V. Make up your own sentences with the following words or word combinations: 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


V. Make up your own sentences with the following words or word combinations:

user, soft copy, to print, feedback, to scan, to store, medium, disk, raw data, to access, output, keyboard, to connect.


VI. Make the following sentences active:

1. In order to change data into information, data must be manipulated, or processed.

2. Data can be input into a computer, for example, by typing on a keyboard.

3. Once data has been input, it is processed.

4. The main part of the computer is called the central processing unit.

5. An instruction or data element is stored at a particular location in primary memory.

6. The same data can be accessed repeatedly during processing.

7. This data has been stored on a floppy disk.

8. The information on paper can be read without using a computer.


VII. Make the following sentences passive:

1. The computer can understand this form of data.

2. Input includes both the data and the software.

3. We must code the data into a machine-readable form for processing.

4. Primary memory holds programs and data used in immediate processing.

5. She wrote new data over the old material.

6. We can use the same instructions repeatedly to process many different pieces of data.

7. They have already distributed this information to the users.

8. He printed the information on paper.


VIII. Agree or disagree with the statements:

1. Hard copy vanishes when we turn the computer off.

2. There are two types of output: soft copy and hard copy.

3. Communicating means providing information to the users.

4. Processing occurs in the part of the computer called the mouse.

5. Data processing has the following steps: input, processing, output, and printing.

6. It is possible to input data into a computer using a microphone connected to the computer.

7. The first step of input is coding the data into a machine-readable form.

8. Data elements store data particular location in primary memory stay there until new data is written over them.


IX. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the three phases of the data flow?

2.What steps does input involve?

3. What is a feedback? What role does it play in information processing?



 Computer systems.



Computer Classification



Computers are categorized by size, capability, price range, and speed of operation. It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish among the different classifications of computers, however because smaller computers have increasingly larger primary memories and are able to handle an increasing number of peripheral devices such as printers and secondary storage devices. The four major categories of computer systems are supercomputers, main-frames, minicomputers, and microcomputers.

Supercomputers are the largest, fasters, and the most expensive computers made. Manufacturers of supercomputers claim they will soon produce supercomputers that can execute more than onе billion instructions per second. The computers are so fast that their chips must be surrounded by a liquid coolant to prevent melting. Mainframes operate at very high speed and support main input and output devices that also operate at very high speeds. They can be subdivided into small, medium, and large systems. Most mainframes are manufactured as 'families' of computers. A family consists of several main-frame models varying in size and power.

 Minicomputers were developed in the 1960s for doing specialized tasks. They were smaller, less powerful, and less expensive that the large computers available at the time. As they become increasingly sophisticated, their capabilities, memory, size, and overall performance have overlapped those mainframes. The more powerful minicom­puters are called super minis. Once technology had advanced to the point where many circuits could be etched onto a single silicon chip, the microprocessor was developed. A microprocessor is a chip that contains the portions of CPU that control the computer and perform arithmetic and logic operations. It may contain some primary storage also. The microprocessor became the foundation for the microcomputers, also called the personal computer. The current microcomputers are very powerful for their size. Microcomputers are the most popular type of computer today.




capability-возможность, способность, характеристика                                         

secondary (storage device)- вторичное запоминающее устройство;                     

 frame- блок(данных), структура, система, корпус;

 mainframe -универсальная ЭВМ, основной комплект

manufacturer – изготовитель, производитель, разработчик;                                     

available - доступный                                                                        

billion –миллиард (в США), триллион (в Англии) 

microprocessor- микропроцессор

chip – кристалл, микросхема

to perform – выполнять;

to prevent – предотвращать, предохранять, препятствовать;                                 

personal computer (PC)

to etch -гравировать, вдавливать

to overlap- перекрывать, совмещать, накладывать

to support -поддерживать, обеспечивать                           

silicon(chip) –кремний, силикон

family –семейство, ряд, совокупность, серия

secondary storage -вторичная память

 semiconductor - полупроводник


I. Pronounce the words correctly:

Increasingly, peripheral, execute, to surround, medium, to specialize, technology, circuit, arithmetic, popular, essentially, machine, graphics, although, familiar.


II. Give the English terms for the following:

Центральный процессор; память; хранить в памяти; осуществлять доступ; ошибка; целевая функция; шаг (этап); точность; необработанные данные; печатать; измерять; цифровой компьютер; двоичная система исчисления; электрический ток; файл; знак, символ; состояние включено; состояние выключено.


III. Translate into Russian:

It is becoming increasingly difficult; for doing specialized tasks; once technology had advanced to the point where many circuits could be etched onto a single chip; speed of operation; to prevent melting; the microprocessor became the foundation for the microcomputer, task, analog, record, unit, screen, to evaluate, adjustment, to write, to manipulate, soft copy, modem, peripherals, transaction, to control.

IV. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Охлаждающая жидкость; различающиеся по размеру и мощности; выполняет арифметические и логические операции; очень мощные для своего размера; самый популярный тип компьютера; доступные в то время компьютеры; вспомогательные запоминающие устройства; первичное запоминающие устройство; миллиард команд в секунду.


V. Find the term for each definition:

1. A very small piece of semiconductor that contains extremely small electronic circuits and can perform particular operations.

2. A part of a computer that controls its main operations.

3. A medium-sized computer which is used mainly by people at home rather than by large organizations.



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