A. Increased activity of osteoclasts and bone resorbtion 

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A. Increased activity of osteoclasts and bone resorbtion

b. Increased mitotic activity of osteoprogenitor cells

c. Decreased serum calcium levels

d. Increased bone formation

e. Increased hydroxyapatite crystal formation


92. Which of the following could be administered to override the effects of increased parathyroid hormone?

A. Calcitonin

b. Vitamin D

c. Bone morphogenic protein

d. Osterprotegerin

e. Somatrophin


93. Osteoclasts would be found at which of the following sites in bone?

A. Howship’s lacuna

b. Haversian canal

c. Canaliculi

d. Endosteum

e. Periosteum


94. Bone of a 75-year-old man shows a decreased number of osteoblasts. However, the number of osteoclasts is greatly increased. This individual’s bones are easily fractured. Which of the following disease conditions would you expect?

A. Osteoporosis

b. Osteoartrosis

c. Osteopetrosis

d. Osteochondrosis

e. Rickets


95. The hormone calcitonin acts directly inhibited on which of the following cell types?

A. Osteoclasts

b. Osteocytes

c. Osteoblasts

d. Chondroblasts

e. Chondrocytes


96. At which of the following sites in bone would you find osteoblasts during active deposition of new bone matrix?

A. Surface of bone

b. Haversian canal

c. Lacuna

d. Periosteum

e. Canaliculi


97. In which of the following bone sites are canaliculi found?

A. Compact bone

b. Perichondrium

c. Bone marrow

d. Newly mineralized bone matrix

e. Howship’s lacuna


98.. Breaking architectonics in a somite region near to an endoderm and notochord is found during biopsy examination of embryonic material. Disorders of what tissues or organs will be?

A. Skeletal tissues

B. Urogenital system

C. Striated skeletal muscle

D. Striated cardiac muscle

E. Fibrillar connective tissue of a skin


99..In traumatological hospital, the patient with damage of muscles of the inferior extremity is supplied. Due to what cells reparation of muscle filaments and regeneration of function of muscles is possible?

A. Satellite cells

B. Myoepithelial cells

C. Myofibroblasts

D. Fibroblasts

E. Myoblasts


100.. At formation of a muscle tissue in an embryogenesis process of fusion of myoblasts in myosyncithium is quenched. What tissue development will be disturbed? 

A. A skeletal muscle tissue  

B. A muscle tissue derivate of neural tube 

C. A muscle tissue derivate of ectoderm 

D. A smooth muscle tissue derivate of mesenchyme 

E. A cardiac muscle tissue


101. At examination of a striated muscle fiber after a mechanical trauma destruction of thick myofilaments is observed. Where pathological modifications if filaments will be studied in polarized light will be localized? 

A. In A band

B. In I band                                                                                                                                                                                              

C. In half of A-band

D. In A band and in I band 

E. In half of I band


102. At examination of a striated muscle fiber after treatment of hydrolyses enzymes destruction of thin myofilaments is observed. What supermolecular structures have tested damage? 

A. Actin myofilaments  

B. Myosin myofilaments 

C. Tonofibrils                                                                                                                                                                                            

D. Tropocollagin complexes

E. Nucleoprotein complexes


103. During an operative measure at the patient the part of a small intestine is removed. Due to what elements regeneration of a muscular layer is possible?

A. Smooth muscle cells

B. Мyosyncithium

C. Adipose cells

D. Satellite cells

E. Fibrocytes


104. Patient with injured muscles of the lower extremities was admitted to the traumatological department. Due to what cells is reparative regeneration of the muscle fibers and restoration of the muscle function possible?

A. Satellite-cells

B. Myoepithelial cells

C. Myoblasts

D. Myofibroblasts

E. Fibroblasts


105. At the patient the tremor and convulsions that is caused by breaking of nerve fibers myelination of a central nervous system is observed. Function of what cells suffers at this disease?

A. Olygodendrocytes

B. Fibrillar astrocytes

C. Ependymal cells

D. Protoplasmatic astrocytes

E. Microglial cells


106. In what cells during life the mitosis is not observed, and the quantitative content DNA remains to stationary values?

A. In neurones

B. In hemopoietic

C. In striated muscle fiber

D. In smooth muscle          

E. In an epidermis


107 At patient with a chronic alcoholism disturbance of coordination of movements and equilibrium owing to morphologic disturbances in cerebellum. Damage of what cerebellar cells we can suppose at a first head?

       A. Purkinje cells

       B. Basket cells

       C. Golgi cells

       D. Pyramidal cells

       E. Stellate cells


108. Some nervous system organ is presented in histological section. It contains capsule, connective tissue layers that extend from the capsule. Bipolar (pseudounipolar) neurons are located bellow capsule. Peryikaryons of this neurons are surrounded by glial cells. Center of organ contains neurons processes. What organ is it?


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