II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations: 

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II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

unfrosted, the rate of growth, percolating, drip method, ground coffee, in order to, pour, suitable sieve, essentials, desirable features, cream, green coffee, purchase, poor tea, steam, grade and flavor of tea, ferment, astringent, nutritious, important factors.

Ex. 2. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate the sentences containing them into Ukrainian:

the most popular beverages, vary in composition, with variations, be quite distinct, method of preparing, in order to, be held in a sieve, liquid carried up, making of good coffee, desirable features of tea, influence the quality, treatment after picking, fermenting before drying, very in quality, pleasing flavour, valuable by-product, contain, malt-whisky, added mixture.


Ex. 3. Use the following word-combinations in the sentences of your own.

Berries produced vary in composition, there are three methods of preparing coffee, ground coffee, desirable features of tea, tea bush, grade and flavour of tea, manufacture of cocoa, shells and germs, import a pleasing flavour, plain or bitter chocolate, soft drinks, strong drinks, differed varieties of beer, cider is more popular.


Ex. 4. Complete the following table:

Noun Verb
treatment .................
.............. percolate
container ...............
.............. serve
product ..............
.............. ferment
standard ...............
............... compose
variety ..............
................ mix


Ex. 5. Find proper definition:

Term Definition
Unroasted coffee berry the process which take place after picking berries
Treatment the process which gives colour and flavour to the product.
By –product of cocoa beens green coffee berry
Fermentation the germ of the seeds
Nutritious something that is left after treatment
Remainder useful for the health

III. Speech exercises

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

 What sorts of coffee do you know? Which is your favourite?

  What methods of preparing coffee do you know? Which do you use more frequently?

  What is the difference between black and green tea?

  What are the peculiarities of preparing such beverages as cocoa and chocolate?

  How do we usually classify drinks?

  What sorts of whisky and beer do you know?

  What is cider made of?

Ex. 2. Make up a short plan and retell the text.

Ex. 3. Work in pairs Where do you think each extract below comes from? Give your reasons.

a letter to a friend, a magazine article, a recipe book, a story


Peel the lemons thinly, removing only the rind, and squeeze the juice into a large bowl. Add the sugar and ………..   2   This is a favourite drink in our family and it’s easy to prepare. All you need is four lemons and some sugar. First of all you have to peel the lemons but very thinly, so that you remove only the rind – that’s the outside part of the peel, not the white part. Then you have to squeeze the ………………..


  3 He peeled the lemons thinly and squeezed the juice into a bowl. Then he opened the cupboard to look for some sugar, but there was none to be found. So he looked around for some …...       4 Unlike the commercial fizzy lemonade that is available in cans or bottles, home-made lemonade is pure, tasty and free from artificial additives. It contains only lemons and sugar and is simple to prepare. It is also considerably cheaper than commercial lemonade because.…..


You asked me to send you my recipe for home-made lemonade.

Well, it’s quite easy to make: All you need is a few lemons, some sugar and fresh water. First of all, you take a sharp knife and ……….



Guest: My word, but I'm thirsty.

Waiter: Wait a minute and I'll get you some water.

Guest: I said thirsty not dirty.



The prim old lady was given the first glass of beer she ever had. After sipping it for a moment she looked up rather puzzled.

"How strange!" she murmured. “It tasted just like the medicine my husband has been taking for the last twenty years”.


A man is having breakfast at an English hotel. He takes a drink from a cup and calls the waiter.

Waiter: What can I do for you, sir?

Mr. A.: Can you tell me, is this tea or coffee?

Waiter: Can't you tell the difference by the taste?

Mr. A.: No, I can't.

Waiter: Well, sir. If you can't tell the difference, what does it matter which it is?


— Cup of tea, weak, - said a customer at a London coffee stall. When the decoction was brought to him, he eyed it critically.

— Well, what's wrong with it? You said weak, didn't you?

— Weak, yes, was the reply, but not helpless.


Commonly known as the Pub, or the Local Public House is a British institution which has played a major part in the country’s social life. There is an endless variety of pubs in Britain: musical pubs, rural pubs, nautical pubs, literary pubs, unusual pubs and even conventional pubs. Their common feature is to be "licensed for the sale of alcoholic liquors", but the most popular drink in British pubs is undoubtedly beer. Pubs may differ in aspect but they cater for every class and clientele and provide entertainment as well as atmosphere. The pub as a social gathering has games for its regulars: darts, skittles, bowls, etc. Most pubs, in fact, have a piano and on Saturday night the customers may well gather round it and sing.



nautical морській
rural сільській
undoubtedly безсумнівно
dart дротик
skittles кеглі
bowls гра в шари
entertainment розвага

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What type of British institutions is Pub?

2. What types of pubs do you know?

3. Have you ever been to pub?

Ex. 2. Retell the text.




Ukrainian cuisine has long been noted for its appetizing variety of dishes. These dishes have been devised not only from a wide choice of products, but by combining different recipes and by preparing them in varied ways. For instance, the popular Ukrainian borsch has as many as 20 ingredients; in preparing it the ingredients are boiled as well stewed.

Many meat and fish dishes are fried, stewed and so on, to give them an original taste, flavor and succulence.

Many dishes in Ukrainian cuisine are stuffed or larded. Especially tasty are dishes with meat and vegetables; cabbage rolls, beef and mushrooms stewed in casseroles, home-made Ukrainian sausages with onion, potato rolls stuffed with mushrooms, and others.

Ukrainian dishes made from poultry are very popular, for instance Cutlets a la Kiev.

Ukrainian national cuisine is rich in dishes and in a variety of delicacies made from flour. The most popular are vareniki, mlintzi, buckwheat bread, etc.

Ukrainian cuisine is also rich in fruit and berry desserts and drinks. For сentures Ukrainians have prepared their own drinks: home-made nalivkas (fruit liquor), brandies, varenukhas, tertukhas, kvass and uzvarets.

The development of the food industry, a new variety of farm products led to inventing new dishes. Despite the use of new products, kitchen-laboratory combined recipes and industrial technology of food preparation, the national essence of Ukrainian dishes has been preserved.

As a result of close economic, cultural and trade ties, a number of dishes of different nations from all over the world have been introduced into Ukrainian cuisine. And many Ukrainian dishes - borsch, vareniki, larded meat, home-made sausage, stuffed fish and others are especially popular abroad.



Active Vocabulary

succulence соковитість
flavour запах,смак
lard (v) шпигувати
poultry птах, домашній
buckwheat bread гречаники
invent вигадувати,
despite не дивлячись на
devise винаходити
essence суть, сутність

I. Phonetic exercises

Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words and word -combinations. Consult a dictionary:

cuisine, appetizing, variety, devise, popular, combining, ingredients, original taste, flavor, succulence, especially, vegetables, cabbage, casserole, mushrooms, sausage, delicacies, flour, buckwheat, kitchen-laboratory, combined, recipe, technology, preparation, essence, preserved.



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