Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan 

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Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

The legal framework of the Customs Union is based on international agreements and protocols executed by the member states, as well as on Customs rules, regulations and resolutions adopted and approved by the authorized bodies of the Customs Union. Membership in the Customs Unit is conditioned upon accession to all valid agreements of the Customs Union. The Customs Code is one of the major legal instruments of the Customs Union and it is based on the model of the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (Kyoto Convention).

Most of the Customs Union procedural rules (such as procedures and deadlines for the performance of certain actions, rules relating to document forms, instructions for the completion of Customs declarations, etc.) are set forth by the Customs Union Commission. Any unresolved dispute or controversy between the member-states related to the Customs Union can be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of the Independent States (CIS) in its capacity as the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community.

The work for the development and implementation of the new Customs Union rules, regulations and policies was processed with the target to make the Customs Union fully operational in January 2011.

Task II. Find the words synonymous to:

Controversy, significant, acceptable, closure, jurisdiction, to endorse, admission, to submit, target, instrument, certain, procedural, capacity, agreement, legal, accession.

Task III. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. Companies operating in the field of foreign trade on the territory of the Customs Union should take into consideration changes in the local legislation, regulations and Customs practices.

2. These changes might substantially affect the companies’ commercial activities, and be prepared to comply with the Customs Union regime once it becomes fully operational.

3. Unified Customs Non-Tariff Regulations of the Customs Union allow to impose certain economic proscriptions and limitations on the cross-border trade activities in the Customs Union territory.

4. In order to prevent import of counterfeited goods into the territory of the Customs Union the Customs Code of the Customs Union provides for setting up a unified register for intellectual property rights, where the participants of the trade activities will be required to register trade names and trademarks relating to the goods transferred.

5. Most of the Customs Union procedural rules (such as procedures and deadlines for the performance of certain actions, rules relating to document forms, instructions for the completion of Customs declarations, etc.) are set forth by the Customs Union Commission.

6. The work for the development and implementation of the new Customs Union rules, regulations and policies was processed with the target to make the Customs Union fully operational in January 2011.

Task IV. Match left and right.

1. экономическая интеграция to abolish Customs duties
2. интернационализация хозяйственных связей (the) common Customs policy
3. Таможенный союз to provide a mutual solution
4. факторы сближения internationalization of economic ties
5. упразднять таможенные пошлины Customs Union
6. обеспечивать совместное решение factors of convergence
7. создавать предпосылки economic integration
8. единая таможенная политика to create necessary conditions


Task V. Translate the following text into English using the word-combinations from the previous tasks.

Таможенный союз

Таможенные союзы нескольких государств на протяжении многих веков являются одним из основных факторов сближения стран-участниц в вопросах экономики, торговли, финансов, а впоследствии, возможно, и политического курса.

Для того чтобы понять цели и мотивы создания Таможенного союза России, Белоруссии и Казахстана, сначала следует разобраться в самой сущности экономической интеграции. Это достаточно высокая, эффективная и перспективная ступень развития мировой экономики, качественно новый и более сложный этап интернационализации хозяйственных связей. Экономическая интеграция приводит не только к сближению национальных экономик, но и обеспечивает совместное решение экономических задач.

Таможенный союз упраздняет таможенные пошлины для стран-участников и вырабатывает единую таможенную политику для товаров третьих стран, тем самым создавая предпосылки для перехода к единому рынку.


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