I. Read these texts, paying special attention to the words printed in bold. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I. Read these texts, paying special attention to the words printed in bold.






The book is compiled and made by Pankratova N.V.



Yekaterinburg, 2008


I.      Topic “About Myself and My Family”…………………………………………………………………

II.     Topic “Flat”………………………………………………………………………………………………

III.    Topic “At the Map of the World”………………………………………………………………………

IV.    Topic “Meals”……………………………………………………………………………………………

V.   Topic “Student’s Day and Daily Routine”……………………………………………………………

VI.   Topic “Our Institute”……………………………………………………………………………………

VII.   Topic “Seasons and Weather”………………………………………………………………………..

VIII.  Topic “Leisure Time”…………………………………………………………………………………..

IX.   Topic “Shopping” ………………………………………………………………………………………

X. Topic “What Is a Town Like?” …………………………………………………………………………

XI.    Topic “Theatre”……………………………………………………………………………………….

 XII. Topic “Appearance and Character”…………………………………………………………………

XIII.  Reading Rules…………………………………………………………………………………………

XIV. Word-building………………………………………………………………………………………..

XV. Miscellaneous………………………………………………………………………………………..

Topic 'About Myself', 'FAMILY'.

III. Find in the text the following words and word combinations.

Дружная и любящая семья; большая удача; близкие родственники; мощный клан; чуть за восемьдесят; бухгалтер в банке; не очень люблю; слегка занудлив и скучен; его основной интерес – своя собственная персона; обожает всевозможных животных; любят и доверяют ей; принимала участие в Великой Отечественной войне; умер несколько лет назад; очень жизнерадостный человек; хорошее чувство юмора; серьезный и строгий; выглядит великолепно; бегать по утрам трусцой в парке; быть ровесниками; плут, шельмец; сорванец; изобретать что-либо взрывоопасное; если не взлетит раньше в воздух со всеми своими игрушками и нашей квартирой; студентка вечернего отделения института; собираюсь стать переводчиком; проводить весело свободное время; машинистка на том же самом заводе; у них близнецы того же возраста как и я; они фанатки пеших походов и всей этой туристской романтики; полковник Российской Армии; им все время приходится переезжать; заботиться о муже и детях; одиннадцатилетняя дочь, чувствовать себя как дома; она всегда занята, как пчела; работает плотником в мастерской; сейчас она увлечена своим фруктовым садом; в детстве мы обычно проводили летние каникулы в Крыму; удивительный и оригинальный художественный вкус; Художественное училище; дружные и дружелюбные, заботливые и внимательные; всегда готовы помочь друг другу, если нужно; всегда занятно наблюдать за их проделками; защищать друг друга; провиниться

Retell this text using this table.

Family tree.



Ann (82) and Yuri (died at 84)


Nadezhda (59) and Victor Valya (55) and Oleg Peter (53) and Irene Alexander (49) and Tatiana George (45) and Vera Kate (43) and Andrew
Masha (39) Zoë (35) Denis (32) Maxim (29) Alex (33) Kseniya (28) Marina (21) Sophia (21) Elisabeth (21) Sergey (14) Kirill (16) Nastya(11) Nick (20)


IV. International Linguistic Academy*

All these young people have entered the International Linguistic Academy. Choose one or two persons and tell about them and their families. Imagine some facts of their life if there is a need. Make a story about this group in general saying what they have in common and what they differ in.

Annette Poiror, 21 France, Nante Works as a nurse, children’s hospital Lives with parents, two younger sisters Wants to be a children's doctor Hobby - reading, jazz and folk music, fan of cats Marie Duchoney, 24 Canada, Quebec Secretary, at school Lives with her boyfriend, parents - in Vancouver Hobby – sports – jogging and tennis, taking pictures fan of Whitney Huston
Martin Drovyanek, 25 Poland, Wrozlaw Engineer, at a large plant Married, one small son, no other relatives of his own Hobby- cars and rally, rap and likes the Pope Paul II Anita Sanchez, 19 Spain, Barcelona Student of art, wants to be a designer of textile Lives with mum and grandparents Hobby - drawing, singing, theatre
Cobo Abo, 18 Japan, Tokyo Student of Polytechnic institute, wants to be a chemist Lives in a student’s hostel, parents and an elder sister are in Osaka Has a girlfriend, Hobby – windsurfing, Japanese poetry, rock music David Schwartz, 21 Germany, Munich ['mju:nık] Baker, works in a shop of his parents not married, a girlfriend, Wants to study at Higher School of Tourism to be a great cook Hobby – beer, old cooking books and good classic music
Marko Boccelli, 26 Italy, Milan Manager at a large restaurant, Married, a charming daughter of 3 Hobby – taking pictures of his daughter and wife, outing, collecting of stamps Maxim Chernov, 27 Russia, Yekaterinburg Airport, pilot Married, twins – two boys of 5 Hobby – skiing, watching hockey on TV, fishing and his old car
Linda Hansel, 20 Holland, Harlem Student, wants to be a teacher of small children No boyfriend, likes company, parties Lives with parents, a lot of relatives all over the world Hobby – gardening, swimming, reading of fantasies, fan of ABBA and Beatles   Amara Sutru, 22 India, Bombay; Student of linguistics, can speak five languages No parents, only a younger sister, lives with their aunt and uncle Is going to marry a young man, a children's doctor by profession Hobby – Indian culture, travelling
Michele Swan, 25 The USA, New York Actress, at the theatre in Broadway Shares a flat with her friend Olga – it's much cheaper Dreams to play parts of Desdemona and Ofelia Likes pop music, spirituals, popcorn and horror films Nikki Hornby, 17 Scotland, Glasgow Lives with her parents and six brothers and sisters, Schoolgirl, wants to study economics to be a manager Hobby – reading fantasies, singing folk songs and dancing folk dances
Janette Poulair, 29 She is French but lives in Germany with her German husband, speaks four languages They have a car shop One daughter of 4 Hobby – cooking, watching serials on TV and jogging, wants to travel a lot around the world Yang Vang-Tzi, 20 China, Beijing Top model at a Fashion Agency Wants to be a designer of clothes, studies at the Academy of Arts Hobby – drawing, Chinese gymnastics, outings with friends
Irena Corakova, 23 Bulgaria, Sunny Coast (Slanchev Bryag) Instructor of gymnastics and body fitness Lives with her boyfriend Hobby – swimming in the sea, diving, taking pictures and playing jokes at her friends Sabina Olsen, 25 Sweden, Stockholm Manager at a large hotel Single mum of a son of 3, lives in a house of her sister Hobby – writing of fairy-tales for her son, singing jazz, gardening
Sandra Brown, 22 England, Coventry Personal assistant of the president of a large firm Lives with her grandparents, an orphan Is finishing her study at the Open university Hobby – romantic films and books, tourism, dogs, Wants to get marry some prince Arvidas Churlenis, 26 Latvia, Riga Body guard at a large security agency Married, two children – a daughter of 4 and a son of 1 Wants to become a linguist – speaks Russian, English and German fluently Hobby – collecting models of cars, basketball, sambo and shooting
Karin Schultz, 35 Austria, Vienna Surgeon at a large hospital Married, husband – lawyer, has his own firm, 43 Two daughters of 13 and 10 and a son of 6 Hobbies – play the piano, opera, windsurfing and embroidering Natalia Amadu, 43 Brazil, San-Paolo Artist, has a gallery of her own Divorced, has a son of 19 - student of Air Forces College and a daughter of 16 - student of music college Hobby – carnivals, reading and her pets – 5 cats and 3 dogs


Translate into English.

День рождения*

Наконец этот великий день настал. У меня – день рождения. Приготовления были грандиозные. Неделю назад я разослала много приглашений. Накануне я убрала квартиру и вместе с подругой притащили два деревянных ящика в лоджию. Мы их покрыли поролоном и сверху куском материи – получились два довольно милых мягких диванчика. Папа служил у нас провиантмейстером – бегал по магазинам и покупал продукты. Моя милая тетушка сшила мне на день рождения в подарок чудный костюм. Бабушка испекла торт и два огромных пирога – с мясом и лососем. А сегодня мама готовила праздничный обед, а я исполняла всю грязную работу. Гостей мы пригласили к 4 часам. Брат и бабушка накрыли стол. Вот и гости! Мой друг принес огромный букет моих любимых цветов, за что я наградила его поцелуем (правда, я и так его бы поцеловала). Мои две лучшие подруги подарили великолепный альбом по русской живописи. От дяди я получила золотое колечко с сапфиром (мой камень). A мой маленький кузен, мой любимчик, нарисовал очень красивую картинку. Еще я получила в подарок очаровательную фиалку в красивом керамическом горшке, шелковый шарф с рисунком и парочку смешных фарфоровых котят. Когда все подарки были вручены, все сели за стол. Мы поставили в разных концах стола салаты, которые исчезли в мгновенье (disappear in a moment) с возгласами: "Как вкусно! Можно еще добавки?" Все радостно и громко приветствовали пироги. После еды мы сели на диван, в кресла, на пол. Мы перепели все песни, какие можно было вспомнить. Все рассказывали разные смешные истории из моей жизни и жизни моих друзей. А потом мы начали рассказывать еще и множество анекдотов и над каждым хохотали до упаду (split one's sides with laughter). Моего маленького кузена отец унес спать в мою комнату. Не забывали мы и о танцах. Около двенадцати гости начали расходиться (start leaving the party). Родители не стали будить кузена, а взяли на руки и отнесли прямо в одеяле в машину. Пока я провожала гостей, мама с бабулей убрали со стола и почти  всю посуду перемыли и вытерли. Я помогла прибрать гостиную, а потом села на диван с мамой и начала  думать, как прекрасно иметь такую хорошую семью и таких классных друзей как у меня.


Read and retell the text.


Once upon a time, a widower had a daughter who was very kind and good. He married a second wife who was proud and very selfish. She had two daughters who were also very unpleasant persons. And that woman could not stand her stepdaughter and made her do all dirty work about the house. The daughters of that woman lived in light well-furnished rooms, but the poor girl had a room in a tiny, cold attic. But she never complained because she didn't want to upset her father.

In the evenings, she used to sit by the fire in the cinders so the stepmother and the stepsisters called her Cinderella. But even in an old dress she was lovelier than her stepsisters.

One day, the king's son sent invitations to a ball. The stepsisters talked and talked about that ball trying on dozens of dresses.

"I'll wear my red velvet," said the elder, "the one with real laces."

'I'll wear my plain ball dress," the other sister said. "But I'll have my diamonds, too. And my cape with gold flowers."

Cinderella had excellent taste and the girls asked her how to do their hair. And she promised them to help. While Cinderella was working at their hairdos the girls teased her. Soon they were ready to leave for the ball.

Cinderella watched, and when they had gone, she cried a little. Her fairy god-mother came to see why she was crying.

" I wish I could go to the ball," Cinderella said.

"Do as I say, and you will go to the ball," said the fairy and told her to bring a large pumpkin, six mice and a rat.

attic – чердак to complain – жаловаться to upset – огорчать cape – накидка с капюшоном to do one's hair – сделать прическу fairy godmother –  фея крестная мать


Topic 'Flat'


I. Read and translate this text into Russian.

My flat*

My House.

I live in Forest Street, 47, flat N34. It's on the third floor. Our house is multi-storied and there are many porches. So people sometimes call it the "Chinese Wall" because it is very long. We have a wonderful yard with a children’s playground and a sport ground. There is even a place for our grannies to sit on the benches under the trees. In summer our yard is very green because there are a lot of trees, bushes and flowers on the flowerbeds. Sometimes somebody brings a tape-recorder and we arrange dances. Even our parents join us. Maybe it is strange, but we help our yard-keeper to clean the yard, to plant and to water flowers, to repair or to paint something. And he lets us warm in his office in winter. This winter we made a real snow fortress and an ice-hill for small children. There is only one trouble: too many cars in the yard. But this summer people are going to make a car parking at the side of the house.

My Flat.

Our house has all modern conveniences: lift, gas, electricity, central heating, telephone and refuse chute. We have a three-room flat with a kitchen, a bathroom and a lavatory. When we enter the flat we get into a large square hall with a closet for coats and boots and something of the kind. On the left one can see a large oval mirror with two wall lamps on the sides. There is also a small chest-of-drawers with a telephone on it and a stool. At the other wall one can see an old comfortable armchair. A green-and-brown mat is on the floor of the hall. A short wide corridor leads to the bathroom, the lavatory and the kitchen.

There is nothing to say about the lavatory. The walls are tiled pale beige and there is a standard flush-toilet (стандартный унитаз). The bathroom is rather large. The walls are tiled too but pale rosy. There is a bath with a shower and taps for cold and hot water. Above the sink we have a glass shelf for cosmetics and a big mirror. Our toothpaste and toothbrushes are in a glass standing on the sink. On the opposite side we have a cupboard for bath accessories and towels. Under that cupboard we have an automatic washing machine. It is modern and very good. The hooks for towels are on the door. And on the floor we have a rubber rug.

Our kitchen is spacious. It's our Mum's pride. It's really nice. All kitchen furniture with a gas stove and oven, a huge fridge, a sink with cold and hot water is in the left side corner of the kitchen. There are also several cupboards on the walls there too. And the dinner zone is in the opposite corner. There is a large wooden table with six chairs around it. The cloth on the table, the cushions on the chairs and the curtains on a large window are of the same design. Mum made them herself. And there are a lot of houseplants. Mum is fond of them. There are several lamps in the kitchen: one is above the sink and a working table, the other one is on the wall near the table, and there is a small lustre on the ceiling in the centre of the kitchen. The floor is tiled light brown.

From the hall we can get to the rooms, the living room, my parents' bedroom and mine. My brother got married last year and now he and his wife live separately. I love them both dearly but it's so nice to have a room of my own! It's the most light and warm room in the flat. It seems to be large because there is little furniture in it and it is light. To the right side of the door there is a wardrobe. Further there is my sofa of bright colours with a lot of silk cushions and a bedside table. A table lamp is on it. And I also have a picture of my family on it. At the opposite wall there are two comfortable armchairs with a small round coffee table between them. Near the window in the corner I have a desk with my PC and a halogen lamp on it. My books and my musical centre are on the shelves. There are several watercolours of my brother on the wall above the sofa. I can't stand any carpets on the walls but they are good on the floor. I have a large one of pale yellow and brown colours. I am not so fond of flowers but there is one I like very much. It is a huge monstera. It is between the window and my desk. The flower makes a great impression on everybody coming to my room.

The bedroom of my parents is quite usual I think. They have no wardrobe there. They separated a part of the room and made there a dressing room. There are shelves for linen and clothes, hangs for suits, dresses and coats, a full-length mirror with a lamp over it and a chair. The walls are covered with pale yellow wallpaper with florist pattern. In the room one can see a double bed with two bedside tables and two lamps with pale-yellow lampshades. The curtains on the window and the bedspread are of the same golden colour. In the corner near the window is a three- panelled mirror with a chest-of-drawers. Mum keeps her perfumes and cosmetics and jewelry there. On both sides of the bed on the floor they have two long thick beige-and-green carpets. Daddy's alarm clock is on his bedside table and I sometimes have a strong wish to break it down. I have never seen before an alarm clock with such a dreadful voice. 

Our living room is cosy. We have no standard wall unit. Daddy has put a bookcase so that he has almost a separate study. There he has a massive writing table with an armchair of brown leather. On the table he has a PC, a lamp, a writing set and a lot of other things. Over the writing desk he hung a bookshelf for dictionaries, books on economics and management. The bookcase is full of collections of works of Russian classics, some foreign writers and books on cookery, plants, history and Mum's favourite love stories. The Dad's study with the bookcase is opposite the window and the balcony. On the right side of the door there is an upholstered sofa of light brown colour and a sideboard. Near the sofa we have a standard lamp with a silk white lampshade. At the opposite wall one can see two armchairs with a low coffee table between them. The upholstery of the furniture is of rich brown (сочного коричневого) colour, a bit dark I think. But the walls are very light – pale green, so it is not boring. Our new colour TV set is in the corner. In the middle of the room on the floor we have a huge carpet of sandy colour. We have no dinner table in the room. We have a folding table that is usually in the closet. But several chairs are in the room in different places. At the window there is a stand with my Mum's favourite violets (фиалки) on it. On the ceiling one can see a very nice old lustre.

I like my flat very much. I can invite my friends to my place and my parents are glad to see them too. Sometimes I simply don't want to go anywhere. It's so nice to sit in your own room and listen to music and dream about something.


Part IY. National economy.

The Russian Federation is a large industrial country. We have a highly developed industry and great mineral resources. Goods we produce are used not only in our country, but in other countries too. Our national economy has good heavy industry, machine-building, chemical & construction industries. The centres of aircraft industry are in Saratov & Samara. Shipbuilding is developed in our ports: Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Murmansk, Novorossiysk, and Saint Petersburg. Coal-mining industry is developed in Kuzbass, in the Urals, in Vorkuta. Our light industry produces textile, clothes, leather and footwear. In all large cities are factories of food industry. As our country has many rivers, there are a lot of hydroelectric stations. Russia also produces electronics, radio and TV sets, cars and lorries, carriages and space rockets.

Our agriculture is also developed. Farmers grow wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, and flax. Vegetable growing and gardening is developed all over the country. There are poultry farming and cattle-farming near every large city. 

Part Y. Our culture.

Russia has a great culture. Since the very beginning of our state our country had been known as the country with rich cultural traditions, just remember the fact that the level of literacy was much higher in ancient Russia than in the Western Europe. Our literature is one of the richest in the world. Almost everybody knows our music, ballet, and opera. One can make up a very long list of outstanding Russian scientists, writers, poets, composers, painters, singers and ballet dancers. There are a lot of museums, libraries, theatres and art galleries all over the country.

But now let’s speak about folk-crafts, folk-art and some habits and traditions of our country. One can see that every region has its own folk-craft. The Far North is famous for its bone-carving. Beautiful laces are made in Vologda and Eletz. Everybody knows Khokhloma and Gorodetz tableware, trays form Zhestovo and Nyzhny Tagil, Bogorodsky wooden carved toys, Dymka clay toys and Gzhel faience, pained boxes of Palekh. Log houses, usually decorated with wood carving, are typical for Russian villages. As our country is a multinational one, the variety of models in clothes strikes everybody visiting our country. And it is usually richly decorated with embroidery and laces.

As it has already been told there are rich cultural traditions. Not long ago people in Russian villages performed traditional khorovods (a kind of round dance) and chastushki (folk chanted rhymes) and rode in troikas. There are still a lot of people who like to play the accordion and balalaika and other folk musical instruments. The orchestras of folk instruments and ensembles of folk songs are popular in our country. There are many folk holidays in our country.

Can you make up your own list of 100 the most outstanding people of our country - political leaders, Statesmen, generals and admirals, scientists, public men, poets and writers, singers and ballet dancers? What are these people famous for?







TOPIC 'Meals"

I. Read these dialogues and retell tem in indirect speech.

B. In the restaurant (In the USA)


Good evening. Two for dinner?


Yes, that's right.


Where would you like to sit?


Could we have a table near the window, please?


Come with me, please. (He is leading Alex and his wife Susan to a table for two.)


Could we have the menu and the wine list?




Do you want an appetizer, Susan? Oysters, lox, smoked herring?


Does it come with the dinner?


No, it is a la carte.


Let me see… the dinner includes salad, an entree, vegetables and potatoes, a dessert and coffee. That's more than enough.


O.K. We'll order a dinner without an appetizer. What about the entree? What would you like – veal, roast beef, steak, or chicken?


As for me I'd like to have a steak.


So would I.


Are you ready to order now?


Yes. Can we start with the salad?


Certainly, sir. What kind of dressing would you like?


Just olive oil and vinegar for both of us.


And for entree?


Two steaks, please.


Rare, medium or well done?


Medium, please.


Is there a choice of vegetables and potatoes?


No, ma'm. We serve a daily special. Today you can have mashed potatoes. The vegetable of today is asparagus.


It's all right with me. What about you, Susan?


It's okay.


Would you like to see the wine list?


We'd like a carafe of Chablis.


Fine. Will you order your dessert now?


Can we order it later?


Of course.


Two for dinner? – вас двое на ужин?

come with the dinner – входить в стоимость обеда

entree ['ontreı] – основное блюдо  

daily special – определенный гарнир на каждый день

lox – семга

that's more than enough – этого более чем достаточно


a la carte –по заказу (отдельно)

Chablis – [∫э'blı] – "Шабли" – сорт белого сухого вина


dressing – приправа, соус

to include – включать (в себя)  


IV. Answer the questions.

1.Where would you like to sit? 2. Can I take your order now? 3. How do you want your coffee? 4.Do you prefer apple juice to grapefruit one? 5.Where is the salt? 6. Can you pass me the mustard? 7. What have you decided on? 8. Anything to drink? 9. Do you want scrambled eggs or rice porridge for breakfast? 10. Could we have our bill? 11. What dessert would you like? 12. Would you like dry wine or sherry? 13. How do you like it? 14. Any hors d'oeuvre?


XXII. Answer the questions.

1. When do you have breakfast as a rule? 2. What do you like for breakfast? And what about your family people? 3. Which do you prefer: black coffee or coffee with milk? 4. Are fond of cocoa? 5. What does your usual dinner consist of? 6. What do you like for the first course? 7. What kind of soup do you like best? 8. What do you prefer for the second course? 9. Do you often have fish for dinner? 10. What do you usually have for the starter? 11. What do you like for dessert? 12. When do you usually have supper? 13. What do you like for supper? 14. Who does the cooking in your family? 15. Can you cook? 16. Do you think you are a good cook? 17. Do you always eat at home or do you sometimes dine out? 18. When did you last go to a restaurant? 19. Did you like the service and the cooking? 20. What cuisine do you prefer: Russian, Italian, Chinese, French, English, Greek, Japanese or your mother's?


Sunday (Holiday) Dinner

Обычно мы празднуем Новый Год дома в семье, поэтому всегда возникает проблема, что приготовить. Я всегда привлекаю к решению этой проблемы всех домашних, так как все любят разное. Меню на новогодний ужин составляем заранее, недели за две. Надо купить продукты и кое-что сделать заранее. Надо посмотреть, какая посуда будет на столе, и какой скатертью лучше покрыть стол. Кое-какие соленья и маринады были сделаны осенью.  

В этот раз решили, что на столе должны быть соленые грибы, маринованная капуста по рецепту моей прабабушки, отварной язык под соусом и копченая скумбрия на закуску. Капуста и грибы были сделаны осенью, их надо было только выложить на блюдо. А вот язык, соус к нему надо было приготовить за день, охладить и поставить в холодильник. Со скумбрией тоже возни было немного – порезать тонкими ломтиками и поставить в овальном блюде на стол. В последний момент решили сделать селедку под шубой. Его довольно долго делать, но он ужасно вкусный. Он состоит из мелко порезанной бескостной соленой селедки покрытой сверху тертыми вареными овощами – картофелем, морковью, свеклой и мелко порезанным свежим луком. Каждый слой заливается майонезом.

На новогодний ужин мы никогда не делаем суп, только основное блюдо, каждый год разное. В этот раз мы решили подать на стол пельмени с тройным мясом с бульоном и тушеное филе кролика с грибами и сыром, запеченным поверх него.

На десерт бабушка испекла свой фирменный торт “Прага” и пирог с рыбой. К чаю торт очень подошел.

У нас существует интересная традиция подачи блюд на стол. Когда все собрались за столом, там была только посуда и столовые приборы. Скатерть была белоснежного льняного полотна с вышивкой в тон, мягко сияли тарелки и другие столовые приборы, ножи и вилки празднично блестели, и рюмки и бокалы под вино и морс сверкали около каждого прибора. Около каждого прибора лежала еловая веточка на карточке с именем того, кто должен сидеть за этим местом. И вот, когда все сели, начали вносить все кушанья и напитки. Почти каждую новую тарелку встречали радостными криками.

Мы сели за стол в 11 часов вечера. Когда часы начали бить двенадцать, мы подняли свои бокалы с шампанским, поздравили друг друга с Новым Годом и пожелали быть здоровыми и богатыми, счастливыми и добрыми, и больше всего ценить семью.

Празднество длилось долго. Мы вставали из-за стола, выходили на улицу прогуляться, потом вернулись, чтобы выпить по чашке чая с тортом и съесть по паре конфет и фрукты – бананы, апельсины, яблоки, и самый новогодний фрукт, мандарины.

Все хвалили поваров, и было очень довольны столом. Конечно, едой дело не ограничилось, мы обсудили все проблемы и события происшедшие в семье и в стране, рассказали множество анекдотов, перепели все песни, которые мы знали и танцевали до упаду.  


II. Answer the questions.

1. Who is more organized: Ann or Olga? 2. Can you say that you are an organized person? 3. Do you get ready for work in a hurry or not? 4. When do you get up? 5. Do you have time to take shower and to have breakfast? 6. What else do you have time for in the morning?


IX. Answer the questions.

1. Why didn't Nancy get up in time? 2. Why was she in horror? 3. What did she have time for? 4. Was there any time to have breakfast? 5. What was wrong with her clothes? 6. What was the weather like? 7. Was Nancy late for work? 8. What did she do in the morning? 9. Did Nancy have time to snack? 10. How did she feel by five o'clock? 11. What didn't Nancy do after work? 12. What moment was the only lucky one that day? 13. Did Nancy's husband like her supper or not? 14. Why did Nancy cry? 15. What is the motto (лозунг) of Nancy Lee? 16. Can you agree with her?


VIII. Express in one word.

1. – a short written work on one particular (частный) subject, made by a student;

2. – a class at college or university, where the teacher and students discuss a particular topic;

3. – a long essay that a student does as a part of a degree at the end of the education;

4.   – a person who has a first degree from the university and continue the education writing thesis and doing research work (научно-исследовательскую работу);

5. – a long piece of written research done for a higher university degree, f.e. Ph.D.;

6. – a block of flats where students live;

7. – a large dining hall in a university;

8. – a head of any higher establishment;

9. – a person who organizes the work of a teaching stuff of a department;

10. – a person who organizes the work of students of a course.


Finish the story.

I. Learn the proverbs.

One swallow does not make a summer. – Одна ласточка весны не делает.

Every cloud has a silver lining. – Нет худа без добра.

As you sow, you shall mow. – Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.

It never rains but it pours. – Дождь не просто идет, а ливнем льет. Пришла беда – отворяй ворота.

Rain before seven, fine before eleven. – После дождичка будет солнышко. Серенькое утро – красненький денек.


III. New words.

Weather – погода. – The naughtiest thing in the world is the weather. It's like a woman who always does the opposite to what you ask her. The weather can be hot, warm, cool or cold. What fine / nice / awful weather! The weather keeps nice (стоит хорошая погода). Will the weather keep? I think the weather is favourable (благоприятна) for a picnic. What do you think of the weather? – The weather is turning bad (портится). Nice weather we are having today! What is the weather like today? – Oh, the weather is beastly (мерзкая) / nasty (ненастная) / stuffy (душная). 

Climate – климат. The climate in the Urals is continental. There is the arctic and subarctic climate in the Far North. But in Sochi the climate is subtropical. English people say they have no climate but the weather only. But we can say their climate is mild (мягкий).

Cardinal pointsnorth, west, east, south. East or west home is best. The window of my room faces west. We must go to the north. The weather in the south of our country is always warm. My sister lives in the Far East, in Vladivostok. North – northern, west – western, south – southern, east – eastern. North – west, north – east, south – east, south –west.

Seasons – spring, summer, autumn, winter. There are four seasons in a year – spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Spring months are March, April and May. Summer months are June, July and August. Autumn months are September, October and November. Winter months are December, January and February.

Parts of the day – morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night, midnight. In the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at midnight. We sat up reading for our exams till the early hours in the morning (до первых петухов). Oh, listen, it's already midnight, the clock is striking twelve.

Sun – sunny. The sun goes up / rises in the east and goes down / sets in the west. When the sun rises it is a sunrise / a dawn / a daybreak. When the sun goes down it is a sunset / sundown. At daybreak / at dawn. Don't wake her up at daybreak, she is sleeping so sweetly at dawn. We left the house before dawn/daybreak (затемно). It's getting dark when the sun is setting. It's twilight. When it is almost dark it is dusk. We are happy in summer, we can lie in the sun (загорать). We get suntanned (получаем загар) and sometimes we get sunstroke (солнечный удар). The sparrows bathe in the sunlight (купаться в солнечных лучах). The sun is shining brightly in the sky. A lovely glade (поляна) is sunlit (освещена солнцем) and we decide to make a picnic there. The sun shines dimly (тускло) hardly penetrating through the clouds (едва проникая сквозь облака). Specks of dust danced in the sunbeams (Пылинки танцевали в лучах солнца). The sun burns merciless/ruthless (жжет немилосердно). Sunbeam = sunray.  

Moon – The huge moon hung over the village. Our moonlit garden looked mysterious (таинственно). Is the moon waning (убывает)? – No, it's waxing [wæks] / increasing / growin g. 

Sky and clouds – The sky is bright blue and clear. The sky is dull (хмурое) / grey / low / colourless = whitish (белесое). The sky is heavily cast with clouds (покрыто тучами). The sky is overcast. The day was wonderful, there was bright sun in the mackerel sky (небо с барашками облаков). Sometimes I hate summer because of clouds of dust (туч пыли) and swarms of mosquitoes (туч комаров). Light fleece (перистые) clouds sailed / drifted (плыли) in the sky.

Windwindy. It's so windy today. A light wind is called a breeze. The curtain was slightly waving with the breath of the wind (дуновения ветра). A gust / blast (порыв) of wind raised a cloud of dust on the road. Hurricanes (ураганы) are very often in Kansas, the USA. The wind is falling down / dying down (стихает). Where is the wind from? - The wind is blowing from the west. There is no wind today, it's calm. We are having calm/still weather (безветрие) today. A sudden strong gust of wind is called a squall (шквал).

Rain – It often rains in autumn. It is raining. A light rain with small drops (каплями) is called a drizzle. When it rains for a long time it's called a steady rain (затяжной дождь). A short but strong rain is called a shower (ливень). A torrent (ливень, поток) is a very strong stormy rain usually with wind. Sometimes the drops of rain freeze in the air [εэ] (воздух) and they fall down in a form of hail (град). Hailstones (градины) are sometimes so large that can kill a man, break through a roof of a car and demolish the crop (уничтожить урожай). When you are caught (застигнуты) in rain you can get wet through (промокнуть до костей).

Thunderstorm – гроза. There are a lot of heavy, dark clouds before a thunderstorm. The air is oppressive (душный) and it is still (неподвижный). Then suddenly you are dazzled (ослеплен) with a flash of lightning (вспышкой молнии) and after that you can hear a distant roll / peal of thunder (раскат грома). Sometimes the claps of thunder (удары грома) can frighten (испугать) you. The thunderstorm is approaching (приближается) very quickly. Flashes of lightning follow one after another, the thunder seems to crash / to roar / to rumble (грохочет) just over your heads. At last the rain starts. But it's very dangerous to be caught in a thunderstorm in an open place. You can be struck with (поражен) a lightning. Don't hide (прятаться) under a lonely tree. Lightning often smites (ударяет, поражает) such trees. Soon it begins to clear up (проясняться). And you can see a rainbow (радугу) in the sky. Sometimes we can watch dry thunderstorms with lightning and thunder but without rain. I think they are very dangerous because of fires (пожаров).

Snowsnowy -снег. It snows in winter. It's still snowing. The snow is falling heavily. Does it often snow in March? The snow lies deep and thick. The ground, trees, roofs of the houses - everything is covered (покрыто) with snow.  Large snowflakes (снежинки) are slowly falling down on the ground. High snowdrifts (сугробы) are on the sides of the road. There is hard / bitter frost (сильный мороз) sometimes. In 1977 on the 31st of December the temperature fell down up to 47 degrees (градусов) below zero (ниже нуля). A lot of people had frost-bitten (отморозили) noses, cheeks and ears. When it's so cold you can get stiff / numb with cold (окоченеть). But when it is about zero thaws (оттепели) begin. There is slush (грязь со снегом) on the road. And you should go very carefully (осторожно) because it's very slippery (скользко). February is famous / well-known for its snowstorms (снежными бурями) and blizzards (вьюгами).

Ice – лед. Ice – icy. In winter icy (ледяные) winds blow. The water is icy-cold. The icicles (сосульки) hang from the roofs of the houses. The icicles glitter (сверкают) in the sun. In winter all rivers, ponds and lakes are frozen. They are covered with thick ice. But in spring the ice is broken and an ice-drifting (ледоход) begins. Ice-floes (льдины) float down the rivers.


IV. Read this dialogue.

Kate: Hello, Ann! You look very fresh and sunburnt. Where have you been?
Ann: I’ve just come back from the south.
Kate: Really? Did you enjoy fine weather there?
Ann: Yes, I did. The weather was lovely. They said it was even too hot for the end of September. The day temperature was about 30°. Towards evening it fell to 20° but it was still very warm.
Kate: Did it ever rain?
Ann: Once when we were at sea on a motorboat we were caught in a heavy rain. I can’t say it was very pleasant. Was it warm here in September?
Kate: The first week was very warm. Fancy the temperature rising to 24° in the daytime! In a few days the weather turned to worse, it started raining. The temperature fell down to 7 degrees. And this spell of nasty weather has been lasting already for two weeks. 
Ann: But you know, the weather in our part is very changeable. It can still turn to better. Sometimes we enjoy very nice and warm weather in October.
Kate: Right you are. Let’s hope for the best.


Introductory texts.

I. Hobbies.

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life become more interesting.

Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.

The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball. Gardening is one of the oldest of man's hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.

Making things include drawing, painting, making sculptures, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists compose music or play musical instruments. Ex-president of the USA Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.

Almost everyone collects something at some period of his or her life: stamps, coins, match-boxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that the others might take pleasure in seeing them.

No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.


1. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:

В соответствии с характером; счастливый; хобби делятся на; широкий выбор видов деятельности; хорошо известно; взрослые; сравнительно новое хобби; становится все более популярным; рукоделие; художники-любители; играть на саксофоне; в какой-либо период жизни; не имеют реальной ценности; настолько ценные; размещаются в музеях и галереях; всемирно известная коллекция; начинаться с малого; предмет, пункт; собирать картины; редкая книга; предмет искусства; частная коллекция; получать удовольствие от занятий; иметь возможность сделать что-либо; интересоваться чем-либо; прибавлять, увеличивать; наиболее увлекательная сторона.

Translate into English.

1. Хобби – это времяпрепровождение, которое человек выбирает по своему вкусу.

2. Четыре класса, на которые подразделяются хобби – это делать что-либо, создавать что-либо, собирать что-либо и узнавать что-либо.

3. Люди, имеющие хобби создавать что-либо, рисуют, создают скульптуры, костюмы и т.д.

4. Коллекции могут не иметь реальной ценности.

5. Коллекции картин, редких книг и других предметов искусства могут быть настолько ценными, что их размещают в музеях и художественных галереях.

6. Люди получают радость, осматривая коллекции, переданные в музеи.

7. Возможность узнавать новое – это самая увлекательная сторона хобби.


Answer the questions.

1. How did people entertain themselves in the past?

2. How are we entertained nowadays?

3. What is more interesting: to entertain oneself or to be entertained?


Quite recently you were a school student. And of course you remember that time very well. I don't think you have a very different schedule being a student. Read this text and tell how your life now differs from the life of that school-leaver.

2. Monologue of a school-leaver*

It's simply funny to speak about free time of a school-leaver. I hadn't had it the whole last year. How could you imagine your visit to the theatre when you had to write the next composition or to get ready for a test in Algebra? I can’t say I did everything, every task that we had to do, but I'm not a lazy-bone. Sometimes I was so e xhausted that I could hardly drag myself to the bed. We had to have a rest. And we did it – we simply missed the classes from time to time – Astronomy, Geography or something else, but never Math or Literature, Physics or Computer Science.

An only Sunday was a too short period of time for relaxation. Of course, on Sunday I could sleep till nine or ten (on weekdays I had to get up at half past six). By the time I got to the kitchen after a shower my Mum, my guardian angel, made breakfast for my Daddy, my younger sister and me. Sunday brunch was the only time when the whole family got together. We discussed the events of the week, played jokes at each other and laughed. After brunch my sister washed up and Daddy and me went shopping. I liked those trips around our shops. But most of all I liked the talks with my father, the talks of two men. My Mum had never brought a bag heavier than two kilos in her life. It's our duty to drag all heavy things. In the afternoon I usually was free. So I went to see my friends or to the sport centre situated nearby. I spent my evenings in different ways. Sometimes I went to the disco or played the guitar together with my friend, or watch some film on video, or simply lay on the sofa and twiddling with my thumbs.  

I had no any special hobby. I didn't collect anything like my sister with her posters of singers, I didn't go in for any kind of sports, I didn't study Spanish or Chinese like some of my classmates and I didn't make anything with my own hands but only small repairs at home. The only thing I liked to do in my free time was reading of fantasy. It helped me to relax.


1. Find in the text the following expressions:

Просто смешно говорить; выпускник; весь прошлый год; вам надо писать очередное сочинение; готовиться к контрольной; не могу сказать, что я делал все; я не лентяй; быть настолько умотанным; едва быть в состоянии дотащиться до кровати; прогуливали уроки; время от времени; единственное воскресенье; слишком мало для отдыха; ангел-хранитель; воскресный поздний завтрак; мыть посуду; походы по магазинам; никогда в жизни не носила сумки тяжелее, чем в два кг; шел навестить друзей; расположенный по соседству; валялся на диване и плевал в потолок; нет какого-то особого хобби; плакаты с певцами; мелкий ремонт по дому; единственное, что я любил делать.


Retell this text.

Mostly As.

You are a real party animal and fun of to be with. Don’t forget to stop and rest sometimes!

Mostly Bs.

You are proper culture vulture and like learning something new. Don’t forget to join the party sometimes!

Mostly С s.

You are a total couch potato and usually on the sofa doing nothing. Come on – get up and join in the fun.


3. Look at the leisure activities and express your opinion of them. Words in the right-hand column will help you. Give each activity a score from 1 (the least active) to – 5 (the most active). Choose five most favourite activities and add up the scores. Are you a couch potato, a party animal or a culture vulture?


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