Сура 18 «АЛЬ-КАХФ»(«ПЕЩЕРА») 

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Сура 18 «АЛЬ-КАХФ»(«ПЕЩЕРА»)


83. Они спрашивают тебя о Зуль Карнейне. Скажи: «Я прочту вам поучительный рассказ о нем».

84. Воистину, Мы наделили его властью на земле и одарили его всякими возможностями.

85. Он отправился в путь.

86. Когда он прибыл туда, где закатывается солнце, он обнаружил, что оно закатывается в мутный (или горячий) источник. Около него он нашел народ. Мы сказали: «О Зуль Карнейн! Либо ты накажешь их, либо сделаешь им добро».

87. Он сказал: «Того, кто поступает несправедливо, мы накажем, а потом его возвратят к его Господу, и Он подвергнет его тяжким мучениям.

88. Тому же, кто уверовал и поступает праведно, будет наилучшее воздаяние, и мы скажем ему наши легкие повеления».

89. Потом он отправился в путь дальше.

90. Когда он прибыл туда, где восходит солнце, он обнаружил, что оно восходит над людьми, которым Мы не установили от него никакого прикрытия.

91. Вот так! Мы объяли знанием все, что происходило с ним.

92. Потом он отправился в путь дальше.

93. Когда он достиг двух горных преград, он обнаружил перед ними людей, которые почти не понимали речи.

94. Они сказали: «О Зуль Карнейн! Йаджудж и Маджудж (Гог и Магог) распространяют на земле нечестие. Быть может, мы уплатим тебе дань, чтобы ты установил между нами и ними преграду?».

95. Он сказал: «То, чем наделил меня мой Господь, лучше этого. Помогите мне силой, и я установлю между вами и ними преграду.

96. Подайте мне куски железа». Заполнив пространство между двумя склонами, он сказал: «Раздувайте!». Когда они стали красными, словно огонь, он сказал: «Принесите мне расплавленную медь, чтобы я вылил ее на него».

97. Они (племена Йаджудж и Маджудж) не смогли забраться на нее и не смогли пробить в ней дыру.

98. Он сказал: «Это — милость от моего Господа! Когда же исполнится обещание моего Господа, Он сровняет ее с землей. Обещание моего Господа является истиной».

99. В тот день Мы позволим им (племенам Йаджудж и Маджудж) хлынуть друг на друга. И затрубят в Рог, и Мы соберем их (творения) всех вместе.

100. В тот день Мы ясно покажем Геенну неверующим,

101. на глазах которых было покрывало, отделяющее их от поминания Меня, и которые не могли слышать.


Тафсир ибн Касира к Корану 18:84 и 2:258 о том, что Зуль Карнайн правил всем миром:




Хадис Сунан ибн Маджах 4080 о том, как Гог и Магог делали дыру в барьере:



(араб.)Тафсир ат-Табари к Корану 18:83 с цитатой хадиса, в котором Мухаммед говорит о людях с головами собак.



(англ.)достоверный хадис согласно которому Иисус убьет Даджаля, а также сбежит в Иерусалим от Гога и Магога.



«История Александра Великого – Роман об Александре»  Псевдо Калисфена. (I-II века до н. э.) (Английский Перевод).


Король Филипп в легенде говорит, что он ожидает, правление Алксандра над всем миром. Стр.67 (слева).


“And while Philip was sitting upon the wall, Alexander came up to him at a gallop; and when Philip saw Alexander guiding the horse with his hand and standing upon his feet, he said, “ My son Alexander, the whole oracle refers to thee; I believe that after my death thou wilt reign, and that thou wilt rule the whole world."


Александр в легенде говорит, что желает увидеть края земли и то каким образом держутся небеса. Стр. 129 (справа).


Crowns, the generals, and Priskos and......, and all his forces; and he questioned them and said, " Hear, all ye officers of my palace." They said to him, “Speak, O wise king, king of the Greeks, and whatsoever thou commandest us shall come to pass.” He said to them: " This thought has arisen in my mind, and I am wondering what is the extent of the earth, and how high the heavens are, and how many are the countries of my fellow kings, and upon what the heavens are fixed; whether perchance thick clouds and winds support them, or whether pillars of fire rise up from the interior of the eenh and bear the heavens so that they move not for anything, or whether they depend on the beck of God and fall not. Now this I desire to go and see. upon what the heavens rest. and what surrounds all creation.” The nobles answered and said to the king, " Bid us speak; ” and he commanded them, and they spoke and said to him; “As to the thing, my lord, which thy majesty (or thy greatness) desires to go and see, namely, upon whnt the heavens rest, and what surrounds the earth, the terrible seas which surround the world will not give thee a passage; because there are eleven bright men which the ships of men sail, and beyond these there is about ten miles of dry land, and beyond these ten miles there is the fcetid sea, Ôkêyânôs (the Ocean), which surrounds all creation. Men are not able to come near to this foetid sea, neither can ships sail thereon, and no bird is able to lly over it, for if a bird should attempt to fly over it, it is caught and falls and is suffocated therein. Its waters are like pus; and if men swim therein, they die at once; and the - leaves of the trees which are by its side are shrivelled up by the“ smell of these waters as though fire licked them.“ So the nobles spake to king Alexander; but he said to them,”


Александр видет восход солнца над людьми, которые не имеют защиты от солнца. А также о том, что солнце простирается перед Богом. Стр. 131 (слева).


And king Alexander was afraid and retired. and he knew that it was impossible for them to «mass over to the place where were the ends of the heavens. So the whole camp mounted, and Alexander and his troops went up between the fostid sea and the bright sea to the place where the sun enters the window of heaven; for the sun is the servant of the Lord, and neither by night nor by day does he cease from his travelling. The place of his rising is over the sea, and the people who dwell there, when he is about to rise, flee away and hide themselves in the sea, that they be not burnt by his rays; and he passes through the midst of the heavens to the place when he enters the window of heaven; and wherever he passes there are terrible mountains, and those who dwell there have eaves hollowed out in the rocks. and as soon as they see the sun passing [over them], men and birds flee away from before himnnd hide in the eaves, for rocks are rent by his blazing heat and tall down. and whether they be men or Masts, as soon as the stones touch them they are consumed. And when the sun enters the window of heaven, he straightwny bows down and makes obeisnnoe before God his Creator; and he travels and descends the whole night through the heavens, until at length he finds himself where he rises.

And Alexander looked towards the west, and he found a. mountain that descends, and its name was " the great Mûsâs "; and [the troops] descended it and came out upon Mount Klaudiâ,


Александр строет барьер от Гунов, которые включают в себя Гог и Магог. Стр. 132 (слева).


Alexander said to them, "How for does this mountain descend in this dirtection?“ They answered him, " This mountain extends without a break, passingg by the sen of Béth-Kntrâyê, and goes on and comes to on end in outer Persia near lndin; and from this road and upwards the mountain goes to a great river on this side of the son. And there are narrow paths there which a man is tumble to pass through unless ho be on home-back. And people who piss through the mountain are unable to do so without bells that ring, for animals come up from the sea and from the rivers and descend from the mountains and crouch" in the path. and if men go to pass through it without balls that ring. they perish immediately." Alexander said, “This mountain is higher and more terrible than All the mountains which I hovo won," The old men. the natives of the country. said to the king: “Yea, by your majesty, my lord the king, neither we nor our fathers have been able to march one step in it, and men do not ascend it either on that side or on this, for it is the boundary which God has set between us and the nations within it." Alexander said, “Who are the notions within this mountain upon which we are looking?......"

The natives of the land said. “ They are the lining" He said to them, " Who are their kings I" The old men said: " Gôg and Mâgôg and Nâvâl the kings of the sons of Japhet; and Gig and Têâmrôn, and Tiyâmrôn, and Bêth-Gomli and Yâphô’bar, and Shûmârdâk, and Glûsiķâ, and 'Ekshâphâr, nud Salgaddô, and Nislik, and Àmarphil, and Ka’ôzâ, them on the kings of tho Huns’." Alexander said, " What in their appearance, and thoir clothing, and their languages?" The old man answered and said to the king: " Some of them have blue eyes, and their...


Александр в мифе использует медь и железо для строительства барьера. Стр. 133 (справа).


When Alexander had heard what the old men said, he marvelled greatly at the great we which surrounded all creation; and Alexander said to his troops. “ Do ye desire that we should do something wonderful in this land?" They said to him, “As thy majesty commands we will do.” The king said, “ Let us make a gate of brass and close up this breach."

His troops said, " As thy majesty commands we will do." And Alexander commanded and fetched three thousand smiths, workers in iron, and three thousand men, workers in brass And they put down brass and iron. and knemled it as a man kneads

when he works clay. Then they brought it and mode a gate,' the length of which wns'twelve cubits and its bmadth eight cubits‘. And he made A lower threshold from mountain to- mountain. the length of which was twelve cubits; and he hammered it into the rocks of the mountains, and it was fixed in with brass and iron. The height of the lower threshold was three cubits. And he made an upper threshold from mountain to mountain, twelve cubits in length; and he hammered it into the rocks of the mountain, and fixed in it two bolts of iron, each bolt being twelve cubits [long]; and the bolts went into the rock two cubits; and he made two bolts of iron from rock to rock behind the gate, and fixed the heads of the bolts into the rocks. He fixed the gate and the bolts, and he placed nails of iron and beat them down one by the other, so that if the Hans came and dug out the rock which was under the threshold of iron. even if footmen were able to pass through, a horse with its rider would be unable to pass, so long an the gate that was hammered down with bolts stood. And he brought and hammered down a lower threshold and hinge for the gate, and he met therein bolts of iron, and made it swing 'round on one side like the gates of Shûshan the fortress. And the men brought and kneaded iron and brass and covered. therewith the gate and its posts one by one, like a man when he moulds clay. And he made a bolt of iron in the rocks, and hammered out an iron key twelve cubits long, and made locks of brass turn therewith. And behold the gate was hung and stood.


Роман об Аллександре повествует о том, как Гог и Магог высвободятся перед судным днем. Стр. 134 (слева).


And king Alexander fetched [an engraver] and inscribed upon the gate: “ The Huns shall go forth and conquer the countries of the Romans and of the Persians, and shall cast arrows with......, and shall return and enter their own land. Also I have written thnt, nt fthe conclusion of eight hundred and twenty-six years, the Huns shall go forth by the narrow way which goes forth opposite Halôrâs, whence the Tigris gem forth like the stream which turns a mill, and they shall take captive the notions. and shell cut off the roads, and shall make the earth tremble by their going forth. And again I have written and made known and pmphesied that it shall come to pass nt the conclusion of nine hundred and forty years... another king, when the world shall come to an end by the command of God the ruler of creation. Created things shall anger God, and sin shall increase, and wmth shall reign, and the sins of mankind shrill mount up and shall cover the heavens, and the Lord will stir up in His anger the kingdoms that lie within this gate; for when the Lord seeks to slay men, he sends men against men, and they destroy one another. And the Lord will gather together the kings and their hosts which are within this mountain, and they shall all be assembled at His beck, and shall come with their spears and swords, and shall stand behind the gnte, and shall look up to the heavens, and shall call upon the name of the Lord, saying, ‘O Lord, open to us this gnte.’ And the Lord shall mnd liis sign from heaven and a voice shall call on this gate, and it shall be destroyed and fall at the heck of the Lord, and it shall not be opened by the key which I have made for it. And a troop shall go through this gate which l have mode, and a full span shall he wom away from the lower threshold' by the boots of the horses which with…


Люди с головами собак в Романе об Александре. Стр. 133 (слева).


" Alexander said to the natives of that country, " Have they come forth to spoil in your days?" The old men answered and said to the king: " May God establish thy kingdom and thy crown, my lord the king! These fortresses which have been overturned in our lands and in the lands of the Romans, have been overturned by them; by them have these towers been uprooted; when they go forth to spoil, they ravage the land of the Romans and of tho Persians, and then they enter their own territory." Alexander said to them, " Who are the nations that live beyond these?" The old men replied, “Those of Âand the Dog-men; and beyond the Dog-men is the nation of the Nêninê; and beyond the nation of the Nêninê there are no human beings but only terrible mountains and hills and valleys and plains and horrible caves, in which are serpents and adders and vipers, so that men cannot go thither without being immediately devoured by the serpents, fer the lands are waste, and there is nothing there save desolation.

Within all these mountains the Paradise of God appears afar off. Now Paradise is neither near heaven nor earth; like a fair and strong city, so it appears between heaven and earth“; and the clouds and darkness which surround it are visible afar off, and the horn of the north wind rests upon it.”

And Alexander said to them: “How do the four riversgo forth?" The old men replied: “My lord, we will infonn thy majesty.


Иисус направляется в Иерусалим, куда Гог и Магог не могут попасть. Стр. 155 (слева).


The prophet says, Thus shall all creation be

For a grant astonishment and for a trending down, for sloughter and disgrace.

All creation shall kneel and fall down before that nation

And the ennh shall be destroyed of its inhabitants with great slaughter.

The priests and their flocks shall seize a place of respite

And take up tears and lamentation bitterly.

Flocks and herds and cows and oxen shnll dwell in mourning.’

The prophet says ‘Woe to thee, O earth, what is this notion

Harsh of speech whieh slays and destroys without sparing?

The keepers of vineyards shall weep over the vineyards’ through sorrow,

And all the dwellings of the shepherds shall dwell in mourning.’

The earth shall any, ‘ Woe is me, for I have seen all revolutions

With evil quakings and disturbed horrible things full of misery.’

For to thorn will the Lord cry in anger at the end of times,

And as with a broom will the Lord sweep and purge it.

And He will overturn it and rend it and destroy it.

Gloomy and sorry and full of darkness shall he the days and months,

Before the coming of the sinful people of the children of Mâgôg.

In these days the living will ascribe happiness to the dead.

By reason of the disturbance and quaking and slaughter and blood.

They shall not, however, enter into Jerusalem, the city of the Lord.


Легенда об Александре об убийстве антихриста. Стр. 156 (слева).


Then the hosts of Âgôg and of the house of Mâgôg shall go forth,

And man shall fall upon his fellow, and nation upon nation,

And the quaking of the earth and the sword of anger shall be there.

On the skirts of Zion shall the bodies of the dead [lie] in heaps.

And after these things the earth shall be desolated of mankind,

Villages shall be destroyed and all towns and cities;

The scattered ones only remain in the earth as a remnant.

Then shall Antichrist rise upon the whole earth,

Through that gate shall go forth and come that rebel;

That lying one shall Christ overthrow as is promised“.

There shall stand up before him demons and spirits and wicked devils,

And they shall gather together all creation to their cursed master,

The earth shall cry out, 'I entreat Thee, O Lord, in Thy mercy to spare me,

For, behold, I am sick and persecuted with all wounds.’

These things which I have spoken shall come to pass before the end of the world,

And let him that hath an ear of love listen to them."

These beautiful things did king Alexander interpret,

That they should all take place before that day at the end.

“And alter these things the heavens and the earth will put on pain,

And times and days and months in their courses will cease,

And will not again return to the earth from whence they came.

When the assemblies of the thousands of the children of Âgôg and of the house of Mâgôg,



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