Let’s talk about sport and a healthy way of life. What do you do to keep fit? (What can you do to become a healthier person? What steps do you follow to stay healthy?) 

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Let’s talk about sport and a healthy way of life. What do you do to keep fit? (What can you do to become a healthier person? What steps do you follow to stay healthy?)


Our modern world makes a person be flexible and mobile, that’s why people should be healthy and fit. Sport makes us strong. It quickens our reaction, teaches us to win and to lose. Sport helps us to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. For some people sport is a pleasure or hard work, even business, for others it’s a lifestyle.

Many people do their morning exercises, jog in the morning, attend sports sections and clubs. Besides, physical training is a compulsory subject in our schools. We play basketball, football or table tennis. In winter we usually ski.

I personally can’t imagine my life without sport. I jog in the morning and sometimes play sport games with my friends and go to the swimming pool. I also like to watch the Olympic games, especially figure skating competitions, on TV.

For me, sport is a source of exciting emotions and feelings. But I understand that not only sport helps us to keep fit. Healthy lifestyle is necessary. There is a wise saying “You are what you eat” or “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”; which means that a balanced diet is the best way to get a healthy body.

We should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables full of vitamins. We should cut down the amount of fatty, salty and sweet food. Scientists say that such food increases danger of cancer and heart disease. We should limit the amount of fizzy drinks, alcohol and fast or junk food. It leads to health problems.

I personally try to eat only healthy food. I don’t eat a lot of meat or fried food. I try to eat porridge, fish, soup, salads, fruit and vegetables.

In conclusion I’d like to say that today people realize how important it is to stay healthy if they want to be active and successful in life.




Do you agree that bad habits, like smoking, can be dangerous? Why (not)?


Do you agree that smoking is harmful and it can lead to serious health problems? Why?


I am absolutely sure that bad habits are dangerous. For example, smoking is the most common bad habit nowadays. Some people start smoking because they think it’s a kind of relaxation. Others always mention peer pressure or a protest against parents.

But smoking is very addictive and very difficult to stop. Besides, smoking leads to lungs and heart diseases. And it shortens our life.


Do you agree that home-made food is better than junk (fast) food? Why (not)?


I absolutely agree that “You are what you eat”. Food is not only something tasty and pleasant. Food can be dangerous for our health, especially fast or junk food. Fast food is cheap, but also fatty, salty and even toxic. Such food leads to different health problems.

Home-made food is better. First, it is made with love. And, besides, you know what you eat.




What questions will you ask a professional sportsman?


1.Is sport hard work for you?

2.Do you agree that professional sport is a risky thing?

3.Have you ever won any competition?

4.What is your best result?


What questions will you ask a fitness coach?


1. Do you believe in the effect of fitness?

2. What is the most effective exercise?

3. Does fitness help people to look attractive?


What questions will you ask a person who keeps to a slimming diet?


1. Do you believe in the effect of diets?

2. What is your favourite dish?

3. Does your diet help you to look attractive?


What questions will you ask a dietitian?


1. Do you think diet is the most effective way of keeping fit?

2. Can you give me recipes of useful dishes?

3. What fruits and vegetables are the most useful?


Imagine you are talking to your friend about healthy lifestyle. What questions would you ask her/him?


1. Do you keep fit?

2. What sports do you go in for?

3. Do you think we should keep to a diet to be healthy and strong?




What can you advise a person who wants to lose weight?


What activities can you advise a person who wants to have a healthy way of life?


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