PA PA Ei O T A c o cn o B A Mlll 

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PA PA Ei O T A c o cn o B A Mlll


Ilpe<J>u«cbt c ompuu,ame./lbHblM 3HaitenueM

lf HOr,D,a,lJ,JI5I rrpM,D,aHMJI CJIOBY OTp1u1aTeJihHOro 3HaqeHMJI K HeMY rrpM6aBJI5IIOTCJI rrpeqmKChI un-, in-, im-, dis- M T.,D,. BOT rrpMMephI TaKMX cJioB M3 ypoKoB 1-19:


happy healthy common pleasant practical

Negative unhappy unhealthy uncommon unpleasant unpractical


like (adj.) correct polite

like (verb)

dress (verb)

Negativy unlike incorreet impolite dislike undress


() OnH OK O P E HHblE cn o B A

life [la1f] - live [hv] - alive [;:}'laiv].

Iwill tell you the story of my life.

I live in London.

These rabbits are alive, those are dead.

. >f. A\ vfftK···--

V/'' 11\


,1 \ i (I.·•'


,1 1 1 • _ !i I ""'
• ··'··· 't,-..---

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joy - enjoy - enjoyment.

The will tell you their joys and sorrows.

I enjoy good music: it gives me great enjoyment

sorry - sorrow - sorrowfal.

He was very sorry that my friend was dead.

He looked very sorrowful; there was sorrow in his face.

certain - certainly - uncertain.

Are you certain that you understand the work? I am uncertain about one or two things.

Hob is certainly not handsome or polite.

polite - polity - politeness - impolite.

He is not polite. He doesn't speak politely. He hardly knows the meaning of politeness. He is very impolite.

fan -fanny.

He will tell you funny stories. She loves fun and gaiety.

study ['stAd1] - to study - student


Hob doesn't like study.

Mr. Priestley is in his study. TELLING We are going to study English. FUNNY STORIES The students are in Mr. Priestley's study.

GOING TO (co6upambCR)

B ypoKe 19 HaM BC'Tpenmocn Bn1paxemre going to. HcrroJih- 3YH ero, MO)J(HO TaIOKe Bbipa3HTb H,ll;eIO 6yIIJ,HOCTH, Ha­


We are going to be present at their lessons.

We are going to listen to them talking together. They are going to talk about their holidays.

.E cp O H ET H E C K A H T P E H H P O B K A

[e] []

gentle alone

cinema 1

[A] [re]

sun love glad

fellow about regular run lovely manage clever ago theatre lunch some practical vegetable o'clock breakfast sunny one [wAn] can


ready doctor vegetable but2 someone canvas
already clever gaiety butter none fat
breakfast common literature funny bucket handsome

e::i Y n P A >K H E H H H

I. BcTaBbTe nponyw,euuwe cJioua:

1. You will often m- the students in this book.

2. We are going to be p- at their lessons.

3. We are going to 1- to them t- together.

4. They are going to talk about their h-.

5. They will talk about their j- and their s-.

6. They will tell you what like and they d-.

7. They will write 1-, tell j- and sing s-.

8. I h- that you will soon know them.

9. Jan is not only clever, but he is a- a hard worker.

10. Lucille is tall and s-.

11. Olaf can walk all day and n- feel t-.

12. Pedro can talk well m-, 1- and life.

13. All the students e- Jan think that Frieda is pretty.

14. Hob thinks that football is t- m- like hard work.

15. He doesn't always 1- to lessons.

16. Hob isn't p- or well - dressed.

17. He sometimes g- to s- there.

18. But he is good-.

19. He knows lots of f- stories.

20. We will f- the students into Mr. Priestley's study.

II. YnoTpe6itTe KlUK,ll,Oe u3 CJIOB HJIH cJiouoco11eTauuu B coiicTueuubIX npe,IVI01KenmIX:

1. holidays. 2. funny. 3. friend. 4. rich. 5. much. 6. clever.

7. not only...but also. 8. grey. 9. slim. 10. almost every evening.

11. feel tired. 12. as strong as. 13. well-dressed. 14. literature.

15. except. 16. the first...the last. 17. certainly. 18. goes to sleep. 19. hard working. 20. lots of.


1 11JIH ['srn1ma:].

2 Cna6aJI <l>opMa [bt].

III. 06pa3yiiTe MHO:>KecTBeuuoe qucJio oT:

1. boy. 2. woman. 3. sheep. 4. potato. 5. story. 6. man.

7. country. 8. half. 9. wife. 10. study.

IV..IJ:aiITe KpaTKOe nuchMeuuoe onucauue:

1. Jan. 2. Lucille. 3. Olaf. 4. Pedro. 5. Frieda. 6.Hob.


Mr. Priestley has some students at his house for lessons.There are six of them in all, four young men and two girls.Some of them are hard-working and clever; others are clever but don't do much work. One is slim and beautiful, and one is quiet and pretty. One is handsome and well-dressed, and can talk about music and pictures and literature; one is not handsome or clever but he tells funny stories. They are all friends and, in this book and the next three, they are going to talk about their work and their holidays, their joys and sorrows, what they like and what they dislike, and their lives generally.



Scene: Mr. Priestley's Study.

Characters: Lucille, Mr. Priestley, Pedro, Jan, Frieda, Hob, Olaf.

L u c i 11e: I had a letter from my sister Yvonne this morn­ ing. She is coming to London on Friday and asks me to meet her. May I go to the station to meet her on Friday morning please, Mr. Priestley, instead of coming to the class?

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Certainly, Lucille. How long is she going to stay in London?

L u c i 11e: About a fortnight, I think.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Ifyou are not too busy with other things, come one evening and have dinner with my wife and me, and bring your sister with you.

L u c i 11e: Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you. I am sure Yvonne will be pleased to meet you.

P e d r o: Have you any other sisters or brothers, Lucille?

L u c i 11e: Yes, I have another sister, Marie, but I haven't any brothers.

J a n: You are lucky. I have neither brother nor sister.

F r i e d a: Then I am luckier than either of you. Our family is quite a big one; there are six of us. I have three brothers and two sisters.

P e d r o: Are Yvonne and Marie older than you, Lucille?

L u c i 11e: Marie is older than I am; Yvonne is two years younger than I am.

J a n: Are your brothers and sisters older or younger than you are, Frieda?

F r i e d a: They are all younger; I am the oldest of the fam­ ily. When I am here with you I feel young, but when I look at my brothers and sisters I begin to feel quite old.

H o b: That reminds me of my Uncle Albert - I will tell you about him some day. He's sixty now, but he says he doesn't feel a day older than forty; and he says, "A man is as young as he looks, and no older than he feels".

J a n: Tell me about the others in your family, Frieda.

F r i e d a: Well, the youngest and the smallest one is Fritz; he's the baby of the family. He's only four. Then there are Hans and Peter, the twins. They are exactly as old as each other, thir­ teen, and exactly as tall as each other, and they are so like each other that people can hardly tell one from the other.

L u c i 11e: What are your sisters' names? F r i e d a: Gretchen and Ruth.

H o b: Are they as pretty as you are?

F r i e d a: Oh, they are both prettier than I am. Ruth is the prettiest girl I know. They both have long fair hair, but Ruth's hair is longer and fairer than Gretchen's. Gretchen is fatter than Ruth. (She doesn't like you to say she is fat; and we tell her she will get thinner when she gets older.)

0 1a f: I suppose Hans and Peter are at school.

F r i e d a: Yes; and the house is very much quieter when they are at school than when they are at home.



L u c i 11e: Boys are always noisier than girls; you can't ex­ pect boys to be quiet.

F r i e d a: I'm sure you can't. Hans and Peter are quite the noisiest boys that I know - and the nicest.

J a n: Do they like learning?

F r i e d a: I'm sure they don't; they think of nothing but football and climbing and eating and joking and fighting.

H o b: I liked fighting when I was a boy. I remember my Uncle Albert giving me some very good advice. He said, "When you want to fight, always count a hundred before you hit the other fellow - and if he is bigger than you, count a thousand".


1. B ypoKe 20 HaM BCTpeTIUIHCh rrperoio2Kemrn THrra: Hans is as old as Peter.

Peter is as tall as Hans.

They are as tall as each other.

3Ta <l>opMa rrpIUiaraTeJinHhIX Ha31>rnaeTCH IIOJIOLKIITEJih- HOM CTEIIEHhIO (Positive Degree).

2. HaM TaK2Ke BCTpeTIUIHCh rrperoio2KeHHH THrra: I am luckier than you.

Are Marie and Yvonne older than you? Ruth's hair is longer than Gretchen's, etc.

3m <l>opMa rrpIUiaraTeJihHhIX (luckier, older, younger, taller, etc.) Ha3nrnaeTCH CPABHHTEJihHOM CTEIIEH hlO (Comparative Degree).

,[(JIH o6pa30BaHHH cpaBHHTeJihHOM CTerreHH Mhl rrpH6aBJIH- eM K IIOJI02KHTeJihHOM CTerreHH cy<l><l>HKC -er.

Positive old tall Comparative older taller Positive fat lucky Comparative fatter1 luckier2
big thin bigger 1 thinner 1 pretty happy prettier2 happier2

3. E.I.Qe HaM rrorra,n,aJIHCh rrperoio2KeHHH THrra: I am the oldest of the family.

The youngest and the smallest one is Fritz. Ruth is the prettiest girl I know.

They are the noisiest boys I know - and the nicest.

3m <l>opMa rrpIUiaraTeJihHhIX Ha31>rnaeTcH IIPEBOCXO.IJ:­ HOM CTEIIEHhIO (Superlative Degree).

,[(JIH o6pa30BaHHH rrpeBOCXO,ll;HOM CTerreHH Mhl rrpH6aBJIH- eM K IIOJI02KHTeJihHOM CTerreHH cy<l><l>HKC -est.

Positive quiet Comparative quieter Superlative quietest
old young older younger oldest youngest
tall fat thin noisy pretty taller fatter thinner noisier prettier tallest fattest thinnest noisiest prettiest

1 Ecm1npIDiaraTeJihHOe OKawurnaeTCH Ha OiU'IHOqHhlH cornacHhlli, rrepe,!1; KOTOpb!M CTOllT 0,[(Ha rnaCHaH 6)'KBa, '.lTOT cornaCHb H Ha IIHCbMe Y,!J;BaHBaeTCH. 2 EcJIH rrpHJiaraTeJibHOe OKaHBaeTCH Ha cornaCHb H +y, y MeHHeTCH Ha i.

06panue oco6oe BHHMamie Ha cne,JzyIOrn;ee:

1. EcnH rrpHJiaraTeJI1>Hoe B rroJIO)](HTeJI 1>HOM cTerreHH, rrpH cpaBHeHHH Mhl IIOJlh3YeMC5l Bhipa­

)K:eHHeM "as.. .as".

Peter is as old as Hans.

Boys are not as quiet as1 girls.

A man is as old as he feels.

2. EcnH rrpHnaraTeJI1> Hoe HMeeT cpaBHHTeJihHYIO CTeIIeHh, Mhl yrroTpe6JI5leM CJIOBO "than ".

Frieda is older than Fritz. Boys are noisier than girls. Gretchen is fatter than Ruth.

3. Ilpenocxo,II,HaH cTerreHh qacTo yrroTPe6MeTCH c rrpe,II,­ noroM "of" H orrpe,II,eJieHHhIM apTHKJieM "the". HarrpHMep:

Frieda is the oldest of them all.

Olaf is the tallest of Mr. Priestley's students.



B ypoKe 20 BaM BCTPeTHJIHCh rrpe,II,JIO)K:eHHH:

Do they like learning?

They think of nothing but football and climbing and eating

and joking and fighting.

Iliked fighting when Iwas a boy.

May Imeet her instead of coming to the class?

A BOT rrpe,II,JIO)K:eHHe H3 ypoKa 19:

Hob doesn't like swimming or football.

Cnona learning, climbing, eating, joking, fighting, coming rrpHHa,D,Jie)K:aT K rnaronaM. Ho OHM TaK)K:e rrpHHa,II,Jie T H K cyrn:ecTBHTeJlhHhIM. Climbing, eating,joking, fighting BhIIIOJIHfilOT TOqHo TaKYJO)K:e <i>YHKllHIO, KaK H cyrn:eCTBHTeJihHOe football.

Cnono, HBMIOm;eecH qac­ TnqHo rnarOJIOM H qacTnqHo cyrn:ecTBHTeJihHhIM H OKattqH­ BaIOrn;eecH Ha -ing, Ha31>rnaeT­

CH OTrJiarOJibHb M cyII1eCTBH­ TeJibHb M (Verbal Noun) HJIH repyu;:i;ueM (Gerund).

1 11HOr,ll;a B OT]JHI(aTeJibHbIX rrpe)J;JIO:lKemrnx Mb!IIOJib3yeMCJ! coqeTaHHeM HarrpHMep: Fritz is not so old as Hans.

t::5. Y n P A >K H E H HSI

1. BcTaBbTe nponymemlb1e CJioea (e neKoTopbIX CJIY'llUIX)J,aeTcB nepeas 6yima CJIOBa):

1. May I go to the s- to meet her - coming to the class?

2. H- 1- is she going to stay in London?

3. I have another sister but I haven't - brothers.

4. I have n- brother n- sister.

5. I am luckier than e-of you. Our - is quite a big one.

6. Are your brothers and sisters o- or y- than you?

7. The y- and the s- one is Fritz. Then there are Hans and Peter, the t-.

8. They are exactly -old -each other and exactly -tall - each other.

9. They are both prettier - I am.

10. They think of nothing but football and c- and c- and

j- and f-.

II. OTBeTLTe ua CJieiJ.YIOUJHe eonpocL1:

1. What is the name of Lucille's sister?

2. When is she coming to London? How long is she staying?

3. What does Lucille want to do?

4. Why did Lucille say "That's very kind of you"?

5. How many brothers and sisters has Lucille?

6. How many are there in Frieda's family?

7. How many of them are younger than Frieda? How many are older?

8. What do you know about Jan's family?

9. Who is the youngest of Frieda's brothers and sisters?

10. What do you know about Hans and Peter?

11. What do you know about Gretchen and Ruth?

12. Do Hans and Peter like learning? What do they like.

III. OTeeTLTe ua eonpoch1 no «PaccKa3y e KapTHHKan.

The men and the chair

Picture 1. How many men are there in this picture? They are walking in the park. How many chairs are there? Who is nearer the chair, Mr. Brown (the man with the stick) or Mr. Green (the man without the stick)?

Picture 2. Mr. Green is turning his head and he sees Mr. Brown. What is Mr. Green thinking? What is Mr. Brown thinking?

Picture 3. Mr. Green is beginning to walk faster, because he wants to get to the chair before Mr. Brown gets there. Why is Mr. Brown beginning to walk faster?

Picture 4. What are both men doing now? Is Mr. Brown running faster than Mr. Green now? Who do you think will get to the chair first? Why?

Picture 5. Mr. Green wants to stop Mr. Brown, but he can't.

Mr. Brown gets to the chair first. Does he look happy?

Picture 6. What is Mr. Brown doing now? Does he look happy? What is Mr. Green holding? What words are on the





I? ' '



Now you know why Mr. Green was going to the chair in Picture 1. Do you?...Why was he?

IV. 06pa3yiiTe ueo6xOiJ.HMYJO no CMh CJIY cTeneuh cpaeueH1m npuJiara­ TeJihHhIX:

1. Marie is (old) than Lucille.

2. Lucille is (young) than Marie.

3. Lucille is not as (old) as Marie.

4. Uncle Albert doesn't look a day (old) than forty.

5. Fritz is the (small) of the family.

6. Hans and Peter are exactly as (old) as each other and exactly as (tall) as each other.

7. Ruth is (pretty) than Frieda.

8. Ruth's hair is (long) and (fair) than Gretchen's.

9. Hans and Peter are the (noisy) boys that I know.

10. Boys are always (noisy) than girls.

V. IIoroBopuTe o,IJ;)Kop,lUKe, feupu u PW1ap,!1;e. CKa)KHTe, KTO H3 uux CTapwe, MJia,!l;We, caMblH CTapwuH:, MOJIO)Ke BCex, CHJibHee, UOJIHee, xy,!l;owanee u T.,!I;. CpanuuTe ux uom, BOJIOCb1;cpaBHHTe JieBoe u npaBoe yxo y feupu.




Lucille's sister is coming to London and is going to stay for about a fortnight, so Mr. Priestley asks Lucille to bring her sister to dinner one evening at his house. Lucille thinks it is very kind of him to ask them and says she is sure her sister will like meeting Mr. and Mrs. Priestley.

The other students then talk about their brothers and sisters. Jan has neither brother nor sister. Frieda has two sisters and three brothers; two of the brothers are twins Hob hasn't any brothers or sisters, but he has Uncle Albert and he is never tired of telling you about him.


1. HanuwnTe paccKa3 o ceMbe <l>pH,!l;bI HJIH o co6cTBeuuoH: ceMbe.

2. HanuwuTe paccKa3 o MHCTepe lipayue, MHCTepe fpuue u C'fYJie.



Scene: Mr. Priestley's Study.

Characters: Mr. Priestley, Frieda, Pedro, Jan, Hob, Olaf, Lucille.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: Good morning. We will have a general talk this morning with all of you taking part. What things in life do you dislike? Come on, I want to hear your ideas. Frieda, will you begin, please?

F r i e d a: Well, I don't quite know what to say, but, to begin with, I don't like London. I am tired of London.

P e d r o: I remember, sir, a sentence of Dr. Johnson's 1, "When a man is tired of London he is tired of life". Johnson and Dickens and Shakespeare (at least in his youth) certainly liked London.

J a n: Oh, London's all right, but there are too many peo­ ple, too many buses, too many taxis, and too much noise.

M r. P r i e s t l e y: Yes, but, on the other hand, there are good libraries and museums and theatres. I know that you are fond of Shakespeare, Jan; and in one or other of the theatres there is always a Shakespeare play.



J a n: Yes, I like Shakespeare's plays, and the library cer­ tainly helps me with my work; but when I have time, I like to get out of London and walk in the country and swim or play football.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: What do you say to that, Frieda?

F r i e d a: I agree with Jan. I like London for some things, but after a time I get tired of it. My home is a quiet little place


1,[l;-p,lVKOHCOH (1709-1784) - aHrmrncKHil mrcaTeJib H JieKCHKOrpa<l>.

in Switzerland among the mountains, and when I am in the noise of London I always want to be among the mountains and the trees, or at some quiet seaside place (there are some lovely ones in England) with the sea and the yellow sand and the sunshine. And in summer when London is hot and burning

H o b: I say, sir, I know a song, "London's Burning". Can I sing it? It begins, "London's..."

M r. P r i e s t l e y: Wait a minute, Hob. You can sing your song at the end of the lesson, but I want to hear the others speak now. Lucille, do you like these quiet places?

L u c i 11e: I certainly do not! I feel half dead in them. I know these quiet seaside places with miles of sand and no one on it except me, two or three noisy children and an old man or two. I once stayed at one of them -but only once. Never again for me! There was one small hotel with a sad-looking waiter. We had uneatable cabbage every day and undrinkable coffee every evening. The people in those places all go to bed at nine o'clock because there is nothing else to do.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: Well, Lucille, we certainly know what you don't like. What do you like?

L u c i 11e: I like gaiety and life and fun. I want to meet people, young and gay and interesting people. I like good ho­ tels, with good food and good wine. I like theatres with bright music. I like flying, and motoring, if the car is a fast one.

M r. P r i e s t l e y: What do you say, Olaf?

01a f: I don't dance - and I don't want to dance. I enjoy going to the theatre when there is a good play there, a play by Shakespeare or Shaw or Galsworthy. I don't like "bright, mu­ sical" rubbish. I like people, people with ideas, people with character. But I don't like a lot of people all together. I love walking and climbing. Jan and I walked in Scotland last year and climbed the mountains there.

J a n: Yes, we enjoyed that holiday very much. We are going again next year, just the two of us; but not in a car and, above all, not in a fast car. I want to see the country, and you can't do that in a fast car; you can only do that when you walk.

01a f: I hate cars with their noise and dust and smell. M r. P r i e s t 1e y: And Pedro, what do you say?

P e d r o: It is very interesting to hear these different speak­ ers and different ideas. I like mountains and the quiet seaside for a time, for a week or two perhaps, but after that I feel that I want to see a men or women - not just trees and mountains and sea, and so I come back to London or Paris or Vienna or

Warsaw, to Rio (de) Janeiro or Buenos Aires. There I find what I want, the really enjoyable things of life, interesting peo­ ple, books, good music, good plays, good pictures. Those are what I like.

H ob: Oh, talking about pictures, I like going to the pictures, 1and I like eating and drinking and sleeping and jokes - I think that is all; at least, I can't think of any other things just now.

J a n: Don't you like coming to this class?

H o b: Oh, yes, I like coming here, and I like going away from here. What I don't like is being here2. Can I sing my song

now, sr.r.

M r. P r i e s t l e y: Very well, Hob.

H o b: Thank you. The name of the song is "London's Burn­ ing". It is a particular kind of song. They call it "a round". This is how you do it. Two singers, Olaf and you, sir, sing the frrst line. Then, when you are at the end of that line, two others, Pedro and Lucille, begin at line one, and you and Olaf go on with line two. When Pedro and Lucille are at the end of line one, and Olaf and you at the end of line two, then Frieda and Jan sing line one. Then as Olaf and you get to the last line, I sing the frrst line. So all of us are then singing four different things. When we get to the end of the song, we go to the beginning again. Is that all right?

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Yes, I think so. Here it is on the piano (plays). Now then, begin. (They sing.) "London's burning, etc".

!st lin, 11 1 r r 1 1 1 r r

Lon-don's bu rn-ing Lon-don's burn - ing

211d li11e r r r m1r r r


3rd Jin' r

yon - der3 Look yon -

R 1 r



"" li11,




' r r




' r r

Pou r

on wa. - ter

Pou r

on wa. - ter



1 The pictures - KFIHO (p!13r.).

2 KaK)')Ke roBOPIDIOCh, Xo6 He oqeHb-TO Be2K.mrn.

3 Yonder = there (ycmpeBirree).

KOMMeHTapuu K ypmcy 21


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