Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs. 

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Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs.

a) Cricket

A bat-and-ball game involving two teams (1)_____eleven players, com­peting (2)_____a pitch (3)_____20 metres (22 yards) (4)_____a wicket made (5)_____three stumps (6)_____each end and set (7)_____a large oval ground. The game is English (8)_____origin, and has been known (9)_____at least the 1550s. It became popular (10)_____southern England (10)_____the late 18th century; and rules were drawn (12)_____in 1774 and modified following the formation of the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) in 1787. Gradually cricket was introduced (13)_____the British Empire, while also remaining popular (14)_____Britain itself- though (15)_____ a class-stratified and regionally selective basis, being (16)_____instance far more common in England than (17)_____the rest of the British Isles. (18)_____the late twentieth century, cricket is probably more popular, and is played (19) _____at least as much accomplishment, in countries other than Britain, especially countries formerly members (20)______the British Empire. Sometimes it is associated (21)______the perception (22)______a lost, earlier form of English life, made (23)______of village greens, warm beer, and presumed gentlemanly characteristics (24)______Englishness such as fair play, team spirit and individual excellence. Metaphorically, even, some­thing deemed to be failing (25)______"English" standards can still be de­scribed as not cricket.


b) What Is Golf?

Golf is a game that (1)______its simplest form requires the player to hit (2)______means of a specially designed club, a small solid ball (3)______ one-point (4)______another (5,)______the fewest possible strokes. The play­ing area, called a course or link, is made (6)______holes, usually nine or eighteen (7)______number. Each hole includes a tee, the point (8)______which a golfer starts his play (9)______that part of the course, and a cup, (10)______which he must hit his ball. (11)______the tee and the cup stretches a fairway, an avenue (12)______ grass carefully cut. The cup is marked (13)______a flag, and is surrounded (14)______a putting green, usually an area (15)______a beautiful lawn. (16)______addition to natural obstacles, trees and water, especially prepared hazards, such as traps and bunkers, may be placed (17)______the fairway and (18)______the green. The aim is to complete the hole (19)______the fewest possible strokes, and the player writes (20)______his score (21)______each hole, his final score being the total (22)______all holes played.

The golf ball is 1.62 in. (23)______ in diameter. The ball has a core (24)_____rubber and an outer surface (25) gum (26)_____a gutta-percha tree. A maximum weight (27)_______1.62 oz. is permitted. A player may not use more than 14 different clubs. A set (28)_____fourteen clubs will normally include four (29) _____ heads (30)_____wood and ten (31)_____heads (32)_____iron. The shafts may be made (33)_____ei­ther wood, steel or glass fiber.

С) Rugby                                     

There are two forms (1)_____rugby football played in Britain, rugby union and rugby league. Rugby union is played (2)_____amateurs. There are 15 players (3)_____each team. Rugby union is played internationally (4)_____many countries including Australia, Fiji, France, South Africa, Ar­gentina, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and New Zealand. In Britain it is played especially (5)_____public schools. Rugby league is a professional game, played mainly (6)_____the north of England (and in Australia). There are 13 players (7)_____each team, and the rules are slightly different (8)_____ rugby union. It is thought to be a rough, hard game.

d) Football

Football is played (1)_____two teams (2)_____a 100-yard field. Each team stands (3)_____their side of the field. The object of the game is to carry the football, an oblong-shaped ball, (4) _____ the opponents and (5)_____the end of their field to "score a touchdown".


  1. People disapprove of …, but at the same time they can’t resist them.
  2. They … of him before the results of the race were announced.
  3. In spite of the fact that everyone thought he … N. was sure the situation he was in at the moment was the result of his own actions and misbehavior.
  4. Those who … in competition are usually disqualified from taking part in the Olympic Games.
  5. … is one of the attacking players in football, now often called a striker.
  6. … is a Japanese method of unarmed combat using blows made with the sides of the hands, foot, head.
  7. It was his last chance to break the record vacantly he looked around but saw nothing except the white line in front of sand. He … & jumped.
  8. … is a Hindu system of meditation & self-control intended to produce mystical experience & the union of the individual soul with the universal spirit.
  9. The quantity of … in Formula I depends on distance & route.
  10. Darts is a domestic variant of ….
  11. Those who like games of chance are keen on ….
  12. I wish to warn you …. I have no desire to be told off because of your tricks ever again.
  13. Only half of … runners came to the finish. It was very exhausting to run 41.8 km/s on such a hot evening.
  14. … is a person who controls matches, judges points in dispute.
  15. … is a Japanese art of wrestling & self-defence in which an opponent’s own weight & strength are used against him.
  16. … is a player who guards his goal area against attacks from the other side.
  17. Don’t move a …. There is a snake beside you.
  18. Which country holds the … for the 5000 meters race.

19. The bruise was caused by a ….

20. … is an area for playing football.

21. … is a person against who one fights, struggles, plays games, contests an election or argues.

22. … is used not only in the casino but also if a person wants to say that his … has lost the game, chance.

23. Our efforts were not awarded. The game was not….


    • to strain every nerve
    • to make game of
    • none to your games
    • the game is up
    • the game is not worth the candle
    • two can play at that
    • to become the sport of fortune
    • games of chance
    • football pitch

to beat smb. at his own game


16. Translate into English:

1. Я предпочитаю легкую атлетику боксу и борьбе. 2. Я мечтаю выиграть первенство страны по плаванию. 3. Люди во всем мире следят за Олимпийскими играми. 4. Я болею за футбольную команду «Спартак». 5. Наша игра закончилась вничью. 6. Вы занимаетесь легкой атлетикой?

7. Вы часто участвовали в эстафете? 8. Виндсерфинг требует от спортсмена очень развитого чувства равновесия. 9. Мальчик мечтает стать хоккеистом и просит купить ему клюшку и шайбу. 10. Сколько человек примут участие в институтском шахматном турнире? 11. Разве вы не хотите завоевать кубок в этом соревновании? 12. Кто первый забил гол? 13. Вы пойдете на этот матч?

14. Стрельба из лука была достаточно популярным видом спор­та в Средние века. 15. Никто не ожидал, что они выиграют со счетом 2:0. 16. Мы не можем с вами соревноваться, у нас нет опыта участия в таких соревнованиях. 17. Вы собираетесь участвовать в соревнованиях по гребле?-Обязательно. 18. У нас прекрасный спортзал и все возможности для хорошей физической подготовки. 19. Кто выиграл кубок по футболу в последний раз? Кто был вто­рым? 20. Напрасно вы торопились. Соревнования не состоятся из-за плохой погоды. 21. Я едва мог поверить своим ушам, когда мне сказали, что на­ша команда выиграла со счетом 6:0. 22. Я, кажется, знаю этого человека. Он был когда-то отличным бегуном, а теперь он тренирует молодых спортсменов.23. Кем был установлен последний мировой рекорд по прыж­кам в высоту? 24. Он финишировал первым в забеге на ПО метров с барьера­ми, показав время 13,32 секунды. 25.  В турнире принимают участие 24 национальных сборных. 26. На игру назначаются три судьи — один в поле и два на ли­нии. 27. Как называется человек, который судит бейсбольную игру? 28. В футболе только вратарю разрешается прикасаться к мячу руками.



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