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2. Блокировка двигателя (возможность блокировать двигатель через диспетчера ООО Навигатор)*

3. Звуковая сигнализация*

4. Включение автономного питания при отключении аккумулятора (работа до 8 часов)

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Контрольная работа №16

I. Translate the text.

Air and fuel can be mixed outside the cylinder

  If the fuel is gas, it is as simple to mix it with the air, as in an ordinary gas burner. The gas is piped to the air intake tube of the engine, and a valve is provided by means of which the proportions of air and gas can be regulated.

  If the fuel is a liquid which can easily evaporate at ordinary temperatures (a volatile liquid like alcohol, gasoline, or kerosene), it may be mixed with the air in a carburetor. This consists essentially of a wide tube through which air is sucked into the engine inlet. In the center of this tube there is a small nozzle to which the liquid fuel is supplied. The flowing air produces a suction on the nozzle, and causes a fine jet of fuel to issue from it. This jet is picked up by the air and torn to minute droplets, which evaporate and mix with the air. In the world today carburetor engines far outnumber any other type of engines, and most of them use gasoline for fuel. Their widest application is in the automotive field.

I I. Translate the text.

Характер работы двигателя на газе по сравнению с двигателем, работающим на бензине остается тот же, если не считать небольшую потерю мощности и некоторое ухудшение динамики автомобиля при разгоне и на подъеме.

III.  Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary.

When Mary was to open a meeting...the first time... her life, her voice shook... excitement. The young scientist shook hands... his friends who had com... the airport to see him....I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he takes... his mother only... appearance! Ask Kate to join... our party. She looks serious, but I know she is very gay... nature and is fond of... singing and dancing.

Контрольная работа №17

I. Translate the text.

Automobile engines have several cylinders All automobile engines have a number of cylinders (usually four, six, or eight; sometimes twelve and sixteen), for the purpose of obtaining a more uniform driving force and more power.

As the steam expands in the cylinder, the force which pushes the piston diminishes, and therefore the crank is moved around by a force which is not constant. In a four-cycle engine this effect is even more pronounced, because there are two strokes (suction and exhaust) during which the piston does practically no work; there is one stroke (compression) during which the piston is actually opposed; and there is the power stroke during which the driving force must be extremely large.

If, in an engine, several cylinders are arranged so that tire power strikes of the pistons occur at different moments, the crankshaft will be turned by a much more uniform driving force and the flywheel can be much lighter than for a single cylinder. Again, an engine with several pistons will have a better balance; the weight of one piston bobbing up and down will be compensated by the weight of another piston bobbing down and up.

 II.  Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary.

When Mary was to open a meeting...the first time... her life, her voice shook... excitement. The young scientist shook hands... his friends who had com... the airport to see him....I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he takes... his mother only... appearance! Ask Kate to join... our party. She looks serious, but I know she is very gay... nature and is fond of... singing and dancing.

Контрольная работа №18

I. Translate the text.

Injection engines

There are many liquid fuels which are hard to evaporate. Such a fuel can be utilized in internal combustion engines by spraying or injecting it directly into the combustion chamber at the time combustion is to begin-after the air is compressed. In doing so, the liquid must be well broken up into small droplets (atomized), and it must be made to penetrate evenly throughout the entire combustion chamber filled with compressed air, in order to secure the most intimate and uniform mixture which is so necessary for good combustion.

  Injection engines can be of both the four- and the two-cycle types. It is obvious that during scavenging in two-cycle engines a portion of the fresh charge may be lost through the exhaust with the waste gases. In mixture engines of the two-cycle type some fuel is thereby lost, where as in injection engines of the two cycle type only air may thus be lost, since the fuel is not introduced until after compression. From this it follows that mixture engines are best suited for four-cycle operation while injection engines can be of both types, and that injection engines are the only ones which will fully bring out the advantages of the two-cycle principle.

I I. Translate the text.

Инжекторный двигатель существенно улучшает эксплуатационные и мощностные показатели автомобиля (динамика разгона, экологические характеристики, расход топлива). Инжекторные двигатели, безусловно, гораздо совершеннее карбюраторных. Отечественные инжекторные двигатели хорошо адаптированы к нашему холодному климату, поэтому неплохо заводятся при очень низкой температуре.

Контрольная работа № 19

I. Translate the text.


   After the charge is in the cylinder and after it is compressed in the combustion chamber, it must be ignited. Nearly all modern mixture engines employ electric ignition. It consists in making a hot electric spark at the proper time in the combustion chamber. Such a spark is produced between the two electrodes of a spark plug, energized either from a battery or from an electric generator, and timed by a distributor.

  When air is compressed, it heats up, and its temperature depends on the compression pressure. If this is high enough, the air gets so hot that oil sprayed into it ignites spontaneously. Engines that operate on this principle of compression ignition are coming more and more into use. They are by the name of their inventor, Rudolph Diesel, who patented this idea in 1892.

 II. Translate the text.

Свеча зажигания — устройство для воспламенения топливо-воздушной смеси в самых разнообразных тепловых двигателях. Бывают искровые, дуговые, накаливания, каталитические. В бензиновых двигателях внутреннего сгорания используются искровые свечи.

 III.  Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary.

When Mary was to open a meeting...the first time... her life, her voice shook... excitement. The young scientist shook hands... his friends who had com... the airport to see him....I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he takes... his mother only... appearance! Ask Kate to join... our party. She looks serious, but I know she is very gay... nature and is fond of... singing and dancing.

Контрольная работа 20

I. Translate the text:


There are a number of methods of joining metal articles together depending on the type of metal and the strength of the joint which is required. Soldering gives a satisfactory joint for light articles of steel, copper or brass, but a joint is brazed, riveted or welded for strong permanent joints.

The simplest method of welding two pieces of metal together is heating. The ends are heated to a white heat (for iron, about 1300°C) in a Flame, when the metal becomes plastic. The ends are then pressed or hammered together. Care must be taken to ensure that.the welded surfaces are clean, for dirt will weaken the weld. A high temperature causes oxidation, and a film of oxide is formed on the heated surfaces. For this reason, a flux is applied to the heated metal. At welding heat, the flux melts, and the oxide particles are dissolved in it together with any other impurities which may be present. The metal surfaces are pressed together, and the flux is squeezed out of the weld. A number of different types of weld may be used, a vee-shaped butt weld normally employed. It is rather stronger than the ordinary lap weld.

The heat for welding is generated in several ways, depending on the sort of metal which is being welded and on its shape. An ex­tremely hot flame can be produced from an oxy-acetylene torch. For some welds an electric arc is used. In this method, an electric cur­rent is passed across two electrodes, and the metal surfaces are placed between them. The work itself constitutes one electrode and the other is an insulated filler rod. An arc is struck between the two, and the heat which is generated melts the metal at the weld. A dif­ferent method known as spot welding is usually employed for welding sheets or plates of metal together. Two sheets or plates are placed together with a slight overlap, and a current is passed between the electrodes. Today the new welding methods include laser welding and electronic beam welding.

III. Find in the text English equivalents:

- прочный шов, соединение

- сварочный шов, сварочное соеди ­ нение

- выдавливать флюс

- высокая температура сварки вызывает окисление

 - растворяться, присадочный пруток

- ацетиленовая грелка. между электродами проходит ток

IV.  Fill in the blanks with the articles a, an, the and prepositions, where necessary.

When Mary was to open a meeting...the first time... her life, her voice shook... excitement. The young scientist shook hands... his friends who had com... the airport to see him....I wonder why Bob is such an ill-natured boy. It's a pity he takes... his mother only... appearance! Ask Kate to join... our party. She looks serious, but I know she is very gay... nature and is fond of... singing and dancing.

V. Use little or few.

 1. I have... time, so I can't go with you. 2. He has... English books. 3. There is... ink in my pen. Have you got any ink? 4. There are... bears in the zoo. 5. Tom Canty was the son of poor parents and had very... clothes. 6. There is tool... soup in my plate. Give me some more, please. 7. The children returned from the wood very sad because they had found very... mushrooms. 8. There was too... light in the room, and I could not read. There are very... people who don't know that the earth is round.


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