Mild mental retardation. Occupational therapy, nootropics 

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Mild mental retardation. Occupational therapy, nootropics

# 157

*! At a GP appointment, a 8-year-old boy with his mother. In preschool age, there were memory impairments. It was especially difficult for him to remember the instructions in which the sequence of actions was determined. Arbitrary attention, voluntary memorization, voluntary behavior are reduced. Thinking is visually effective, stiff, generalization suffers, cannot transfer its knowledge to new conditions. For example, remembering the results of tabular multiplication in mathematics, it is difficult to use them in labor lessons. By the second class, a new level of awareness of their place in the system of social relations was not formed. Your diagnosis and tactics:

Mild mental retardation, nootropil

# 158

*! Child, 8 years old duplicates programs th first class. Difficulties with reading and writing are noted. When reading and writing, letters similar in writing are confused. Volume and concentration are reduced. Mechanical memorization, oral counting up to 30. The child is disinhibited during lessons at school. From the anamnesis it is known that he was born from a second pregnancy, which proceeded with toxicosis of the first half, with a threat of interruption at 30 weeks. At birth, he was diagnosed with perinatal damage to the central nervous system, chronic fetal hypoxia of the fetus of mixed genesis, moderate severity. In motor development, the child did not lag behind. From an early age, violations were noted in the delay in the formation of speech (babble appeared at 8 months, the first words - at 1 year 2 months, the phrase - about 5 years). At 4 years old, the boy understood speech, but he communicated only with gestures, facial expressions, and a combination of sounds. In kindergarten there were difficulties in drawing, modeling. I experienced difficulties with orientation in space, orientation in my own body is not broken. Vaccinated self-care skills, attached to the mother. Your diagnosis and tactics:


# 159

*! At the GP appointment, a child of 8 years old with parents. Outwardly, the stigma of dysontogenesis is determined: low located auricles, tower-shaped skull, high “Gothic sky”, light converging squint. Born in a period of 7 months. Weight 2600g. They did stimulation of labor, as there was a long, anhydrous period. He screamed after spanking. The first words appeared at 3 years old, phrasal speech at 4,5 years old. At 2.5 years old, there was a seizure attack amid high fever. I couldn’t memorize verses in kindergarten, didn’t distinguish colors for a long time, confused my fingers, ridiculed children, was untidy, couldn’t take food on my own. I went to school from the age of 7, for a long time I could not master the score within 20, I counted on the fingers, when I wrote, "I did not see the line." Transferred to a program for children with mental and speech developmental delays. At the age of 8, post-reading, mathematical counting, and operations are available only on visual material. In general, it is accessible to the contact, complies with instructions, responds vividly to the promotion. Hygiene skills are vaccinated. Your diagnosis and tactics:


# 160

*! A young man of 17 years old, with his mother at a GP appointment. The mental development coefficient of this patient is in the range of 35-49. He mastered the skills of self-care, accustomed to simple work, helps his mother around the house, in everything they need constant guidance and control of the mother. Vocabulary in the form of simple phrases can support simple conversation. He is guided only in well-known conditions; any change in the situation may put him in a difficult position. Cannot live independently, attached to mother. We suggest, lack of initiative, prone to addictions and antisocial behavior. Your diagnosis and tactics:


# 161

*! Which of the following disorders relates to a disorder of psychological development?


# 162

*! The syndromes of early childhood autism include:



# 163

*! A girl of eleven years after a casual remark of a neighbor that she became "chubby" began to weigh herself, monitor her weight. Then she began to limit food intake. When trying to feed her, she secretly causes vomiting, takes a large amount of funds to reduce weight. The mood is lowered. Assess the mental state:


# 164

*! The child is 10 years old. At the age of 6 he suffered tyazhe luyu measles sustained rise in temperature to 39 °, for tereus consciousness. Changes in the behavior of parents report at the exit of a disease state: the child was fidgety vym, restless. Games are accompanied by a desire for destruction, it prevents other children from playing, which raised the question of his expulsion from kindergarten. All 3 years of schooling is characterized as extremely undisciplined. Examination of a psychologist shows an intelligence coefficient of 102, but the child's performance is significantly reduced due to these character traits. Your Estimated Forecast


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