Тема 1. Соціальні контакти ділової людини: знайомство з колегами. 

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Тема 1. Соціальні контакти ділової людини: знайомство з колегами.

Мета роботи: оволодіти ключовою лексикою з теми; знати і вміти вживати Present Continuous для вираження майбутнього, зрозуміти сутність діалогічного мовлення в аудіозапису; одержати культурологічну інформацію у друкованному повідомленні щодо життя японців у Великобританії; вміти представлятися і представляти інших людей; вміти починати і підтримувати світську бесіду; навчитися писати факсові повідомлення з питань організації подорожі.


1. Key vocabulary.

2. Lead-in.

3. Language focus.

4. Pronunciation.

5. Language practice.

6. Vocabulary.

7. Writing.

8. Listening and writing.

9. Reading.

10. Vocabulary.

11. Cross-cultural comparison.

12. Business communication.

Teaching hints

1. Read a short text; write down the words in bold and look them up in your dictionary. Play the tape and listen to the text. (Students’ book, page 24, section Key Vocabulary).

2. Look at the photos and think over your answers to the questions (Students’ book, page 24, section Lead-in).

3.1. Study grammatical rules concerning the usage of the Present Continuous for future (Students’ book, Grammar Reference, page 151, subsection Present Continuous for future).

3.2. Play the tape and listen to the talk; then answer the questions in a written form (Students’ book, page 24, section Language Focus, exercises 1, 2).

4.1. Play the tape. Listen and repeat the contracted forms of the verb to be (Students’ book, page 25, section Pronunciation, exercise 3.3).

4.2. Play the tape. Listen and repeat the sentences (Students’ book, page 25, section Pronunciation, exercise 3.4).

5.1. Make phrases with go, have, listen to (Students’ book, page 25, section Language Practice, exercise 1).

5.2. Look through the itinerary. Ask and answer questions about it in a written form (Students’ book, page 25, section Language Practice, exercise 2).

5.3. Complete the text; use the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Work book, page 13, section Language Practice exercise 1).

5.4. Complete the questions and answers (Work book, page 13, section Language Practice, exercise 2).

6.1. Make word partners (Students book, page 27, section Vocabulary One, exercise 1).

6.2. Make sentences using each word partner, then make an offer or a request (Students’ book, page 27, section Vocabulary One, exercise 2).

6.3. Complete the paragraph (Work book, page 12, section Writing).

7. Write a fax message using the notes (Students’ book, page 27, section Writing).

8.1. Play the tape and listen to the recording, then answer the questions (Students’ book, page 28, section Listening, exercise 1).

8.2. Think about and write your answers to the questions (Students’ book, page 28, section Listening, exercise 2).

9.1. Think about and write your answers to the questions (Students’ book, page 28, section Reading, exercise 1).

9.2. Read the article and answer the questions (Students’ book, page 28, section Reading, exercises 2, 3).

9.3. Answer the questions in a written form (Students’ book, page 29, section Reading, exercise 4).

10.1. Study examples of five different types of ending that adjectives of nationality have, then write the adjectives of nationality for the countries (Students’ book, page 30, section Vocabulary Two, exercise 1).

10.2. Write the adjectives of nationality that do not use the five endings above (Students’ book, page 30, section Vocabulary Two, exercise 2).

10.3. Complete the table (Work book, page 12, section Vocabulary, exercise 2).

10.4. Complete the notices with correct words from the table (Work book, page 12, section Vocabulary, exercise 2).

11. Read the statements. Which of them do you agree with and which you do not? (Students’ book, page 31, section Cross-cultural Comparison). Check your answers on page 147.

12.1. Play the tape and listen to six introductions (Students’ book, page 31, section Business Communication, exercise 1).

12.2. Write one more example of each of the three kinds of introductions (Students’ book, page 31, section Business Communication, exercise 2).

12.3. Look at the four pictures and decide what the people are saying in each one (Students’ book, page 32, section Business Communication, exercise 4).

12.4. Play the tape and listen to the conversation; then fill in the gaps in the conversation (Students’ book, page 32, section Business Communication, exercise 5).

12.5. Read the next part of the conversation and complete it with correct phrases; then listen to the tape and check your answers (Students’ book, page 33, section Business Communication, exercise 6).

12.6. Listen to the last part of the conversation and answer the questions (Students’ book, page 33, section Business Communication, exercise 7).

12.7 Complete the conversations (Work book, page 14, section Business Communication, exercises 1, 2).

12.8. Choose the best response in each situation (Work book, page 14, section Business Communication, exercise 3).

Тема 2. Ділові контакти: презентація компанії.

Мета: оволодіти ключовою лексикою з теми; знати і вміти вживати Past Simple, навчитись розуміти сутність діалогічного і монологічного мовлення в аудіозапису; одержати у друкованному повідомленні інформацію про історію компанії; навчитись писати коротке есе про історію компанії; вміти зробити усну презентацію компанії.


1. Key Vocabulary.

2. Lead-in.

3. Language Focus.

4. Pronunciation.

5. Language Practice.

6. Reading.

7. Vocabulary.

8. Writing.

9. Listening.

10. Business Communication.

11. Final Task.


Teaching hints


1. Read a short text; write down the words in bold and look them up in your dictionary. Play the tape and listen to the text. (Students’ book, page 46, section Key Vocabulary).

2. Play the tape. Listen and match each picture to an event. Write the date for each event (Students’ book, page 46-47, section Lead – in, exercises 1, 2).

3.1. Study grammatical rules concerning the usage of the Past Simple (Students’ book, Grammar Reference, pages 151 - 152, subsection Past Simple).

3.2. Read the text “Ford of Britain”, then answer the questions (Students’ book, pages 47 - 48, section Language Focus, exercises 2, 3, 4).

4. Play the tape. Listen to the sentences and repeat them (Students’ book, page 48, section Pronunciation, exercises 1, 2).

5.1.Read the history of Dr. Martens shoes, then write the Past Simple forms of the underlined verbs. Which verbs are regular and which are irregular? (Students’ book, page 49, section Language Practice, exercises 1, 2, 3).

5.2. Write your answers to the questions:

· Who invented Doc Marten shoes? When?

· What nationality is the company?

· Why do you think they are popular?

5.3. Complete the questions; then listen to the tape and note the answer to each question (Students’ book, page 50, section Language Practice, exercises 5, 6).

5.4. Make three lists to write the correct pronunciation (Work book, page 23, section Language Practice, exercise 1).

5.5. Complete the list of irregular verbs (Work book, page 23, section Language Practice, exercise 2).

5.6. Use the correct form of the verbs (Work book, page 24, section Language Practice, exercise 3).

5.7. Read the notes; then write Past tense questions (Work book, page 24, section Language Practice, exercise 4).

6.1. Read the text “Bic’s success in a throwaway world”, then answer the questions (Students’ book, page 50, section Reading, exercises 1, 2).

6.2. Read the text again and complete the company history (Students’ book, page 51, section Reading, exercise 3).

6.3. Read the sentences and put them in the correct order (Work book, page 25, section Reading).

7.1. Make word partners (Students’ book, page 51, section Vocabulary, exercise 1).

7.2. Combine the adjectives with the nouns (Students’ book, page 51, section Vocabulary, exercise 2).

7.3. Complete the text with the correct words (Work book, page 23, section Vocabulary, exercise 1).

7.4. Match the opposite words (Work book, page 23, section Vocabulary, exercise 2).

8.1. Number the items in the correct order (Students’ book, page 52, section Writing, exercise 1).

8.2. Study the box with the sequencers. Read the paragraph and say how they are used (Students’ book, page 52, section Writing, exercise 2).

8.3. Complete the gaps (Work book, page 25, section Writing, exercise 1).

8.4. Write some sentences about the history of L’Oreal, using sequencing words (Work book, page 25, section Writing, exercise 2).

9.1. Match the words with their definitions (Students’ book, page 53, section Listening, exercise 1).

9.2 Play the tape and listen to the first part of the interview, then answer the questions. (Students’ book, page 53, section Listening, exercise 2).

9.3. Play the tape and listen to the second part of the interview, then match each event to the correct date (Students’ book, page 53, section Listening, exercise 3).

9.4. Complete the missing information (Students’ book, page 53, section Listening, exercise 4).

10.1. Study the structure of a presentation (Students’ book, page 54, section Business Communication, exercise 1).

10.2. Prepare a presentation on the history of the company (Bic or EMI) using the notes from the Reading (page 50) or the Writing (page 52) (Students’ book, page 54, section Business Communication, exercise 1).

11. Write a short summary of the history of a company (Ford, Marks & Spencer, Bic, or EMI) (Students’ book, page 55, section Final task).


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