Perception of non-existent objects and phenomena 

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Perception of non-existent objects and phenomena

Perception without an object

# 32


Subjective confidence in the reality of images

# 33


Florid judgments

# 34



# 35

Heboid syndrome is considered as a variant of personality changes in:


# 36

Disorders characteristic of schizophrenia include:

4A: loosening associations, dulling of affect, ambivalence, autism

Automatism, delirium of exposure, openness syndrome, pseudo-hallucinations

# 37

For a simple form of schizophrenia, it is characteristic:

Apatico-abulic syndrome

# 38

For the treatment of schizophrenia apply:


# 39

*! The patient is 29 years old. She first fell ill at the age of 17: mood worsened, lethargy, apathy appeared. Before falling asleep, she suddenly heard a “voice”. The “voice” sounded right in my head, responded like an “echo”. The night did not sleep, she began to feel some kind of influence “like waves”, believed that this influence comes from God, who thus instructs her in life. It seemed that her thoughts were known to others, understood this by their facial expression. She was thoughtful, distracted, did not immediately understand the meaning of the question.. What syndrome is described?

Kandinsky-Clerambo syndrome

# 40

*! The patient is 20 years old. From childhood, he was distinguished by isolation, had no friends, spent most of his time at home, studied unevenly, but always excellently in exact subjects. After graduation, he entered Moscow State University and passed exams for the first semester. The state changed sharply, became confused, impulsive, made unexpected and stereotypical movements of his hands and body, then he began to freeze in one place, did not answer questions, sometimes pronounced separate words. Then he fell silent for a long time, muscle tone was increased. He was hospitalized. What form of schizophrenia is described?

Lucid, catatonic

# 41

*! Patient D., 48 years old, was admitted to a psychiatric hospital under the direction of an ambulance doctor. She was hospitalized from the street where she behaved strangely: she looked suspiciously at passers-by, huddled against the walls of houses, froze in place, looked around in dismay. She said that for a month she did not leave anxiety for her son, who was under investigation. Hospitalized 2 days before the trial. The last week does not sleep at night, the feeling of anxiety intensified. There were thoughts that they were watching her, they knew about her misfortune and constantly talk about it. On the street I saw my pursuers. On the day of hospitalization, I realized that “you can’t go to work, there are enemies” who threatened her and her son. ”I could not understand where she was, where and why she was brought by the ambulance.. Highlight the leading syndrome:


# 42

*! The patient is 23 years old. She first fell ill at the age of 18, and dissatisfaction with her appearance appeared. She considered herself ugly, complained to her mother that strangers on the street pay attention to her, turn away, make it clear that it is unpleasant for them to see her ugly face, and did not give in to her beliefs. She tried not to go out, was tense, anxious. Hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. Discharged without improvement. She became rude, alienated from her family, stubbornly seeking plastic surgery, threatened suicide in case of refusal, was again hospitalized.

Delusions of physical disability, delusions of relationship, autization, depression

Dysmorphomania syndrome

Schizotypal disorder, schizophrenia, dysmorphophobia

Psychogenic endogenous

# 43

*! The patient is 27 years old. For the first time he fell ill acutely 2 days ago. Before that, the state had changed during the week: he became distracted, did not understand the essence of the questions, answered after a long pause. Inhibition gradually increased, muscle tone increased, froze in uncomfortable poses, completely stopped answering questions, marked greasy face skin, rare blinking, resisted when trying to transplant a patient, pressed his lips when trying to feed, when his spoon was removed from his mouth - he opened his mouth.

Identify the syndrome?

Catatonic syndrome

# 44

*! The patient is 40 years old. She first became ill a year ago, when her mood changed dramatically. She became depressed, dreary, anxious, believed that she was deeply guilty in front of her long-dead father, caught the condemning glances of those around her, both close and unfamiliar people, who hinted at her her guilt. There was an idea that everyone condemned her for the "crime" that she had committed (her father died when the patient was at the resort). She hid from others, did not go outside for weeks, thoughts of suicide were constantly present in her head, but there was no strength to do so.


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