Jan and Frieda leave for Switzerland 

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Jan and Frieda leave for Switzerland

Scene: Victoria Railway Station. 8,45 am. Dec. 23rd.

Frieda, Jan, Olaf, Lucille, Pedro.

F ri e d a: Well, here we are at last! When I get into the boat-train1, I feel that holidays have really begun. Have you got the tickets, Jan?

J a n: Yes, here they are. I booked seats for you and me; trains at Christmas-time are usually crowded. We have num­ bers A 26 and A 30, two corner-seats in a non-smoker, one seat facing the engine, one back to the engine. Is that all right?

F ri e d a: That's very good, Jan. I don't like going a long journey in a smoker. May I sit facing the engine?

J a n: Of course! You take whichever seat you like. As a matter of fact, I really prefer sitting with my back to the engine. Here's our carriage A, and here's our compartment. You can get into the train now.

F r i e d a: Lucille, won't you come into the carriage with me? You will be warmer inside.

L u c i ll e: Thanks, I will.

J a n: I'll go and see that our luggage has been put into the guard's van, and I'll book two seats in the dining-car for lunch. I'll get some newspapers at the bookstall and some chocolate on my way back. (He goes away.)

01a f: Jan is a good fellow for getting things done, isn't he?

F r i e d a: He is. I don't know anyone better. I'm very glad he is coming with me. I know that I shall have I very comfortable journey. Jan will see to everything - find the seats on the train and in the dining-car, tip the porters, see that my luggage is all right, get it through the customs and be generally useful. I shan't have to do anything all except sit back and enjoy the journey.

* * *

Jan at the Dining-Car

J a n: Can I have two seats for lunch, please?

D i n in g - C a r A t t e n d a n t: Yes, sir. What class, please? J a n: Third.

1 The boat-train is the train that takes passengers to a ship.

D i n in g - C a r Att e n d a n t: Do you want the first sit­ ting or the second sitting? The first is at twelve o'clock, the second at one o'clock.

J a n: I'll have the first sitting.

D i n in g - C a r A t t e n d a n t: Very well, sir. Here are two tickets.

J a n: I expect the train will be rather crowded.

D i n in g - C a r At t e n d a n t: Yes, sir. A lot of people are going abroad for winter sports.

J a n: Yes, I suppose that's what it is.

* * *

P e d r o: There's Hob, talking to the ticket-collector.It looks

as if he hasn't got a platform ticket. Ah! Here he comes. Good morning, Hob; you're rather late.

H o b: Yes, it was my landlady's fault. I said to her last night, "I want you to wake me tomorrow at 7.30; now don't forget, will you?" And she said, "Oh, no I never forget. I'll wake you at 7.30 and bring you a nice cup of tea". But do you think she did?

01a f: Well, I know your landlady, and I think the answer is "No". I've noticed that everything you tell her goes in at one ear and out at the other.

H o b: Well, there's nothing in between


to stop it. However, here I am, and that's the important thing. But here's Jan com­ ing back. (Janjoins them.)

F r i e d a: Did you get the tickets for lunch, Jan?

J a n: Yes, for the first sitting, twelve o'clock. Is that all right?

F r i e d a: Oh, yes. I shall be hungry by twelve o'clock after my early breakfast.

H o b: I'm hungry now.



. t;.

'., ·.··" I NEVER FORGET

F r i e d a: It was very nice of you all to come and see us off so early in the morning.

L u c i 11e: Oh, we couldn't let you go away without saying good bye, though nine o'clock in the morning is rather early for me!

0 1a f: Besides, we said we were coming to see you off.

H o b: Talking about "seeing off'', do you know the story of the three men who came to Dover station about nine o'clock one evening?

F r i e d a: I thought we could hardly get away without hav­ ing another of Hob's stories. All right, Hob, go on.

H o b: Well, as I was saying, they came on the platform and said to the porter, "What time is the next train for London?"

The porter said, "You have just missed one. They go every hour; the next one is at ten o'clock".

"That's all right", they said; "we'll go and have a drink". So off they went to the refreshment room. A minute or two after ten o'clock they came running and said to the porter, "Has the train gone?"

"Yes", he said; "it went at ten o'clock as I told you. The next is at eleven o'clock".

"That's all right", they said; "we'll go and have another drink". So they went back to the refreshment room.

They missed the eleven o'clock train in the same way, and the porter said, "Now the next train is the last one; if you miss that, you won't get to London tonight". Twelve o'clock came, and the last train was just starting out, when the three of them came out of the refreshment room running as hard as they could go. Two of them got in a carriage just as the train was leaving, but the third one didn't run fast enough and the train went out leaving him behind. He stood there looking at the train and laughing, as if to miss a train was the best joke in the world. The porter went up to him and said, "I told you that this was the last train. Why didn't you come earlier?"

The man couldn't answer for laughing. He laughed until the tears came into his eyes. Then he caught hold of the porter and said, "Did you see those two fellows get into the train and leave me here?" "Yes, I saw them". "Well, I was the one who was going to London; they only came here to see me ofl1"

J a n: Well done, Hob; that's one of your best.

01a f: The porters are shutting all the doors now. L u c i 11e: The guard is blowing the whistle.

P e d r o: He's waving his flag now. J a n: Yes, we're ofl1

P e d r o and H o b: Goodbye, Frieda; goodbye, Jan. Good holiday.

L u c i 11e: Don't forget to write.

F r i e d a: I won't forget. Goodbye; goodbye.

t::5. Y nP A >K HE HHSI

I. IlpH,!Q'MaiITe npe;:vm:xceuIDI co cJie)Q'IOHMH cJioBaMu:


1. crowded 6. guard 11. sitting (noun)
2. engine 3. prefer 4. carriage 5. compartment 7. bookstall 8. comfortable 9. tip 10. customs 12. fault 13. early 14. tears 15. whistle

II. Ilpll,ll,YMaiiTe npeAJ]o:xceuua co cJie)Q'IOHMH cJioBoco'leTauuaMu:

1. The boat-train. 2. two comer-seats. 3. a non-smoker.

4. facing the engine. 5. back to the engine. 6. as a matter of fact. 7. on my way back. 8. through the customs. 9. in at one ear and out at other. 10. nothing in between. 11. to see us off.

12. the next train.

III.,11,aiiTe noJIHb e oTBeTbl ua Bonpocb1:

1. When does Frieda feel that holidays have really begun?

2. What kind of seats had Frieda and Jan in the train? What kind of compartment was it?

3. What is the difference between a compartment and a carriage?

4. What did Jan and do about the luggage?

5. What did Frieda say about Jan?

6. How many sittings were there for lunch? Which did Jan have?

7. Why was the train rather crowded?

8. Why was Hob late?

9. What did Olaf say adout Hob's landlady?

10. What did Hob reply? What did he mean?

11. Where does the guard of the train travel?

12. How does he tell the engine-driver that the train is ready to go?

IV. PacnoJIOlKHTe CJIOBa B npaBHJibHOM nopH)IKe:

1. You the tickets, Jan, have got?

2. For you and me seats I booked.

3. A long journey I in a smoker don't like going.

4. Some newspapers and chocolate will I on my way back at the bookstall get.

5. Jan for things getting done isn't he is a fellow good?

6. That is coming with me he I very glad am.

7. Anything to do have I shan't at all except back and the journey enjoy sit.

8. All of you off us to see and come very nice of was it.

9. We let you away go without goodbye saying couldn't oh!

10. Anything goes in at one ear I've noticed that you tell her and out at the other.

11. Got a platform ticket it looks as if he hasn't.

12. Into the guard's van that our luggage has been put I'll go and see.

13. The first sitting you do want or the sitting second?

14. Abroad are going for winter sports a lot of people.

15. Without of Hob's stories another having thought I hardly get away could we.

16. Tonight is the next train now the last one that one miss don't.

17. Was starting out the last train just when running they as hard as could out go of the refreshment room the three of them came.

18. Got in a carriage of them two just as was leaving the train but enough fast couldn't the third one run and him the train out behind leaving weat.

19. To him up the porter said and went this the last train was told I you why earlier come you didn't?

20. The train looking at stood he there and as iflaughing the best joke in the world to miss a train was.


1. PaccKIDKHTe HJIH uanuwme paccKa3 o Tpex naccIDKUpax ua BOK3aJie B,l],yepe.

2. Ha KapTunKax u3oopITTKeno, KaK Ru nhITaJICB,!1,0CTaTh)J,JIB <l>pH,!1,hI qamKY 'laB. OTBeThTe ua cJieizyromue eonpocw, a 3aTeM nonpooyiiTe nepe)J,aTh CO)J,eplKaHHe paccKa3a CBOHMH CJIOBaMU.

Picture 1. What is Jan looking at? How long will it be before the train starts? (Do you notice the artist has put Frieda in the wrong carriage?)

Picture 2. What do you think Jan is saying?

Picture 3. What has Jan asked for? What is the girl holding?

Picture 4. In which hand is Jan carrying the cup of tea?

How is he carrying it?

Picture 5. What is the other man carrying in his hand? Where has it hit Jan? Where is Jan's hat? Has he still got the tea?

Picture 6. What is the porter pushing? What is on it? Where is one wheel going? Has Jan still got the tea?

Picture 7. What is Jan climbing over (milk cans). Has he still got the tea?

Picture 8. What has the guard got in his left hand? What is he doing? What has he got in his right hand? What is he doing? Has Jan still got the tea? What has the guard done?

(Knocked it out of Jan's hand.)






M r. P r i e s t 1e y: In Lesson 20, Hob spoke about his "land­ lady". In Book I (Lesson Twenty-seven) you had the word landlord'', now you have the feminine form landlady. In Eng­ land, gender is a very simple matter. The English student learning French or German has many more difficulties here. In the French lesson he must remember that the table is feminine but the morning is masculine; in German lesson the girl (das Mad­ chen) is neuter but the woman (die Frau) is feminine; a spoon is masculine, a fork is feminine, but a knife is neuter.

In the English of about a thousand years ago there was the same distinction of grammatical gender. Then a re-markable thing happened, a thing that, so far as I know, happened in no other language; grammatical gender in nouns (but not in pro­ nouns or possessive adjectives) disappeared and in its place came the simple straight-forward distinction:

All words for males are masculine (M)')KcKoM:) gender; All words for females are feminine ()KeHcKRM:) gender;

All words for objects without life are neuter (cpe)l;m1M:) gender. Where we cannot tell from the form of the word whether the person is male or female, e. g. cousin, friend, teacher, child, etc.; we say the words are of the common gender (06IIU1M:):


There are just one or two things to note about gender.

I. We frequently make the feminine form of the word from the masculine by adding -ess, e. g.

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine poet poetess manager manageress host hostess lion lioness

actor waiter

actress waitress

prince princess

II. Sometimes we add another word, e. g.

Masculine Feminine

doctor lady-doctor, woman-doctor

teacher woman-teacher or change part of the compound noun, e. g. Masculine Feminine

manservant maidservant

landlord landlady

policeman policewoman

Englishman Englishwoman

III. Sometimes quite different words are used to show the difference of gender. Here are the essential ones:

Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine

boy girl gentleman, lord lady

man woman son daughter widower widow brother sister king queen uncle aunt

sir madam bridegroom bride earl countess duke duchess father-in-law mother-in-law nephew niece horse mare drake duck

bull cow gander goose cock hen

IV. There is one word that makes its feminine by adding

-ine. That is hero; feminine, heroine.

H o b: I once knew a fellow who thought the feminine of "he-ro" was "she-ro". But can you answer this?

A big German and a little German were walking down the road. The little German was the big German's son; but the big German was not the little German's father. How could that be? Ifyou can't answer that, here is an easier one. On this page there is a word the first two letters of which stand for a man, the first three for a woman, the first four for a brave man and

the whole for a brave woman? What is the word?



I. 06pa3yi1Te 1KencKHH: po,11,:

lion, prince, doctor, landlord, policeman, waiter, earl, horse.

II. 06puyi1Te MYJKCKou po,11,:

lady, aunt, bride, hen, niece, duck, queen, goose, heroine.

III. IlepenumHTe, 3aMenue po,11, cymecTBHTeJibHbIX ua 1KencKHH:; no­ CTaBLTe rnaroJILIe npome,11,meM epeMenu.

As the boy is walking along, he sees a horse with a man on its back. He asks the man if his son has left home yet. The man says that the boy has stayed at home because he is expecting his uncle and grandfather to come to see him. The boy's uncle is an actor and his grandfather is a manager of a theatre. Just then a policeman comes up and asks the boy if he has seen a bull wandering down the road. The boy says he has seen no­ thing but a cock, two drakes and a gander, which he thinks belong to the gentleman who lives at the big house, Lord Wem­ bley, a widower with ten children. The policeman asks who is helping in keeping the house. The man says he thinks it is Lord Wembley's brother-in-law. The policeman says that if his broth­ er-in-law is keeping house for all those children he is a hero.

il:JJ K oHT P Onb HA SI P A & O T A No. 2

I. HanumHTe: (a) rnaroJibHble clJopMbI 6y,lQ'lllero npocTOro BpeMenu (Jill'IHbie MeCTOHMeHIDI c rnaroJiaMH will H shall) H (6) clJopMbl6y,lQ'llle­ ro BpeMenu (Jill'IHL e MeCTOHMenm1 c rnaroJiaMu will u shall) co 3ua11e­ HHJIMH o6emaumi, HaMepeumi u np. BcTaBbTe rnaroJibIwill HJIH shall:

1. He - be twelve years old on Friday.

2. - we go by car?

3. He thinks it - - rain today.

4. David - - soon be home.

5. If you wash the dishes, you - - have a chocolate.

II. 1. Haqepnne KOHBepT H a;::i;pecyilTe ero r-Hy):()KORY qarrMeHy. BoT ero Koop;::i;1rnaT1>1: Mr. John Chapman lives at Lindfield in the county of Sussex. The number of his house is 4 and the road is called Walstead Road.

2.):(aiITe)];Ba rrpHMepa 3aKJIIOqHTeJibHhIX <l>OPMYJI Be)KJIH­ BOCTH B;::i;eJIOBOM IIHChMe.

3. Kor;::i;a B1>1 3aKaHqHBaeTe rrHChMO cnoBaMH: "Yours sincerely"?

4. HcrrpaB1>Te opqiorpa<l>HIO H rryHKTYa11mo B 3TOM a;::i;pece B rrpaBOM BepXHeM yrny IIHChMa:


III. 06pa3yii:Te 6y,lQ'lllee BpeMH:

1. We come to Mr. Priestley's house.

2. John makes the coffee.

3. We have breakfast at eight o'clock.

4. I spoke to David about his dog.

23 saint marks road

hendon london n w 4

5. The bird flies away.

6. Your uncle gave you a present.

7. You went to Paris.

8. He does not go to the bank.

9. John is up at Oxford.

10. He has roast beef and vegetables for lunch.

IV. HanuwuTe yruep)UfTe.JibHbie, uonpocuTeJibHbie u OTpun:aTeJibHbie cf>0pMb1 to eat B oy)JJ'ln:eM npo,!1,0JDKeuuoM upeMeuu.

V. IlepenuwuTe npe,!l,Jlo1KeuuJI, ucnoJib3YJI let BMecTo allows to HJIH

permit to:

1. The farmer allows us to cross his fields.

2. I won't allow noisy boys to come in here.

3. The soldiers permitted us to go past.

06pa3yii:Te BOCKJIHU:aTeJibuyIO cl>OPMY 3THX npe)J,JI01KeHHH.

4. We are here.

5. The students are here.

6. Our train is there.

7. Your dogs are there.

BcTaBbTe npaBHJibHbie cI>opMbIrnaroJia:

8. The cat made a spring and - the mouse.

9. If you don't take a hot bath, you will - cold.

10. I thought you hadn't - the bus.

11. The cat is fond of - mice.

VI. 06pa3yii:Te MHO:!Kecmeuuoe 'IHCJio:

1. mouse. 2. house. 3. potato. 4. knife. 5. foot. 6. man.

7. child. 8. sheep. 9. sister-in-law. 10. donkey.

06pa3yii:Te e)J,HHCTBeuuoe 'IHCJIO:

11. brothers-in-law. 12. women. 13. thieves. 14. teeth.

15. flies. 16. heroes. 17. armies. 18. men-servants. 19. wives.

20. kisses.

BL16epuTe npaBHJibHYfO cI>opMy rJiaroJia:

21. These scissors (is/are) new.

22. Many people (is/are) travelling today.

23. Hob's trousers (is/are) well-worn.

24. The news on the radio (was/were) good.

25. The furniture (is/are) very old.

06pa3yii:Te:!KeHCKUH po,!1,:

26. actor. 27. prince. 28. brother. 29. king. 30. nephew.

VII. B Ka:lK,!l,OM npe,!l,Jlo:!Keuuu BCTaBbTe enough TaM, r,!l,e ouo,!1,0Jl:lKllO CTOJITb:

1. There is no time to catch the train.

2. He does not work hard.

3. I haven't money to bye that bicycle.

4. You haven't baked this cake.

5. There are not books for the whole class.

VIII. Ilplf,ZQ'MaiiTe npe.IiJio:xrnuuH co CJie)zyl()m;HMH CJIOBaMu u cJioBoco­ 'leTannHMn:

1. blaze. 2. excited. 3. home-made. 4. ride (noun). 5. ride (verb). 6. frozen. 7. feel sure. 8. very much indeed. 9. this time next week. 10 optimist. 11. coast. 12. from time to time. 13. tick­ et. 14. prefer. 15. customs.

IX. The Man who Took No Notice of Notices

Omeembme 1ta CJ1eiJy10w,ue eonpocbt:

IKEEP LEF I Picture 1. What is the opposite of KEEP LEFT? In England the traffic keeps left. What does it do in your country? Is the man obey-

----- ing the notice?





Picture 2. What does NO SMOKING mean? What has the man in his mouth? What has he in his left hand? Is he disobeying the notice?



Picture 3. What does SI­ LENCE mean? What is the ad­ jective from silence? What is the man doing?



Picture 4. Is this doorway low or high? Is the man obeying or disobeying this notice? Why?

notice M TeJihHhIX, (6) rnaronoB. PaccKa-

YrroTpe6MTe cnoBa


B KaqecTBe: (a) CYIIIeCTBM-

)Kl{Te IDIM HaIIMIIIMTe paccKa3 "The Man who Took No Notice of Notices".



Pedro, Lucille, Olaf

H o b: Well, they're away now; I hope they'll have a good journey.

L u c i 11e: I'm sure they will.

H o b: I don't know about you, but I'm cold. L u c i ll e: So am I.

P e d r o: Let's go to the refreshment room and have some coffee.

H o b: But I'm hungry too.

L u c i 11e: Oh, Hob, surely not, already! H o b: I tell you, I am.

P e d r o: All right, let's go to the restaurant. We'll have coffee, and Hob can have breakfast.

H o b: It's expensive, you know, in the restaurant. P e d r o: That's all right; I'm paying for it.

H o b: Oh, good. Come on to the restaurant; and while we're there I'll tell you the story of my Uncle Tom1.

01a f: What, another uncle?

H o b: Oh, yes, I've quite a lot of uncles, and I can tell you a story about each one of them.

* * *

Hob has finished his breakfast - bacon and eggs, toast and

marmalade and three cups of coffee - and here is his story:


The man who took notice of notices

My Uncle Tom used to work on the railway; that's why I was reminded of him just now. It wasn't at a big station like this; it was a little place called Lawton Cross. Only about two trains a day stopped there, and Tom was station-master, chief porter and signal-man all in one; in fact Tom did any work that came along, and there wasn't a happier man in the whole of England. Lawton Cross was the pride of his heart; the wait­ ing-room was cleaned every day by the chief cleaner (Tom); the chairs were polished by the chief polisher (Tom); and the tickets were sold, and collected, by the chief ticket-collector (Tom), -sometimes there were as many as four tickets a day; -


1Tom - KpaTKaJI <l>opMa OT Thomas.

and the money was counted every evening by the chief clerk1(Tom). One day, there was £13.18, the biggest amount that was ever taken in one day during the whole 50 years that Tom was there.

That station was run well: Tom was very strict about "rules". He knew what a passenger was allowed to do and what he was not allowed to do, where he was allowed to smoke and where he was not allowed to smoke. And if any passenger dared to do anything that was against the rules, there was trouble at Low­ ton Cross.

He was there, as I said, for 50 years and then he had to retire. There is no doubt that Tom had done his job well; in all the 50 years he had been there, he had never missed a single2day; every day he had been on duty. Well, the Railway Com­ pany thought they ought to do something to recognize this, and so a little "farewell ceremony" was arranged, and a man from the head office, Sir Joseph Binks, was asked to go to Lowton Cross for the ceremony.

Tom was thanked and was given a small cheque as a present. He was very pleased, of course, but he said to Sir Joseph, "I don't need the mo­ ney" (Tom had always been careful and had saved quite a

"AGAINST THE RULES!" nice amount of money), "but

can I have, instead, something that will remind me of the happy days I have spent here in Lowton Cross?" Sir Joseph was rather surprised, but he said he thought it could be ar­ ranged; what kind of "reminder" had Tom in mind? So Tom said, "Well, sir, could the Company let me have a part of an old railway carriage, just one compartment. It doesn't matter how old or broken it is; I can repair it and clean it - I shall have plenty of time now that I have retired. I want to put it in my back garden, and every day I can go and sit in it, and that will remind me of Lowton Cross.

Sir Joseph thought, "Poor old fellow, his mind is failing, but we have some old railway carriages that are only fit for breaking up", so he said, "Well, Mr. Hobdell, if that is what you want, you shall have it". And about a week later a carriage,

1 Ilp01i!3HOCH:TC5I KaK [kla:k] (attrJI.), [kl;irk] (aMep.).

2 "A single" 3iJecb - oiJuH.

or father a compartment, was sent and was taken into Tom's back garden. Tom worked at it, just as he had worked at Lowton Cross. It was cleaned and painted and polished, and in a week or so it looked very nice.

One day, about a year after Tom had retired, I was

staying with Uncle Albert (that's Tom's brother, of course) and he said, "Come on, Hob, let's go and visit old Tom. I've not seen him for a long time". So we went to Tom's house and walked up to his front door. It was a bad day for a visit. It began to rain as we got off the train, and by the time we got to Tom's house it was raining hard. We walked up the path to the front door and Uncle Albert knocked, but there was no an­ swer. However, the door wasn't locked so Uncle Albert opened it and we went in. Tom was nowhere to be seen, and Albert said, "He'll be in that old railway carriage of his; we'll go out at the back". Sure enough, he was there, but he wasn't sitting in the carriage; he was outside, on the step of the carriage, smoking his pipe. His head was covered with a sack and the rain was running down his back.

"Hello, Tom", said Uncle Albert, "why on earth are you sitting there; why don't you go inside the carriage out of the rain?"

"Can't you see" said Tom, "the carriage they sent me was a non-smokers!"


I. IlpH,ZQ'MaiITe npe;:vm:xceuIDI co cJie)Q'IOUJ,HMH cJioBaMu:


1. hungry 9. trouble 17. need
2. expensive 10. retire 18. instead
3. chief 11. doubt 19. arrange
4. polish 12. job 20. repair
5. clerk 13. duty 21. knock
6. amount 14. company 22. lock
7. strict 15. ceremony 23. step
8. dare 16. cheque 24. sack

II. 0TBeTLTe ua CJie;zymUJ,ue Bonpocb1:

1. What's the difference between a "refreshment room" and a "restaurant"?

2. Why was Hob glad to go to the restaurant?

3. What did Hob have for breakfast?

4. Why was Hob reminded just now of Uncle Tom?

5. What was the name of the station where Uncle Tom worked?

6. How long did he work there?

7. Did Tom like his work?

8. What work did he do?

9. Do you think Lowton Cross was a busy station? Why not?

10. How can you show that Tom was "strict about rules"?

11. What happened if someone broke the rules?

12. Why did the Railway Company arrange a "farewell ceremony"?

13. Who was asked to go to the ceremony?

14. What present did he give to Tom?

15. What did Tom want? Why?

16. What did Sir Joseph Binks think about Tom?

17. Sir Joseph said "You shall have it". Why is shall used here and not wilt!

18. What did Tom do to the compartment when it was put in his back garden?

19. Why did Uncle Albert and Hob go to visit Tom?

20. What relation is Hob to Albert and Tom?

21. What kind of a day was it when they went to visit Tom?

22. Why could Albert open the front door?

23. Where was Uncle Tom sitting?

24. What had he on his head?

25. Why wasn't he sitting inside the compartmeat?

III. IlepecKIDKHTe HJIH uanumuTe paccKa3 Xo6a o ero)J,H,ZJ,e ToMe.




Cyfri.eKTbI u npeKaTbI

Jiro6oe rrpe,z:vm)Kemrn cocTOHT 113,r:i;Byx qacTeM:. Harrp11Mep, B rrpe,z:vro)KeHHH Uncle Tom worked on the railway rrepBMqacTb, "Uncle Tom", HBIDieTCH Ha11MeH0BaH11eM JI111.1,a (HJIH Beru;11),

o KOTopoM H,IJ;eT peqb, 3To cy6'heKT rrpe,z:vro)KeHMH.

Bo BTopoM: qacTH rrpHBOMTCH cBe,r:i;eHMH o cy6'heKTe; 6 Heil r0Bop11TCH o TOM, qTo,z:i;eJiaeT HJIH,z:i;eJiaJI MM ToM. 3Ta qacTb Ha3bIBaeTCH rrpe,r:i;HKaTOM.

BoT eru;e HeCKOJibKO rrp11MepoB:


No. Subject I Predicate went to visit Uncle Tom.
  We walked up to the front door.
  Tom was smoking his pipe.
  Tom was thanked by Sir Joseph.
  A carriage was taken into Tom's garden.
  The tickets were collected by Tom.

Ilpe,z:i;11KaT Bcer,z:i;a BKJIIOqaeT B ce6H rJiaroJI rrpe,z:vro)KeHMH, Harrp.: went, walked, was smoking, was thanked, was taken, were collected.

06paTHTe BHHMaHHe, qTQ B pH,ll;e rrpe,r:vIO)KeHHM (NQNQ 1,

2, 3) cy6'heKT ocyru;ecTBJIHeT,z:i;eM:cTBHe. B 3TOM cJiyqae MbI roBOpHM, qTo rJiaroJI Hax:O,IJ;HTCH B,z:i;eliCTBHTeJibHOM 3aJIOre (Active Voice).

Ho B,z:i;pymx rrp11Mepax (4, 5, 6),z:i;eM:cTBHe ocyru;ecTBIDieT­

CH He cy6'beKTOM, cpaBHHTe:

"Tom was thanked". (He d dn't do the thanking; he received



"A carriage was taken".

"The tickets were collected". (The carriage and the tickets

d dn't do anything.)

B rrpe,z:vro)KeHHHX, r,z:i;e,z:i;eM:cTBHe coBeprnaeTCH HM cy6'heK- TOM, rnaroJI Hax:O,IJ;HTCH B CTPMaTeJibHOM 3aJiore (Passive Voice). CTPa,z:i;aTeJibHb M 3aJior o6pa3yeTCH rrp11 rr0Moru;11 o,z:i;Holi 113

<l>opM rnaroJia to be 11 rrpttqaCTMH rrporne,z:i;rnero BpeMeHH. HMeHHO II03TOMY rrp11qacT11e rrporne,z:i;rnero BpeMeHH cq11Ta­

eTcH o,z:i;HoM: 113 <l>opM rnaroJia.


fbopMbt nacmoaw.ew 6peMenu 6 cmpaiJameAbHOM 3(l,fl,oze

Ecmi: nrnroJI CTOHT B HaCTOHIIJ;eM BpeMeHH, CTPa,IJ,aTem;,­ HhIM 3aJIOr 06pa3yeTC5I rrpH IIOMOIIJ;H <PopMhl HaCT05Iru;ero Bpe­ MeHH rnaroJia to be 11 rrp11qacTHH rrporne,I1J11ero BpeMeHH rna­ roJia. Harrp11Mep:


Tom cleans the waiting-room. Tom collects the tickets.

Mr. Priestley teaches the students.

The grocer sells eggs. An electric fire warms the room.


The waiting- room is cleaned by Tom.

The tickets are collected by Tom.

The students are taught by Mr. Priestley.

Eggs are sold by the grocer. The room is warmed by an electric fire.



fbopMbt npomeiJmew 6peMenu 6 cmpaiJameAbHOM 3(l,fl,oze

EcJIH rnaroJI CTOHT B rrpocToM rrporne,IIJIIeM BpeMeHH, CTPa­

;::i:aTeJI1>H 1>1li 3aJIOr o6pa3yeTC5I rrpH IIOMOIIJ;H <PopMhl rrporne;::i:­ IIIero BpeMeHH rnaroJia to be 11 rrpffqaCTHH rrporne;::i:rnero Bpe­ MeHH rnaroJia. Harrp11Mep:


Tom cleaned the waiting­ room.

Tom collected the tickets.


Mr. Priestley taught the students.

The grocer sold eggs. An electric fire warmed the room.


The waiting-room was cleaned by Tom.

The tickets were collected by Tom.

The students were taught by Mr. Priestley.

Eggs were sold by the grocer. The room was warmed by an electric fire.



fbopMbt 6yiJyw.ew 6peMenu 6 cmpaiJameAbHOM 3(l,fl,Oze

EcJIH rnaroJI CTOHT B rrpocToM 6y;::i:yru;eM BpeMeHH, CTPa,n,a­ TeJI1>H1>1li 3aJIOr o6pa3yeTC5I rrpH IIOMOIIJ;H <PopMbl 6y;::i:yru;ero BpeMeHH rnaroJia to be 11 rrpffqaCTHH rrporne;::i:rnero BpeMeHH. Harrp11Mep:


Tom will clean the waiting-room.

Tom will collect the tickets.


The waiting-room will be cleaned by Tom.

The tickets will be collected by Tom.

Mr. Priestley will teach The students will be taught by the students. Mr. Priestley.

The grocer will sell eggs. Eggs will be sold by the grocer. An electric fire will warm The room will be warmed by room. an the electric fire.

Crpa,r:i:aTeJihHhIH 3anor yrroTpe6AAeTcH B TOM c.rryqae, Kor­

,r:i;a Hae 6oJihIIIe MHTepecyeT caMo,r:i;eil:crnMe, a He JIMllO (MJIM JIMI1a), KOTOpoe ero IIPOM3BO,ll;MT. Il03TOMY,ll;OBOJihHO qacTO

rrpM rrepeBo,r:i;e rrpe,ll;JIO)J(eHMH M3,r:i;eil:cTBMTeJihHOro 3anora B cTpa,r:i:aTeJihHhIH, cy6neKT,r:i;eil:cTBMH orrycKaeTcH. Hlf)J(e rrpM­


Active Passive

People speak Ehglish all over English is spoken all over the world. the world (by people).

You must answer all the All the question on the paper question's on the paper. must be answered (by you). Somebody built this house The house was built in 1500 inl500. (by somebody).

I wrote Lesson 22 specially Lesson 22 was specially written to illustrate Passive Voice. (byme) to illustrate Passive Voice.

B cKo6Kax CTOHT qneHhI rrpe,ll;JIO)J(eHMH, orrycKaeMhie rrpM rrepeBo,r:i;e.

A Terrepb CHOBa rrpoqTMTe ypoK 22 M o6paTMTe BHMMaHMe Ha Bee rrpMBe,r:i;eHHhie B HeM rrpMMephl CTpa,r:i:aTeJihHOro 3aJIOra.



Subject, doer of the action; Object, receiver of the action.

e::i. Y nP A >K HE HHSI

I. Orrpe,11,eJIHTe cy6'heKT 11 rrpe,11,11KaT cJie,!Q'IOJIUIX rrpe,!1,JioxeH11ii:

1. They are coming on Thursday.

2. Hob wanted a holiday.

3. Luchille was taken in a friend's car.

4. Sir Joseph was rather surprised.

5. Uncle Albert knocked on the door.

6. The door was opened by Mr. Priestley.

7. The rabbit was killed by the dog.

8. Mr. Priestley will teach us tomorrow.

9. We shall be taught bt Mr. Priestley tomorrow.

10. He will be in that old railway carriage of his.

Hall,rr,ITTe B rrpe,ll)IO)Kemrnx rnaroJibI H orrpe.n;eJIHTe HX 3aJior.

II. IlepeBe,11,HTe 113,11,eiicTB11TeJibHOro B CTP3,ll,aTeJibHbl H 3aJior:

1. Hob opens the door.

2. Mary helps the teacher.

3. The porter takes the luggage to the train.

4. Mrs. Priestley welcomes the visitors.

5. Susan brings in the coffee.

6. I finish my work about five o'clock.

(Leave out the doer of the action as you were told an p. 291).

7. Susan washes the dishes.

8. Lucille drives the car.

9. Sir Joseph Binks gives Tom a small cheque.

10. Mr. Priestley brings some students for tea.

11. Hob tells the students about Uncle Albert.

12. My friend takes me to the cinema.

13. Hob sends some cigarettes to Uncle Albert.

14. Her brothers and sisters meet Frieda at the station.

15. We use your books in our class (see note on 6).

16. Hob tells us jokes.

17. Susan draws the curtains and clears away the dishes.

18. Mrs. Priestley cooks the breakfast and makes the toast.

19. We open the boxes and take out the cigarettes (see note on 6).

20. They give Uncle Tom a cheque and a railway carriage (see note on 6).

III. Ileperr11mHTe rrpe,!1,JioxeHHB 113 yrrpa:>KHeHHB II, rrocTaB11B rnaroJI B <l>OPMY rrpome,!l,mero BpeMeHll,11,eiiCTBllTeJibHOfO 3aJIOra, II,11,aiiTe OT­ BeTbl B rrpome,!l,meM BpeMeHll CTp3,ll,aTeJibHOf0 3aJIOra.



Clues (K.!uo1tu} Across

1. A high hill. 7. Before long. 8. To be in want of. 9. You can't get butter without this. 11. In the picture in Book 1, Mrs. Priestley was -ing. 12. Second person plural (or singu­ lar). 13. The noun (plural) and verb are spelled the same but pronounced differently. 15. Past tence of "to lend". 17. Oppo­ site of "yes". 19. Prepo-sition. 20. Past tence of "to dare".


1. You buy things with this. 2. Helpful. 3. To move the head backward and forwards. 4. Preposition. 5. Your great-great­ grandfather is yours. 6. Opposite of "old". 10. To be in debt.

11. You see this during the day. 14. Past tense of "to say".

16. Finish. 17. 18 reversed. 18. Opposite of "off''.



Lucille, Hob, Frieda, Jan

L u c i 11e: We've been back at work now for three days.

H o b: I feel as if I had been back for three months. It seems years since the morning I had that grand breakfast at Victoria Station.

F r i e d a: It's exactly three weeks today since Christmas Day. J a n: The best Christmas Day I have had for many years, and the first one I have spent in anyone's home since the day

I left Poland.

H o b: How long ago was that?

J a n: I have been in England now for nearly two years, since 19 -.

H o b: Well, you won't have to wait for two years before you have another Christmas in someone's home, I'm sure. Uncle Albert will invite you to his home.

F r i e d a: I have already had two letters from my mother since the day we came away, and in both of them she says she hopes Jan will come to Switzerland in the summer, not just for a few days but for the whole holiday.

J a n: That is very kind of her. I can't say how much I enjoyed the holiday and how much I am looking forward to the next one.

L u c i 11e: It's a funny thing about holidays; no matter how long a holiday we have, I always feel I want a few days more. H o b: Have you heard about the schoolboy who wanted a few more days' holiday? He phoned to the teacher and said, in

a voice, that, he hoped, sounded like his father's:


"I regret to say that Smith is ill in bed and will not be able to return to school for three or four days."

"Oh", said the teacher, "I'm sorry to hear that; who is speaking?"

"My father, sir".

F r i e d a: What did you do at Christmas, Lucille?

L u c i 11e: I went to Paris for four or five days - I hadn't been to Paris since last Easter. And then I came back to London.

H o b: I went to France once - to Paris.

L u c i 11e: Did you? Did you have much trouble with your French when you were there?

H o b: No, I didn't - but the Parisians did!

F r i e d a: What did you do in London, Lucille?

L u c i 11e: Oh, I went to the Opera and the theatre, and I went to three or four dances. On Christmas Day I had dinner at London's best (and I'm afraid most expensive) restaurant. I hadn't been there for 12 months, not since last Christmas; I probably shan't go again for another 12 months. I had to write home for some more money!

H o b: Once when my money was spent I wrote to my Un­ cle Albert for some more. To make a good impression I added, "I did not like writing to you - in fact, I ran after the postman to get this letter back".

L u c i 11e: And what was his answer?

H o b: He answered: "As you were so anxious to get back your letter asking for money, you will be pleased to know that I did not receive it". However, he put a fiver1in the envelope.

J a n: That's like a friend of mine. He found that all his money was gone, so he sent this telegram to his father:


His father answered:


F r i e d a: Did you do anything on Christmas Eve?

L u c i 11e: Christmas Eve was quite different, but I don't think I enjoyed it less.

J a n: What did you do then? Was it a very expensive evening? L u c i 11e: It didn't cost a penny. There is a church in the East End4 of London where, for a month or two before Christ-


1 EaHKHOTa B rrnTh <l>YHTOB.

2 Ci>aMIDihHIJHfil! cjiopMa CJIOBa son.

3 Ci>aMIDihHpHrur <PopMa CJIOBa father.

4 11cT 3H,I:(- 6e,IJ;HefiIIIfill 'laCTb JlOH,I:(OHa.

mas, all the members make a collection to buy Christmas din­ ners for the poorest people in that district. This year more than

£2,000 was collected. Some of the members had even been collecting from friends since the last Christmas. Three thou­ sand people, all badly in need of a dinner, were invited to come. There they were welcomed and were given a parcel of food, beef, a Christmas pudding, etc., enough for the biggest family (the bigger the family, the bigger the parcel), and they could take it away and enjoy it in their own homes. I was asked by a friend to go and help them to give out the food. There were a lot of helpers, but we worked till midnight without stopping. I was tired when we finished, but I shall remember for a long time the joy of those poor people and friendliness of the workers. If you are in London next year

you ought to go and see it for yourself. But what about you, Hob? What did you do? Did you go away?

H o b: No, I didn't go away. I went to stay with my Uncle Albert.

J a n: And did you have a good time?

H o b: Oh, yes; glorious. I stayed in bed till ten o'clock every morning, and breakfast was brought up to me. As for



Christmas dinner, well, you couldn't see the table for food. There was turkey and roast potatoes, Christmas pudding and mince pies, apples, oranges, nuts - everything you could want. And the room looked very gay with holly and mistletoe and evergreens 1 and coloured paper. Then in the evening we had a party and a dance.

Fr i e d a: But you told me once that you didn't like dancing. H o b: Idon't - but Ilike sitting out dances in the refresh-

ment room or on the stairs.

F r i e d a: Why on the stairs, Hob?

H o b: Because that was where Ihad hung the mistletoe. F r i e d a: What has that to do with it?

H o b: Don't you know? English people hang up mistletoe at Christmas time, and if you see a girl under it you can kiss her.

Ihung a big piece in the dining-room, but Ihad no luck at first. ThenIhad a wonderful idea.Ihave asked my friend the artist to make a picture of it. Here it is. What do you think of it?

J a n: Ifthat is an English custom it seems a very good one. H o b: You must spend next Christmas with us; I'll ask Uncle Albert to invite you - and Frieda - and I'll see that there is

plenty of mistletoe. Why, Frieda, you're blushing!

F ri e d a: Don't be so foolish, Hob; and stop laughing. It's time to go to Mr. Priestley's study. I'm sure he's been waiting for the last five minutes.


KoMMeuTapuu SINCE.... FOR

Ihave been in England for two years.

I have been in England since 19 - -.

06rn;ee rrpamrno TaKOBo: ecm1 MMeeTcJI B BM,Jzy rrepMO)J; BpeMeHM (qacbI,)];HM, MeC5Illbl, ro)J;bl), yrroTpe6JUIIOTC5I for, eCJIM MMeIOTC5I B BM)J;Y TOqKa OTcqeTa MJIM orrpe)J;eJieHHaJI Bpe­ MeHHaJI TOqKa (Harrp.,)J;aTa, orrpe)J;eJieHHhlM)J;eHb, fO)J;, C06bI­ TMe), yrrorpe6JUieTC5I since. HmnocTpa11MM TaKoro yrroTpe6ne­ HM5I rrpMBe)J;eHbI B ypoKe 24. HarrpMMep:

Period of Time

We have been back at work now for three days.

Ifeel as if Ihad been back for three months.

The best Christmas Day Ihave had for many years.

She hopes Jan will come to Switzerland not for a few days

but for the whole holiday.

1 evergreens - Be'IH03eJieHhre pacTemrn.

He will not be able to return to school /or three orfour days.

Iwent to Paris for four orfive days.

Ihadn't been to this restaurant for twelve months; Iprobably shan't go again for another twelve months.

Starting-point of lime

It is three weeks today since Christmas Day.

Ihave been here since 195 - -.

It seems years since the morning I had that grand breakfast.

Ihave had two letters since the day we came away.

Ihadn't been to this hotel since last Christmas.

Some of the members bad been collecting since last Christmas.

06panrre BHMMmrn:e Ha BpeMH rnarona B cne)JylO:w;eM rrpe.r:i;- JIO)Kem·nr:

I have heen in England for three months. 3To HaCTOJC:w;ee COBeprneHHOe BpeM51.

MHorn:e CTY,r:i;eHThI roBopJCT:

"I am in England for three months",

T. e. HCIIOJih3yIDT rrpOCTOe HaCTmr:w;ee BpeMH. fpaMMaTHKa BTOporo rrpe,ll;JIO)KeHHJl BIIOJIHe rrpaBHJihHa, O):(HaKO 3HaqeHHe 3TOfO rrpe)l;JIO)KeHHJl OTJiffqHO OT 3HaqeHHJl rrepBOfO.

M ui
Ilpe,ll;JIO)KeHHe "I am in England for three months" HMeeT 3HaqeH11e 6y.r:i;yIIIHOCTH. 0Ho 03HaqaeT:

"I shall be in England for another three months from now".1





T H R EE fv\ONTHS" MON n1s".



Z--PAS T-.-'.--- -·FUTURE·.·:

I I I l I I

M1m:h Aprll May Jui;e lu.ly August September


t::5. Y nP A >K HE HHSI

I. Ilpu;zyMaiiTe npe)J,JIO.lKeunH co cJiei:zyronMn CJIOBaMn:


1. exactly 5. impression 9. member
2. invite 6. postman 10. collection
3. telephone 7. telegram 11. parcel
4. trouble 8. church 12. stairs

1 OHO TaJOKe M02K:eT JHaYIBTh: «06Il(ee BpeMH Moero rrpe6hrnamrn - TPH Mecmi:a»,

II. 06paJyiiTe oTpnu;aTeJILHhie!l>opMLI:

1. We have heard about your Christmas.

2. I went to stay with my uncle.

3. I stayed in bed till ten o'clock.

4. I had my breakfast in bed.

5. I like sitting out dances in the refreshment room.

6. Hob enjoyed his Christmas holiday.

7. He is looking forward to next Christmas.

8. Lucille goes to Paris very often.

9. She went to Paris at Christmas.

10. She is going there next year.

11. She will go there at Easter.

12. She has gone there very often.

13. I shall be going there next year.

14. I think he will come to see us.

(There are two ways to do this.)

15. Pedro thinks that Hob's story of the talking cat was a true one. (Two answers.)

III. Haii,zJ,me B ypoKe 24 npeAJimKeu1m, B KOTOphIX rnaroJI crom B CTPa­

,!l,aTeJILHOM 3aJIOre.


1. PaccKIDKHTe o:


(1) the boy who wanted longer holidays.

(2) Hob's letter for more money.

(3) the picture on page 296. (For this one the following words and phrases will help: hang up, take down (or take away), put up a mirror.)

2. HanumuTe noJIHh H TeKCT TeJierpaMMhIua cTp. 295.

3. Hanumme KopoTKHu paccKa3 ua o,!l,uy H3 TeM:

(a) A good holiday.

(b) How you spent last Christmas.

(c) Christmas in your ountry.



Mr. Priestley and the Students.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: I want to give you a little conversation that I heard in my house yesterday. It was about five o'clock; my wife was ironing in the kitchen, my daughter Margaret and my niece Lilian, who is staying with us for a while, were in the sitting-room. Then my wife left her ironing and came into the sitting-room, and this is what I heard:

M r s. P r i e s t l e y: Margaret, I want you to go to the ba­ ker's before six o'clock. I have this ironing to do, but I shall have done it in half an hour and I need the loaf for supper.

M a r g a r e t: Can I go after six o'clock, Mother? I want to listen to the programme on the radio and it won 't have finished by six o'clock.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: I'm sorry, Margaret, but the baker's shop will have closed by the time the radio programme finishes.

L i 1i a n: I'll go, Aunt Mary. I don't want to listen to the radio and I shall have written my homework lesson before six o'clock.

M a r g a r e t: Oh, thank you, Lilian. I shan't even have be­ gun my homework by six o'clock, but I'll begin it as soon as supper is over.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: I hope you will, Margaret. We shall have had supper, and Susan will have cleared the table by half­ past seven, so you can do an hour's work before your bed­ time. Will you have done it at all by half-past eight?

M a r g a r e t: Oh, yes, I shall have finished everything by eight o'clock. Thank you again, Lilian.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: I have * * *


you that piece of conversa­

tion, not to show you Margaret's love of putting off work as long as she can, but to show you the use of another tense, the Future Pelfect Tense.

The future perfect tense tells us something that will be past

at or before a certain time in the future, e. g.

At six o'clock the baker will have shut his shop.

By next year I shall have taught foreigh students for twenty­ five years.

This tense is made by using the Simple Future Tense (I shall, you will, etc.) together with have and the Past Participle.

Here are all the forms of the Future Perfect Tense of the verb to speak:


I shall have spoken

Future Perfect Tense


Shall I have spoken?



I shall not (shan't) have spoken

He will have spoken Will he have spoken? He will not (won't)

have spoken

We shall have spoken Shall we have spoken? We shall not (shan't)

have spoken

You will have spoken Will you have spoken? You will not (won't)

have spoken

They will have spoken Will they have spoken? They will not (won't)

have spoken

You have now had the nine main tenses in English. Here they are illustrated, using the verb walk:



I walk



I walked


I am walking



I was walking



I have walked



I had walked


Simple Continuous Perfect
I shall (will) walk I shall (will) be walking I shall (will) have walked

By,IJyIIJ,ee COBepIIIeHHoe BpeMH Bblpa.JKaeT,r:i;eHCTBMe, KOTOpoe

,Il;OJDKHO 3aBepIIIMTbC5I K orrpe,r:i;eJieHHOMY MOMeHTY B 6y,IJyIIJ,eM.

•E cp OHEH14 E CK A SI T PE Hlll P OB K A

[i:] [I] [a:]

wheel beside crowded charge Easter department engine department

easy repair refreshment compartment complete retire orange guard

key respect carriage clerk regret card

[n] [A] [;:)]

non-smoker customs against refreshment
box-office customer arrange ollection
whatever job polish government [3:] surname towards important compartment iron anxiety


[u:] [a1] [IG] [au]
rule prize tears house
crew guide engineer mouse
duty1 sign dear found
[UG] title really town
during iron idea brown
doer anxiety museum doubt

e5 Y nP A >K HE HHSI

I. HanuwuTe yroep,l1;nTeJibnyIO, OTpuu,aTeJibHYJO u oonpocuTeJibffYIO cI>opMbIrnaroJia to write B 6y)Q'IIl,eM cooepweHHOM opeMeHu.

II.II IocTaBbTe rnaroJibIB cKo6Kax B 6y)J;yWeM cooepweHHOM opeMeHu.

1. By half-past seven we (have) supper.

2. The baker's shop (close) by supper time.

3. By the end of the year I (read) two books of Essential English.

4. I (finish) this work before you go away.

5. By this time next week you (take) your examination.

6. We (leave) Mr. Priestley's house before it gets dark.

7. In 1960 George Bernard Show (be) dead for ten years.

8. The dance (start) before we get there.

9. I hope it (stop) raining before we have to go.

10. When we see you next week we (buy) the new car.

11. He (finish) the building of the house before summer.

12. The birds (fly) away before the winter comes.

13. Next Easter Mr. Priestley (teach) foreign students for twenty-five years.

14. Before I see you again I (be) to Paris.

15. I hope you (not forget) all about the Future Perfect Tense by the next lesson.





Mr. Priestley and All His Students

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: I think we could now practise some more "Situations" -you know the kind of thing I mean, the sort of situation you might find yourself in any time, doing some shop­ ping, asking for a room at a hotel, paying a visit to the doctor or dentist - there are dozens of them.

But you know all the usual English Tenses, you know many of the structures and you have quite a good vocabulary, so I want two of you to act a "situation" and provide the conversation. If you are in difficulties I will help. Now let us suppose, Frieda, that you are doing some shopping. What shop do you want to go to?

F ri e d a: I think, the grocer's.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Very well. Jan, you can be the grocer - and here, Jan, is your customer.

G r o c e r: Good morning, madam; What can I get for you? F r i e d a: I want a pound of Danish butter.

G r o c e r: Yes, madam. Anything else? F ri e d a: How much a pound is bacon?

G r o c e r: We have it at 3/_, 3/6 and 3/8 a pound. F r i e d a: Is this the three and eightpenny?

G r o c e r: Yes, madam; that is the best quality Irish bacon. F r i e d a: It looks rather fat; we like it lean.

G r o c e r: Here is a nice lean piece. Shall I cut you some from this piece?

F ri e d a: Yes, that looks very good; it isn't salty, is it?

G r o c e r: No, madam, you will not find this salty at all.

F r i e d a: Very well. I'll take a pound and a half, cut thin. G r o c e r: Thank you. Anything more?

F r i e d a: I want a quarter of a pound of Indian tea and a quarter of a pound of China tea.

G r o c e r: Certainly, madam. Any coffee today? We have some very good, freshly-roasted coffee-beans.

F r i e d a: Is the coffee already ground? I haven't a coffee mill to grind it.

G r o c e r: No, madam, it isn't ground. I can grind it for you while you wait, then the coffee will keep its flavour.

F r i e d a: How much is it? G r o c e r: It's 7h a pound.

F r i e d a: That's very dear, isn't if?

G r o c e r: The price keeps going up, madam; I'm sorry but we can't do anything about it. They say there has been a failure of the coffee crop in Crombongo.

F r i e d a: I hadn't heard of that. Well, I'll take half a pound of coffee. That's all. Now how much is that, please?

G r o c e r (writing out the bill):

s. d.

Butter Bacon Tea Coffee

4 0

5 6

3 10 1h

3 7 1h

17 0

That will be exactly seventeen shillings, please. Will you kindly pay at the desk. Good morning, madam and thank you.

* * *

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Yes, that was good.

H o b: Instead of shopping, can I tell stories about the shops or situations?

M r. P r i e s t l e y: All right, Hob.

H o b: Well, here is one about a grocer's: A small boy went into a grocer's shop and said, "I want a pound of butter exactly like the last. Ifit is not the same, mother said, we don't want it".

G r o c e r: It is very nice to find people have such a good opinion of my butter.

S m a 11 B o y: Oh, it's not that. A lot of father's relations are coming to tea, and mother doesn't want them to come again.

M r. P ri e s t 1e y: Now, Olaf, I think we will send you to the doctor's. I am sure no one here has less need of a doctor than you have, so this conversation will need some imagina­ tion. Pedro, you had better be the doctor. Olaf has just entered your consulting-room.

D o c t o r: Good evening, Mr. Peterson. What's the trouble? You certainly don't look as if there is anything wrong with you. 01a f: I haven't been feeling very well for some time. I have lost my appetite and I don't sleep very well. I have rather a bad cough that I can't get rid of, and a pain in my chest, some­

times, when I breathe.

D o c t o r: I see. Very well. You had better have a thorough examination. Let me see your tongue... Yes, your stomach is a little out of order... Now your pulse... Yes, that's all right. Now

just unfasten your coat and waistcoat and shirt and I'll listen to your heart and chest. Say "Ninety-nine".

01a f: Ninety-nine.


D o c t o r: Again.

01a f: Ninety-nine, ninety-nine. D o c t o r: Do you smoke a lot?

01a f: Well, rather a lot, I'm afraid; twenty or thirty ciga- rettes a day.

D o c t o r: H'm! You ought to cut that down for a time. Let me see your throat. Open your mouth. Say "Ah!"

O l a f: Ah! Ah!

D o c t o r: Again.

O l a f: Ah! Ah! Ah!

D o c t o r: All right, that will do. You can put your coat on again now. What do you weigh?

01a f: Twelve stone, two.

D o c t o r: Have you been losing weight at all?

01a f: No, I don't lose or gain, at least never more than a pound or so one way or another.

D o c t o r: Well, there's nothing serious the matter with you, but you are rather run down. You have been working too hard. You know you can't burn tne candle at both ends, and you need a real rest. I'll give you a bottle of medicine that wall help. Take a tablespoonful in water three times a day after meals. Eat plenty of good plain food, have no cigarettes and drink plenty of milk, at least a pint a day, and not much coffee; get plenty of fresh air, and plenty of sleep, but, above all, don't try to do too much. A real change of air and surroundings would be very helpful if you could manage it.

0 1a f: As a matter of fact, I have been invited to go and stay with some friends in their cottage in Cornwall.


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