A Tetrarchy of Insanity and Ruin 

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A Tetrarchy of Insanity and Ruin

On-Site Reporter: We’ll be taking a special look at brass bands today! Word has it that being in a brass band is the new big thing, especially among students….
High School Girl: Omg! That’s IDOLiSH7’s Nanase Riku!
High School Girl: No way! Where, where?
Nanase Riku: ……I guess everybody left already.
Nanase Riku: Man, I can’t believe I’m ducking around and hiding. That’s the type of stuff idols do…. I mean, yeah I’m an idol, but still….
Nanase Riku: Ah! Sorry about that!
Inumaru Touma: IDOLiSH7…. You again?
Nanase Riku: Touma-san….

Kujou Ten: ……
Isumi Haruka: Hey!
Kujou Ten: It’s you….
Isumi Haruka: Stay right here. I’m gonna show you something good.
Kujou Ten: …What do you mean by that?
Isumi Haruka: I’m gonna show you TRIGGER’s demise– and yours.
Kujou Ten: …….
Isumi Haruka: Hmph. Everyone in this city is fickle. Stupid. Irresponsible. Shallow.
Isumi Haruka: And you’re the one manipulating them.
Kujou Ten: …….
Kujou Ten: Kujou-san called you a failure.
Kujou Ten: Any guesses as to why?
Isumi Haruka: Me? A failure? That’s not true at all! You’re the one who’s a failure!
Isumi Haruka: You’re the one who thinks he’s happy, singing and dancing for a bunch of fools!
Isumi Haruka: Even though you don’t have anything left!
Kujou Ten: …….
Kujou Ten: This ‘lot of fools’ you mentioned…. Are you perhaps talking about our fans?
Isumi Haruka: I am!
Isumi Haruka: I’m gonna show you who’s right. It’s me– not you.

Inumaru Touma: Hah, serves 'em right. Majesty of a king, my ass. TRIGGER’s taking a real nosedive. (1)
Nanase Riku: Are you actually happy about TRIGGER losing their reputation because of rumors?
Nanase Riku: Didn’t you want to win against them on stage, as a fellow idol?
Inumaru Touma: The hell are you saying? They’re the ones who used dirty tricks first!
Nanase Riku: Dirty tricks?
Inumaru Touma: We had more talent. But they won because they were popular! Because of promotions!
Inumaru Touma: Goddamn popularity. Might as well be some mysterious monster that went and blessed them before abandoning us. (2)
Inumaru Touma: That’s all there is to it.
Nanase Riku: …I don’t think so. I know for a fact that Ten– TRIGGER is serious when they sing on stage!
Inumaru Touma: I’m not gonna sing seriously, ever again.
Nanase Riku: …….
Inumaru Touma: Even so, I’m gonna win against you all! I’m gonna make those ear-splitting cheers from the audience mine.
Inumaru Touma: And then I’m gonna laugh at the world with all I’ve got!
Nanase Riku: You cried over losing!
Inumaru Touma: Shut up!
Nanase Riku: ……!? What is this? There’s music playing across the city…?
Passerby: Look! Right there in front of that building. There’s like people assembling over there or something….
Passerby: Over there too…. Oh! They’re dancing to the music!
Passerby: Ahaha! It’s a flash mob! I’ve never seen one this big!

Kujou Ten: The train station building….
Passerby: Woah! There’s projections all over it! What’s going on? Is there an event happening?
Passerby: This song is really cool! Hey, look over there! Doesn’t it kinda look like a stage?
Passerby: Damn, that’s awesome! The whole city looks like a theme park! Looks like it’ll be a lit!
Passerby: Look at the TV screens on around us! They’re all counting down! 7… 6… 5….
Passerby: Something’s definitely gonna happen! 4! 3!

Crowd: 2!
Crowd: 1!
Crowd: Zero! (3)
Crowd: * cheers*

Passerby: Look at the big screen! They’re showing two hotties right now!
Passerby: Ah! I know him, he’s Natsume Minami! Who’s the other guy? He’s super hot….
Passerby: They’re not just on the screen! Look over there! The real deal is on stage!

Nanase Riku: …Huh? Touma-san?

Midou Torao: Heh. Hearing this many girls screaming for me feels really good.
Natsume Minami: Men are cheering too.
Midou Torao: You can have 'em. Oh, looks like they’re here.
Passerby: Oh my gosh, two more people are going on stage! Their silhouettes look really cool!
Passerby: What’s going on? Something’s definitely happening!
Midou Torao: Hey.
Inumaru Touma: …I’m back. Finally, I’m here again….
Inumaru Touma: Tora. First time on stage, yeah? How do ya feel? Weak in the knees?
Midou Torao: Absolutely euphoric.
Inumaru Touma: Goddamn optimists….
Isumi Haruka: …Hmph. Fools.
Natsume Minami: Isumi-san, you mustn’t.
Isumi Haruka: Don’t worry. The instant the spotlight is on me, I’ll be smiling. I’ll be smiling more gently and cheerfully than anybody here.
Isumi Haruka: We’re gonna fool them, get them all riled up. And make them fall head over heels for us. We’ll be the ultimate drug.
Isumi Haruka: We’re gonna make them trip.
Audience: * cheers*

Isumi Haruka: It’s showtime! Wanna hear us sing?
Audience: * cheers*
Isumi Haruka: Wanna dance with us?
Audience: * cheers*
Isumi Haruka: Forget all that you’ve ever seen! Destroy everything from before this moment! (4)
Audience: * cheers*
Isumi Haruka: Just remember these names. ŹOOĻ– “Poisonous Gangster.”

To be continued….

TL Notes/comments:

I’m alive!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally a teensy lull in Real Life Stuff so I can work on part 3!!!!!!!!!!!! yippee!! Thank you @kuriiii for proofreading as always!

(1) Did a lot of reworking here, mostly splitting things into 2-3 diff lil phrases because 王者の風格が大暴落だ sounded absolutely terrible as one sentence LOL

(2) 人気とかいう、得体の知れない化け物の恩恵を受けて、今はそいつに見放された。- I’m gonna assume the 'soitsu’ touma mentions is the ~mysterious monster that is popularity~ bc then the direct tl is –> They benefitted from a certain mysterious monster called 'popularity,’ which then abandoned us.

(3) Just wanted to note they say 'zero’ in katakana versus in the number. Zero, the legendary idol himself, also stylizes his name that way so who tf knows!!! Might be just a regular old stylistic thing idk but:^) u never kno dude

(4) technically he says 'destroy everything from before/and including yesterday’ but this sounds Cooler n more Edgy Teens so yeah

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


10.2 - It’s Showtime!

Isumi Haruka: It’s showtime! Wanna hear us sing?
Audience: * cheers *
Isumi Haruka: Wanna dance with us?
Audience: * cheers*
Isumi Haruka: Forget all that you’ve ever seen! Destroy everything from before this moment! (4)
Audience: * cheers*
Isumi Haruka: Just remember these names. ŹOOĻ– “Poisonous Gangster.”
Audience: * cheers*
Passerby: Oh my gosh! They’re so hot! I’m having so much fun right now!
Passerby: These guys are amazing! It’s like there’s four of TRIGGER’s Kujou Ten!
Passerby: What is this? Where can I download this song? Who’s ŹOOĻ?
Passerby: Maybe it’s a debut event for an idol group! They’re not like all the goody two-shoes out there…. They’re really interesting!
Passerby: ŹOOĻ! ŹOOĻ!
Passerby: * cheers*
Kujou Ten: ……ŹOOĻ.
Kujou Ten: So that boy’s the center….
Passerby: I wanna get closer to the front! Move!
Kujou Ten: …….
Kujou Ten: Isumi Haruka….

Nanase Riku: ……ŹOOĻ.
Nanase Riku: And that was the sensational debut event for Tsukumo Productions’ new idol group, ŹOOĻ.

Woman: Did you catch it on TV last night? Yeah, ŹOOĻ! I was there yesterday!!
Woman: They’re totally amazing! I went on the official site for them and pre-ordered their CD! It’s so cool that Haruka and Touma are both centers!
Woman: Minami-san and Torao-san are really good too! They’re like a cool and sexy duo!
Woman: Touma-kun’s so hot! NO_MAD? I totally didn’t notice! I don’t remember them at all!
Woman: I love that they’re kinda extreme! I wanna see them on TV more! I wanna see Haruka doing more stuff!
Woman: Yeah, but…. What about TRIGGER’s–
Woman: Honestly, I don’t wanna hear about TRIGGER any more. I kinda got tired of them after they got bashed on TV non-stop. Oh, but I still love Ten-kun!

Voice from TV: Take a look at this, everyone! What in the world is this picture?
Voice from TV: Why, it’s a picture from an idol group’s debut! It looks as lively as a Halloween event!
Voice from TV: It’s a classic idol group full of hotties! And they’re called….
Voice from TV: ŹOOĻ!
Kujou Takamasa: ……. I see. Haruka has debuted.
Kujou Takamasa: A year, or even three. Ryou said that was enough for him.
*phone rings*
Kujou Takamasa: …..Hello. Yes, it’s me. I’m fine. Are you doing well, Aya?
Kujou Takamasa: Haha…. I look forward to that. Kombucha muffins, huh…. That’s true. Tea is a must.
Kujou Takamasa: Of course I’ll eat them when I get back. Alright then. Keep up the good work….
Kujou Takamasa: ……I must find a way to reign in that girl’s imagination, at least when it comes to baking….
*door opens*
Kujou Ten: I have returned, Kujou-san.
Kujou Takamasa: Welcome home, Ten. The Tokyo International Music and Arts Festival is right around the corner. I have great expectations for you.
Kujou Ten: Thank you.
Kujou Takamasa: However, I have lost faith in Yaotome Productions. Perhaps it is time….
Kujou Ten: If you don’t mind, there’s something I’d like to ask you.
Kujou Takamasa: What is it?
Kujou Ten: It’s about a boy named Isumi Haruka. What part about him makes him a failure?
Kujou Takamasa: Haha. You and him were made in opposite ways.
Kujou Ten: Opposite…?
Kujou Takamasa: But it was no good. He found everything boring and was quite the disagreeable child. Absolutely no good at all. That why I let him go the instant I noticed.
Kujou Ten: How were we raised differently?
Kujou Takamasa: I taught him that he should never be thankful towards the fans. That going from utter joy to dejection depending on how the fans respond is unstable, and therefore, foolish.
Kujou Takamasa: After all, the fans might have been one of the reasons why Zero disappeared….
Kujou Ten: …….
Kujou Takamasa: ……Haruka is skilled. However, I ended up making him a rather boring and defective product. It was truly a disappointment.
Kujou Takamasa: I couldn’t bear to look at him any longer. And such, I sent him away.
Kujou Ten: ……Are you saying you abandoned one of the talents you raised because he was a failure?
Kujou Takamasa: I did. I promised that I’d make him my son, but I didn’t think he was going to turn out that way….
Kujou Ten: Kujou-san, that’s….
Kujou Takamasa: That’s what?
Kujou Ten: …… That’s cruel. You toyed with a person’s life.
Kujou Takamasa: …Are you condemning me?
Kujou Ten: I respect you, Kujou-san. However, this is the one thing I cannot respect. You should apologi–
Kujou Takamasa: I apologized! I told him that he was a failure! I told him that I had nothing more to teach him!
Kujou Ten: I will live up to all of your expectations! There’s no need to make more children like him or Aya!
Kujou Ten: Focus all of your efforts on me. You’re fine with that, correct?
Kujou Takamasa: Hmm….
Kujou Takamasa: Alright then. I’m happy to hear that, Ten. I knew you were the one for me, after all.
Kujou Ten: ……. May I ask you another question?
Kujou Takamasa: Of course. Feel free to ask me as many questions as you’d like.
Kujou Ten: Did Sakura Haruki-san pass away?
Kujou Takamasa: I wonder.
Kujou Takamasa: The letter I received from him contained a living will. However, I have no idea where he is or what he is doing. (1)
Kujou Ten: …….
Kujou Takamasa: It is true that he doesn’t have much time left. It appears that he will be giving me his songs before he dies.
Kujou Ten: Sakura Haruki’s…. Posthumous works…? You really don’t know where he is?
Kujou Takamasa: Why are you asking me this? Are you interested in Haruki? Do you want his songs?
Kujou Takamasa: Of course I’ll give them to you, Ten. You are the perfect idol, one that I made myself. You are the ideal star, even more so than Zero.
Kujou Takamasa: You are the only one who meets all the requirements to become the ultimate idol. I once thought that about Yuki, but that boy had faltered.
Kujou Ten: …..Requirements to become the ultimate idol?
Kujou Takamasa: I’m certain you’re already aware of them, Ten. After all, you had already met them before I met you.
Kujou Takamasa: You were just like a messiah, born from a virgin. (2)
Kujou Ten: …….

To be continued….

Translation Notes/comments:

Thank you @kuriiii for proofreading as always!

(1) 生前遺言書 - I am no legal expert, but it may also be called an advanced directive (i think this is the medical term). Unlike a last will, which is what most of us are more familiar with, there is nothing concerning what is to happen to your property or minor children in it. A living will is usually written in the case of terminal illness, injury, or permanent unconsciousness/vegetative state and details whether or not you should be kept on life support. It also details your preferences for medical treatments/procedures. It is effective once you are no longer able to communicate your desires on your own. Again, I am no expert and I’m just summarizing what I read from here, so if anyone is more knowledgeable about this topic, please don’t hesitate to send me an ask!

(2) 処女受体で生まれた救世主みたいにね。- “bro WHAT” yeah kujou went and actually Said That dude

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


Unbreakable Soul

Izumi Iori: ŹOOĻ, Tsukumo Productions’ newly debuted idol group….
Izumi Iori: The timing is too perfect…. The idol boom died down after the TRIGGER incident, but they’ve brought it right back up.
Izumi Iori: It’s almost as if TRIGGER is getting swapped out for ŹOOĻ….
Nikaidou Yamato: …Natsume Minami’s making his idol debut, huh? He was pretty famous back when he was a child actor, so he’s definitely gonna appeal to a large audience….
Izumi Mitsuki: What’s he like? You filmed that movie with him, right?
Nikaidou Yamato: Uh, how do I put it…. He’s like… Slimy? And kinda pisses you off…. Yeah, he’s that kinda guy.
Izumi Mitsuki: Slimy…?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hey Sou-chan, don’t you know that dude? What’s Midou Torao like?
Osaka Sougo: How should I put it…. He’s the type of person who radiates confidence, almost blindingly so….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Blindingly…. Radiates…?
Izumi Iori: Isumi-san recently transferred into the same class as Yotsuba-san and I. He informed us that he hates IDOLiSH7.
Nanase Riku: Touma-san said the same thing….
Izumi Iori: Touma-san? As in, Inumaru Touma, former member of NO_MAD?
Nanase Riku: Yeah, I’ve bumped into him a couple times. He’s a good person! But….
Nanase Riku: He said that he wasn’t going to sing seriously, ever again.
Izumi Mitsuki: What the hell’s with that! Ugh, that kinda pisses me off. I don’t want someone like that calling themselves an idol!
Osaka Sougo: Even so, I quite like their song. ŹOOĻ’s “Poisonous Gangster,” that is.
Rokuya Nagi: I like it as well, since it’s such a splendid song. Yet, why would he say that he won’t sing seriously anymore?
Nikaidou Yamato: Oh yeah, that reminds me…. Hey, Nagi. Apparently Natsume Minami was studying abroad in Northmare up until last year.
Rokuya Nagi: Oh …. In Northmare? Not very many Japanese people choose to study abroad there. He’s one of the rare few.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Hello! There’s something I need to tell everyone. I…. It’s good news.
Osaka Sougo: …You’re not acting the way you usually do when there’s good news. What is it, exactly?
Takanashi Tsumugi: “A Lovely Night with IDOLiSH7!” just surpassed TRIGGER’s show in viewership.
Izumi Mitsuki: Wait, seriously!? Well…. I really wish we could’ve won at a better time, though. Maybe if we won during a time when we could be happy without anything holding us back….
Izumi Mitsuki: You see, I don’t feel the slightest bit happy knowing that we won while our rivals are down on one knee….
Takanashi Tsumugi: That’s certainly true….
Osaka Sougo: …Is there anything that we can do?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan….
Osaka Sougo: TRIGGER has always helped us.
Osaka Sougo: We owe them so much, and being unable to do anything for them when they’re in trouble is truly painful…. If all we can do is listen to people tear them down, and nothing more….
Osaka Sougo: If that’s all we can do….
Takanashi Tsumugi: …If we advocate for them too much then it might end up causing them trouble as well.
Takanashi Tsumugi: We should continue to treat them as the rivals that we know and respect, just as always. I’m sure our feelings will reach the viewers too.
Osaka Sougo: That’s true…. I understand.

Yotsuba Tamaki: …Woah. I can’t believe you told everyone that you wanted to do something for once.
Osaka Sougo: Perhaps I spoke out of line….
Yotsuba Tamaki: No, that’s not it! …Is it ‘cuz you’re a TRIGGER fan?
Osaka Sougo: ……. When my family was criticizing my uncle, I wasn’t able to do anything….
Osaka Sougo: He was so kind to me, and I loved him so much…. But I wasn’t able to tell them to stop saying the things they saying. I didn’t have enough courage, I was a coward….
Osaka Sougo: That’s why I wanted to do something this time.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m sure TRIGGER knows. They’re not gonna give up because of this kinda stuff. You’re the one who’s sadder about this, if anything.
Osaka Sougo: You’re right…. I’m getting too caught up in this. And now I’ve gone and nagged at you too….
Yotsuba Tamaki: …Do you hate it when people diss me?
Osaka Sougo: Of course I do. …I absolutely hate it. It’s true that you have a few negative points here and there, Tamaki-kun, but you’re always trying your hardest….
Osaka Sougo: Every time a person says something about you and the smile leaves your face, I get anxious.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Anxious?
Osaka Sougo: ……Whenever someone speaks badly of you, I get this feeling that you’ll go somewhere far, far away and never come back….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Oh….
Osaka Sougo: Ah– Sorry for being so selfish. You don’t need to force yourself to come back if you don’t want to. I didn’t mean to impinge upon your freedom, Tamaki-kun….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ahaha, really? Of all the things you said, that’s the part you wanna take back? Hi-yah!
Osaka Sougo: Ow!
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s okay. I’m here. No matter what they say, I’ll always be here. Calm as ever.
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun….
Yotsuba Tamaki: You know, I never really got why you’d put all of those bigwigs first, especially when I was the one right by your side. It used to piss me off, but now….
Yotsuba Tamaki: The answer’s simple. You just wanted everyone to praise me.
Yotsuba Tamaki: You wanted people to praise me, kinda like how you wanted people to praise your uncle. Yeah?
Osaka Sougo: …….
Yotsuba Tamaki: What’s wrong? You’re making a really weird face….
Osaka Sougo: ……. I…. I’m at a loss for words….
Yotsuba Tamaki: What kind of words?
Osaka Sougo: I never realized until now….
Osaka Sougo: All I’ve ever wanted was for people to praise the things I like….
Osaka Sougo: That’s it…. That’s all there is to it….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan….
Yotsuba Tamaki: …….
Yotsuba Tamaki: You know what, who cares?
Osaka Sougo: What?
Yotsuba Tamaki: You’ve held back enough, so who cares? The people who make fun of the stuff you like are gonna do it anyways, even if you’re a super duper upstanding citizen.
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Don’t hold yourself back anymore. You can say that you like the things you like, and in a way louder voice.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Haha. In a really, really loud voice. Okay? 'Cuz even I couldn’t tell, and I’m right besides you. How the heck are people far, far away gonna know?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Who cares if it’s good or bad, or if it’s right or wrong? You can like the things you like, and that’s okay.
Osaka Sougo: …….

Anesagi Kaoru: …President. Bad news.
Yaotome Sousuke: What is it this time?
Anesagi Kaoru: Hanamaki Sumire contacted me and requested to meet with you alone…. She said that she’s been reflecting upon her actions regarding this incident and had panicked in the heat of the moment.
Yaotome Sousuke: Tell her to come to the agency.
Anesagi Kaoru: She’s been staying in a hotel somewhere in the city to protect herself from the paparazzi. Since she’s scared of them, she requested for you come to her room….
Yaotome Sousuke: Does she think I’m stupid? As if I’d fall for such a blatant trap!
Anesagi Kaoru: I know, but…. She said she wanted to die….
Yaotome Sousuke: Well, I feel the exact same way because I’m at my wit’s end! Fine. So be it. I’ll take one of the female employees with me….
Anesagi Kaoru: It’s a holiday and everyone has the day off, so nobody is here right now. Shall I sneak in with you?
Yaotome Sousuke: No…. Not you.
Anesagi Kaoru: How come?
Yaotome Sousuke: Well, it’s hard to tell if you’re a man or a woman.
Anesagi Kaoru: My god, have you no manners!? This is sexual harassment!! My prince would never say something like that!
Yaotome Sousuke: I know, I know! I’m sorry! However, I absolutely cannot go to her hotel room alone…. Convince her to come to the agency.
Anesagi Kaoru: Oh, I most definitely tried to convince her. I failed to mention this earlier, but she said that if you weren’t going to come alone, then she’d kill herself….
Yaotome Sousuke: Is it a bluff?
Anesagi Kaoru: I don’t know…. But it’s true that she’s very cornered in this situation.
Yaotome Sousuke: …….
Yaotome Sousuke: Musubi….
Anesagi Kaoru: …….
Yaotome Sousuke: …Ready the car.
Anesagi Kaoru: …Are you going?
Yaotome Sousuke: Nothing can take the place of a person’s life.
Anesagi Kaoru: Oh, President….
Yaotome Sousuke: Should I change into a different suit? I have to look presentable for the photos, after all.
Anesagi Kaoru: I will station personnel in the hotel lobby. I will not allow anybody to take disgraceful pictures of you.
Yaotome Sousuke: Thank you.

Oogami Banri: President! Look at this news article….
Takanashi Otoharu: What…? …Yaotome-kun had a tryst with Hanamaki-san at a hotel…?
Oogami Banri: All of the news outlets are pushing out similar things. Not just that, all of the female talents at Yaotome Products are losing their reputations.
Oogami Banri: The way all of these outlets are approaching this incident is really unusual. The only concrete fact we have is that Hanamaki-san wants to quit Tsukumo Productions. And yet….
Oogami Banri: They keep publishing articles on how Tsunashi-kun mediated her agency change or how she and President Yaotome have an intimate relationship as if these are facts!
Oogami Banri: It’s like they’re using the media to brainwash everyone!
Takanashi Otoharu: Yaotome-kun….

TV Station Staff: Did you hear? Apparently the president of Yaotome Productions met up with Hanamaki Sumire at a hotel in secret…. There’s photos of them exiting her room together.
TV Station Staff: Wait, so the president’s the one behind all of this and not Tsunashi-san? Damn….
TV Station Staff: Yeah, but the way Yaotome Productions is getting bashed feels kinda blatant…. Like someone’s pulling the strings from the shadows….
TV Station Staff: Oh, good morn–
Anesagi Kaoru: Good morning. We look forward to working with you today.
Anesagi Kaoru: Listen up, you guys. There’s no need to talk any more than necessary, outside of greetings.
Kujou Ten: …Understood.
Yaotome Gaku: …Yeah.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: …….
Anesagi Kaoru: Chins up! Ah, Shimooka-san. Good morning. We will be in your care today.
Mr. Shimooka: Y-yeah….
Mr. Shimooka: Morning, everyone. I look forward working with y'all….
Yaotome Gaku: …..Shimooka-san seemed kinda down. I heard he wasn’t feeling well, but is he really okay?

Kujou Ten: …….
Yaotome Gaku: …….
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: …….
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: …Hanamaki-san went home to her family. She sent me a message, saying 'Thank you for taking such good care of me.’
Yaotome Gaku: …Who the fuck does she think she is, sending you a message like that?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: ……. I don’t think she understood what was really happening…. She was so, so tired and desperately wanted to take a break from everything.

Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I asked her if she could revise the statements she made to the media, but she told me that she’s too scared to do it right now. She did say that once everything calms down she would….
Yaotome Gaku: You’re too fucking nice to people! She dragged my dad into this mess too, you know? People use you because you’re like that!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I can submit her messages as evidence. But if we turn to hate right now, then we’re not any better than the lot of them!
Yaotome Gaku: …….
Kujou Ten: Don’t yell. They can hear from outside.
Kujou Ten: We’ll prove our innocence ourselves– on stage.
Kujou Ten: Our fans are the most uneasy right now. They don’t know whether or not they should trust us.
Kujou Ten: We must look them right in the eye and answer them.
*door opens*
Nanase Riku: Good morning!
Kujou Ten: Riku….
Izumi Mitsuki: You guys doing alright? We’re also gonna be on the show today, so we dropped by to visit!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Here’s your gift! It’s King Pudding! …Can I have one?
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun, it’s gift for them! You have to let them open it first–
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Haha, go ahead. Is that okay with you two?
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah. …Thank you.
Izumi Iori: Consuming foods with high sugar content will stimulate the reward centers in the brain. In other words, this is a form of stress-relief. (2)
Kujou Ten: Thank you.
Nanase Riku: A lot of people came for you guys. Like what one of the TRIGGER fans said to me earlier, cheer up!
Nanase Riku: She also said, 'I believe in all of you!’
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: ……. She said that…? Thank you….
Yaotome Gaku: Dumbass…. What are you doing? You’re on the verge of tears.
Osaka Sougo: I’m sorry about what happened…. I can’t even begin to fathom everything you’ve gone through, Tsunashi-san….
Rokuya Nagi: We know all of you are true gentlemen, as do the people who have been watching you all this time.
Rokuya Nagi: TRIGGER’s soul has poured love into their music, their performance, and their fans– And it shall never be wounded.
Kujou Ten: You’re right…. What we’ve been conveying to the fans all this time is still here.
Kujou Ten: That’s the type of work we’ve done. We must stand proud, with our heads held high.
Kujou Ten: We can’t let our past selves laugh at what we’ve become. That’s what we must do right now, and nothing more.
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That’s right.
Osaka Sougo: Please do your best…. If there is anything I can do, I’ll do it.
Nanase Riku: Me too, Ten-nii!
Kujou Ten: Yeah. Thank you for coming to see me, Riku.
Nanase Riku: Huh…?
Kujou Ten: I feel better now.
Nanase Riku: …….
Nanase Riku: Yet, for some reason, I felt like crying in that instant.

To be continued….

TL notes/comments:

Thank you everyone for your patience! I’m slowly getting into the swing of my new life rhythm tho still struggling to find a good work-life balance…

Big shoutout to @kuriiii for english proofreading as always!!!

I KNOW ANNIVERSARY STUFF IS UP SO NEXT IN LINE is producer letter, and then it’s a free for all after that!!! my personal backlog is a horrendous mess but I’ll prioritize pt3 (HOPEFULLY I BEAT OUT PT4′S RELEASE), other voiced stories, and then music!

Again, I’d like to stress that I don’t!! Own!!!! Idolish Seven!! I am no copyright holder so legit if you wanna tl something and are confident you have the Japanese capabilities to do so accurately??? Go for it buddy, no need to ask me! There isn’t only one translation for The Odyssey or other pieces of literature, so honestly I think having multiple different takes on the same work (in this case a 2d idol mobage story) helps readers get a better grasp of nuances in the original that one interpretation might not have captured.

Likewise, I’d like to stress that at the end of the day, translating the various forms of media encompassing the Idolish Seven project has been a personal project. I’m more than happy (read: S T O K E D) that my own little side hobby has managed to help fans further their interest in the franchise and deepen their love for the characters, but it is not my job to roll out translations for the story at the snap of your fingers (esp now that I have a full-time day job and other commitments).

tl;dr i dont own anything other than the shit i crank out here!! also dw i am not offended if someone else tls a thing, and likewise if i tl a thing that someone else did already, it ain’t a passive aggressive ‘yuour tl sux xoxo’ –> its bc i was gonna do it anyways at some point in time bc it was a thing i had planned on tling (which also helps me retain things i read otherwise they go poof)!!

ANYWAYS, with that outta the way, here are the Real Translation Notes:

(1) 人命にはかえられない。- was actually a little stuck on how to do this line bc no kanji 4 kaerarenai but after 9 years of frantic googling and example sentences i settled on this.


(3) ご心労、お察しします。十さん…. –> fun fact i was crunching this out in the library during like finals week or smth and then right before the library closed i went back to this line (WHICH I SKIPPED BC I FIGURED ID GET STUCK AND LO AND BEHOLD) and then couldn’t tl it in time and flash forward like 2 months after things have pseudo settled down, i fINALLY find a satisfactory japanese explanation for this phrase to work off of (bc i got the general gist but i figured there was More, and ofc there is more) –> 心が疲れていることを推しはかった上で心配りや同情を示す = “I can only imagine how tired your heart (soul/mind) must be, and I am also worried and sympathize”

10.4, 10.5 aren’t done yet because Life but hopefully I’ll be able to find time to blast thru soon…

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


A Looming Threat

Nanase Riku: ……All of this must be really hard on Ten-nii. He loves TRIGGER so much, and really treasures them after all.
Nanase Riku: He was acting like everything was normal, but I bet it’s taking a toll on him more than anyone else….
Izumi Mitsuki: Some people know what’s going on. There’s a couple of people commenting on how something’s off about this whole ordeal online.
Izumi Mitsuki: But why… Why are all these TV stations dragging TRIGGER when they’re the ones who’ve seen them up close and in person?
Rokuya Nagi: What an awful turn of events. Those who are truly interested in TRIGGER have been proactively reading up on them on their own.
Rokuya Nagi: However, those who only know TRIGGER in passing will absorb whatever is given to them by the news. They’ll end up with a biased understanding of TRIGGER.
Izumi Iori: Companies cast for their shows based off of the public’s perception of a group.
Izumi Iori: At this rate, if TRIGGER’s brand continues to be perceived negatively, it will also affect their state of being in this industry.
Izumi Iori: Has President Yaotome taken that into consideration?

Yaotome Sousuke: …Dammit! Every single goddamn one! They used to beg for TRIGGER to be on their shows!
Yaotome Sousuke: …Mister Shimooka’s music show is right around the corner, and I know he sees TRIGGER in a positive light. If we can turn the tides with this….
Yaotome Sousuke: I’m counting on you, Gaku…. TRIGGER….

Mister Shimooka: And now for our next guest, TRIGGER!
Kujou Ten: Thank you for having us.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: We look forward to performing here today.
Mister Shimooka: So, I heard you guys are unveiling your new single next week at the Tokyo International Festival of Music and Arts in Zero Arena. That’s amazing!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you. A wide variety of musical genres will be presented at the festival, so we’d really like to focus our energies and get even better for this event.
Mister Shimooka: What a manly answer! That’s Yaotome-kun, for ya! I bet you’re a real hit with the ladies. Must’ve gotten it from your father, huh?
Yaotome Gaku: I– …….
Nanase Riku: A nervous energy pulsed through the studio.
Nanase Riku: Both Ten-nii and Tsunashi-san were frozen in place.
Nanase Riku: Mister Shimooka-san had been so kind and welcoming to us all, but his insinuating words brought the scandal to the forefront.
Nanase Riku: After all, Mister Shimooka-san was part of Tsukumo Productions.

Yaotome Sousuke: ……. This is outrageous….
Yaotome Sousuke: Everyone has cut Yaotome Productions and TRIGGER off, and now he has too…. Does this mean they’ve all sided with Tsukumo?
Yaotome Sousuke: Cowards! The times have changed! Why can’t they understand that!? The age of Tsukumo and Hoshikage was over long ago!
Yaotome Sousuke: ……. It was supposed to be over….

Yaotome Gaku: I, uh….
Izumi Mitsuki: I dunno about Yaotome, but I take after my grandma!
Izumi Mitsuki: We look so similar, that whenever I look at old photos I’m like, “Woah! That’s me!” I hate to say this myself, but she was gorgeous!

Man: Damn, it was just getting good…. That dude is trying way too hard to stand out.
Woman: Hmm?
Man: That Izumi Mitsuki guy from IDOLiSH7 butted in right when Mister Shimooka was asking Yaotome a good question.
Woman: Oh, yeah. Izumi Mitsuki just loves to talk.

TRIGGER Fan: Oh…. He deflected the question for him….
TRIGGER Fan: It’s okay now, Gaku-san…. Thank you so much, Mitsuki-kun….

Mister Shimooka: …Ahaha! Really, now! I know you’re an adult, but you’re so cute, Mitsuki-kun! What do ya think, Yaotome-kun?
Yaotome Gaku: He’s super cute. But he’s kind of dad inside, y'know?
Izumi Mitsuki: Hey, what do you mean by that! I’ve bet you’ve got some dad in ya too!
Kujou Ten: I definitely see it.
Yaotome Gaku: Haha, shut up!
Mister Shimooka: Hahaha! Both of you are grown men, so I guess that’s to be expected! I’m already an old man, so that explains why we get along!
Nanase Riku: The atmosphere of the studio changed after Mitsuki interrupted the conversation.
Nanase Riku: Mister Shimooka-san boomed with laughter, more so than usual. Perhaps in relief, perhaps in apology.
Nanase Riku: The whole time, Yaotome-san’s fist was clenched tightly where it rested upon his leg.
Mister Shimooka: Get ready, TRIGGER!
Kujou Ten: Yes, sir.
Nanase Riku: Everyone’s eyes followed their backs as the three of them made their way to the stage.
Nanase Riku: Even under the cold gaze of the audience, Ten-nii, Yaotome-san, and Tsunashi-san turned to face them.
Nanase Riku: The stage lights were so bright, I couldn’t see what their expressions were.
Nanase Riku: But the voices that rang through the venue belonged to TRIGGER– as proud and powerful as we remembered.
Nanase Riku: They were trying to pierce through and reach the future.

Mister Shimooka: And that was TRIGGER’s “Last Dimension!” Now, up next we have….
Momo: Shimooka-chan….
Yuki: …Shimooka-san has a family and many trainees under his care. TRIGGER understands that too….
Momo: Back when it was Yamato, they were up against Hoshikage…. That, and it was hard for anyone to bash them since they’d be going against a world-famous actor.
Momo: But this time, it’s Tsukumo Productions versus Yaotome Productions, which is below Tsukumo in power.
Momo: On top of that, there was that whole ordeal where Yaotome Productions “stole” a famous singer from Tsukumo, despite owing a lot to them.
Momo: Putting aside what’s true or not, it’s easy to fall victim to Ryou’s psychological ploys. You can’t help but think, “There’s nothing else I can do.”
Yuki: I know there’s people out there who are strongly against his ways. There has to be.
Momo: They’re definitely there. I’m in contact with all of them, and–
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: Great work today, guys….
Momo: Thank you! …What’s wrong?
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: I might be jumping the gun a bit, but…. I just wanted to make my rounds and say goodbye to everyone. They’re transferring me to Kyushu, so I won’t be on the show’s production staff anymore.
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: I really loved working on this show, and I wish I could’ve stayed on for just a bit longer…. Once things calm down, you should call me over for baseball again sometime, Momo-chan.
Momo: …….
Yuki: I’ll talk to them about it. It’s not right without you on the team.
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: Those words are more than enough for me. Please do your best and give everyone a great time from here on out as well.
Momo: Why is this happening…. I told you to trash talk me to those people, didn’t I…?
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: Ahaha, there’s no way I could do that. I could never talk badly about you, Momo-chan.
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: TRIGGER hasn’t done anything wrong either. No other talents in this industry take their jobs as seriously as those three. They passionately, earnestly, and truly love their fans and their work.
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: They did their best to make things as easy as possible for the staff the one time they guested on our show. It was a really, really great episode. Remember that?
Momo: ……. *sniff* ….
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: I want to make good shows. And I won’t lie, even if it’ll further my cause. I…. I couldn’t lie. I knew what would happen, so don’t cry.
Momo: …I’ll bring you back to Tokyo. I swear. Until then, I’ll keep on standing here– even if I have to eat dirt. I promise….
Yuki: If you ever run into trouble, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Re:vale will always have your back.
Re:vale’s TV Show Producer: Yeah…. Thank you. I’m really proud I was able to work with you two, Re:vale. …Fight on, Momo-chan, Yuki-kun.
door closes
Yuki: Momo…. Are you okay?
Momo: Yuki….
Yuki: Yeah….
Momo: ……. I’m this close to snapping.
Yuki: You took the words right out of my mouth.


Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, it shall be complete.
Midou Torao: What are you talking about?
Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, fear not– I’m referring to TRIGGER, not ŹOOĻ.
Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER pulled out of SoundShip at the last minute. The first time is fine– unexpected circumstances happen all the time. However, once happens a second time, they’ll be seen as incompetent and impertinent.
Tsukumo Ryou: There’s a shining chance for TRIGGER to repair their image– neither Re:vale nor IDOLiSH7 will be appearing at the Tokyo International Festival of Music and Arts, a high-brow and formal affair. (1)
Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER lose their place at that event– I’ll make sure of it.
Natsume Minami: And how will you accomplish this? I’m certain they are also aware that this is a chance for them to recover from their current predicament.
Tsukumo Ryou: You see, before I became the president of an entertainment agency, I used to dabble in trading alongside some rather dangerous fellows. I can use those connections….
Tsukumo Ryou: …To abduct TRIGGER.
Inumaru Touma: …Hey. I ain’t getting involved in anything criminal.
Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha! Oh, we won’t be involved at all. TRIGGER are very famous stars– it’ll be the work of a couple stalkers, so to speak.
Isumi Haruka: Hmph.
Isumi Haruka: …I don’t care. If that’s what it’ll take to see that brat and his father in tears, then go ahead.
Isumi Haruka: I want him to reject everything he’s ever worked for and despair.

To be continued….

TL notes/comments:

Thank you @kuriiii and Bicky (@denego_ on twitter) for betaing!!!!! There’s a lot you don’t catch even after 2-5 rereads, some of which u do muttering under ur breath at 1AM so honestly bless their souls!!!

(1) Ryou uses 硬派 to describe the tokyo m&a festival; I’ve mostly seen this word used in terms of like political parties, where you have hard-liners (frm the definition of the word), or very ppl very staunch in their belief of ___. In terms of music shows, I’d extrapolate this to mean an event that’s very formal and rooted in tradition/rules, which would be kind of like the Grammy’s wrt an american equivalent, since awards aren’t thrown around willy nilly and it’s a Big Deal to get invited there, etcetc. Like there’s a whole formal process involved. That kind of ‘hardcore’!

IT’S GOOD TO BE BACK!! Thank you again for all of your patience and putting up with months of radio silence on my end. I put up a poll on twitter, and the plan is to prioritize Part 4, but crank out as much of Part 3 in the downtime between parts! WISH ME LUCK FJSJDF

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


Wait for Me

Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, it shall be complete.
Midou Torao: What are you talking about?
Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, fear not– I’m referring to TRIGGER, not ŹOOĻ.
Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER pulled out of SoundShip at the last minute. The first time is fine– unexpected circumstances happen all the time. However, once happens a second time, they’ll be seen as incompetent and impertinent.
Tsukumo Ryou: There’s a shining chance for TRIGGER to repair their image– neither Re:vale nor IDOLiSH7 will be appearing at the Tokyo International Festival of Music and Arts, a high-brow and formal affair. (1)
Tsukumo Ryou: TRIGGER lose their place at that event– I’ll make sure of it.
Natsume Minami: And how will you accomplish this? I’m certain they are also aware that this is a chance for them to recover from their current predicament.
Tsukumo Ryou: You see, before I became the president of an entertainment agency, I used to dabble in trading alongside some rather dangerous fellows. I can use those connections….
Tsukumo Ryou: …To abduct TRIGGER.
Inumaru Touma: …Hey. I ain’t getting involved in anything criminal.
Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha! Oh, we won’t be involved at all. TRIGGER are very famous stars– it’ll be the work of a couple stalkers, so to speak.
Isumi Haruka: Hmph.
Isumi Haruka: …I don’t care. If that’s what it’ll take to see that brat and his father in tears, then go ahead.
Isumi Haruka: I want him to reject everything he’s ever worked for and despair.
Tsukumo Ryou: Alrighty then! Who wants to call TRIGGER?
Midou Torao: Do you have all of their numbers? I only have Ryuunosuke’s.
Tsukumo Ryou: About that. My friend Momo is a simple person, you see. He set his birthday as the passcode to his phone– 1111. And so, I extracted all of their numbers.
Inumaru Touma: Oh shit, I should change my passcode….
Natsume Minami: You better. We live in an era where entertainment agency presidents casually glean personal information from their friends’ phones, after all.
Midou Torao: It’s better to change them periodically. Girls love to sneak glances at my phone screen.
Isumi Haruka: Won’t you forget your code if you change it? …Well, I guess this should work.
Inumaru Touma: What’d you change yours to?
Isumi Haruka: My year in high school, followed by my class number and seat number.
Inumaru Touma: Ah. Sure is nice to be a student.
Midou Torao: Seriously, though. Using your birthday as your passcode when you’re a celebrity? When literally everybody knows what’s written on your profile? That’s stupid.
Natsume Minami: You know, Inumaru-san was also using his birthday to unlock his phone until very recently.
Inumaru Touma: I'ma make my password super complicated!!
Tsukumo Ryou: Now, now, children. Stop playing with your phones, and listen to me.
Midou Torao: Hey, Ryou-san. Got RabbitChat? I’ve got some funny stamps I could send you.
Tsukumo Ryou: Oh? What are they like?
Natsume Minami: We should all add each other. Do you know how to do it, Isumi-san?
Isumi Haruka: …I don’t. Do it for me.
Natsume Minami: So you shake your phone like this…. Here, everyone should try it.
Inumaru Touma: Wait! I’m still changing my passcode so I’m not there yet!!

*phone rings*
Kujou Ten: …Who is it? It’s from an unknown number….
Isumi Haruka: It’s me. Do you want everyone to stop attacking TRIGGER? I can make it happen.
Kujou Ten: …….
Isumi Haruka: I’ll give you the conditions. If you agree, then I’ll consider it. Can you meet me outside right now? Alone, of course.
Kujou Ten: …..Alright. I’ll get ready.

*phone rings*
Yaotome Gaku: …Hello? Who the hell are you?
Inumaru Touma: Woah, it’s Yaotome Gaku’s voice…. I can’t wimp out right now….
Yaotome Gaku: ……?
Inumaru Touma: You wanna save your dad and TRIGGER, right?
Yaotome Gaku: You….
Inumaru Touma: If that’s the case, then come outside right now. Alone. If you agree to the conditions, I might consider it.
Inumaru Touma: And you better keep this a secret. Got it?
Yaotome Gaku: I won’t tell a soul. …Where should I meet you?

*phone rings*
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Hello? Torao-kun, is that you?
Midou Torao: Hey. It’s been a while, yeah?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I’ve reached out to you several times about Hanamaki-san…. Also, I didn’t know you were going to debut–
Midou Torao: Shh. All of this is part of a deal, and a secret one at that. You’re my friend, after all.
Midou Torao: There’s a way to stop everyone from attacking TRIGGER. It might be a little risky, but do you wanna know what it is?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Of course I do.
Midou Torao: I knew you’d say that. I need you to meet me right now, and make sure no one knows where you’re going. The place is….

Takanashi Tsumugi: I’m glad everyone was able to take today off!
Izumi Mitsuki: We gotta cheer TRIGGER on! I even made a fan for them! Are we allowed to have these at the Music and Arts fes? (1)
Osaka Sougo: I’ve brought a light stick for everyone too!
Nikaidou Yamato: Woah, look at that! There’s a car all decked out, with TRIGGER’s logo painted on it! It’s…. (2)
*car rumbles*
Nikaidou Yamato: …Stopping right in front of us.
Okazaki Rinto: Hello! I see like everyone’s matching!
Yotsuba Tamaki: What’s this car, Okarin?
Okazaki Rinto: It’s the Revale Stylish Wagon. The manufacturers were kind enough to gift it to us.
Nanase Riku: And you made it into a TRIGGER car!?
Yuki: We did.
Momo: ‘Cuz we’re celebrities! (3)
Rokuya Nagi: Oh, amazing! How wonderful! This makes want to get a Kokona car!
Osaka Sougo: I’m so ashamed…. I can’t believe I was satisfied with mere light sticks….
Izumi Mitsuki: I feel ya…. I was so hyped up about my fan….
Izumi Iori: I’m certain the car manufacturers would be very surprised to hear that a model they expressly named after Re:vale was repurposed into a TRIGGER car instead.
Momo: Let’s all cheer for TRIGGER today! They haven’t replied to me yet, but if they’re free afterwards, we should grab food together!
Nanase Riku: I’d love to go! I invited them out this morning as well, but they haven’t read my messages yet.
Osaka Sougo: I bet they’re putting their all into rehearsals!
*phone rings*
Momo: Oh, Kaoru-chan’s calling me! ……. …What?
Momo: Hey, does anyone know where TRIGGER are right now?
Izumi Mitsuki: Where? …You mean they aren’t in the arena yet?
Momo: Apparently she hasn’t been able to contact them all day and has been trying since this morning….
Nanase Riku: What!?

Takanashi Tsumugi: Anesagi-san, is everything alright? I heard you haven’t been able to contact any of the members….
Anesagi Kaoru: None of my calls are going through, and no one I’ve contacted has found them. Everyone at the agency is looking for them right now, but….
Okazaki Rinto: It’s strange that all three of them disappeared. Have you contacted the police yet?
Anesagi Kaoru: Mhmm. And they gave me lovely advice. Apparently they won’t budge until 12 hours have passed since the last recorded contact.
Anesagi Kaoru: It must be that Tsukumo man! He’s trying to get in our way and wants to stop TRIGGER from performing on stage! If anything has happened to those boys, I….
Nanase Riku: I’ll go look for them at Tsukumo Productions!
Izumi Iori: Please wait! If you fixate on that tidbit and just march into their agency, it’ll only cause more problems!
Nikaidou Yamato: They ain’t stupid either. There’s no way they’d do that– it’s way too obvious.
Nanase Riku: But!
Momo: I understand your concerns, but we gotta leave this to Yaotome Productions. I don’t wanna be in the way, so I think we should give them some space.
Momo: Okarin, Maneko-chan– You guys should stay with Kaoru-chan.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I agree. Anesagi-san….
Okazaki Rinto: I’m sure everything will be alright….


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