Fill in the missing parts of the dialogue. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Fill in the missing parts of the dialogue.

Sh.-assis. What can I do for you?
Customer:  .....
Sh.-assis. What kind of shoes do want madam?
Customer:  .....
Sh.-assis. What size are you?
Customer:  .....
Sh.-assis. Here is a pair of your size. Try them on.
Customer:  .....
Sh.-assis. Here is another pair. Do they fit you?
Customer:  .....
Sh.-assis. Twenty pounds, fifty-five pence, madam.
Customer:  .....
Sh.-assis. You can pay at the cash desk.


7. Read this text and retell it.

At the Jeweller's*

Our Mum is going to celebrate her 70th anniversary. And we, her nearest and dearest, have decided to present her something unusual for the jubilee. After a long discussion we agreed to buy some jewellery and to send her to St. Petersburg – the city of her youth (of course with a chaperon). Settling this we went to the jeweller's. As for me I was dazzled. A lot of different brooches, pendants, rings, earrings, chains, strings of pearl beads and so on were put in their velvet nests. We didn't look at silver things – they are better for young girls but mainly pay attention to gemstones mounted in gold. We asked to have a look at several rings and earrings with diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires. They were beautiful but we were searching for something special. We remembered the gem of our mum was ruby and asked a sales-girl to show us a ring and earrings with it. She opened one box and we saw a wonderful set – earrings, a bracelet and a ring. And the size of the ring was right. The set was marvellous! The rubies were of clear colour and gold was of high quality. We were very glad. My relatives left me after purchasing and I began to look at silver things for my two daughters. At last I bought a silver bangle and a silver ring with a pearl for one and a thin silver chain and a ring with a moonstone for the other. For myself I found an elegant coral string of beads. I was glad with my purchases too.


What gemstones do you know? Can you name them? What is your favourite one?


Fill in the missing words.

1. The __ she wore must have cost close to a million (драгоценности). 2. Ann removed her __, her __, her __, her __, and her __ placed her jewels in the __ bag (серьги, кольца, браслет, брошь, ожерелье, кожаный). 3. I gave her a little Austrian __ on a __ __ that used to belong to my mother and she's going to __ it around her __ as a good luck charm (медальон, золотая цепочка, носить, шея). 4. Inside was an oval-shaped antique __ circled with __ (золотые часы, бриллианты ). 5. The only __ of __ he had ever seen her wear was small __ that she always carried on a __ chain __ her throat (драгоценность, золотой крест, тонкий, вокруг). 6. She wore the __ ear __ Neal and her mother had given her for her twenty-first birthday (рубин, клипсы).

charm – амулет, брелок медальон – medallion, locket oval-shaped – овальной формы золотой крест – golden cross клипсы – studs


9. Read this story. What goods did Dasha’s mother buy for her daughter?

At the stationer's*

 My daughter is going to school this year. And we begin our preparations for such a great event. Yesterday I with my daughter Dasha went to the stationer's. We wanted to buy all pencils and pens, copy-books and albums she would need at school. And I needed something for work. It was very interesting to watch her in the shop – she wanted to buy everything. And the choice was rather rich. All goods were displayed on the racks so we could take them ourselves. There was a long discussion what to buy for her – a school bag or a satchel. Dasha wanted a school bag we preferred a satchel. But all arguments disappeared when she saw a satchel with her favourite cartoons' characters on the surface and a lot of departments and pockets inside it. She wanted nothing but that one. Of course, I bought it. Then we chose a sketch-book / album for drawing, ten lined / ruled copy-books and ten checked copy-books. For myself I took a thick checked exercise-book. After that we paid attention to all kinds of pens and pencils. For the daughter I took two graphite pens, neither very soft nor very hard, and a set of 24 coloured pencils / crayons for drawing. Then she asked me to buy a huge set of coloured felt-tip pens (As far as I remember there were 36 of them). And we both needed ballpoint pens. For her I took two pens with dark blue ink and for me a set of three pens with blue, black and red ink. A bit later I took from the rack a plastic transparent bag for Dasha's copy-books and a document file for my papers. Dasha chose a ruler, two funny erasers shaped like bears and a small triangle. I added a pencil sharpener, a glue stick, scissors, a set of cardboard and a set of coloured papers, a box of plasticine. Then I saw a counter with different markers and neon hi-litters. I chose transparent blue, yellow, orange and pink markers. But when we came up to the counter with colours and brushes I was struck. I had never seen such a variety of colours. There were jars of gouache, tubes of oil paints, boxes of watercolours, sticks of pastel, Indian ink, and a lot of different brushes. It was very difficult to choose something and a shop-assistant helped us to cope with it. Just at the last moment I remembered that I needed a box of drawing-pins, a box of paper-fasteners with a new stapler, correcting fluid and a roll of sticking tape. I had decided to buy a new electronic pocket calculator some other time. When I was going to the cash-desk I saw my daughter sitting on the floor making holes in her new copy-book with a hole punch with great interest. As a result during only one visit to a shop I spent more than 2500 roubles. And we must buy Dasha clothes for school, a tracksuit and a new pair of shoes and a pair of trainers more. To have a child of seven just before school is a great trouble and problem, but a great joy at the same time too.


10. Translate into English *

1.Покажите мне, пожалуйста, летние туфли на среднем каблуке. 2. Могу я вам помочь? 3. Я бы хотела посмотреть какую-нибудь рубашку 42 размера. 4. Сколько стоит этот тренчкот? 5. Какой ваш размер? 6. У меня седьмой размер перчаток. 7. Пройдите, пожалуйста, в примерочную. 8. Где можно купить шелковый шарф? 9. Сюда, пожалуйста. 10. Мне кажется, пальто плохо сидит на мне. 11. Это платье мне слишком широко. 12. Мне не нравится ни цвет, ни фасон. 13. Эти сапоги мне жмут в пальцах. 14. Из чего сделан этот джемпер? 15. Цены в этом магазине заоблачные. 16. На вкус и цвет товарищей нет. 17. Не люблю туфли на платформе (platform shoes), чувствуешь себя такой неуклюжей (clumsy). 18. Где ты купил этот телевизор? 19. Где она нашла эту шляпу? Они давно вышли из моды. 20. Заверните, пожалуйста, мои покупки. 21. Это как раз то, что я хотела. 22. Я давно мечтала купить такой чайный сервиз. 23. Этот сервиз сделан из костяного фарфора? 24. Эти джинсы известной торговой марки. 25. Мы ожидаем новых поступлений. 26. На лето я могу предложить вам топ, широкую юбку и жакет с короткими рукавами. 27. Я предпочитаю натуральные ткани. 28. Мне нужен складной зонт не очень яркой расцветки. 29. У вас есть в продаже шелковые итальянские галстуки? 30. Эта шуба очень хорошего качества. 31. Какие духи сейчас самые модные? 32. Эта блузка сочетается с моим костюмом? 33. Эта шляпа тебе не идет. 34. Эта отделка хорошо сочетается с платьем. 35. Скажите, пожалуйста, где находится отдел хозяйственных товаров? 36. Сними свои драные кроссовки и примерь эти легкие сандалии.

Topic "what is a Town like?",

       "Getting around the city"


1. Read this text and translate it.

What is a town like? *

There are a lot of different places where people live. But this time we'll speak about towns and cities and getting about them. Never mind (неважно) if it is a town or a city (sometimes the difference is only in size) every one has something in common (общее). There are streets that can be straight or crooked (прямые или кривые), long or short, narrow or wide (узкие или широкие). Short narrow streets that join (соединяют с) larger ones are called lanes (by-streets) (переулок). The streets are often lined with trees (обрамлены деревьями). They are lit with streetlights (уличными фонарями) when it's dark. On the sides of the streets one can see different buildings (здания): offices, museums, hospitals, banks, theatres, cinemas, picture galleries, libraries, work-shops (мастерские), cafes and restaurants, institutes and schools, sport facilities (спортивные сооружения) and churches (церкви), and, of course, dwelling houses (жилые дома). On one side of the streets the buildings have even (четные)numbers and on the opposite – odd (нечетные) numbers. Usually every town or city has squares (площади), public gardens (скверы), fountains (фонтаны) and monuments (памятники).

On the sides of the streets one can see pavements (тротуары) covered with stone or asphalt. There pedestrians (пешеходы) can walk but they cross the streets only at crossings (перекресток). There are traffic lights (светофор). Everybody knows that we can cross the street under the green light (пересекать улицу на зеленый свет) and wait under the red light. But do we always observe the traffic rules (соблюдаем правила дорожного движения)?

When a town is rather large there is public transport (общественный транспорт): trams, trolley-buses, buses, taxis. In some cities there is a metro. And if a city is situated on (расположен) a river there can be river-trams. You can get to the centre by any transport or on foot (пешком) if it's not very far. Some people live very far from the centre – on the outskirts (на окраине) of a town or even in a suburb (в пригороде). When the traffic is very heavy (большое движение) we can often get into traffic jams (дорожные пробки) which is very inconvenient. In our country we have a right-hand traffic (правостороннее), but in England there is a left-hand traffic (левостороннее движение). The traffic is directed (controlled) (движение регулируется) with traffic lights or by a militiaman.

Usually towns are situated near or on the banks (берега) of a river or a lake. And people decorate their embankments (украшают набережные), which are set in granite (одеты в гранит). Our city is on the Iset River. Several bridges cross the river (мосты переброшены через). Especial proud of any town or city is their parks. The more greenery (зелени) it has the better is for the inhabitants (жителей) of a town.

It's very interesting to go sightseeing about the town (осматривать достопримечательности). For some towns a one-day excursion will do, but we can do the other towns for weeks. It's even more interesting if somebody shows you around the place (кто-нибудь сопровождает вас) and tells everything.


2. Look at the names of the cities and say when they were founded. *

Model: This town was founded in 1374.

St. Petersburg – 1703 Novgorod – 859 Washington - 1801 Dmitrov – 1164 Moscow –1147   Vladimir – 1108 Yaroslavl – 1010   Rostov – 869   Yekaterinburg – 1723  Suzdal – 1024  Pskov - 903  


3. Read aloud and give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations. *

A) Block; crooked; granite; straight; crooked; boulevard; fountain; canal; museum; pedestrian; embankment; advertisement; flowerbed; greenery; sign; bridge; shop-window; gallery; inquiry office; exhibition; planetarium; zebra crossing; public garden; accident; monument; traffic jam; outskirts; militiaman; suburb; district; bush / shrub; situated; slums; pavement; sight; capital; multi-storied; water-cart; announcement; incident; lamppost; underground; by-street; thoroughfare; avenue; escalator; route; queue; pedestrian; passer-by; sky-scraper; bookstall; dead-end; residential.

B) Well-laid out town; to reconstruct a building (street, town); request stop; to pave with asphalt; telephone booth; to lay out a town; rush-hours; to go as far as; at a corner; to stand in a queue / line; on the outskirts of the town; to pull down a house; house under construction; under the green light; to widen a street; to observe the traffic rules; to pay one's fare; to go sightseeing; to do the town; to knock down; to run over; to meet with an accident; streets are lined with trees; All change! All fares!

4. Translate into English. *

А) Жилой район; тупик; рекламный щит; тротуар; витрина магазина; многоэтажный дом; фонтан; зелень; музей изящных искусств; планетарий; ломбард; парковка; троллейбусная остановка; уличный фонарь; газетный киоск; редакция журнала "Уральский следопыт"; спортивная площадка; четные / нечетные номера домов; красивые фасады домов; светофор; оживленная улица; городской общественный транспорт; бульвар; строящееся офисное здание; салон красоты; роддом; дорожная развязка; уютный ресторанчик за углом; плавательный бассейн; косметическая клиника; книжный киоск; типография; гранитная набережная; небольшое происшествие; восстановленный дворец; аэровокзал; билетная касса; кладбище; концертный зал; окраина; маршрутное такси; пригород; театр кукол; оперный театр; сквер с цветочными клумбами; красивая кованая чугунная ограда; машина скорой помощи; телефонная будка; подземный переход; интенсивное движение.

В) Поливать улицы и дворы; сажать деревья; освещать; очутиться на окраине города; не успеть на автобус; восстанавливать; подвезти кого-либо; снести трущобы; переходить улицу на зеленый свет; воздвигнуть памятник кому-либо; делать пересадку; платить за проезд; стоять в очереди; место занято; место свободно; расширять проезд; наткнуться на кого-либо; регулировать движение; штрафовать за нарушение правил дорожного движения; потерпеть аварию; заложить новый микрорайон; разбить сквер; попасть в дорожную пробку; подвезти кого-либо; взять такси; повернуть налево / направо; жить в отдаленном районе; содержать улицы в чистоте; потерять дорогу; давать указания, как пройти; украшать дома; идти прямо; пойти осматривать достопримечательности; перейти на другую сторону улицы; вернуться немного назад; сделайте первый поворот направо / налево; сесть на автобус; пересаживаться на другой маршрут трамвая.


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