What is Britain separated from the Continent by? (The English Channel) 

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What is Britain separated from the Continent by? (The English Channel)

The English Channel is a body of water between England and France that connects the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The channel is about 563 km long. It ranges from about 34 to 160 km in width. The narrowest part of the channel is between the English city of Dover and Calais - is called the Strait of Dover. The English Channel is the world's busiest sea passage. About 600 vessels sail through or across it daily. Ferryboats carry passengers across the channel between England and France. The English Channel has long been a challenge for swimmers. In 1875, Matthew Webb made the first recorded crossing of the channel, swimming from England to France in 21 hours 45 minutes. In 1986, the United Kingdom and France announced plans to build a railroad tunnel under the channel. Construction of the tunnel began in 1987 and was completed in 1994.


210. What does the United Kingdom consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland)

The United Kingdom is a country in northwestern Europe. It consists of four main political units - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which occupies the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland. The nation's official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. When people refer to the country, most shorten its name to the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain. The country has only 1 percent of the world's people. But the UK has a rich history. The British started the Industrial Revolution. They founded the largest empire in history. They have produced some of the world's greatest scientists, explorers, artists and political leaders.


Sometimes Australia is called the upside down world.

Australia is a continent, a country and an island all at the same time. It is located in the southern hemisphere. That is why it has summer when we have winter and it has winter when we have summer. It is interesting to know that January is the hottest month in Australia. Because of it people sometimes call Australia the upside down world.

The longest river in Britain is the Severn.

The Severn is the longest river in the United Kingdom, and one of its chief waterways. It begins in central Wales and winds about 200 miles through England to the Bristol Channel.


What is the greatest waterway in the United States? (The Mississippi River)

The Mississippi River is one of the chief rivers of North America. It is the nation's chief inland waterway. It carries agricultural goods, industrial products and raw materials. Ships can travel the river for more than 1800 miles. With the coming of steamboats, the Mississippi became a great transportation and trade route. The famous American author Mark Twain described the river vividly in his book Life on the Mississippi.


In which city is Hollywood? (Los Angeles)

To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. It is an area in Los Angeles. It is also the American movie industry. The first movie studio was built in Hollywood in 1918. The next thirty years were Hollywood's greatest years. Thousands of movies were made by a few large and powerful studios. Hollywood, the area in Los Angeles, also reached its high point in these years. Today, Hollywood is not what it was. More movies are made outside of it. But visitors to Hollywood today can go to the famous Chinese Theater and see the footprints and autographs of movie stars. They can go down the Walk of Fame and see the golden stars in the sidewalk.


215. "Ulster" is another name for Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland is the smallest of four political divisions that make up the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland occupies the northeastern corner of Ireland. Northern Ireland is often called Ulster. Ulster was the name of a large province of Ireland until 1920, when Northern Ireland was separated from the rest of the country.



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