Explaining why your topic is relevant for your audience 

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Explaining why your topic is relevant for your audience

My talk is particularly relevant to those who of you/us who…

Today’s topic is of particular interest to those of you/us who …

My/The topic is very important for you because …

By the end of this talk you will be familiar with …

Task 27. Match the less formal phrases on the left with the more formal phrases on the right.

Less formal

1. Hi, everyone.


2. What I want to do today is …


3. As you know, I’m …


4. It’s good to see you all here.


5. In my talk, I’ll tell you about …

6. Today I’m going to talk about …

7. OK, shall we get started?

8. I know you are all very busy …

More Formal

a) Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is …

b) In my presentation I would like to report on …

c) I suggest that we begin now.

d) Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

e) I’m aware that you all have very tight schedules …

f) Today I would like you …

g) It’s a pleasure to welcome you today.

h) The topic of today’s presentation is...

Task 28. Use the phrases in Task 26 to make up your own opening of a presentation.

Task 29. Use the following grammar forms to tell the audience what you are going to say. Complete the following sentences.

1. This afternoon I ’d like to bring you upto date on …

2. I ’m going to talk to you about …

3. This morning I’ m going to be reporting on …

4. I’ ll start off by reviewing our progress in fighting

5. I’ ll begin by informing you on the functions of …

6. After that, I’ ll move on to my next …

7. During the next hour we’ll be looking at the advantages of …

8. I’ ll be talking about …


Task 30. Complete the sentences with the proper prepositions.


1. First of all, let me thank you ____ being here today.

2. I’ve divided my presentation ____ three sections.

3. In my presentation I’ll focus ____ the performance ____ our department in the first quarter this year.

4. First, we’ll be looking ____ the department’s development ____ new customs control techniques.

5. Point one deals ____ new customs regulations.

6. Secondly, I’ll talk ____ the work of our K-9 enforcement unit.

7. After that I’ll move on ____ the next point.

8. Finally, we’ll offer some solutions ____ our problems.


Task 31. Make up an introduction with its opening up, structuring and organizing parts. Use the sentences relating to the organization of the presentation below.


1. My presentation won’t take more than 15 minutes of your time.

2. It should take about 20 minutes to cover these issues.

3. Don’t worry about taking notes.

4. I’ve put all the statistics on a handout for you.

5. We’ll be handing out copies of the PowerPoint slides at the end of my talk.

6. I’ll email my presentation to you.

7. There’s no need to take notes. Everything is on the handout.

8. There will be time for the presentation after my talk.

9. Feel free to ask me questions at any time during my talk.

10. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time you like.


Task 32. Be prepared to present the introductory part of the presentation on the RCA. Search the Internet to find relevant information about the organizational structure of the Academy.



the С ustoms таможня
the Customs Service Таможеннаяслужба
customs warehouse таможенныйсклад
customs check-point таможенный пост
to work in shifts / overtime посменно / сверхурочно
indoors /outdoors в помещении / на открытом воздухе
to wear uniform носить форму
competent компетентный
law, legal act закон
to apply зд. применять
regulations правила
to clear зд. оформлять
cargo груз
to deal иметь дело с чем/кем-либо
transport means транспортное средство
tools инструменты, приспособления
technology высокотехнологичное оборудование
metal detector металлоискатель
X-ray machine рентген-аппарат
canine enforcement team (К-9) бригада кинологов
drug detector dog собака, обученная находить наркотики



I. Starting up

1. Read and discuss the following.See Conversational formulas.

    The paper. The earliest recorded forms of paper were in use in Egypt in around 3500 BC, made from papyrus plant. True paper is believed to have originated in China in approximately the 2nd century AD.

    Paper-based declarations and documents such as permits, licenses, guarantees etc have always been essential part in everyday work of customs. But nowadays we are moving towards paperless checking of information and electronic clearance.


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