EX . 7. Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные. Переведите предложения 

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EX . 7. Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные. Переведите предложения


Не worked very hard.         He didn't work very hard.

He drove very carefully.      He didn't drive very carefully.

He was at the meeting.          He wasn't at the meeting.

1. The secretary copied the names from the list carefully.

2. Alice ate lunch at the cafeteria with her friends.

3. The students were ready for the examination.

4. Mr. Harris taught at New York University last summer.

5. The teacher noticed the mistake in that sentence.

6. The last two lessons were very difficult for me.

7. The students brought their dictionaries to class yesterday.

8. The director agreed with his assistants on that matter.

EX. 8. Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме и переведите предложе­ния


begin      Last year this class began at 8:30 p.m.


(fall) Mary     ______ on the slippery steps today.
(build) The Browns ______ a new house last year.
(steal) The thief ______ jewelry from that store.
(fly) Miss Davis ______ to Cuba with her sister.
(write) Frank ______ us a long letter last week.
(cut) He ______ his hand with a sharp knife.
(wear) Mary ______ her new dress to the party.
(lend) Bill _______ me fifteen dollars yesterday.
(shut) The man ______ the door very quietly.
drive Mr. Wilson ______ the car carefully.


EX. 9. Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме и переведите предложе­ния


(know) John ______ the answers to the questions.
(shut) I ______ the back door a few minutes ago.
(sleep) He ______ for ten hours last night.
(speak) Bill ______ to the teacher about that.
(ride) I ______ to work by bus this morning.
(feel) Fred ______ quite sick last night.
(put) Betty ______ the dishes on the shelf.
(teach) Mr. Harris ______ that class last year.
(spend) We ______ ten dollars over the weekend.
(bring) Charles ______ a friend to the party.
(tell) The teacher ______ the students the answer


EX. 10. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем вре­мени, до­бавив к одному из них нужное по смыслу обстоятельтсво вре­мени


1. My working day lasts eight hours.

2. Do you often get letters from your friends?

3. Does he do well in French?

4. We discuss a lot of questions.

5. They don't often stay at the factory after six o'clock.

Ex. 11. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внима­ние на форму глагола to be в Past Simple


1. Они были здесь час назад.

2. Он вовремя пришел на урок вчера?

3. Вы были дома в понедельник утром? — Нет, я был в колледже.

4. Его не было дома в среду вечером.

5. Студенты вчера сдали экзамены успешно.

6. Мой друг купил новый компьютер на прошлой неделе.


EX. 12. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам


1. Не was in Kiev last week. (3)

2. My friend wrote to me very often last year. (4)

3. They were at their office yesterday morning. (3)

4. Our students read a lot of English books last year. (4)

5. He took his son out on Monday evening. (2)

6. Comrade Petrow spoke to us about the plan yesterday. (4)

7. The students went home after clas­ses. (3)


EX. 13. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в соответствующем вре­мени, лице и числе.


1. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I usually (to wake up) early on my day off, but sometimes I (not to get up) at once. I (to get up) at eight o'clock yesterday.

2. "When you (to have) breakfast yesterday?" "I (to have) breakfast at nine in the morning."

3. We usually (to stay) in the country over the week-end, but the weather (to be) bad and we (not to go) to the country tomorrow.

4. "When you last (to go) to the theatre?" "Two weeks ago."

5. I usu­ally (to go) to bed at eleven o'clock. Yesterday my friends (to come) to see me, and I (to go) to bed at one in the morning.

6. She (not to be) at home now. She (to play) tennis.

7. When your son (to go) to college?


(Настоящее совершенное время)

EX. 1. Переведите  следующие предложения, обращая внима­ние  на сокращенные формы


1. I've just spoken to him.

2. We've never done it before.

3. Have you ever been to London?

4. Have you seen the new film already?

5. Has he finished the work yet?

6. I haven't seen him lately.

7. She hasn't thought of it yet.

8. He's already been here.



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