurals of the nouns in brackets.

1) They’ve got five ____, three ___ and two ___ (child/girl/boy)

2)  When he fell over, he broke two of his ___. (tooth) 3) On their tour of Europe, they visited seven ___ in six ___. (country, day) 4) Do you know those ___ over there? (person) 5) She worked in two ___. (factory) 6) The ___ will arrive on Monday. (book) 7) The country had several ___. (crisis) 8) London is famous for double-decker ___. (bus) 9) Magnetism and gravitation are natural___. (phenomenon) 10) The books were packed in the ___. (box) 11) The ___ and ___ should be saved first before the ___. (woman, child, man)


3. Fill the gaps with is or are.

1) … the shop open? 2)Their luggage … at the office. 3) Where … the children? 4) The equipment that we ordered here. 5) Some people … always late. 6) What … your job? 7) The dollar … up 0.5 cents against the yen. 8) Who … those women? 9) The reports that I received from Tokyo … not very good. 10) The police … coming. 11) What … the weather like in London? 12) There … a lot of cars in car park.


4. Chose the correct form of the verb.

1) There was/were a lot of people at the meeting. 2) Economics is/are an interesting

subject.3) The government think/thinks they can solve the problem.4) My

trousers have/has got a hole in it/them. 5) My family live/lives in the North of

England. 6) The news was/were quite surprising. 8) Two weeks isn’t/aren’t a

very long time. 9) There is/are some scissors on the table. 10) Ten thousand

pounds is/are a lot of money. 11) One of our clients is coming/are coming to

see me. 12) The police has/have arrested a man. 13) The family is/are a very

important part o f society.



5. Chose the correct variant from the words in brackets

Example: We have got … (a problem/some problem) with our suppliers.

1) They owe us (a money/some money) for (a work/some work) we did. 2) We have (a trouble/some trouble) with the order. 3) They sent us a cheque for (an equipment/some equipment). 4) I’d like to make (a suggestion/some suggestion).

5) You should go and see (a lower/some lower). 6) We got (an advice/

some advice) what to do. 7) I sent them (a letter/some letter) yesterday.

8) There is (an information/some information) about the company. 9) Tom has got (a correspondence/some correspondence) from them.

6. Make the pairs of words:

Example: A litre of water



7. Translate the following sentences into English:

1) В классе есть доска. 2) На столе нет бумаги. 3) Сколько компьютеров у вас в офисе? 4) Новое оборудование доставлено вчера. 5) Преподаватель дал нам хороший совет. 6) Вы хотите кофе? 7) Нефть стоит 40 долларов за баррель. 8) Время – деньги. 9) Наша компания имеет сильную корпоративную культуру. 10) Полиция арестовала преступника. 11) Билеты были куплены вовремя.



1. Match each phrase 1-12 with the best continuation a-l

1. A cup of j 5. A pint of 9. A barrel of

2. A glass of 6. A liter of 10. A packet of

3. A bottle of 7. A sheet of 11. A tin of

4. A kilo of 8. A tonne of 12. A slice of


a) weight is quite easy to lose if you go on a diet

b) wine is acceptable at business lunch, but no more

c) beer is the traditional drink in an English pub

d) petrol will take a small car about 15 to 20 kilometers

e) dried fruit is good to take on a walk in the countryside

f) concrete is the same as 1000 kilograms of concrete

g) whisky costs less at the airport

h) wholemeal bread goes well with tomato soup

i) oil cost as little as 35 in 2015

j) coffee is a good way to start the day

k) paper can sometimes get stuck in the photocopier

l) paint should be stored with the lid put on tightly

2. Complete the sentences with a/an / some (in the first space) and your own

ideas in the second, longer space

Example: I had some luggage in the room next to the reception desk

1) There is ____ job that needs doing in my _______. 2) There is ____work

that needs doing before______. 3) In the factory there is ____machinery

which______. 4) In the factory there is ____machine which _______. 5) I am

having _____trouble with ________. 6) I am having _____problem

with________. 7) Can I give you ______suggestion about _______? 8) Can I

give you ______advice about________? 9) I need ____time to decide

________. 10) I need ____week to decide________.

3. Each pair of words contains one countable noun and one uncountable noun.

Write the words in the correct column with a / an or some before the word.


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