Progress Test 1. Lessons 1-2 

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Progress Test 1. Lessons 1-2

1. Match a word in A with a meaning in B:

1. debris 2. inalienable 3. ethos 4. infraction 5. penchant 6. landfill 7. efficiency 8. combat 9. compliance 10. drought 11. habitat 12. trigger a) the type of place that a particular animal usually lives in or a particular plant usually grows in; b) the broken pieces that are left when something large has been destroyed; c) to do something in order to try to stop something bad from happening or a bad situation from becoming worse; d) something that cannot be taken away from you or given to someone else; e) a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die; f) to make something happen; g) a large hole in the ground where waste from people’s homes or from industry is buried; h) the practice of obeying a law, rule, or request; i) a situation in which someone breaks a law or rule; j) the set of attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people; k) a feeling of liking something very much or a tendency to do something a lot; l) the ability to work well and produce good results by using the available time, money, supplies etc in the most effective way.




2. Translate into English.

Вызванный деятельностью человека, свинец, азот, сера, выступить против чего-л., утечка, ТБО, разлив (химических веществ), автомобильные выхлопы, ископаемое топливо, упаковывать в кипы, оспаривать утверждение, дни вывоза мусора, жесткие правила, перспективный.




3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable grammatical forms of the words and word-combinations given in the list below. There are more words than you need.

1) … and burning of natural vegetation are the main practices leading to agricultural air pollution. 2) After collection recyclables are sent to … to be sorted, cleaned, and processed into materials that can be used in manufacturing. 3) He never disobeyed the rules by … dumping the bags in another neighbourhood. 4) Hurricanes often involve water contamination from…, and petrochemical spills from automobiles. 5) Coral reefs contain a greater variety of species than any other … except for tropical forests. 6) Laboratory studies have uncovered several ways in which animals … by noise pollution. 7) Residents typically separate their waste into aluminum, glass, plastic and paper and have a container for each at the …. 8) Power plants operate virtually silently and … damaging substances. 9) … plastics are plastics that decompose by the action of living organisms, usually bacteria. 10) When I first moved to Manhattan, I was often fined for improperly wrapped or sorted …. 11) The rivers in the country have been turned into… and waste and its cities face non-existent water. 12) Awareness of atmospheric pollution spread widely after World War II, with fears triggered by reports of … from atomic warfare and testing. 13) In the absence of cats, rats flourished and … the villages.


Words and word-combinations: biodegradable, haul, radioactive fallout, holistic, recovery facility, cesspools of pollution, clear felling, habitat, overrun, dilution, adversely affect, emit, sewage, illicit, curb, refuse.





 Total: 40 / _____



1. Translate into English.

Бесплодный, клетка, генетик, невосприимчивость, ДНК.



2. For each word in A find a word in B that goes best with it.

1. weed 2. cross 3. nutritional 4.  run 5. pollinating 6. side 7. resistant to 8. genetic 9. pay 10. encourage а) pesticides b) plants c) breeding d) engineering e) effect f) royalties g) value h) mutations i) amok j) killer





3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable grammatical forms of the words and word-combinations given in the list below. There are more words than you need.

1) When gene transfer occurs, the resulting organism is called … or a GMO. 2) GE proponents claim genetically engineered … use fewer pesticides than non-GE plants. 3) The findings upend the conventional wisdom that agricultural pesticides are largely responsible for …. 4) … people view both themselves and nature as part of an extended ecological family that shares ancestry and origins. 5) Marine … - introduction of marine organisms alien to local ecosystem - has serious consequences. 6) These bacteria … into ​forms that are ​resistant to ​certain ​drugs. 7) The introduction of foreign DNA into an organism could … other DNA in the plant or animal to change. 8) While … may be carried incredible distances, the majority of the grains tend to land within just a few metres of the plant. 9) A purely …, biotechnology reduces all life to bits of information (genetic code) that can be arranged and rearranged at whim. 10) Hundreds of genetically engineered … animals are awaiting patent approval from the federal government.


Words and word-combinations: abnormality, indigenous, transgenic, crops, trigger, freak, mutate, gene, pollen, reductionist science,bio-invasion.




Total: 25 / _____




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