Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: 

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Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

зеленая листва, быть популярным, самый популярный вид аранжировки цветов, сделанный руками, в букете, посылать цветы по особому случаю, в этот день, букет нарциссов, доходы от продажи


4. Find in text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

to mix, for special event, a token of respect, all returns, to break up the tint

5. Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

pale flowers, cheap, to sell, to take away the leaves, a sign of insult


6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) I like to put together the beautiful flowers in …. 2) Yesterday my mother had her birthday. She got many bright and … flowers. 3) A … is a colourful flowers that is shaped like a cup. 4) A … is a large flower in the shape of a bell. 5) A … is a tall, usually purple, flower. 6) The leaves of a plant or tree are called ….7) A ceremony in which two people get married is called ….8) … is a tall yellow flower that grows in spring in our country. 9) She has worked hard to gain the … of her colleagues. 10) He died of lung …

Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for the best




Grammar Exercises

1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Tenses of the English Verb:

1) When I saw Ann, she was sorting the flowers which she had picked in the field. 2) People are planting tulips now. 3) I have bought a bouquet of lilies for my mother today. 4)  When I went out into the garden, the sun was shining and birds were singing in the trees. 5) They grew all their own vegetables. 6) I have planted a small apple tree in the garden. 7) I will pour water on plants in order to keep them healthy tomorrow. 8) My father has been planting lilies for two hours. 9) We have brought a lot of flowers from the wood. Now we will make bouquets.

2.  Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the Tenses of the English Verb:

1) - Что ты делаешь? – Сажаю цветы. 2) Когда он пришел домой, цветы уже посадили. 3) Моя бабушка сажает цветы каждый день. 4) Она посадила цветы на прошлой неделе. 5) Ты уже посадила цветы? 6) Она сажает цветы уже 2 часа. 7) Когда я пришел домой, бабушка сажала цветы. 8) Я завтра посажу цветы.



Speech Exercises


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) Do you have a favourite flower?

2) What kinds of flowers are popular in your country?

3) If you could create a bouquet of different flowers, which flowers would you 


 4) On which occasions do Australians give flowers? On which occasions do you 

   give flowers?

 5) Do you have a special day like “Daffodil Day” in your country? If you could

   create such a day, to whom would you give the proceeds?


Retell the text.

                                 Section 2. Gardening

     Text 6. The History of gardening and the Egyptian Gardens

 The earliest evidence for ornamental gardens is seen in Egyptian tomb paintings of the 1500s BC; they depict lotus ponds surrounded by rows of acacias and palms. The other ancient gardening tradition is of Persia: Darius the Great was said to have had a “paradise garden” and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were renowned as a Wonder of the World. Persian influences extended to post-Alexander’s Greece: around 350 BC there were gardens at the Academy of Athens.

The most influential ancient gardens in the western world were the Ptolemy’s gardens at Alexandria.

In Europe, gardening revived in France in the 13th century. French parterres were developed at the end of the 16th century and reached high development under Andre le Notre. English landscape gardens opened a new perspective in the 18th century.

Egyptian Gardens

Gardens were much cherished in the Egyptian times and were kept for secular purposes. Gardens in private homes and villas before the New Kingdom were mostly used for growing vegetables and located close to a canal or the river. However, in the New Kingdom they were often surrounded by walls and their purpose incorporated pleasure and beauty besides utility. Garden produce played an important role in the foodstuff but flowers were used in garlands to wear at festive occasions and for medicinal purposes. While the poor kept a patch for growing vegetables, the rich people could afford gardens with vibrant trees and decorative pools with fish and waterfowl.

The ancient Egyptian garden differs from a garden in our days. Flowers like the iris, chrysanthemum, lily and delphinium (blue), were certainly known to the ancients but do not feature much in garden scenes.

Due to the arid climate of Egypt, the tending gardens meant constant attention and depended on irrigation. Skilled gardeners were employed by temples and households. Duties included planting, weeding, watering the plants, pruning of fruit trees, digging the ground, harvesting the fruit.


evidence                         данные

ornamental                   декоративный

tomb                               гробница

Egyptian                         египетский

painting                              живопись, роспись

depict                                  изображать, описывать

lotus                                     лотос

pond                               пруд, водоем

acacia                             акация

paradise                         рай

Babylon                         Вавилон

renowned                           известный, знаменитый

Persian                          персидский, иранский

influence                       влияние, воздействие

extend                           простирать(ся), тянуть(ся)

post                                после-, по-

Greece                              Греция

Athens ['æθιnz]               Афины

revive                                   восстанавливать, возобновлять, приходить в себя

parterre [pa:'teә]                  цветник

cherish                                  заботливо выращивать (растения)

secular [ 'sekjulә]                 мирской, светский (не церковный)

purpose                                 намерение, цель

incorporate                           соединять(ся), объединять(ся)

besides                              кроме

utility                                     выгода

produce                            изделие, продукция, продукт

foodstuffs                         продовольствие, продукты питания

garland                             венок, гирлянда

festive                                   праздничный, веселый

medicinal                         лекарственный, лечебный

patch                                 заплата

afford                                позволить себе

vibrant                                 (зд.) броский, яркий

waterfowl                             водоплавающие птицы

differ                                различаться, отличаться

lily                                    лилия

iris                                   ирис

chrysanthemum [krι'sænθәmәm] хризантема

delphinium                     дельфиниум, шпорник

feature                                 изображать, обрисовывать

scene                                эпизод, сцена

arid                                       сухой

tend                                       ухаживать, заботиться

irrigation                         орошение

employ                             нанимать,  предоставлять работу

temple                              храм

household                            (зд.) королевский двор

weed                                    полоть

prune [pru:n]                      подрезать (деревья)

dig                                       копать, выкапывать

harvest                           собирать урожай

skilled                                 квалифицированный


Vocabulary Exercises

1.  Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

 ornamental, lotus, acacia, cherish, garland, foodstuffs, medicinal, irrigation,          weed, prune, dig, harvest

2. Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

живопись египетских гробниц, окруженный акациями, античные традиции садоводства, «райский сад», чудо света, западный мир, лечебные цели, дельфиниум, сухой климат, подрезка деревьев, прополка, вскапывание земли, собирать урожай фруктов


3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

 the earliest evidence, to depict lotus ponds, growing vegetables, in garlands, at festive occasions, decorative pools, for medicinal purposes, Egyptian garden, due to the arid climate, skilled gardeners, planting, weeding, watering the plants, pruning of fruit trees, digging the ground, harvesting the fruit


4. Find in text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

to represent, famous, the miracle, to reach to, horticulture, to achieve, intention, except, curative, to unite, profit, wages, the bright trees, dry, qualified


5.  Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

the gardens were destroyed, to separate pleasure and beauty, to put off, the poor people, with pale trees, at sad occasions, the humid climate


6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) Yesterday I saw many … by Picasso. 2) An area of water that is smaller than a lake is called a …. 3) Teachers have considerable … over what is taught in the classroom. 4) I asked if I could … my holiday. 5) She had fainted, but soon …. 6) The … of this dictionary is to help students of English. 7) We’ll … some of these ideas in the final report. 8) Did you talk to anyone … Joan? 9) A ring of flowers or leaves that you decorate something with is called a …. 10) Our approach … from theirs in different ways.



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