Ex. 7. Change the following sentences (1-5) by completing them with either a verb-adverb or an adjective-noun phrase. 

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Ex. 7. Change the following sentences (1-5) by completing them with either a verb-adverb or an adjective-noun phrase.

1. There was a steady increase in the share price for the first four days.

The share price __________ the first four days.

2. The share price rose dramatically at the end of the week.

There was a __________ in tire share price at the end of the week.

3. There was a sharp fall in the share price on Friday.

The share price __________on Friday.

4. The share price showed only slight fluctuations.

The share price only __________

5. The share price dipped slightly on Wednesday.

There was a __________ in the share price on Wednesday.


Ex. 8. Correct the wrong information in the description of each graph.

1. The numbers grew slowly and after levelling out, they dropped dramatically.

2. Prices fell substantially and then fluctuated.

3. After a slow rise, there was a steady decline.

4. The value dropped and then levelled off for a while before soaring again


Ex. 9. Replace the underlined words or phrases with the equivalent from the box.

90% of 47%    70% of nearly two-thirds a quarter


1. S even in ten students live in university accommodation,

2. 25% of arts graduates work in education.

3. Nine out of ten textile workers are women.

4. 64% of jobs in the textile industry are in South-East Asia.

5. Almost half of office workers travel more than 30 minutes to reach their work.


Ex. 10. Read the paragraph from the TEXT Changing trends, Underline the nouns and verbs which refer to changes. Circle the prepositions which go with them.

The academic year 2006-2007 saw a general increase in student numbers as most faculties registered a rise in enrolments. For example, the number of men studying IT rose from 108 in 2000 to just over 140 in 2006, and numbers studying law rose to over 350 men and just under 200 women. There were some decreases. The number of men studying medicine and dentistry dropped to 130, and the number of women studying economics and commerce also fell by 60, to 406.


Ex. 11. Look at the graph in figure 4 and complete the gaps in the text, with a preposition from the box.

to from to by by to in

There was a general increase __________    the number of people employed in education, health, and social services between 2000 and 2006. Between 2000 and 2001, the numbers rose __________ 70,000, but there was a slight drop __________ 5,000 the following year. Numbers rose again in 2003 __________ 78,000. In 2004 the workforce increased __________ 5,000 and then dropped slightly __________ 83,000 __________ 80,000 in 2005. This figure remained

almost the same in 2006.

Ex. 12. Use the information from the table and write a short description about changes in percentage of students employed in part-time work

Year Percentage
2002 21
2003 31
2004 26
2005 28


Ex. 1. Discuss the questions about your country.

1. In what ways is the population changing?

2. Are there more young people than people over 60?

3. What are the percentages of men and women?

Ex. 2. Decide which type of graph would be best for showing 1-3.

1. changes in the number of people under 20 in a country between 1995 and 2005

2. the percentage of undergraduates and graduate students in a particular university

3. the number of men and women who worked in information technology between 1998 and 2006

Ex. 3. Decide which data in Tables 1-3 you would use in a report on the distribution of the world’s population by age.

Table 1: Total world population by age in millions in 2002 and 2025

age 2002 2025
total 6 227 966 7 833 456
0-4 605,138 625,701
5-9 596,123 626,510
10-14 607,387 623,151
15-19 580,448 604,049
20-44 2,352,784 2.819,888
45-64 1,045,771 1,700,854
65-79 363,177 668,912
Over 80 77,138 164,400



Table 2: Percentage global distribution of males by age in 2004

  under 15 15-64 over 6S
the world 29.1 64.6 6.3
Africa 42.2 54.8 3
Asia 28.6 65.7 5.7
Europe 17.2 70.1 12.7


Table 3: Percentage global distribution of females by age in 2004

    under 15 15-64 over 65
the world 27.9 63.8 8.3
Africa 41.1 55.1 3.7
Asia 27.9 65.1 7.0
Europe 15.1 66.3 18.5


Ex. 4. Decide how you would present the data you have chosen. Draw a graph or chart.

In your writing present statistical and numerical data in a graphic form for clarity. Refer to the graphics and describe the overall patterns rather than all the statistics in detail.

Look at the graphics. Answer the questions.

1. What are the main trends?

2. Are there any surprising rises or falls?

Ex. 5. Writing a report using visualinformation

Plan your report for exercise. Refer back to the VOCABULARY. Write a report (150-200 words).





Причастие I

Причастие I (Participle I) – неличная форма глагола, обладающая свойствами глагола, прилагательного и наречия. Причастие I переходных глаголов имеет четыре формы, а непереходных –только две:

examining – non-perfect, active (допрашивающий, который допрашивает; допрашивая)

being examined – non-perfect, passive (допрашиваемый, которого допрашивают; будучи допрашиваемым)

having examined – perfect, active (допросив, после того как допросил)

having been examined – perfect, passive (после того, как был допрошен)

complaining– non-perfect, active (жалующийся, который жалуется; жалуясь)


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