Ex.2. Match the terms and their definitions. Compose 5 sentences with any of the terms. 

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Ex.2. Match the terms and their definitions. Compose 5 sentences with any of the terms.

1 assume a most important, main
2 coordinate (n) b the force that keeps an object in the same position or state of movement until it is moved or stopped by another force
3 describe c to think that sth is true, although you have no proof of it
4 locate d to continue to be in the same state or condition
5 inertia e to state sth in an exact and detailed way
6 principal (adj) f one of a set of numbers which give the exact position of a point on a map, computer screen etc
7 remain g complete and not divided or broken into parts
8 specify h to find the exact position of sth
9 whole i to say what sth or sb is like by giving details about them

Ex.3. Find in the text: 1) the nouns corresponding to the following verbs:

move, characterize, displace, refer

                            2) the verbs corresponding to the following nouns:

location, meaning, assumption, specification, description, treatment.


Ex.4. Translate into English.

1. Тело находится в состоянии покоя относительно данной системы координат, если координаты всех его точек не изменяются.

2. Задача кинематики - определить все кинематические характеристики движения тела в целом или его отдельных частей.

3. Движение – это относительное перемещение тела в пространстве относительно других тел с течением времени. 


Text 2. Methods of describing motion of a particle. Path.

Learn the following words and word combinations by heart:


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