Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык. 

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Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык.

the very site of construction proportionally divided amounts

carefully mixed aggregates the very site of production

6. Выберете правильный вариант и вставьте в предложения.

1. Concrete as a building material possesses {only advantages, both advantages and disadvantages).

2. Concrete is considered to be a {universally used material, rarely used material) .

3. One of the qualities of concrete is that (it does not possess tensile strength, possesses tensile strength).

4.Ferro-concrete is {rather popular, not popular) in the modern construction.

5. Gravel is classified as {coarse, fine) aggregate.

6. One of the good qualities of concrete is its {high, low) cost.

7. Concrete (decays and bums, does not decay and burn) .

7. Переведите следующие вопросы на русский язык. Найдите ответы в статье ниже.

1. What properties make concrete a highly used construction material?

2. What two types of aggregate are used for producing concrete?

3. Is sand a coarse or fine aggregate?

4. What ingredients does the quality of concrete depend upon?

5. How long does the process of hardening the mixed components last?

6. What is the difference between the so-called in-situ and precast concrete?

7. What quality is considered to be the main disadvantage of concrete?

8. For what reason is tensile strength considered to be an important quality?

9. For what purpose are metals introduced into the structure of concrete?

10. What metals is concrete frequently combined with?

11. When did the use of ferro-concrete start?

12. Would you like to live in a wooden or concrete building? Why?


Прочитайте и переведите статью.

Concrete is considered to be a universal material for construction. Different kinds of concrete can be used practically for every building purpose. The raw materials for producing concrete can be found in every part of the world. The main property that makes concrete so popular is that it can be formed into strong monolithic slabs. Another good quality is its relatively low cost. Besides, concrete is known to be fire- and decay-resistant.

Concrete is produced by combining coarse and fine aggregates, Portland cement, and water. Coarse aggregate is generally gravel or crushed stone, while fine aggregate is sand. Cement, sand, gravel, and water are taken in proportional amounts and mixed. The quality of concrete depends mostly on the quality of the cement used. The process of production consists in pouring the mixed components into forms and holding them there until they harden. The process of hardening generally lasts for about 28 daysThere exist different ways of producing concrete. It can be produced by mixing the ingredients and pouring the mixture into position on the very site of building. Concrete can also be produced in a factory, and used as a material for manufacturing prefabricated blocks. Accordingly, there exist the so-called in-situ (cast-in-place) concrete and precast concrete.

Concrete, as any other building material, has not only advantages but also disadvantages. Its main disadvantage is that it has no form of its own. Also, it does not possess useful tensile strength. Because of these qualities, in modern times construction concrete is very frequently combined with different metals. Most common of them are iron and steel.

The introduction of metal into the structure of concrete is highly advantageous. It strengthens the material and helps to realize its limitless construction and architectural potential. It should be noted that the use of ferro-concrete started only in the nineteenth century and is still gaining popularity.


TEXT 2. CONCRETE (continued)

Запомните следующие слова.

bridge — мост

cell — ячейка, клетка, канал в

пустотном кирпиче

cellular concrete — ячеистый


dam - дамба, плотина

foam — пена

foamy — пустотелый, пенный

pile — свая

to emit — испускать, выделять


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