Task 2.18. Work in pairs. Make up sentences using the appropriate word or phrase from each column. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 2.18. Work in pairs. Make up sentences using the appropriate word or phrase from each column.


I He She We You They saw watched noticed observed heard found them us her me him you performing their lab work, entering the laboratory, giving instructions to students, working with complicated apparatus, learning how to handle new equipment.
I He She We You They was were seen watched observed noticed heard reading instructions of the experiment to be made, studying the pressure measuring devices, writing down the results of calculations made, describing installations. calculating out experiments.
I He She We You They had will have want got my his her their our your calculations done. diploma project checked. data recorded on a compact disk. laboratories equipped with computers. lab exercises done. files recorded on a floppy disk.
The task being very difficult The laboratories being equipped with computers The expected results obtained Knowledge being power The computer having been repaired he decided to ask for help. we had to learn how to handle them. she wanted to inform her colleagues about it. we should benefit from this power. we designed a new device with the help of CAD programs.

Task 2.19. Complete the following mini-dialogues using proper forms of the verbs given in brackets:

1. A: Oh, I'm so oervous. Tomorrow we ere to work in n specialized laboratory, but I have no experience in (to do) lab exercises.

B: Don’t worry. It’s easy. Before (to carry out) an experiment, you should read the instructions carefully. After (to complete) the experiment, every student must write a

Ukrainian names in world science

report. And you wffl have no problems with it, if you don’t forget (to take) notes during the experiment.

2. C: Do you know anything about the computing hardware (to use) in your
laboratory? - ■

D: Yes, of course. Recently our lab (to equip) with IBM computers. (To have) huge memory capacity and (to operate) at a high processor speed, they are of great help to us in our educational, scientific and research work.

3. E: Do your students work with CAD (Computer-Aided Design) or use traditional
methods while (to design) new devices in the students’ construction bureau?

F: Well, drawings (not to disappear) totally from the design process, but most pf the work (to do) with the help of computers.

Task 2.20. Choose the correct translation.

1. Закшчивши роботу, студента анал1зують отримаш результата.

A. Having completed the work, students analyse the results obtained.

B. Completing the work, students analyse the results obtained.

C. To complete the work, students analyse the results obtained.

2. Ощнювання робота студента за допомогою комп’ютертв дае об'ективш

A. То evaluate students’ performance by computers gives objective results.

B. Evaluating students’ performance by computers gives objective results.

С Being evaluated by computers students' performance gives objective results.

3. Поеднуючи практичш та теоретичш знания, ви досягнете великих результате
у майбутнш дослщнш робоп.

A. Combining practical training and theoretical knowledge, you will achieve great

results in your further research activity.

B. To combine practical training and theoretical knowledge, you will achieve great

results in your further research activity. С Combined practical training and theoretical knowledge, you will achieve great results in your further research activity.

4. Працюючи у Х1м1чнш лабораторп, будьте обережними, осюльки деяш речовини

е iincwimii або Bn6yxoBi.

A. То work in a chemical laboratory, be very careful because some substances are

harmful or explosive.

B. Working in a chemical laboratory, be very careful because some substances are

harmful or explosive. С Having worked in a chemical laboratory, be very careful because some substances are harmful or explosive.

5. У щи лабораторп студента займаються обчисленням, винпрюванням та
проектуванням нових прилад1в.

A. In this lab students deal with calculating, measuring and designing new devices.

B. In this lab students deal with calculate, measure and design of new devices.
С In this lab students deal with to calculate, measure and to design new devices.


Task 2.21. Tell your fellow-students the following facts in English:

Багато дослщниюв у нашш лабораторп займаються експериментальною роботою. Вони використовують сучасш метода та обладнання, широко користу-ються комп’ютерною техшкою. До експерименту проводяться Bci необхвдш приготування, перев1ряються прилади, розподшяються обов’язки. Коли експери-мент починаеться, за лроцесом слщкують рЬномантп вишрювалыи прилади. Результата вишрювань рееструються регулярно. Метою будь-якого експерименту е проведения BHMipiB та презентант результапв у виглядо чисел. Коли експери-мент закшчено, аналЬуються одержан! дат та робляться висновки. Минув час наукових вщкритпв за допомогою лнту1цп. Сьогодш необхщно провести corai складних експерименпв, щоб вщкрити щось нове.

Task 2.22. Rearrange the following jumbled words and phrases to form sentences:

1. The experiment, wrote down, he, the results obtained, having completed.

2. Is a place, experimental study, of science, laboratory, of different branches, intended


3. Our department, there are, laboratories, at, many, equipped with computers.

4. A wide range of devices, the laboratory, necessary for, has, scientific investigations,

carrying out.

5. To perfect, work in the laboratory, helps, their, students, in special, knowledge,


Task 2.23. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. Yesterday we were shown the laboratory of organic chemistry.

2. The new sort of steel is being tested b y the engineer.

3. The experiments have shown to us that the gas is inflammable.

4. The flame of the burner can be regulated by means of a tap.

5. They heated the substance by means of a Bunsen burner.

6. The new lab consists of several rooms.

7. Every working place is fitted with a Bunsen burner.

8. The analytical balance must be kept in a glass case.

9. You will see a great variety of apparatus if you visit this laboratory.


10. AD the questions had been answered b y the end of the lecture.

11. A barometer measures air pressure.

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Task 2.24. Read the safety rules for those who work in a chemical laboratory and speak about what you must do and what you are forbidden to do there:

Always wear eye or face protection when carrying out practical work. Always handle flammable liquids such as ethanol and propane with great care and keep them away from naked flame.

Always use a boiling tube when heating a non-flammable liquid over a Bunsen flame and shake very gently during heating.

Never point a test tube containing chemicals which you are heating towards yourself or anyone else.

Always report apcidents, spills, breakage, however small, to your teacher. Always make sure chemicals are labeled and use mouse you need. Always work steadily and without undue haste. Always pipette liquids with a safety filter.

Always wear a laboratory coat whenever possible, make sure it is fastened and not flapping open.

Always wash your hands after practical work.

Never put your head or clothes near a Bunsen flame. Long hair should be tied back.

Never wear open-toed sandals in the laboratory.

Never smell gases directly - only very cautiously and with your lungs already filled with air.

Never put your thumb or finger over the end of a test tube when shaking. Stopper the tube with a cork or bung.

Never try to force glass tubing when putting it into, or removing it from corks or bungs.

' Never hold bottles by the neck. If a stopper is tight, get help. Do not try to force it off.

Never remove chemicals or equipment from the laboratory. Never do practical work alone. Never perform unauthorized experiments. Never taste anything unless instructed to do so. Never eat, drink or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.

Unit З

Task 2.25. Act out the dialogue, employing interpreters from your group:


Students: Good morning! We are going to perform three lab exercises in your chemical lab on Friday. Will you tell us a few words about certain procedures to which we must conform while working there.

Lab assistant: With pleasure! As you see our chemical lab is modern and well-equipped. First of all, you should get acquainted with the safety regulations within the laboratory. You will know, for instance, that access to the lab is conditioned upon wearing safety glasses and a lab coat.

S: I’ve heard that lab coats should be cleaned and fastened, shouldn’t they?

LA: You are quite right, besides, they must be worn all the time in the lab. Now note the position of fire blankets and the fire extinguisher (вогнегасник) in the lab.

S: Will you show us the nearest escape route and assembly point in the event of evacuation?

LA: Certainly. It is this way, please. Now look at our apparatus. Take particular care handling delicate apparatus such as thermometers, glass electrodes etc. which are easily broken when their glass bulbs come into contact with other surfaces.

S: Wen, I know that many organic solvents are extremely flammable.

LA: Yes, it’s really so. That’s why you must be very careful while heating them. Besides, you should inform about any accidents or spillage either the technician or lab assistant (demonstrator) immediately.

S: At school our teacher of chemistry always asked us not to pipette solutions directly from reagent bottles. Was he right?

LA: Oh, for sure. You should always pour solutions into a beaker (мензурка) first, otherwise they can become contaminated. Besides, dispose of chemicals in the prescribed manner - Do not simply wash them down the sink!

S: It’s clear, and what are we required to do at the end of the experiment?

LA: First of all you must return all the mobile apparatus to the appropriate cupboard and solution reagent bottles to the shelf above the cupboard. Bear in mind that you must leave your bench clean and tidy. You should always remember that while working in our lab you are responsible for the health and safety of other students and staff.

S: Thank you very much for your instruction.

LA: You are welcome. Good bye.

Task 2.26. Read the dialogue between two persons, laboratory assistant Roman from our university (A) and student Robert Johnson from abroad (B). Make up your own dialogues using variations.

A: Are you busy now, Robert?

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B: No. Why?

A: Then follow me, please. I’ll show you our laboratory of Heat Treatment of Metals./ the Thermal Engineering Laboratory/ the Laboratory of Radio Location.

В: Where is it?/Is it far from here? ..

A: It is housed in an old building just behind the main building. It occupies two big rooms./ It is in the mechanical building / near the main building.

В: Is it well equipped?/ What equipment is there?

A: Yes, it is. The laboratory is furnished with up-to-date devices, instruments and other installations. The main equipment of the laboratory comprises electric resistance furnaces, thermoregulators and other facilities./ It serves as a central heating plant,/ It is a perfectly equipped laboratory.

B: Oh, there are students here. What assignment are they working on now?/ What are they investigating?

' A: They are dealing with heat treatment, such process as hardening. Here you can see instruments for determining hardness./ They learn to handle some new devices.

B: What device is it?/ Do they work without any assistance?

A: It is a radio-engineering device for measuring distances./ They usually work by themselves. But if a problem arises, they can ask the experienced laboratory assistant to help them.

B: Oh, you have a very good laboratory. I’m sure your students are eager to work here. Thank you for the excursion.


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