Tell the group what you’ve learnt from the text about Arkady using the diagram given below: 

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Tell the group what you’ve learnt from the text about Arkady using the diagram given below:



4. Read and translate the text about Ann:

My name is Ann, I’m 23 years old. I was born in summer in 1995, my birthday is on the 3-rd of July. I am from Moscow. I am not married. I’m a pharmacist by profession and I work in the chemist’s. I am interested in medicine that is why I am a student of the Medical University. When I was a schoolgirl my favourite subjects were Chemistry and Biology. I am fond of sports and computer games; in addition I’m good at knitting. I like to spend my free time in the open air with my friends. My hobby is reading and I enjoy reading detectives.

    My family isn’t large; we are four all in all: my mother, father, my sister and me. My mother is a housewife; my father is an engineer and my younger sister is a student of the Federal State University.

    My mother keeps the house, she is fond of gardening and she is good at cooking. My father is interested in cars; he often reads magazines about them so he is always in the know of new products. In his free time he likes hunting.

As for my sister, she is a very sociable person: she has got a lot of friends. In summer she climbs the mountains, goes down the caves and goes on hikes. Her lifestyle is active, she’s sporty.

Our family is very united, we get on well and we are happy to be together.

5. Find the following words and expressions in the vocabulary in exercise 1 and in the text:

интересоваться медициной; получить высшее образование; увлекаться; вести домашнее хозяйство; быть в курсе; общительный; спортивный; дружный; быть похожим; ладить; неконфликтный; упрямый; ходить в походы; пещера; прямолинейный; честный; студенческое общежитие; уверенный в себе.


6. Answer the questions in chain order:

1. Ann is from Moscow. Where are you from?

2. Ann was born in summer in 1995. When were you born?

3. Ann is not married. What about you?

4. Ann is a pharmacist by profession and she works in the chemist’s. What is your future profession?

5. Ann is interested in medicine. What are you interested in?

6. Ann is fond of sports and computer games. What are you fond of?

7. Ann is good at knitting. What are you good at?

8. Ann’s hobby is reading. What is/are your hobby/hobbies?

9. When Ann was a schoolgirl her favourite subjects were Chemistry and Biology. What were your favorite school subjects?

10. Ann’s family isn’t large. Is your family large or small? How many members are there in your family?

11. Ann’s father is an engineer. He is interested in cars. In his free time he likes hunting. What does your father do? What are his interests?

12. Ann’s mother is a housewife. She is fond of gardening and she is good at cooking. What does your mother do? What are her interests?

13. Do you spend much time with your family?

14. How do you usually spend your free time?


7. Complete the sentences in this composition by Katya:

My name is Katya. I’m from Russia. _____ a first-year student of Ogarev Mordovia State University. _____ eighteen years old.

My family lives in Samara. ______ father ____ a businessman. _____ fifty-one years old. _____ mother ____ a doctor. ______ forty-nine years old. I ______ two sisters and one brother. My sisters’ names ______ Rosa and Rita. Rosa ____ a teacher. Rita is ___ student. My brother’s name ____ Anton. He ____ an engineer. He is married. He ______ two children.

I live in a dormitory. ____ a tall building. ______ on Respublikanskaya Street. I live with my roommate. _____ name is Lena. _____ from Penza. _______ nineteen years old.

I like my classes. _______ interesting. I like ______ groupmates. _____ friendly.


8. Speak about yourself. Follow the questions as a plan:

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When were you born?

4. Where are you from?

5. What school did you finish?

6. What were your favourite subjects at school?

7. What do you do?

8. What is your hobby? What are you interested in?

9. Have you got a family? How many people are there in your family?

10. What’s your father’s name? How old is he? What does he do?

 11. What’s your mother’s name? How old is she? What does she do?

 12. Do you have any sisters or brothers in your family? How old are they? What are their names? What do they do?

 13. Do you live in a house or a flat? Can you describe it?

 14. Have you got your own room?

 15. Have you got a pet? What pet is it?


Part 2. My Working Day

1. Study the vocabulary:

alarm-clock – будильник

to wake up – просыпаться

to get up – вставать

to get dressed – одеваться

to put on make-up – краситься (наносить макияж)

early-riser – ранняя пташка

as a rule – как правило

to do / make the bed – заправлять кровать

to do morning exercises – делать зарядку

to take (have) a shower – принимать душ

to have breakfast (lunch, dinner) – завтракать (обедать, ужинать)

to leave house / home – уходить из дома

to come home – приходить домой

groupmate – одногруппник

to last – длиться

to have five classes a day – иметь пять пар в день

to do the washing-up – мыть посуду

to go to bed – ложиться спать

it takes me – у меня уходит (e.g. It takes me one hour to do my homework. – У меня уходит час на то, чтобы сделать домашнее задание)

to talk shop – говорить о делах


2. Read the text and put the verbs in the brackets in the Present Simple Tense:

    On weekdays the alarm-clock (to wake) me up at 6 a.m. and my working day (to begin). I (not/to be) an early-riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. As a rule I (to stay) in bed for a few minutes. But all the same, it is time to get up and start getting ready for my study.

    I (to do) my bed and (to go) to the bathroom where I (to take) a warm shower, (to clean) my teeth, (to comb) my hair.

    My mother often (to cook) breakfast for me. It usually (to consist) of coffee and some sandwiches. I (not/to like) to eat a lot in the morning.

    I (to leave) the house at 7.30 a.m. and (to go) on foot. It (to take) me 15 minutes to get to the Institute. On the way to the Institute I often (to meet) my groupmate. He (to live) not far from me. So we go together talking shop.

    My working day (to last) for 7 hours. I (to be) at studies from 8 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We (to have) classes five times a week.

    At 12 o'clock we (to have) lunch. We usually have lunch in the canteen which (to be) on the first floor. It (not /to take) me long to have a meal. During our working day we also (to have) several short coffee breaks. But sometimes my groupmates and I (not/to have) time for them.

    I (to come) home at 6 o'clock in the evening. My parents (to be) usually at home waiting for me. We (to have) dinner together. My mother always (to do) the washing-up. My father often (to help) her. After dinner I (to do) my homework. Then all members of our family (to gather) in the living room, (to drink) tea, (to watch) TV or just (to talk).

    By the end of the day I get very tired. I (to go) to bed at 10.30 p.m.


3. Speak about your working day. Follow the questions as a plan:

1. What time do you get up?

2. Are you an early riser? Do you like to get up early?

3. What do you do before breakfast?

4. What do you have for breakfast?

5. What time do you leave home?

6. How do you get to University?

7. How long does it take you to get to University?

8. How many classes a day do you have?

9. What time do your classes begin?

10. Where and when do you usually have lunch?

11. What do you do in the evening?

12. What time do you go to bed?

4. Match the words from the text with the corresponding definitions:

1. A term referring to two traditionally non-working days in a seven-day week is...

2. A clock that is designed to make a loud sound at a specific time is...

3. The last of three to five daily meals is...

4. An Institute cafeteria for snacks and more substantial hot meals is...

5. A student of your group is …             


5. Translate the text about Mr. Black’s working day from Russian into English:

Мистер Блэк работает врачом в Лондоне. Он живет один. Мистер Блэк встает рано, примерно в 6 утра, так как его больница находится далеко от дома. Он заправляет кровать, делает зарядку, принимает душ каждое утро. Затем Мистер Блэк завтракает. Он не любит много кушать по утрам. Его завтрак состоит из чашки чая и бутербродов. Он уходит из дома в 7.00 и добирается на работу на машине. У него уходит на это около 25 минут.

    Мистер Блэк – хороший хирург (surgeon). У него много пациентов (patients) каждый день. Он часто задерживается (to stay on) на работе. Он обедает в больнице. Но иногда у него нет времени на обед.

Примерно в 19.00 он приезжает домой, ужинает, читает, смотрит телевизор. Мистер Блэк ложится спать в 23.00. К концу дня он очень устает. Но он очень любит свою работу.


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