What is the cradle of Christianity in Great Britain? (Canterbury) 

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What is the cradle of Christianity in Great Britain? (Canterbury)




(история, география, культура, традиции)











В заданиях единого национального тестирования для выпускников средних общеобразовательных школ и промежуточного государственного тестирования для учащихся 9 классов довольно часто ставятся вопросы, которые вызывают особое затруднение. Это вопросы, имеющие отношение к так называемому страноведению, а именно к истории, географии, политике, культуре и традициям англоязычных стран. В справочниках по подготовке к сдаче тестов в указанном выше формате, данные вопросы, конечно же, оговариваются, но это сделано очень коротко и сжато. По этой причине данный справочный материал теряется на фоне объёмного грамматического и лексического материала. В результате экзаменуемые учащиеся испытывают некоторые затруднения в определении корректных ответов по вопросам страноведения.

Формат «вопрос - короткий ответ» не всегда даёт возможность сделать прав ильный выбор. Для этого необходимы логичные рассуждения, основанные на знании конкретного материала.


В этой связи автор данного учебного пособия систематизировал весь набор вопросов, относящихся к этой теме, которые использовались в заданиях, встречающихся в ходе государственного контроля за последние годы. Структура пособия представлена тематическими разделами и включает в себя не только определение правильного варианта, но и оптимальную справочную информацию по каждому поставленному вопросу. Язык изложения соответствует требованиям учебной программы по предмету в старших классах общеобразовательной средней школы.


Данное пособие будет полезным не только для учащихся общеобразовательных школ, но и учителей английского языка при подготовке к сдаче тестов ВОУД и ЕНТ.


Chapter 1. History, Symbols & Politics


1. "England" in translation into Russian means: Земля Англов.

In the early 400s the Romans left Britain. New invaders came to catch the territory of this island. These tribes were of German origin: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. They began to establish permanent settlements. They first settled in the southeastern part of the island and then set up kingdoms throughout southern and eastern England. The name England comes from the Anglo-Saxon words meaning the Angle folk or land of the Angles.


What is the cradle of Christianity in Great Britain? (Canterbury)

Christianity came to England during the Roman period. A number of things with Christian symbols and dating from the A.D. 300s have been found in different places in England. An early Christian chapel has been discovered in the county of Kent near Canterbury which is the ancient religious center of Britain. Canterbury's main attraction is its huge Gothic cathedral, which was begun in the 1000s and is considered as the cradle of Christianity in Great Britain.


The Romans first invaded Britain in the first century B С.

In 55 B.C. the Great Roman general Julius Caesar sailed across the English Channel with a small force to explore England. He returned the next year with an invading army and 'defeated some of the Celts living there. Later the Romans made the part of the island under their control a province of their huge empire. England prospered under the Romans. They built a lot of camps, forts and towns throughout the land and constructed roads to connect them. London, then called Londinium, began to develop as a port and the capital city of the country.


Chapter 2. People Political Leaders and Rulers


Travelers, Heroes and Military Leaders


People of Science and Art

Where was Thomas Cook born?

Thomas Cook (22 November 1808 ­18 July 1892) was born in a village of Melbourne, in England. He founded the travel agency that is now Thomas Cook Group. Thomas Cook was brought up as a strict Baptist. In February 1826, he became a preacher. Cook's idea to offer excursions came to him while waiting for the coach on the London Road. He was the first to organize a tourist company in the world.


What is soccer? (Football)

Soccer is the world's most popular sport. It is the national sport of most European and Latin American countries, and of many other nations. Millions of people in more than 200 countries play soccer. Soccer's most famous international competition, the World Cup, is held every four years for both men and women. In a soccer game, two teams of 11 players try to kick a ball into each other's goal without using their hands. Soccer as it is played today developed in the United Kingdom during the 1800s and quickly spread to many other countries. In the United Kingdom and many other countries, soccer is called football or association football. The word soccer comes from assoc., an abbreviation for association.


A double-decker is a bus.

London's buses carry around four million passengers every day, and bus routes cover over 2900 km. of the capital's roads. The familiar double-decker buses are one of the most distinctive sights in London, and no visit to London would be complete without a trip on one. The most famous design, with an open passenger platform at the rear of the bus, dates back to the 1950s, although now they are being replaced with more modern types with the entrance at the front.

Brunch is late breakfast.

On Sundays, many families in the USA have brunch, a meal that combines breakfast and lunch. It is usually served between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and includes typical breakfast food plus cheese, cake, and perhaps casserole dishes and cold fish.


A slave

Sometimes a book can help to change history. One book that certainly did was Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was a book that spoke against slavery. The author told a story of characters like Tom, a courageous old slave, and his friends. The book was published in 1852. People reacted strongly to this novel and many of them were finally convinced that slavery must be ended in the United States.

Chapter 4. Geography


195. What beautiful waterfall is situated in the USA? (Niagara)

Niagara Falls, one of the most famous North American natural wonders, mainly it is situated in the United States. This fall was probably formed about 12 thousand years ago. Large number of tourists began visiting Niagara Falls during the 1800s. Many hotels and restaurants were built on the American side and famous Niagara Falls Park was created in 1885 in order to protect the land surrounding this natural wonder.


196. Which is the biggest state in the USA? (Alaska)

Alaska is the largest state of the United States in land area but the smallest in population. It is more than twice the size of Texas, the second largest state. But its population is only 627 thousand people. Alaska's climate and geography are quite varied. Its sights include smoking volcanoes, grassy plains, rain forests, about 3 million lakes, 100 thousand glaciers, and many high mountains including Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in North America Alaska entered the Union as a state in 1959.


Boston is in Massachusetts.

Boston is the capital of Massachusetts and the largest city in New England. It is the leading

business, financial, government and transportation center. In addition to its commercial importance, Boston IS a center of education, medicine and technology. Boston is one of the oldest and most historic cities in the United States. It was founded in 1630. English Puritans named it after the town of Boston in England, where many of them had lived. Boston is known as the Cradle of Liberty because it was the birthplace of the Revolutionary War in America.


Chapter 5. Architecture





(история, география, культура, традиции)











В заданиях единого национального тестирования для выпускников средних общеобразовательных школ и промежуточного государственного тестирования для учащихся 9 классов довольно часто ставятся вопросы, которые вызывают особое затруднение. Это вопросы, имеющие отношение к так называемому страноведению, а именно к истории, географии, политике, культуре и традициям англоязычных стран. В справочниках по подготовке к сдаче тестов в указанном выше формате, данные вопросы, конечно же, оговариваются, но это сделано очень коротко и сжато. По этой причине данный справочный материал теряется на фоне объёмного грамматического и лексического материала. В результате экзаменуемые учащиеся испытывают некоторые затруднения в определении корректных ответов по вопросам страноведения.

Формат «вопрос - короткий ответ» не всегда даёт возможность сделать прав ильный выбор. Для этого необходимы логичные рассуждения, основанные на знании конкретного материала.


В этой связи автор данного учебного пособия систематизировал весь набор вопросов, относящихся к этой теме, которые использовались в заданиях, встречающихся в ходе государственного контроля за последние годы. Структура пособия представлена тематическими разделами и включает в себя не только определение правильного варианта, но и оптимальную справочную информацию по каждому поставленному вопросу. Язык изложения соответствует требованиям учебной программы по предмету в старших классах общеобразовательной средней школы.


Данное пособие будет полезным не только для учащихся общеобразовательных школ, но и учителей английского языка при подготовке к сдаче тестов ВОУД и ЕНТ.


Chapter 1. History, Symbols & Politics


1. "England" in translation into Russian means: Земля Англов.

In the early 400s the Romans left Britain. New invaders came to catch the territory of this island. These tribes were of German origin: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. They began to establish permanent settlements. They first settled in the southeastern part of the island and then set up kingdoms throughout southern and eastern England. The name England comes from the Anglo-Saxon words meaning the Angle folk or land of the Angles.


What is the cradle of Christianity in Great Britain? (Canterbury)

Christianity came to England during the Roman period. A number of things with Christian symbols and dating from the A.D. 300s have been found in different places in England. An early Christian chapel has been discovered in the county of Kent near Canterbury which is the ancient religious center of Britain. Canterbury's main attraction is its huge Gothic cathedral, which was begun in the 1000s and is considered as the cradle of Christianity in Great Britain.



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