VII . Переведите предложения на русский язык: 

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VII . Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. There is a small proportion of the gases in the air.

2. There are over 100 different elements on Earth.

3. There are many kinds of matter.

4. There are more than 1 trillion molecules in a cell.

5. There are many hundreds of millions of chemical compounds.

6. There are three types of plants:  annual, biennial, and perennial.

7. There is more of cellulose in the world than any other organic chemical.

8. Without oxygen there is no life.

9. There are massive amounts of magnesium in seawater.

10. There was a lot of important research last year.

VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на союз either … or.

1. Most nitrogen enters the soil from the atmosphere, either dissolved in rainwater, or as a chemical compound produced during thunderstorms.

2. Elements can exist either as molecules or as single atoms.

3. Because of their molecular structures, vitamins either dissolve in water or they do not. 

 4. Each element is represented by a symbol – either a capital letter alone or a capital letter and a small letter.

5. Such studies have not been done in either humans or animals.

IX. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте русские эквиваленты:

pharmaceutical, periodic table of elements, atomic weight, property, extremely, combine, compound, substance, variety, product, gaseous, characteristics, hydrogen, oxygen, decompose, mixture, physical, sodium chloride, component, process, potassium, bromine, rubidium, iodine, lithium, fluorine, revision, column, copper,

X. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

order – порядок; приказывать

rarely – редко

unconfirmed – неподтвержденный

tentative – пробный, опытный, экспериментальный

infinite – бесконечный; бесчисленный

compound – соединение

constituent – составляющий часть целого

decompose – разлагать на составные части; разлагаться; растворяться

however – однако, тем не менее

sample – образец

matter – вещество

separate – отдельный; отделять

sequence – последовательность

precede – предшествовать

evaporation – испарение

complete – завершать

partial – частичный, неполный

obtain – получать

split – расщепляться, раскалываться; делиться

distinguish – различать

attach – прикреплять; присоединяться

numeral – число; числительное

XI. Прочтите вопросы перед чтением текста и ответьте на них.

What is your attitude to Chemistry? Chemistry is often referred to as the central science – do you agree with this statement? What do you mean by “Pharmaceutical chemistry”? Why is development of this science extremely important? Do you know who described the first periodic table of the elements that ordered the elements by increasing atomic weight and according to trends in their properties? (It was not Dmitri Mendeleev. The actual inventor of the periodic table is someone rarely mentioned in chemistry history books).


XII. Прочтите текст и скажите, какие химические элементы упоминаются в тексте:

                            Text A.  Pharmaceutical chemistry

Chemical Elements

At present there are 110 known chemical elements. (The discovery of element 110, reported in 1987 by Soviet scientist, remains unconfirmed, however, and is still considered extremely tentative.) Elements can combine with one another to form a wide variety of more complex substances called compounds. The number of possible compounds is almost infinite; perhaps a million are known, and more are being discovered every day. When two or more elements combine to form a compound, they lose their separate identities, and the product has characteristics quite different from those of the constituent elements. The gaseous elements hydrogen and oxygen for example, with quite different properties, can combine to form the compound water, which has altogether different properties from either oxygen or hydrogen. Water clearly is not an element because it consists of and actually can be decomposed chemically into the two substances - hydrogen and oxygen; these two substances, however, are elements because they cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by any known chemical process. Most samples of naturally occurring matter are physical mixtures of compounds. Seawater, for example, is a mixture of water and a large number of other compounds, the most common of which is sodium chloride, or table salt. Mixtures differ from compounds in that they can be separated into their component parts by processes; for example, the simple process of evaporation separates water from the other compounds in seawater. Mendeleyev's periodic table of 1869 contained 17 columns, with two nearly complete periods (sequences) of elements, from potassium to bromine and rubidium to iodine, preceded by two partial periods of seven elements each (lithium to fluorine and sodium to chlorine), and followed by three incomplete periods. In an 1871 paper Mendeleyev presented a revision of the 17th group, the principal improvement being the correct repositioning of 17 elements. He, as well as Lothar Meyer, also proposed a table with eight columns obtained by splitting each of the long periods into a period of seven, an eighth group containing the three central elements (such as iron, cobalt, nickel; Mendeleyev also included copper, instead of placing it in Group I), and a second period of seven. The first and second periods of seven were later distinguished by use of the letters "a" and "b" attached to the group symbols, which were the Roman numerals.




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