Do not worry if the child inserts the wrong word that you expected. This can make the game even more interesting and fun, especially if the guys come up with several answers. 

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Do not worry if the child inserts the wrong word that you expected. This can make the game even more interesting and fun, especially if the guys come up with several answers.


This way, the day after the day, overcoming the shyness, your baby will learn to communicate with their peers. Our next task is to help him establish the proper relationship with his friends.




In order for the child to feel confident when communicating with the other children, to behave calmly and with the dignity, it is necessary constantly to instill in him the well-known principle of the behavior: “Do with the others as you want them to do with you”. Explain to him that the communication should be reduced to a dialogue. How often we, the adults, replace it with a monologue. When we talk, we seem to listen to each other, but do we hear each other? So, let us first of all teach your child to hear to the other one, to be attentive to the mood, the desires, feelings of the interlocutor.

Help your child learn the following rules that they need to communicate with their peers:

1. Play fair.

2. Do not tease the others, don not bother with your requests, do not beg for anything.

3. Do not take away someone else’s, but do not give your own without a polite request.

4. If someone ask you for something, give it to one, and if the stranger tries to take it away, defend yourself.

5. Do not fight if you do not have to. You can only hit them in the self-defense when somebody hit you.

6. Do not raise your hand against someone who is obviously weaker than you.

7. If you are called to play – go, do not call – ask, there is nothing shameful in this.

8. Do not tell lies that are being able to keep the secrets entrusted to you.

9. Say more often that is let’s playing together, let’s be friends.

10. Respect the wishes and feelings of those with whom you play or communicate. You are not the best, but you are not the worst.

The child can learn to communicate not only in the circle of the peers, but also at home, playing with someone from the adults who will help to understand a difficult situation. I suggest playing with your baby in the game “What will happen if...”

Suggest the following situations to your child and discuss each of their responses with him:

1. Your friend, running past, deliberately pushed you, but he tripped and fell. He has a big great pain, and he is crying. What will you do?

2. The friend took your toy without permission. What will you do?

3. One boy (one girl) constantly teases you and laughs at you. What will you do?

4. Your friend deliberately pushed you, causing the pain to you. What are you going to do?

5. The friend or the girlfriend has entrusted you with the secret, and you really want to tell your mother, the father or someone else about it. What will you do?

6. A friend came to visit you. You play with him quietly in your room, and then dad comes and brings your favorite ice cream. What will you do?

The situations for the discussion can be very different. They do not have to be invented; they are often suggested by the life itself. Analyze the cases that happened to your child or to one of his friends. Ask him how he behaved and how other children behaved; discuss who did the right thing and who did not, and what else could have been done to make it fair...

When asking the questions to your child, try to lead them to the correct solution of the problem, so that he believes that he made this decision on his own, because this is so important for the formation of the self-confident person. This will help him gain self-confidence, and over time, he will be able to independently and adequately cope with the difficult situations that arise in the life.


The independence in the judgment, the ability to make the responsible decisions comes with the age, but you can form these qualities in the child earlier. First of all, teach him to evaluate his own actions critically.


The “Magic box” can help you with this. Make it out of the box or any unnecessary case, and prepare the tokens of two colours, for example, red and green. Let your child put the tokens in the box every night, taking into account what he did that is good – the red token, bad — green. At the end of the week, open the box and see which the tokens are more, ask him to tell you when he did good, and when he did badly, and why.

Conduct such the conversations calmly, without raising your voice, even if what you hear is unpleasant. Be sure to find out what made him do this, and not otherwise, and explain how to behave in this situation.

Do not impose your opinion on the baby. If you suddenly have a controversial issue between you, it is not necessary that your word should be the last one to resolve it. Keep your child’s interests in mind. What you think is right is not always right from his point of view. Be able to listen to him, no matter how controversial, in your opinion, what he says. The lack of understanding on the part of the parents can negatively affect the communication with other people.

If the baby does not want to talk about bad things, do not insist on it. The fact that he refuses to talk about it already indicates that he is aware of the wrongness of his behavior and will not repeat this next time.



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