Определите какие страны описаны в текстахА, B , C . 

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Определите какие страны описаны в текстахА, B , C .

Определите какие страны описаны в текстахА, B, C.

A. It is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great desert's cover (покрывают) nearly 2,000,000 square kilometres. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year. Its population is very small (only 0.3’% of the world’s population) for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback.Severe droughts (сильнаязасуха), floods (наводнение) and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.

В. It is an island state. It covers a territory of two large islands and several smaller ones. Its coast is over 6,000 miles long. It may be a small island by Russian standards, but geographically it is varied. The south and the east of the island consist of flat plains or hills. Mountainous areas are found only in the north and west. In this country you are never very far from the coast and there are lots of seaside resorts. It has a mild climate.It is never very cold or very hot. There’s steady (постоянный) rainfall throughout most of the year. The main passenger ports and airports are in the Southeast. It’s a rich country, one of the richest in the world.

С. It is the fourth largest nation in the world.It covers 4,500 kilo­metres from one ocean on the east to as ether one on the west. Three-quarters (3/4) of the country is washed by ocean. People live within four time zones. It’s a land,or physical contrasts. Practically every climate in the world is represented. The southern parts of the country have warm temperatures year round, but the northern parts have very cold winters. The land varies from heavy forests to large deserts, from high mountains to deep canyons. If you travel across the country you would go over mountain ranges, cross hundreds of rivers, and spend days on the vast, flat prairie lands. You would drive past hundreds of lakes, woods and forests. It has most of what every country would like to have -- a variety of natural resources, all sorts of products and industries of every kind.

Урок 34 How Does the Geographical Position Influence the People’s Lives?


Why is Australia so different from other countries?

Millions of years ago, Australia was part of a huge continent called Gondwanaland. But then Gondwanaland slowly moved and formed several different areas of land. So, Australia became cut off (отрезанный) from the rest of the world. That’s why the island’s wildlife is so unique today. Probably, due to (вследствие) its geo­graphical position, Australia was the last continent inhabited (заселять) by the white man.



(Причинно-следственные связи)

Если нужно показать а) причину или б) следствие каких-то событий, действий, явлений, мы используем следующие союзы и выражения:


А) причина:

because - так как,

thanksto (thefactthat) - благодаря (тому, что), -из-за,

due to (the fact that) - вследствие (того, что)

Because Australia is cut off from the rest of the-world, its wildlife is so unique.

В) следствие

so- таким образом, поэтому

that’s why- поэтому

Australia is cut off from the rest of the world. That’s why its I wildlife is so unique.      


What factors explain the following peculiarities (особенности) of Australia? Find the explanations in the text.


Because Australia was cut off from the rest of the world, it was the last continent to be (который был) discovered.


1. The seasons are the other way round in Australia because...,

2. Thanks to... Australia is sometimes called the Land Down Under.

3. Because …, people have to send a radio message to the flying doctor service if they become ill.

4. Because …, the few rivers play an especially important role in peo­ple’s lives.

5.  .... That’s why Australians suffer one of the world’s highest rates of skin cancer from too much sun exposure (воздействие).

6.  .... So, life is not easy in Australia,


Урок 35



Patience -                                                              терпение

Toughness -                                                          выносливость

Self-reliance -                                                       самоуверенность (уверен в        силах)

Self- confidence -                                                 самоуверенность (самонадеян)

Predictability -                                                      способность предсказывать

Submission -                                                         покорность

Mobility -                                                             подвижность

Cautiousness -                                                                  осторожность

Ability –                                                               способность

Communiti –                                                        община, общество

Compromise -                                                       компромисс, пойти на компромисс

Frontier –                                                              граница

Tough -                                                                 жесткий, плотный, упругий

Определите какие страны описаны в текстахА, B, C.

A. It is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. The continent is south of the Equator. Much of the land is a useless desert. Great desert's cover (покрывают) nearly 2,000,000 square kilometres. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year. Its population is very small (only 0.3’% of the world’s population) for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback.Severe droughts (сильнаязасуха), floods (наводнение) and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.

В. It is an island state. It covers a territory of two large islands and several smaller ones. Its coast is over 6,000 miles long. It may be a small island by Russian standards, but geographically it is varied. The south and the east of the island consist of flat plains or hills. Mountainous areas are found only in the north and west. In this country you are never very far from the coast and there are lots of seaside resorts. It has a mild climate.It is never very cold or very hot. There’s steady (постоянный) rainfall throughout most of the year. The main passenger ports and airports are in the Southeast. It’s a rich country, one of the richest in the world.

С. It is the fourth largest nation in the world.It covers 4,500 kilo­metres from one ocean on the east to as ether one on the west. Three-quarters (3/4) of the country is washed by ocean. People live within four time zones. It’s a land,or physical contrasts. Practically every climate in the world is represented. The southern parts of the country have warm temperatures year round, but the northern parts have very cold winters. The land varies from heavy forests to large deserts, from high mountains to deep canyons. If you travel across the country you would go over mountain ranges, cross hundreds of rivers, and spend days on the vast, flat prairie lands. You would drive past hundreds of lakes, woods and forests. It has most of what every country would like to have -- a variety of natural resources, all sorts of products and industries of every kind.


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