Мышечная система человека ( The Muscular System ) 

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Мышечная система человека ( The Muscular System )

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст, переведите используя словарь (Read the text, translate, use the dictionary):

The muscular system consists of the skeletal muscles and their associated structures. The main function of this system is to move us about.

The word «muscle», according to one theory, comes from a Latin word meaning «little mouse», because a man can make his muscles contract in such a way as to make them look as if a little mouse runs about under his skin. According to another theory the word «muscle» comes from a Geek expression meaning «to enclose», because layers of muscles enclose the body. We know the muscles constitute approximately 50 per cent of the total body weight, slightly more in the average male then in the female. Tendons, fasciae and the various organs themselves depend on the muscular system and the functioning of muscle cells.

There are three main types of muscular tissue that are identified and classified on the basis of structure and functions - smooth or visceralmuscle (гладкая или относящаяся к внутренним органам мышца), striated or skeletal muscle (поперечно - полосатая или скелетообразная мышца) and cardiac muscle (сердечная мышца)

Smooth muscles can contract slowly and they are found in those organs where quick motion is not so vitally required. They make up the walls of the internal organs such as those of the blood vessels, and the digestive tract. Since the internal organs are referred to as viscera, the smooth muscles react relatively slowly to changes within the body and do so without the intervention of the will. The walls of the blood vessels are contracting or expanding when they respond to certain chemicals in the blood or in response to the effect of temperature but we cannot deliberately cause them to lift our arm or open our mouth. For this reason, smooth muscles are also called involuntary muscles. Smooth muscle tissue consists of long cells. Smooth muscle fibres may be bound into bundles by connective tissue in which blood vessels and nerves are included.

       Striated muscle tissue is made up of large fibres grouped into bundles. Striated muscles are organized for the purpose of quick contraction. Such muscles are most necessary for manipulating the bones of the skeleton. Those are the muscles involved in walking, running, in turning the head and so on. Because they are so involved with the skeleton, striated muscles tissue includes the large muscle masses of the body, the muscles of the arms, legs, back etc. It includes all those muscles which must be activated through an effort of will. For this reason, striated muscles are also called voluntary muscles.

Cardiac (heart) muscle is, in a sense, a cross between the previous two. A characteristic feature of cardiac muscle is that fibres have neither a beginning nor an and. In other words, the heart is simply a huge net of muscles is neither skeletal nor visceral in nature. Cardiac muscle must have the strength and force of contraction of the skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is under complete involuntary control. In that, it resembles visceral muscle. Cardiac muscle differs from skeletal muscle also in that the cells making it up are not separated but interconnected in various places.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы (Answer the questions):

1) How many types of muscular tissue are there?

2) How are smooth muscles sometimes called?

3) Why are striated muscles sometimes called skeletal or voluntary muscles?

4) What is the difference between the cardiac and skeletal muscles?

Задание 3. Расскажите о мышечной системе человека по плану (15 предложений) (Tell about the Muscular System according to the plan (15 sentences):

1. The muscular system consists of…

2.. The main function of this system is…

3. The muscles constitute…

4. Tendons, fasciae and the various organs depend on…

5. There are three main types of muscular tissue…

6. Smooth muscles make up…

7. Smooth muscles are also called…

8. Striated muscle tissue is made up of…

9. Striated muscles are organized for…

10. Striated muscles are involved in…

11. A characteristic feature of cardiac muscle is…

12. The heart is…

13.  Cardiac muscle must have…

14. Cardiac muscle is under complete…

15. Cardiac muscle differs from…

Грамматика (Grammar)


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