The end of another year's work 

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The end of another year's work

Jan, Pedro, Hob

J a n: We've been studying here together for nearly three years now; doesn't time fly?

P e d r o: Yes. Another six months or so, and I shall be leav­ ing Mr. Priestley. What are you thinking of doing when you leave, Jan?

J a n: Oh, I shall try to get a job in England, in an office, I expect, though I should hate it.

P e d r o: Why, isn't that what you really want to do? J a n: No. I don't want that at all.

P e d r o: What would you like to do if you could please yourself?

J a n: I should like to be a doctor. I have always wanted that ever since I left school. I had planned to go to a university to study medicine, but that is out of the question now.

P e d r o: How is that; if don't mind my asking?

J a n: Oh, I don't mind at all. The fact of the matter is my father died three years ago and I can never hope to have enough money to pay for a university course - unless I can sell my factory in England.

H o b: What do you mean? Do you mean to say you own a factory in England?

J a n: Yes, worse luck. It happened like this. My father was an electrical engineer and he invented a new kind of electric lamp that would give more light than the old kind and use less current. He was doing very well with it in his own factory and then, about five years ago, an old friend of his, Antony Bruton, an Englishman whom he had been with at Cambridge, suggest­ ed that they should go into partnership together and build a place in England.

H o b: Antony Bruton captained England in cricket against Australia, didn't he? I've heard my Uncle Albert speak about him; he was a grand fellow.

P e d r o: Bruton lost his life when the Alcestis was ship­ wrecked.

J a n: How did you know that?

P e d r o: I knew Bruton. I was on that ship too, but I'll tell you about that some other time. What about your factory, Jan?

J a n: Well, Bruton and my father sank all their capital in building a big factory. It's a beautiful place with about four square miles of land round it. The only disadvantage is that there is no railway or road near it.

P e d r o: But, good heavens, I should have thought that would have been the first thing they would see about.

J a n: Yes, they should have made sure of that, but Bruton had been told on what he thought was absolutely trustworthy authority that the railway company were going to build a line running just past the factory. Well, they didn't. Their plans were changed just about the time the factory was finished, and there it stands all complete but empty and lifeless, miles from anywhere. My father and Bruton were ruined. My father worked himself to death to pay off the debt, and all I have in the world is about £200 and a factory that no one will buy, miles from anywhere.

H o b: Well, it may make your fortune yet; you never know.

J a n: Oh, no, Hob, there's no hope of that. It cost £50,000 to build, and I should think I was lucky ifl were offered £5,000 for it.

H o b: I've got an idea! J a n: What is it?

H o b: I'm not going to tell you just yet; it may come to nothing, but I want you to promise me that you will not sell that factory.

J a n: Unfortunately, I'm not likely to have the chance.

H o b: Never mind. Will you promise me that you will not sell without first telling me? It's really very important.

J a n: Very well, Hob, I promise, though I don't understand it at all.

H o b: Never mind, you will some day.1I must go now.

I'll see you later; good-bye.

J a n: Good-bye. (Hob goes out.) I wonder what idea he has got in his head now.

P e d r o: He's a good-hearted fellow, but I've not much faith in any of his ideas. But never mind Hob, let's come back to you. Do you think that you woull really like a doctor's life? Personally, I shouldn't like it at all.

J a n: There's nothing I should like better.

P e d r o: Wouldn't you find the work very tiring? You would be out all day six or seven days a week, and you would never be sure of getting a good night's sleep.

1 He does - in Book IV.

J a n: Oh, I know all that - but that wouldn't worry me; I like hard work.

P e d r o: How much do you think it would cost to do the training?

J a n: I don't quite know; three or four thousand pounds, perhaps. But it's no use talking about it any more; it can't happen now and I must get on with some other work.

P e d r o: I'm not so sure about that. Look here, I have much more money than I need, and if you would like the loan of the money, I should be very pleased to lend it to you. You could pay me back any time - so much a year when you are earning money - I shouldn't be in any hurry for it.

J a n: Pedro, I don't know how to thank you: it sounds too good to be true - but I can't take all that money from you. P e d r o: Nonsense. I'm only too glad to help you. Besides, you are not taking it from me; you are going to pay it all back.

Of course, before we can do anything I shall have to see my lawyer, but I don't think there will be any difficulty at all.

J a n: If it could be arranged I should feel life was worth living again. I would work day and night to repay you.

P e d r o: Oh, I know you would; that's all right. Here's Mr. Priestley and the others; it's time for the lesson. Don't say a word about this to any of the other. And now let's go and see Mr. Priestley; he's waiting for us.


I. lplf,!Q'MaiiTe npe,!VIO.lKeuuH co cJie,!Q'IOm:nMu CJIOBaMu u CJIOBOCO'le- TaHHHMH:

1. ever since 6. capital

2. out of the question 7. disadvantage

3. the fact of the matter 8. authority

4. current 9. miles from anywhere

5. into partnership 10. fortune

11. it's not use

12. faith

13. loan

14. eagerly

15. pay me back

II. CocTaBbTe npe,!Vlo.lKeHHH H3 cJie,!Q'IOW:HX CJIOB. Bbl MO.lKeTe ucnoJib- 30BaTL u i1,pyrue CJIOBa, MeHHTb nopHiJ,OK CJIOB. Bb1 MO.lKeTe TaK.lKe Me­ HHTb BpeMH ueKOTOpbIX maroJIOB:

1. father, partnership, go, Antony Bruton, captain, at cricket.

2. like, doctor, want, school, leave.

3. never, money, hope, enough, that.

4. use, twice, light, give, half, current.

5. life, lose, wreck.

6. capital, sink, plan, factory, build.

7. beautiful, square, land, disadvantage, railway.

8. promise, want, sell, factory.


1. PaccKIDKUTe o cI>a6puKe Rua.

2. Ru xo'leT 6bITb Bpa'IOM. KeM xornTe 6b1Tb Bb1?

3. Ilpe11.noJI01KHM, ue3uaKOMb1e JIIOiJ.H npeiJ,JI01KaT BaM uatfaTh COBMec­ Tuoe 11.eJio. qTo Bb1 cTaueTe 11.eJiaTb?

J.l:n K o H T P Ofl b H ASI P A & O T A N o. 3

1. 06pa3yi1Te: a) OTPHIIaTeJibuyro; 6) BonpocmeJibHyIO cl>OPMY npe)J.Jlo- 1Keuuii.

1. You have three sisters.

2. They had many friends in France.

3. He often has a cup of tea in bed.

4. She has the tickets in her handbag.

5. Jan and Frieda have some friends in Wales.

II.I Ilplf,ZQ'MaiiTe npe)J.Jlo1KeHnH co CJieiJ.yIOIIIHMH cJioBocoqeTaunHMH, HCUOJihlYJI ueo6xO)J.HMble)J,JIJI 3TOfO BpeMeua marOJIOB:

1. get rid of 9. to be due to

2. in place 10. at the edges

3. I'm tired of 11. a waste of time

4. round and round 12. at thirty miles an hour

5. any minute now 13. it's no use

6. go in search of 14. out of the question

7. to be struck by 15. ever since

8. not to be compared with

III. BcTaBbTe npaBHJibHYIO cl>OPMY maroJia do. Onpe11.eJinTe, HBJIJleTCH JIU ou: a) CMblCJIOBblM; 6) cneIIUaJibHb M:

1. He - that exercise yesterday.

2. Have you - what I told you?

3. He - not listen to what I say.

4. Andrew ought to - better than that.

5. - you like cabbage? No, I -.

6. - you give the gardener his money?

7. I am - my best.

8. He - not go to Switzerland after all.

9. He must - this exercise again.

10. The soldiers have - their duty bravely.

IV. 3aKOH'IHTe cJie1J.yI0111ue npeiJ,JI01KeHnH:

1. I suppose we ought...

2. During the next four hundred years...

3. I have always wanted...

4. I'm sure you will..

5. While I am in England...

6. I'm no good at...

7. I never saw such...

8. I neverbother about...

9. I liked the story about...

10. If you don't do better than that...

V. 06pa3yii:Te OTpnu,aTeJibuyIO u uonpocnTeJibuyIO lf>opMbl:

1. His house needs painting.

2. They need more money.

3. Olaf needed a new coat.

OTBeTbTe ua CJie)JJI0111,ne uonpochl:

4. Need you go now? Yes, I -.

5. Who needn't work tomorrow? George -.

6. Need I go to London? Yes, you -.

7. Does he need to make such a noise? No, he -.

VI. IIepenuwnTe cJie,!Q'IOIIl,HH OTpb BOK, co6JIIO,!J;aH npauHJia oplf>orpa­ lf>uu u nyHKTyau,uu:

may i have the bill now asked mr jones having finished a poor-lunch the waitress came slowly over what did you have she asked badly cooked meat hard peas old potatoes and dry bread thatl ll be three and six said the waitress oh and i had a glass of water which was quite nice added jones three and eight came the reply

VII. 3aMennTe cJiouocoqeTannH O,!l;HHM CJIOBOM. B CK06Kax YKa3auo KOJiuqecTBO 6yKB B CJIOBe. HanuwnTe OTBeTbl B CTOJI6HK u, npoqnTaB nepBbie 6YKBbl KIUK,!l;OfO CJIOBa, Bbl y3uaeTe HMH H3BeCTHOfO aurJIHH­ CKOfO nucaTeJIH. Ha3oBnTe Tpn npon3Be,!l;ennH 3Toro auTopa.

(a) an act which breaks the laws of God (3)

(b) the back part of the foot (4)

(c) old (7)

(d) monarch (4)

(e) a number of a different countries ruled by one chief government (6)

(f) he takes care of sheep (8)

(g) a number of persons going along in a line (10)

(h) to have happiness in (5)

(i) to say a thing is good (7)

(j) to decide (7)

(k) full of desire, very anxious to (do) (12)

VIII.,Il;aiiTe oTpnu,aTeJibHbie oTBeTbI:

1. Dare you tell her what you think of her?

2. Didn't you use to know a girl called Belinda?

3. Did you have a good journey?

4. Used you to live in Brussels?

5. Are you used to that typewriter now?

6. Need I put on a clean collar?

7. Ought he to travel without a ticket?

8. Will he dare to return to Brazil?

9. Have you done what I told you?

10. Did she dare to do it again?

IX. CocTaBLTe paccKa3hl (oKoJio 250 cJioB) ua TeMLI:

1. Wales.

2. An ideal holiday.

3. A quick way to make money.

4. The man in history (or literature) I admire most.

x. BuuMaTeJibHO npoqTnTe TeKCT H OTBeTbTe ua BOUpOCbl K HeMY.

The old woman told me the house had been built in 1595 and this was not hard to believe. The small windows, the uneven floors, the roughly-made doors and an ancient oak desk had ob­ viously all seen the passing of many generations. In fact I learned later that at that desk a certain parson, who lived inthe house half a century after it had been built, had written a bad-tempered diary, blaming his and the country's misfortunes on the govern­ ment, and sorrowing over the passing of the "good old days". The diary reminded me of some present-day letters to The Times, in which all that is present is bad and all that is past is good.

I was fascinated by the great open fireplace, over whose roaring log fire pigs were roasted. It has occurred to me that the parson would have had more to complain about if, instead of a generous helping of roast pork, he had been served with some of the meat we eat today.

The old woman, who was showing me round, seemed al­ most as ancient as the house. She took little notice of me; I was merely another "gentleman from London" who would look round her beloved house and then decided not to have it because there was electricity, or no water, or because it was too far to walk from there to the village. But she was wrong. I had decided otherwise.

(1) In about what year did the parson live in the house?

(2) Why did the writer call the parson's diary "bad­ tempered"?

(3) What is "The Times"?

(4) What did the writer think would not have pleased the parson if he had lived today?

(5) What was the writer doing in the house?

(6) What disadvantages of living in an old house are suggested in this piece?

(7) Give another word or phrase of similar meaning to that in which the following words or phrases are used in the passage: (a) uneven, (b) diary, (c) reminded me of,

(d) I was fascinated, (e) complain.

(8) In not more than 80 words, describe what you imagine the outside and the garden of this house looked like.


Mr. Priestley's Study.

Mr. Priestley and all the students are there.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Well, here we are at the end of another year's work, and it's "good-bye" for a while.

P e d r o: I'm very sorry we have to finish now; I've tho­ roughly enjoyed our lessons together - and I'm sure, too, everyone else has [Ot h e r s: "Hear, hear!"], and I'm looking forward eagerly to next year's work.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: And it is going to be a very full, busy and, I hope, enjoyable year. But now, till next year, it's good­ bye, and a most pleasant holiday.

* * *


Time: Midnight.

Mr. and Mrs. Priestley (and Sally) are sitting by the fire.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: Well, Mary, my students have all gone; and, do you know, I'm quite sorry to lose them.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: I'm sure you are. They are the nicest group of students that you have ever had.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: By the way, I had a most embarrassing experience this afternoon. I thought all my students had gone away, and I was just going into my study when I saw that Jan and Frieda were there. Their backs were towards me, and I heard Jan say, "Frieda", and she said "Jan", and the next moment she was in his arms. It was most embarrassing for me.

M r s. P r i e st l e y: What did you do?

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Well, my dear, I didn't quite know what to do, so I just closed the door very quietly and came away on tiptoe.

M r s. P r i e st l e y: I should hope you did!

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: I was never so surprised in all my life.

I hadn't guessed -

M r s. P r i e s t 1 e y: Charles Priestley, you may be a clever man and a good teacher and all that, but I sometimes think you don't see the simplest thing that is taking place under your very nose.

M r. P r i e s t 1 e y: What, do you mean to say you knew Jan was in love with Frieda?

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: Of course I did. A babe could have seen it; and I must say I'm very glad that he has told her at last. She is a charming girl, and they ought to be very happy together.

M r. P r i e st 1 e y: Well, well, well, you surprise me.

M r s. P r i e st l e y: Come along, it's after twelve o'clock and time both of us were in bed.



TaK KaK 60JI1>IIIMHCTBO HOBhIX cnoB B 3TOM ypoKe - «rro-

3TWiecKHe» HJIM crreu;MaJihH1>1e, OHM He BKmoqeHhIB o6mntl: CJIOBapb, a rrpe,ri:cTaBJieHbl KaK OT)l;eJibHb M CIIMCOK. Pe,ri:KO MCIIOJih3yeMh e CJIOBa CHa6xeHhlKpaTKHMM orrpe,ri:eJieHIDIMM. archaic [a:'kenk] = very old; no leisure ['le3a] = time not given to

longer used. work.

bloom [blu:m] = flowers; blossoms. masonry ['me1snn] = stonework. bonny ['bom] = beautiful. The usual melody [melad1] = tune

meaning is "pretty; healthy mighty ['ma1t1] = great and strong. looking". moaning ['maumIJ] = sound of

bough [bau] = large branch of a tree. sadness.

boundless ['baundhs] = without end owl [aul] = bird that flies at night. or liinit. requiem ['rekwiam] = music for the

boume [b;,:n] = bounds, liinit. dead.

chaps [tfreps] = men (slang). score [sb:] = twenty. consummate ['konsA!lle1t] =perfect. secure [si'kjua] = safe.

dew [dju:] = small drops of water shiver ['f1va] = tremble; shivering- formed on cool objects after the sweet = so sweet it makes you sun goes down. tremble.

dome [daum] = large rounded roof. snail [sne!l] = (see picture, p. 545). dove [dAv] = bird; kirid of pigeon. splendour ['splenda] = magnifience; Eastertide ['i:stataid] =Eastertime. beauty; great brightness.

embark [1m'ba:k] = go on board squirrel ['skwual] = (see picture, a ship. p. 542).

enrich [m'ntf] = make rich. steep (verb) [sti:p] = soak, wet foam [faum] = mass of white bubbles through

made by waves breaking. temple ['tempi] = building used for garment ['ga:mant] = article of dress. worship.

glideth ['gla1dae] = poetic form of thorn [9;,:n] = sharp point an a plant. glides. twilight ['twailait] = half-light just

glitter ['ghta] = shine; send out before and after sunset.

a bright light. wren [ren] = small singing bird.




abbreviation [a,bri:vi' e1f (a)n] coK[)am;emi:e

ability [a'b1ht1] crroco6HOCTn accent ['reksnt] y,n:apemi:e accept [ak'sept] rrp1nnrnaT1> accompany [a'kAillpam]


accuse [a'kju:z] o6BHHHTn

activity [rek' t1V1t1laKTHBHOCTb actually ['rektju(a)h]

,n:ettCTBll:TeJibHO, Ha caMOM,n:ene administrative [ad'mm1strat1v]

a,!IMllHHCTPaTll:BHblll admiration [,redma're1f(a)n]


admire [ad'ma1a] mo60BaT1>CH

adinit [ad'm1t],n:orrycKaTh adopt [a'dopt] yc1>rnoBIDITn

advanced [ad'va:nst] rrepe,n:oBott, rrpo,n:BHHYThlil

advantage [ad'vu:nt1d:3] rrpeBOCXO,!ICTBO

affair [a'fea],n:eno

afford [a'fad] II03BOIDITb agitated ['red:31te1t1d]

B3BOJIHOBaHHblll agricultural [,regn'kAltf aral]

ceJIDCKOX035lllCTBeHHblll alphabetical [,relfa'bet1kl]

anQ:>aBHTHblll altar [';,:[ta] amapn

ambassador [rem'bresada] rrocon angel ['emd:31] aHreJI

announce [a'nauns] o6nHBJilITh announcer [a'naunsa],n:11:1crop annoyed [a'n:Jid] pa3,n:pffiKeHHbIH ant [rent] MYPaBeli

appear [a'pm] rroHBJilIThCH appearance [a'p1arnns] rroffilJiemrn applause [a'pl:l:z] aruro,n:HCMeHThl appoint [a'p:Jint] Ha3Ha'IaTh appreciate [a'pri:f ie1t] u:eHHTh approve [a'pru:v] o,n:o6pHTh

archer ['a:tf a] cTpenoK ll3 JIYKa architecture ['a:k1tektf a]


armed [a:md] BOOp)')KeHHhlH armour ['a:ma],n:ocrrem arrow ['rernu] CTPeJia

art [a:t] MCKYCCTBO

ashamed [a'fe1md] CMYiu:eHHhIH associate [a'sauf1at] KOJIJiera atom ['retam] aTOM

attack [a'trek] aTaKa

attempt [a'tem(p)t] rrorrhITKa attend [a'tend] rrpMCYTCTBOBaTb authority [:J:'eornt1] aBTopMTeT avoid [a'v:J1d] M36eraTh

awe [:J:] 6naroroBeHHe


background ['brekgraund] <PoH balcony ['brelkam] 6anKOH bald [b:J:ld] JihlChlH

bar [ba:] 6ap

barber ['ba:ba] rrapMKMaxep bard [ba:d] 6ap,n:

bare [bea] roJihlH battle ['bretl] 6mBa beam (n.) [bi:m] nyq

bench [bentf] cKaMeliKa bet [bet] rrapM

betray [bi'tre1] rrpe,n:aBaTb billiards ['biljadz] 6llJIJihHp,n:

biography [bai':Jgrnf1] 6Morpa<l>MH bishop ['b1fap] errHCKOrr

blameless ['ble1mlas] 6e3yrrpe'IHhIH

blood [blAd] KIJOBb bloodstained ['blAdstemd]

3aIIa'IKaHHhlH KpOBhlO boar [b:J:] 6opoB

bomb [born] 6oM6a boots [bu:ts] 6oTMHKll

boring ['b:J:nIJ] CKY"!Hhlli bother ['boila] 6ecrroKOMTh bottom ['bot(a)m],n:Ho boundary ['baundan] rpaHMU:a

bow (n.) [bau] JIYK (MH CTpeJih6hr) bow (v.) [bau] KJiaHHThCH

bowler ['baufa] KOTeJIOK (nmmra);


branch [bra:ntf] BeTBh bravely ['bre1vh] CMeJIO

breastplate ['brestple1t] Harpy,n:Hhrli 3HaK

brilliant ['bnljant] 6necTHliIMH broad [br:J:d] nmpoKFCii:

brush [brAf] liieTKa, MeTJia, KllCTh burden ['b3:dn] Horna

burgle ['b3:gl] coBepnraTb KPffiKY co B3JIOMOM

bust (n.) [bAst] 610cT button [bAtn ] rryroBMU:a


cage [ke1ci:3]KJieTKa

camp [kremp] narepb

candidate ['krend1de1t] KaH,n:M,n:aT captain ['kreptm] KaITMTaH captive ['krept1v] rureHHhIH careless ['kealas] He6pe)J(HhlH carpenter ['ka:panta] ruroTHMK castle ['ka:sl] 3aMOK

cathedral [ka'ei:dr(a)l] co6op celebrate ['selabrert] npa3,n:HOBaTh centre ['senta] n:eHTP

century ['sentfan] BeK challenge ['tfrelmd:3] Bhl30B chancellor ['tfa:nsala] KaHIIJiep chapel ['tfrep(a)l] qacoBHH chap [tfrep] rrapelih characteristic [,krernkta' nst1k]

xapaKTepHhlll cheek [tfi:k] liieKa

cheer [tfra] B03rnac o,n:o6peHMH cherry ['tfen] BMIIIHH

chieftain ['tf i:ftan] BO)K,[(h

chimney ['tfi:mm]!J:bIMOBM TPY6a choir ['kwa1a] xop

circumstances ['s3:k(a)mstans1z] o6CTOHTeJibCTBa

citizen ['s1trzn] rpa)K,[(aHMH

claim (n.) [klerm] rrpMrn3aHMe, rrpeTeH3MH

climate ['klaimat] KJIMMaT colloquial [ka'laukwrnl]


colonel ['k3:nl] IIOJIKOBHMK colony ['kolam] KOJIOHMH combine [kam'bam] coe,n:MHHTh comfort ['kAmfat] KOM<l>OPT comic ['kom1k] KOMMK

command [ka'ma:nd] rrpMKa3bIBaTb committee [ka'mrtr] KOMMTeT companion [bm'prenjan] TOBapMliI compete [bm'pi:t] copeBHOBaTbCH

competition [,kompa't1fn] copeBHOBrurne

competitor [kam'pet1ta] yqacTIIBK KOHKY})Ca

complaint [kam'plemt])J(llJI06a complicated ['komplrke1t1d]


compulsion [kam'pAlf (a)n] rrpH:ffY'K,!l:eHFie

compulsory [kam'pAlsan] ofo13aTeJibHhlit

concern [kan's3:n] KacaTbCJI condemn [kan'dem] OC)')l()J;aTb condition [kan'drf(a)n] ycJIOBH:e confidence ['konf1dans],!l;OBepH:e confirmation [konfa'merf(a)n]


congratulation [kangnetju' le1f (a)n]


connect [ka'nekt] coe,!l;F!HJITh conquer ['kol)ka] 3aBOeBhIBaTu consider [kan's1da] cqH:TaTu;


console [kan'saul] YTeIIraTb constantly ['konstantlr] rrocTOJIHHO construction [kan'strAkf(a)n]


continuity [,kontr' nju:atr]

Hepa3pbIBHOCTb; HerrpepbIBHOCTb contradict [kontra'drkt]


contrast ['kontra:st] KOHTPaCT control [kan'traul] KOHTPOJih convenient [bn'vi:mant] y)J;o6Hbrit corresponding [,kora'spond11J]


cozy ['buzr] YJOTHhlit

countryside ['kAntrrsard] ceJihCKaJI MeCTHOCTb

cradle ['krerdl] KOJihr6eJih cremate [kn'mert] KpeMH:pOBaTb critical ['kntrkl] lq)H:TH:qeCKH:it criticise ['knt1sa1z] KpF!TF!KOBaTu

cross-eyed [,km'sa1d] KOCOrJia3biit crown [kraun] KopoHa

cruel ['krual])[{eCTOKH:it culture ['kA11fa] KYJibzypa current ['kArant] TeKYIIIH:it cushion ['kuf(a)nt}oJzyII1Ka


daffodil ['drefadd] ttapl(F!CC daresay ['deaser] ocMeJIH:BaTuCJI


dash (v.) [dren BbICKaKF!BaTb debate [di'be1t])J;e6aTH:poBaTb decision [di's13(a)n] pemettH:e

declare [di'klea] 3aJIBJIJITu deed [di:d])l;eJIO, IIOCT deep [di:p] rny6oKH:it defeat [dr'fi:t] rropeHH:e

defend [dr'fend] 3aIIIH:IIIaTh definition [defi' mf (a)n]


degree [dr'gri:] rpa)J;yc, cTerreHb delight [dr'lart] BOCTopr delightful [di'laitfl]


deny [dr'nar] OTPH:l(aTh descend [di'send] crrycKaTbCJI

design [dr'zam] rrpoeKT;)l;F!3aitH detail ['di:terl],!l;eTaJih

develop [dr'velap] pa3BH:BaTh devoted [dr'vaut1d] rrpe,!l;aHHhiit dialect ['daialekt])l;H:aJieKT diary ['daran],!l;HeBHF!K

differ ['d1fa] pa3JIF[qaTucJI disadvantage [drsad'va:ntrd3]


disappear [d1sa' p1a] H:cqe3aTb disappointed [drsa' p:Jintrd]


disciple [dr'sarpl] rrocne)l;OBaTeJib, yqeHH:K

discipline ['drsaplm])l;FCCI(H:IIJIH:Ha discover [drs'kAv;i] o6ttapBaTh,


discuss [drs' kAs] o6c)')l()J;aTb disgrace [dis'gre1s] rro3op;


distant ['distant],!J;aJieKF!it disturb [drs't3:b] 6ecrroKOF!Tu

don [don])];OH; rrperro,!l;aBaTeJib B 0Kc<l>op)l;e

doorway ['d:i:wer])J;Bepttoit rrpoeM drag [drreg] TaliIF!Th

dreadful ['dredfl] CHhrit dream [dri:m] coH, MeqTa drip [dnp] KarraTu


eagerly ['i:galr] c HeTeprrettH:eM,


educated ['edjuke1t1d] o6pa30BaHHbIH

education [,edju'ke1f(a)n] o6pa3oBaHH:e

effect [i'fekt] 3<l><l>eKT element ['elrmant] 3JieMeHT eloquently ['elakwantlr]


embarrassing [rm'brerasrlJ] HeJIOBKH:it emphasis ['emfas1s]


emphasise ['emfasaiz] rro,!J;'Iep1arnaTD emphatic [1m'fret1k] Bhlpa3HTeJihHhril: entrance ['entrnns] Bxo,n:

escape [1s'ke1p] 6ercrno event [1'vent] CJIY'Iail: evil ['i:vl] 3JIO

examine [1g'zremm] 3K3aMeHoBaTh

excursion [1ks'k3:f(;i)n] 3KCKYPCIDI exist [1g'ZIStlcyrrreCTBOBaTh

expectation [,ekspek'te1f(;i)n]


expel [1ks'pel] HCKmoqaTb expenditure [1ks'pend1tf;i] TPaTa,


experience [1ks'p1;in;ins] OIIhIT experimental [1ks,pen'mentl]

3KCIIepHMeHTaJibHbIH expert ['eksp3:t] 3KcrrepT

extended [1ks'tend1d] MHTeJibHhIH extensive [1ks'tens1v] 3KCTeHCHBHhlli


fair (n.) [fe;i] HpMapKa

faith [fe1e] Bepa fame [felffi] cJiaBa

fascinating ['fresme1t11J] oqapoBaTeJibHhril:

feast [fi:st] IIHP feather ['fel!;i] rrepo feature ['fi:tj';i] qepm

feeling ['fi:JllJ] qyBCTBO

fertile ['fa:tad] IIJIO!J:OPO!J:HbIB festival ['fest1vl] <PecTHBaJih fiercely ['f1;ish] CBHperro

film [fllm] cPHJihM; rmeHKa fine (n. & v.) [fam] rrrrpa<P;


fix [f1ks] cPHKCHPOBaTb, HHTb flood [f!Ad] HaBO,[(HeHHe footsteps ['futsteps] cJie,n:hr forbid [fa'bid] 3arrperrraTh

force (v.) [fo:s] 3aCTaBJI5ITh forcibly ['f:i:s1bh] HaCHJibHO forehead ['fond] Jio6 forgive [fa'g1v] rrporrraTb

formal ['fo:ml] cPOPMaJibHhIH fort [f:i:t] cPOPT

foundation [faun'de1f(;i)n]


fountain pen ['fauntm pen] aBTopyqKa

frontier ['frAnt1;i] rpaHHIIa fulfil [ful'fJ!j BbIIIOJIHHTb fur [fa:] Mex

fuss [fAs] cyem


gap [grep] rrreJih; 6peIIIb

garage ['grera:3] rapax; CTaHIIIDI o6CJIY2KHBaHIDI

generation [,d3en;i're1fn] rroKoJieHHe generous ['d3en;irns] BeJIHKOJJYIIl1fblli genuine ['d3enjum] IIO,[(JIHHHhlii geography [d3i'ogrnfJ] reorpa<l>IDI gift [gift] rro,n:apoK

gigantic [d3ai' grent1k] rnraHTcKHil: glance [gla:ns] B3rJIM

God [god] 6or

govern ['gAv;in] rrpaBHTh; yrrpaBJI5ITh gown [gaun] IIJiaThe; MaHTIDI

grace [gre1s] rparrIDI

gradually ['grred3u;ih] rrocTerreHHo grain [grem] 3eptto

grasshoper ['gra:shop;i] KY3HeqHK grave (adj.) [gre1v] cephe3Hhlii;


grave (n.) [gre1v] MOrHJia greengrocer ['gri:ngrnus;i] TOproBerr


grindstone ['gramdst;iun] ToqHJio guardian ['ga:d1;in] orreKYH

guess [ges],n:ora,n:hIBaThCH


habitual [h;i'b1tfu;il] o6Hhlii

hairbreadth ['he;ibrede]

MHHHMaJibHOe paCCTOHHHe handful ['hrendful] ropcTh

hare [he;i] 3aHII harm [ha:m] Bpe,n: harp [ha:p] ap<Pa

hastily ['he1st1hl TOpOIIJIHBO

heal [hi:!] 3aJKHBaTb

heathen ['hi:l!(;i)n] H3ecKHil: hehnet ['helm1t] IIIJieM

hesitate ['hez1te1t] KOJie6aTDCH hide [haid] rrpHTaTh

hill [hJ!] XOJIM hole [h;iul],n:hlpa

holy ['h;iuh] CBHTOH

homesickne&<> ['h;iumsrknrs] TOCKa rro


horn [h:rn] por

horrible ['honbl])')KllCHhlii horrid ['hond] OTBpaTHTeJibHbIH

horrify ['honfa1])')KllCaTh; CTPaIIIHTh housewife ['hauswa1t],n:oMOX03Hil:Ka huge [hju:ci3] orpoMHhlii

human ['hju:m;in] qeJioBeqecKHil: hymn [him] rHMH


idiomatic [,1d1;i'mret1k]


imagination [1mred3i'ne1f(;i)n] Boo6paxeHHe

imply [1m'pla1] IIO)JJJa3YMeBaTh impress [1m'pres] rrpomBo,n:HTh


imprison [1m'pnzn] CIDKaTh B TIOpbM)'

incline [rn klarn] CKJIOHHTh K '-IeMY-


include [rn'klu:d] BKJIIO'-IaTb income ['rnkam],n:oxo,n: independent [rndi' pendant]


indirect [rndi' rekt] HerrpHMOH individuality [rnd1v1dju' reht1]


inflection [rn'flekf(a)n] oKomaHHe influence ['rnfluans] BJIHHHHe informal [rn'fa:mal] He<l>opManhHhIB inhabit [rn'hreb1t] HaceJIHTb inheritanceI[rn' hentans]


inn [IlllroCTHHHI!a inner ['ma] BttyTpeHHHH

innocent ['rnasant] HeBHHHhIH insist [Ill'SIStlHaCTaHBaTb

insult (n.) ['rnsAlt] ocKop6neHHe insult (v.) [rn'sAlt] ocKop6JIHTh interview ['rntavju:] HHTepBhIO intonation [rnta' ne1f(a)n]


invader [rn'va1da] 3axBaT'-IHK invitation [rnvi'te1f(a)n]


invite [rn'vait] rrpHrJiaIIIaTh irregular [i'regjula] HeperyJIHpHhIH item ['aitam] rrpe,n:MeT


jealous ['d:3elas] peBHHBhIH

jelly ['d:3eh])KeJie

jolly ['d:3oh] O'-IeHb, 3,D:OpOBO justify ['ci3Astifa1] orrpaB,n:hIBaTh


kneel [ni:l] CTaHOBHTbCH Ha KOJieHH

knighthood ['na1thud] pbll\apcrno


labourer ['le1bara] pa6o'-IHH

ladder ['lreda] CTPeMHHKa lake [le1k] 03epo

lame [leim] xpoMoli lark [la:k])J{aBOPOHOK law [b:] 3aKoH

lawyer ['b:ja] IOpHCT lazy ['leIZI] JieHHBbIH leader ['li:da] JIH,n:ep leather ['leila] KO)J{a lecture ['lektfa] JieKIJHH lemon ['leman] JIHMOH

lemonade [,lema'ne1d] JIHMOHa,n: level ['levl] ypoBeHh

lieutenant [lef'tenant] [Ju:,tenant] neliTeHaHT

lifeless ['laifhs] 6e3)J{H3HeHHhIH lips [hps] ry6b1

lively ['laivh])J{HBOli; B)KHBJieHHblH local ['laukal] MeCTHhIH

lock [lok] 3aMOK log [log] 6peBHO

longing ['loIJIIJ] CTPeMJiemre;

CTPaCTHoe)KeJiaHHe loss [los] IIOTepH


magnificent [mreg'mfisant]


maiden ['me1dn],n:eBwrHli main [mern] rnaBHhIH

majesty [mred:31st1] Benwrecrno major ['me1d:3a] 6oJibIIIoli; rnaBHbIH majority [ma'd:3ont1] 6oJihlllliHCTBO map [mrep] Kaprn

martyr ['ma:ta] MY'-IeHHK master ['ma:sta] X03HHH mathematics [mreei' mretiks]

MaTeMaTHKa mayor ['mea] M3p

meantime ['mi:ntaim] TeM BpeMeHeM meanwhile [mi:nwad] TeM BpeMeHeM mechanic [m1'kremk] MexaHHK medical ['med1kl] Me,n:HIJHHCKHH medieval [medi' i:vl] cpe,n:tteBeKOBhIH melt [melt] TaHTh; paCTaJIJIHBaThCH memorial [mi'm:i:nal] rraMHTHHK memory ['meman] IIaMHTh

merely ['m1ah] rrpocTO merrily ['menh] Beceno

message ['mes1d:3] coo6IIJeHHe messenger ['mesrnd:3a] rrocblJibHhrn metal ['met!] MeTaJIJI

mid-way ['mid we1] Ha rronrryTH mingling [mil)dhl) lCMeIIIeHHe

minister ['mrn1sta] MHHHCTP;


miraculous [mi'rrekjulas] '-IY.!l:eCHhIH misprint ['m1sprrnt] orre'-IaTKa

mist [mist] T)'MaH

misunderstanding [m1sAnda' strend1IJ]


monarch ['monak] MOHapx monk [mAIJk] MOHax

monument ['monjumant] MOH)'MeHT moreover [m:i:'rauva] 6onee Toro mountaineering [maunt1'manIJ]


mulberry ['mAlban] zyTOBaH Hro,n:a

mule [mju:l] MYJI

murder ['m3:d;i] y6Miicrno musician [mju'z1J(;i)n] M)'3hIKaHT

mystery ['m1st(;i)n] raillia; MMCTeplli!


napkin ['nrepkm] campen<a

narrow ['nrernu] y3Kllii

native ['ne1t1v] po.n;Hoii; MeCTHhiii nature ['ne11f;i] rrpMpo.n;a


neat [ni:t] aKKypaTHhIH

necessity [m' ses1t1] Heo6xo.n;MMOCTh needle [ni:dl] IITOJIKa

needless [ni:dhs] HeH}')KHhlii neighbourhood ['ne1b;ihud] OKIJyr;


nest [nest] me3.n;o

noble ['n;iubl] 6JiaropO.n;HhIH nobleman ['n;iublm;in].n;BopJIHMH notebook ['n;iutbuk] 3aIIMCHaJI


nurse [ll3:s] HJIHJI; Me.n;cecTPa

oak [';iuk].n;y6

objection [;ib' ekf(;i)n] B03pIDKeHMe obligation [obh'ge1Jn] o6JIJaTeJihCTBO observation [,obz;i ve1Jn]


observe [;ib'z3:v] Ha6mo.n;aTh obstacle ['obst;ikl] rrpeIIJITCTBMe occupation [,okju'pe1Jn] JaHJITMe;


occupied ['okjupaid] 3aIUITh1ii;


odd [od] CJIY'IaHHbIH; CTPaHHbIH offence [;i'fens] o6M.n;a

offer ['ofa] rrpe.n;JiaraTb

official [;i'f1Jl] OQJMIJllaJihHbIH old-fashioned [';iuld'freJ(;i)nd]


omit [;iu'm1t] orrycKaTh organisation [,:i:g;inai'ze1J(;i)n]


organise [':i:g;ina1z] opraHM30BhIBaTh originally [;i'n1n;ih]


overturn [;iuv;i't3:n] orrpOKIDfYTh(CJI) owl [aul] coBa


palace ['prehs].n;Bope11 pale [peil] 6Jie.n;Hhlii

parson ['pa:sn] cBm11eHHMK partnership [pa:tn;if1p] rrapTHepcrno passage ['pres1] rrpoxo.n;

passionate [pref;imt] CTPaCTHhiii pause [p:i:z] rray3a

pea [pi:] ropox peak [pi:k] IIMK

peculiar [pi'kju:h;i] cBoeo6pa3Hhiii peculiarity [p1kju:h' rent1]

oco6eHHOCTb perfection [p;i 'fekf(;i)n]

COBeprneHCTBO permanent ['p3:m;in;int]


personal ['p3:s;inl] rrepcoHaJihHhiii philosophy [fI'los;if1] QJMJIOCOQJID! photograph[' faut;igra:f] Q:ioTOrpaQJMJI

pick [p1klpBaTb; C06MPaTb

pilot ['pmfat] IIMJIOT pin [pm] 6yJiaBKa pink [pil)k] p030BhIH pity ['p1t1])J(llJIOCTh

plant [pla:nt] pacTeHMe

plot (v.) [plot] roTOBMTh JaroBop political [p;i'ht1kl] rroJIMTecKMii

politician [p;ih't1J(;))nlIIOJIMTMK

porch [p:i:tf] KphillhlJO

portion ['p:i:Jn] rrop11ID1, qaCTh portrait [p:i:tnt] rropTPeT position [p;i'z1J(;i)n] II03MIJID! possess [p;i'zes] o6Jia.n;aTh possible ['pos1bl] B03MO)J(Hhlii

pour [p:i:lJIMTh; HaJIMBaTh

power ['pau;i] BJiaCTh

pray [pre!lMOJIMTbCJI prayer ['pre;i] MOJIMTBa

precious ['preJ;is].n;paro11eHHhlii preliminary [pn'hmm;in]

rrpe.n;BapMTeJibHhlH preparation [,prep;i're1Jn]


prepare [pn'pe;i] rrpIITOTaBJIMBaTh priest [pri:st] CBJIIIJeHHMK

Prime Minister [pra1m 'mm1st;i] rrpeMhep-MMHMCTp

printing-press ['pnntJI) pres] rreqaTHhIB CTaHOK

procession [prn'sef(;i)n] rrpo11eccID1 prompt [prompt] 6bICTPhIH

public ['pAbhk] rry6JIHhlii publish ['pAbhfl rreqamTh puff [pAfj IIbIXTeTh punctuation [,pAl)ktju' e1Jn]

rryHKTYa1JID1; rrpaBOIIMCaHMe punishment ['pAmfm;int] HaKa3aHMe

pure [pju;ilqllCTbIH

purple ['p3:pl] QJMOJieTOBhrn; JlllJIOBhIB purpose ['p3:p;is] 11eJih


quarrel ['kwor(;i)l] ccopMThCJI queer ['kw1;i] CTpaHHhIH


rage [rerct] rneB; HpOCTh ragged ['ra:grd] o6opBaHHhrM rank [ra:l)k] PM

rare [rea] pe,!1,KHM

reality [rr' a:latr] peaJibHOCTb rebel (n.) [rebl] rroBcTaHen: rebel (v.) [rr'bel] BOCCTaBaTh

rebellious [n'behas] 6yHTapcrrn:li reduce [n'dju:s] CHIDKaTh;


regular ['regjufa] perymipHhIM reign [rem] n:apcrnoBaTh

relative ['relatrv] OTHOCHTeJihHhrM religion [n'lrd3an] penmwr religious [n'lrctas] peJIHTII03Hh!M remove [n'mu:v] rrepe,n:BHraTh reputation [,repju' terf(a)n]


request [n'kwest] rrpocb6a require [n'kwara] TPe6oBaThCH rescue ['reskju:] crracaTh research [n's3:tf] Hccne,n:oBaHIDI resist [n'zrst] corrpoTHBJUITbCH resolve [n'zolv] peIIIaTh

retreat [n'tri:t] oTczynaTh rhyme [rarmlPMcPMa; CTMIIIOK right [rart] rrpaBo

riot [rarat] 6yHToBaTh

robe [raub] rmaTue; xanaT; MaHTIDI romantic [rnu'ma:ntrk]


roundabout ['raundabaut] KapyceJih row (v.) [mu] rpecTM Ha no,n:Ke rugby ['rAgbr] per6H

min [rum] pa3pYII!aTb rush [rAf] ToporrMTh


sacrifice ['sa:knfars])J{eprna

saint [semt] CBHTOM

sand-glass ['sa:nd gla:s] rrecoqHhre qach!

sauce [s::i:s] coyc scarcely ['skeaslr] e,n:Ba

scatter ['ska:ta] pa36pach!BaTh scent [sent] 3arrax;,n:yxtt

scholarly ['skolah] yqeHhrli; HayqHhIM scholarship ['skofafrp] CTMrreH,n:IDI science ['sarans] HaYKa

screw [skru:] BMHT; IIIYPYIT

screw-driver ['skru:drarva] ornepTKa scrub [skrAb] cKpecni:

sculptor [skAlpta] CKYJihITTop search [s3:tf] HCKaTh

secretly ['si:kntlr] ceKpeTHO

seize [si:z] XBaTaTh

selg-governing [self 'gAvamlJ] caMoyrrpaBJUIIOin:HMCH

selfish ['selfrf] 3roMcTMqHhIM sergeant ['sa:ct(a)nt] cepHT sermon ['s3:man] rrporroBe,n:h

set [setlCTaBHTh; KJiaCTh; IlOMern:aTb

settle ['set!] ynBaTh shameful [' f ermful] rrocThlil:HhIM

shamrock ['fa:mmk] TPMJIMCTHHK share [fea] qacTh;,n:omI; aKIIIDI sheath [fi:e] HO)J{Hhl

shelter [' f elta] y6e)J{Hln:e

shepherd ['fepad] rraczyx sherry ['fen] xepec

shield Ui:ld] In:MT shore [f::i:] 6eper

shoulder [' f auIda] rmeqo

sight [sart] 3peHHe; B3IJIH.D: significant [srg'mfrkant]


sign-post ['sampaust] YKaJaTeJihHh!M CTOJI6

silk [srlk] rn:enK

sin (v.) [sm] rpenrnTh Sink [Srl)k] TOttyTb

skill [skrl] MaCTepCTBO slave [slerv] pa6

slip [slrplCKOJih31'1Tb

slope [slaup] cKJioH

society [sa'sajatr] o6rn:ecrno soloist ['saufaurst] coJIMCT soul ['saul] il:Yllla

sour ['saua] rrn:cnb!M

space [spers] rrpocTPaHCTBO spanner ['spa:na] raeqffbJM KJIIOq speech [spi:tf] peTh

speed [spi:d] CKOpOCTb

spill [sprl] paJJIHBaTh, rrpoch!IlaTh split [spht] KOJIOTh; pa3pbIBaTb spread [spred] pacrrpOCTPaHeHMe stage [sterd3] cn:etta

staircase ['steakers] necTHMU:a stake [sterk] KOJI

standard ['sta:ndad] cTaH,n:apT stare [stea] rrpMCTaJihHh!M B3IJIH.D: statesman ['stertsman]


statue [sta:tju:] CTaTYH steady [stedr] ycTOllqMBhIM steam [sti:m] nap

stem [stem] crnon; cTep)J{eHh

store (v.) [st::i:] cHa6)J{aTh; xpaHMTh stream [stri:m] rroToK; pyqeli

stress [stres] HarrpH)J{eHMe; CTPecc strike [strark] y,n:apHTh

stroke [strnuk] y,n:ap

struggle ['strAgl] 6opb6a subjection [sab'd3ekJ(a)n]


successor [sak'sesa] rrpeeMHH:K;


suggest [sa'd3est] rrpe,n:JiaraTb support [sa'p:i:t] rroMep)J(JIBaTh surround [sa'raund] oKpaTb swallow ['swofau] rrpornaThIBaTh swear [swea] rrpH:cmaTb; KIDICTbCJI;

pyraTbCJI sword [s:i:d] Meq


tax [treks] Hanor; IIOIIIJIH:Ha

telegraph ['tehgra:t] Tenerpa<t> tent [tent] rranaTKa

term [t3:m] TepMH:H; cpoK thatched ['8re1ft] IIOKPhIThlll


theory ['81an] TeopH:JI thistle ['81sllqepTOIIOJIOX

thread [8red] HH:TKa threaten ['8retn] yrpmKaTh thrifty ['8nft1] 6epe)J(J[H:Bbiii: throne [8raun] TPOH

throughout [8ru'aut] rr0Bc10,n:y; Bo Bcex OTHOIIIeHH:JIX

thrust [8rAst] 3aCOBhIBaTh; BTb!KaTb thunder ['8Anda] rpoM

tide [ta1d] rrpH:JIH:B

tidy ['ta1d1] orrpJITHbiii: tiger ['taiga] TH:rp

tiny ['taIIll] KPOIIIeqtthJii:

tiptoe ['t1ptau] KOttqH:KH: IIaJibI(eB Hor toe [tau] rraneu; Horn

tone [taun] TOH

tools [tu:lz] H:HCTPYMeHThl

tom [t:i:n] rrpH:q. rrpom. Bp. OT tear tower ['taua] 6aIIIHJ1

toy [t:i1] RrpymKa trace [tre1s] cne,n:

tradition [tra' d1J(a)n] Tpa,n:H:u;H:JI traitor ['tre1ta] rrpe,n:aTeJib trembling ['trembhIJ],n:po)J(b

tremendous [tn'mendas] orpoMHbiii: trial ['tra1al] rrpou;ecc; cy,n:

tribe [tra1b] rmeMH

trip (n.) [tnp] rroe3,n:Ka trumpet ['trAmp1t] TPY6a

trustworthy ['trAstw3:01] Ha,n:e:lKHhiii:

tune [tju:n] Meno,n:H:JI tutor ['tju:ta] perreTH:Top

typically ['t1p1kah] TH:IIH:qttO


ugly ['Agh] YPOMH:Bhiii:

undergraduate [,Anda'grred3uat] czy,n:eHT

underneath [,Anda'ni:8] BHmy undoubtedly [An'daut1dh]


uneasy [An'i:z1] 6ecrr0Koii:Hb1ii:; TPeBmKHblii:

ungrateful [An'gre1tful] He6naro,n:apHblii:

unite LIU'nait] 06'be):(H:HJITbCJI

unknown [An'naun] HeH:3BeCTHbiii: unlike [An'laik] He IIOXO)J(Jlll Ha unspoken [An'spauk(a)n]

HeBh!CKa3aHHblll upon [a'pon] Ha

upset [Ap' set] paccTpoeHHbiii: urgent ['3:d3ant] HeoTJIO.lKHbiii:;


usage ['ju:s1d3] yrroTPe6neHH:e


vacation [va'ke1J(a)n] KaHH:KYJihl

valuable ['vreljuabl] u;eHHhlli variety [va'ra1at1] pa3Hoo6pa3H:e various ['veanas] paJJIH:qttblii:;


veins [vemz] BeHhI

verse [v3:s] CTH:X; CTPo<t>a view [vju:] BH:!l:; B3rJIM

villain ['vdan] 3Jlo,n:eii:; Hero,n:JIH vision ['v13n] BH:,n:eHH:e

volume ['voljum] TOM; o6'heM vow [vau] KJIJITBa; o6eT voyage ['v:inci3] wemeCTBH:e


wagon ['wreg(a)n] IIOB03Ka; <t>yproH war [w:i:] Boii:Ha

weave [wi:v] TKaTh whisky ['w1sk1] BH:CKH: whisper ['w1spa] merrOT

wholehearted [,haul'ha:t1d]


widespread ['wa1dspred] IIIH:poKo pacrrpocTpaHeHHblii:

wing [wiIJ] KPblJIO wipe [waip] BhITH:paTh

witty ['w1t1] OCTPOYMHblll wooden ['wudn],n:epeBJIHHhlii:

worship ['w3:J1p] 6oroceHH:e;


worthless ['w3:8hs] 6ecu;eHHblii: wreck [rek] KpymeHH:e




Book Fou r



1 Frieda and Jan Break the News. Verb Study 1: look..................................... 568

2 Some Personal Letters. Verb Study 2: come. Prepositions I............................ 574

3 Invitations and Requests. Verb Study 3: take............................................ 579

4 Football............................................................................................... 587

5 The Special Finite. Must, have (got) to, am to........................ 591

6 The Football Match. Must, need, have to (continued)

Verb Study 4: do, make......................................................................... 596

7 Word Study: already, yet, still.

Verb Study 5: give. Prepositions 2.......................................................... 602

8 Great Britons 1: Charles Dickens (I). Verb Study 6: turn.

Idiomatic English 1: hand. Prepositions 3................................................ 607

9 Great Britons 1: Charles Dickens (II).

Idiomatic English 2: heart. Prepositions 4................................................ 615

10 "David and the Waiter" (A play). Verb Study 7: get..................................... 623

11 Hob Tells the Life-story of a Great Briton.

Verb Study 8: break............................................................................... 629

12 Great Britons 2: Oliver Cromwell. Verb Study 9: bring................................ 637

13 Great Britons 3: John Milton.

Verb Study 10: run. Prepositions 5.......................................................... 644

14 "Wanted - Mr. Stuart" (A play).

Verb Study II: call. Prepositions 6........................................................... 652

15 The Story of Hob.

Verb Study 12: say and tell. Verb Study 13: go.......................................... 667

16 Bonnie Prince Charlie. Verb Study 14: see................................................ 675

17 The Double Possessive. Verb Study 15: fall. Prepositions 7........................... 683

18 Roger's First Day at School. Idiomatic English 3.

Comparisons. Verb Study 16: hold.......................................................... 688

19 Word Order.......................................................................................... 696

20 Great Britons 4: Florence Nightingale...................................................... 700

21 Idiomatic English 4: Animal Idioms. Verb Study 17: pull.

Idiomatic English 5: colour idioms......................................................... 706

22 Cambridge. Verb Study 18: put. The Non-finites 1: The infinitive. The Non-finites 2: The "Bare" Infinitive 712

23 Great Britons 5: Captain Scott. Verb Study 19: set.

The Non-finites 3: Participles................................................................. 720

24 The American Scene 1: A Letter from Lucille. Extracts

from Lucille's Journal. The Non-finites 4: The Gerund.......... 727

25 The American Scene 2: Lucille's Journal (continued).

The Non-finites 5: Gerund and Infinitive............................... 733

26 The American Scene 3: Lucille's Journal (continued).

The Non-finites 6: Gerund or Infinitive.................................. 739

27 The American Scene 4: The Greatest American.

The Complement. A Speech and a Poem............................... 748

28 Good-bye............................................................................................. 760

English-Russian Dictionary....................................................... 763



1 <l>pM,Il;a 11 JIH coo6II(aIOT HOBOCTh. Pa60Ta c rnaronoM 1: ook... 568

2 1Iacrnhie rr11cbMa. Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 2: come. Ilpe)l)lorn 1......... 574

3 Ilp11rnarnemrn 11 rrpoch6hl. Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 3: take.............................. 579

4 <l>)'T60JI.............................................................................................. 587

5 Crre1111anhHh e rnaroJihr: must, have (got) to, am to..................... 591

6 <l>YT60JihHhrii Ma'T'I. Must, need, have to (rrpo)l,oJDKeH11e).

Pa60Ta c rnaronoM 4: do, make...................................................... 596

7 Pa6oTa co cnoBaM11: already, yet, still.

Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 5: give. Ilpe)l)lorn 2......................................... 602

8 Benmrn:e 6p11TaHI1hI1: 1Iapnh3,l1;11KKeHc (1). Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 6:

tum. 11,zuioMaTWieCKllii aHrn11iicK11ii 1: hand. Ilpe)l)lorn 3.......................... 607

9 Ben11K11e 6pITTaHI(hl 1: 1fapnh3,lJ;RKKeHc (2).

l1,n,110MaTWiecK11ii aHrJilliiclillii 2: heart. Ilpe)l)lorn 4................................ 615

10 «,lJ;eiiBM)"(11 oqm1111aHT» (meca). Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 7: get.................. 623

11 Xo6 paccKa3hrnaeT 611orpa<J:>11IO BeJI11Koro 6p11TaHI(a.

Pa60Ta c rnaronoM 8: break.................................................................. 629

12 Ben11K11e 6pITTaHI(hl 2: On11Bep KpoMBeJih.

Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 9: bring........................................................... 637

13 Ben11K11e 6pITTaHI(hI3:,lJ;)K:OH M11JihTOH.

Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 10: run. Ilpe)l)lorn 5....................................... 644

14 «Pa3hlCKllBaeTCH MllCTep CTIOapT» (rrheca).

Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 11: call. Ilpe)l)lorn 6...................................... 652

15 PaccKa3 Xo6a. Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 12: say 11 tell.

Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 13: go............................................................. 667

16 KpacaB'IBK rrp11H11 1Iapn11. Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 14: see.......................... 675

17,lJ;BORHOR rrpllTTeJihHh R rra,n,e)K:.

Pa60Ta c rnaronoM 15: fall. Ilpe)l)lorn 7....................................... 683

18 IIepBhiii)l,eHh Po)l,)K:epa B IIIKOJie. ll!l,110MaTWiecK11ii

aHrn11iicK11ii 3: cpaBHeHlffi. Pa60Ta c rnaronoM 16: hold.......................... 688

19 IIopHil,OK cnoB.................................................................................... 696

20 Ben11K11e 6pITTaHI(hI4: <l>nopeHc HaiirnHreiin..................................... 700

21 l1,n,110MaTWieCK11R aHrJilliiCKllR 4: M)"(llOMhl c Ha3BaHlffiMll

)K:llBOTHhIX. Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 17: pull. l1,n,110MaTWiecK11ii aHfJillRCiillR 5: M)"(llOMhIc Ha3BaHRHMll I(BeTOB 706

22 KeM6p. Pa6oTa c rnaronoM 18: put. HeJIWIHhle <J:>opMhl 1:

11H<l:>11HITT11B. HeJIWIHhre <J:>opMhI2: 11H<l:>11HITT11B

6e3 qacTlll(hIto............................................................................... 712

23 Ben11K11e 6pITTaHI(hl 5: KarrITTaH CKOTT. Pa60Ta

c rnaronoM 19: set. HenWIHhre <J:>opMhr 3: rrpWiacTRH......................... 720

24 AMep11KaHcK11e 3ap11coBK11 1: II11chMO OT Jlyc11JIJI. 0TphIBiill

m)l,HeBHllKa Jlyc11JIJI. HenWIHhle <J:>opMhl 4: rep.......................... 727

25 AMep11KaHcK11e 3ap11coBK11 2: IIpo!l,oJDKeH11e)l,HeBHRKa

Jlyc11JIJI. HeJIWIHhre <J:>opMhr 5: repYH)l,llii 11 11H<l:>11H11T11B............................ 733

26 AMep11KaHCK11e 3ap11coBK11 3: IIpo)l,oJDKeH11e)l,HeBHRKa

Jlyc11JIJI. HeJIWIHhre <J:>opMhI6: repYH)l,llii 11JI11 11H<l:>11H11T11B........................ 739

27 AMep11KaHcK11e 3ap11coBK11 4: BenWiaiirn11ii aMep11KaHe11.

HMeHHaH qacTh cKaJyeMoro. Ilp03a 11 CTllXll........................................ 748

28. PaccTaBaH11e...................................................................................... 760

AHrno-pyccKllii cnoBaph....................................................................... 763


qMTaTemi: K1mr -IIIrroMIDIT, qTQ ypmrn: rpyrrrrMpYJOTCH BOKpyr He60JihIIIOH rpyrrrrhI JIMu;: rrperro,r:i;aBaTeAA MMCTepa IIpMCTJIM M ero)l(eHhI, czy,r:i;eHTOB: JlycMJIJI, <l>pM,ll;hI, Onaqm, JIHa, Ile)::ipo M Xo6a. B KHMre N 3aBepIIIaeTc51 paccKa3 o czy,r:i;eHTax, M Mhl YBM,ll;MM, KaK OHM rrpmu;aIOTC51 c MMCTepoM IIpMCTJIM, KOTOpbIH BhirrycKaeT MX B 60JihIIIOH MMp. B KOHIJ;e

KHMrM IIIMhI y3HaJIM o TOM, qTo 5£H M <l>pM,ll;a rronI06MJIM

,r:i;pyr,r:i;pyra, M BIIOJIHe ecTecrneHHO, qTo B Haqane KHMrM N

06'h51BJI51eTC51 06 MX IIOMOJIBKe.



Scene: Mr. Priestley's living-room

Characters - Mr. Priestley, Mrs. Priestley, Frieda, Jan

J a n: Mr. Priestley, Mrs. Priestley, there's something I-

we -want to tell you. Frieda and Iare engaged to be married.

M r s. P r i e st l e y: Oh, how nice!

M r. P r i e st 1 e y: Congratulations and best wishes! F r i e d a and J a n: Thank you both very much.

F r i e d a: You are the first people we have told - except for my parents.

J a n: Yes, Iwrote to Frieda's father a week ago, telling him we wanted to get married and asking for his permission.

F r i e d a: And we had replies this morning; it's all right and they are very happy about it.

M r s. P r i e st l e y: Oh! I'm so glad.

J a n: You don't look very surprised at the news.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: I'm not surprised - I'd expected it for months - but I'm very pleased indeed.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: I might as well admit that it's a complete

surprise to me -Inever notice things even when they are right under my nose - but I'm really delighted at the news. Ithink you are very lucky, Jan, to get such a girl as Frieda.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: And I think you are very fortunate, Frie­ da, to get such a fine fellow as Jan. Ihope you will be very

happy together.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: Are you thinking of getting married soon?

F r i e d a: Well, that's one of the things we are not agreed on. As you know, Jan is starting at London University in Oc­ tober to study to become a doctor. He wants us to get married at once. Iwould rather wait for a year or two - at any rate until Jan has taken his first examination.

J a n: But what's the point of waiting?

Fr i e d a: So that you can really work hard. Don't you think, Mr. Priestley, that he would think about his work more if I wasn't there?

J a n: But don't you see that if we were not married I should be thinking about you all the time and wanting to be with you instead of working. Whereas if we were married -

F r i e d a: Do you hear that? Once we are married he won't think about me any more. That's a fine thing to hear from a man you have just become engaged to.

J a n: Oh, Frieda, you know I didn't mean that. I only meant -

F r i e d a: But that's not the only thing we don't agree on. M r. P r i e s t l e y (smiling): Dear me, this sounds terrible.

What is the further cause of disagreement?

F r i e d a: Well, I want to live in a house; Jan thinks we ought to have a flat or rooms in a house.

J a n: A friend told me of a small flat in the centre of London overlooking King's Cross station that will be vacant in October. F r i e d a: But I don't want to live in a small flat in the centre of London. I'd much rather have a little house in the country looking out on fields, where I can breathe fresh air and

see trees and hear birds singing.

J a n: But a flat is so much more convenient. We could get some labour-saving devices that would save you a lot of house­ work, and there are lots of little restaurants near King's Cross where we could go out for something to eat in the evening so you wouldn't need to cook meals.

F r i e d a: But I want to cook meals. I'm really quite a good cook, and I don't mind doing housework. I like it. Besides, I looked at the flat you are talking about and I didn't like the look of it at all.

J a n: I agree it wasn't very attractive-looking, but the rent was low.

F r i e d a: You know, I don't like the idea of paying rent. My parents have paid rent on our house for thirty years. I wish I had all the money they have paid in rent. They've paid enough to buy the house twice over and yet they don't own a single brick of it.

J a n: Yes, I agree. I should like to buy a house, but we haven't the money, at least not now; in four or five years' time it may be different. You see, Mr. Priestley, it's like this. My grandfather, my mother's father - he was a Scotsman - left

me a sum of money in his will, and some useless property, a factory; but the money is in trust until I am twenty-five. I get the income from it, and that has been enough to keep me and pay for my classes; with a bit of a struggle, it will just about keep us both - at least I hope so. But we've no hope of buying a house - at least not for a time. So if we must pay rent, let's pay the least we can and have a flat.

F ri e d a: Oh dear, I do wish I could have a house all to myself, with a garden where I can grow flowers and lettuces and cabbages. I was so looking forward to it. Isn't there any way we could buy one?

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: I don't want to look as if I was poking my nose into what isn't my business, but -

F r i e d a: Oh, we don't mind; we'd welcome your ideas, wouldn't we, Jan?

J a n: Yes, rather! But don't you agree with me, Mr. Priest­ ley, that it would be much better to be married soon and live in a flat and not wait a year or two as Frieda says.

F r i e d a: Don't you think it would be better to wait until we can get a house and not live in a flat? Isn't that what we ought to do?

M r. P ri e s t 1e y: Well, I'm not going to say what you

ought to do.

M r s. P r i e st l e y: Neither am I.

M r. P r i e s t l e y: But 1 know what you will do. M r s. P ri e st l e y: And so do I.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: You'll get married soon and not wait. J a n: Very good!

M r s. P r i e st 1e y: And you'll have a house and not a flat or rooms.

F ri e d a: Hurrah! That's what I say.

M r. P r i e st l e y: Well, if that's what's going to happen I should like to make a suggestion if I may.

J a n and F r i e d a: Oh yes; please do.

M r. P ri e s t 1e y: Well, you know you could buy a house through a Building Society. You look round, choose the house you want to buy and then approach the Building Society. You put down a proportion of the money - say ten per cent - and pay off the rest at so much a month. The monthly payments will not be much more than a rent would be, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your payments go towards buying the house.

J a n: Well, there's probably something in that, but -

F r i e d a: Oh, Jan, it would be lovely. As a matter of fact I've been looking round and I've already seen the house I want.

J a n: What!

F r i e d a: Yes. You know that little cottage, Mrs. Priestley, that you see from the back of your garden?

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: What, the one in Darvell Lane, "Rose Cottage" I think it is called?

F r i e d a: That's the one. I heard it was for sale so I went round there at once. It has a comfortable little sitting-room, a tiny but very nice dining-room, a kitchen, three bedrooms and a bathroom. There are roses round the front door and an apple­ tree in the garden.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: Frieda, it sounds perfect.

F r i e d a: It is. But what's the use of it? Jan would prefer to live in London overlooking King's Cross with millions of people all round us.

J a n: Well, if it would make Frieda happy I don't mind living in a house in the country, and I'm quite willing to dig the garden for her.

F r i e d a: That's the way to talk, darling. I certainly would like it. I've saved a bit of money and that would help towards buying the furniture. We shouldn't need very much for a start. I don't mind how simply we live. I would do all my own work and clean the house and cook the meals. Oh, it will be lovely!

J a n: Yes, it certainly sounds very nice when you put it like that, but all the money I have in the world will only just keep us and pay for my studies at the University. How much do they want for this house of yours?

F r i e d a: They are asking £ 3,800, but we might get it for £ 3,600 or £ 3,650. We would have to put down about £ 360 to £ 370.

J a n: Sorry, Frieda. I wish I could do it but it just can't be done.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: Look here, Jan; as I said, I don't want to poke my nose into your affairs but I have a bit of capital, £ 300 or £ 400 in the bank doing nothing, and I'd much rather lend it to you ifthat would help you than have it there doing nothing.

J a n: Oh, Mr. Priestley, that's very kind of you, but I couldn't accept that from you.

M r. P r i e s t l e y: Nonsense. You can pay me back easily when you become a successful doctor - as I am sure you will. So that's settled. We'll say no more about it now, but come to

my study afterwards and we'll talk it over together... Bless my soul, Frieda! What are you crying for?

F r i e d a: I'm - 'm - not crying. I'm just happy, that's all.


PAliOTA C f.JIArOJIOM (1): look

B 3TOM KHMre 6y)l,eT paccMOTPeH PM rnaroJIOB, KhIM M3 KOTOPhIX MMeeT HeCKOJihKO 3HaqeHMM. Oco6eHHO 3TO Ka­

caeTcH rJiaroJioB, coqeTaIOIIIMXCH c rrpe)l,JloraMM MJIM Hapeqrr­ HMM, HarrpMMep, go on working, give up smoking, burst out crying, keep on trying M)l,p. Hx MHOr)l,a Ha3hIBaIOT CJIO)](HhIMM rnaro­ JiaMM (phrasal verbs).

0)1,Ha M3 3a)l,aq ypoKa 1 - IIOKa3aTh pa3JIH:qHOe yrrOTpe6- JieHMe rnaroJia look. BoT HeCKOJihKO rrpMMepoB:

I looked at the flat.Iwas lookingfonvard to having a house. I don't want to look as if l was poking my nose into what isn't my business. Look here, Jan. A house looking out on fields.

Idon't want to live in the centre of London and look over King's Cross. A part of London overlooking King's Cross. Ithas a small but pleasant-looking dining-room. You look round and choose the house you want.

e:::i. Y nP A >K HE HHSI

I. CJIOBapmUI paooTa. Ilplf):Q'MaiiTe nperoio1KeHirn co CJIC,!Q'IOJIUIMH CJio­ BaMu 113 ypoKa 1:

engaged (use also engagement. What is an engagement ring?) Make sentences using engaged to, engaged in, engaged with; congratulations (and the verb congratulate), admit (note two meanings; use also admission), whereas, agreement (what is the opposite?), flat (two meanings), breathe (also breath; note the difference in pronunciation), rent, brick, lettuce (give the names of three other vegetables), suggestion (also suggest), approach, proportion, dig, furniture (mention four different articles of furniture), capital (make three sentences using one of these phrases in each, "a capital letter", "the capital of England", "capital in the bank").

II. Ilplf):Q'MaiiTe nperoio1Keuuu co cJie;zyrouMu Bhipa1KeuuuMu:

look at; look for; look forward to; look after; look as if; look like; look as though; look down on; look into; look someone up; look on; onlooker; look something up; the look of; have a look at.

III. B 11eM paJuuu;a MelK,llJ' look out u outlook; Me}K,!Q' to look over u to overlook?

IV.Ilplf,!Q'MaHTe npero10)Keum1, ucnoJIL3YB CJIOBa:

want, should like; would rather; it would be better; prefer; I don't mind; wish; I'm quite willing.

V.Ilplf,!Q'MaHTe nperoi:o)KeHHB ua KIDK,JJ,yIO H3 CJ1e)zyl01DHX H,!UIOM:

to lead a person by the nose; to pay through the nose; as plain pas the nose on your face; to keep one's nose to the grindstone; to poke one's nose into other people's business; can't see beyond his own nose; to tum one's nose up at.

VI. OfrLBCHHTe 3ua11euue:

1. "Look before you leap".

2. "Lookers-on see most of the game".

3. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth".

VII. HanumHTe KopoTKHn paccKa3, HJIJIIOCTPHPYIOIDHH O)J,uy H3 noc.110- BHll B ynpa)Kffeuuu VI.

VIII. OnumuTe:

1. "Frieda's house".

2. How to buy a house through a Building Society.

IX. HanumuTe KOPOTKHe paccKa3bIua CJ1eizyro1Due TeMLI:

1. Your ideal house.

2. "Life in the country or life in the town". Which do you prefer?

3. Would you rather live in a house or a flat?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.



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