Основные пути экономии топлива по этапам полета. 

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Основные пути экономии топлива по этапам полета.


1) Экономия топлива при предполетной подготовке определяется выбором оптимальной трассы, высоты эшелона, расчетом максимально допустимой взлетной массы, потребной массы заправляемого топлива, АНЗ топлива, коммерческой загрузки.

2) Экономия топлива при наземной эксплуатации ВС. Для снижения могут быть применены следующие пути: сокращения времени выполнения операций на земле или их исключения за счет совершенствования технологий работы экипажа; рационального использования ВПП за счет оптимизации взаимодействия аэродромных служб; введения научно обоснованного поэтапного нормирования расхода топлива, времени наработки ВСУ и двигателей и точного его учета.

3) Экономия топлива за счет балансировки самолета. Одним из направлений экономии топлива в ЛЭ является снижение потерь аэродинамического качества самолета на балансировку самолет.

Для снижении этих потерь применяется:

1) создание оптимальной центровки за счет рационального размещения пассажиров и грузов.

2) поддержание оптимальной центровки в полете с помощью реализации программы выработки топлива.

3) реализация оптимального отклонения органов управления.

4) регулирование момента от тяги двигателей за счет изменения соотношения степеней дросселирования тяги.


1- Flight preparation: Improve your choice of alternate and keep your extra fuel as low as operationally possible, always within safety limits of course. In addition to route-based statistics, always consider the specific conditions of the day (weather, aircraft condition, etc.) when making your decision.

2- Consider taxiing with engine out: Shut down one engine during both taxi in and taxi out (if your airline allows it) to save up on fuel as well as on maintenance cost. Wondering what are the typical fuel savings for shutting down one engine? Typical fuel saved for Airbus 320 is 5 kg/min.

 3- Use reduced flap settings: Considering obstacles, runway length and meteorological conditions, set a reduced configuration for landing if operationally possible without compromising safety (for Ural Airlines consider SOP «Flaps and landing gear selections»).

 4- Avoid using full reverse thrust: adjust your usage of reverse thrust, conditions permitting. Using full reverse thrust burns up unnecessary fuel and has impacts on engine maintenance: potential debris ingestion and thermal stress put on the engine. Idle reverse application may typically save 5 kg/min for Airbus 320.

5- Minimize APU use on ground: use the available ground infrastructure instead of the APU to prepare the cabin before a flight. This will save up jet fuel and improve your customer experience with less exhaust gas exposure while embarking. Typical fuel saved for Airbus 320 Family is 120 kg/h (approximately). Moreover, there are some different best practices that should be applied. Is CDA fuel efficient? Descent is not the most fuel consuming phase of the flight, so you may think that there is not much to save during that phase. However, here are a few figures that demonstrate otherwise: By applying Continuous Descent Approach, a single-aisle aircraft such as the A320 or B737 will save between 30 and 70 kg of fuel per flight. What is Reduced Acceleration Altitude? Reduced Acceleration Altitude is a fuel efficiency best practice during the climb phase. Its principle is to accelerate at an altitude lower than what is usually done. In most cases, the altitude is reduced from 3000ft to 800ft. For lighter aircraft, it can go down to 400ft. By accelerating at a lower altitude, the clean configuration is reached earlier and drag is reduced. The benefits than can be expected are about 51 kg per flight for A320. Flight level As with most modern commercial jet engines, those fitted to aircraft of the A320 Family are at their most efficient at high altitude. The Optimum Flight Level is the altitude that will enable the aircraft, at a given weight, to burn the lowest amount of fuel over the entire flight. During cruise, the OPT FL increases while the aircraft weight decreases. Monitor the OPT FL, and fly at the most appropriate Flight Level for optimum aircraft performance and fuel consumption. Acceleration below 10 000 FT By default, the FMS F-PLN takes into account the 250 kt Speed Limitation below 10000ft. If ATC permits, remove this Limitation, in order to accelerate and save fuel. Remember the math of airlines fuel efficiency: it consists in multiplying small quantities by big numbers.



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