Причастие ( the Participle ) 

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Причастие ( the Participle )

Причастие - это неличная форма глагола, которая обладает свойствами глагола, прилагательного и наречия.

Подобно прилагательному, причастие может быть опреде­лением к существительному или именной частью составного ска­зуемого:

A broken agreement                                нарушенное соглашение

The agreement was broken                   соглашение было нарушено

Подобно наречию, причастие может быть обстоятельством, характеризующим действие, выраженное сказуемым. Reading the text she wrote out new words. Читая текст, она выписывала новые слова.



Причастия, образованные от непереходных глаголов, имеют один залог (действительный).




1. Определение  



2.   Обстоятельство (the adverbial modifier)

а) времени (of time)


b) причины (of reason)


с) образа действия или сопутствующего обстоятельства (of manner or attendant circumstances)


3. Часть сказуемого (part of the predicate)

Mother is looking at her sleeping child.


When asked he refused to answer the question.


Having been trans­lated into many languages the book became world fa­mous.

He was reading the newspaper sitting in the armchair.



The plan is being


All doors were


Мать смотрит на спя-щего ребенка.


Когда его спросили, он отказался отвечать на вопрос.

Так как книга была переведена на многие языки, она стала из­вестной во всем мире.

Он читал газету, сидя в кресле.

План обсуждается.



 Все двери были за­крыты.




Объектный причаст­ный оборот


The Objective Parti­cipial Construction.


(общ. п.)    

мест.         Прич. I и II

(им. П.)


We heard him playing the piano.



I considered the work done.


I had my machine-tools repaired.


Мы слышали, как он играл на пиани­но.



Я считал, что ра­бота выполнена.


Я починил свои станки.


Субъектный прича­стный оборот The Subjective Parti­cipial Construction.


(общ.п.) Прич. I и II мест.

(им. п.)



Независимый при­частный оброт

The Absolute Participial Construction.


(общ. п.) Прич. I и II мест,

(им. п.)


Не was seen crossing the street.


It being warm, we went for a walk.



Radio was invented in 1895, the inventor be­ing the Russian scien­tist.


Видели, как он пе­реходил улицу.


Так как было теп­ло, мы пошли гу­лять.



Радио было изо­бретено в 1895, причем изобрета­тель был русский ученый.


1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I don't know the girl sitting in the corner.

2. Knowing English well he translated the text without a dictionary.

3. He sat in the arm-chair reading a book.

4. Having finished the translation he typed it.

5. The student being asked now is Borisov.

6. The answer received from him greatly surprised me.

7. Given the book only yester-day he was not able to read it.

8. The glass is broken.



2. Change the sentences so as to use the Present Participle Passive as an attribute.

Model: The lecture which is being delivered now is very interesting. The lecture being delivered now is very interesting. The girl who is sitting with me is my friend. The girl sitting with me is my friend.

1.    The boy who is being examined now by the doctor is my son.


2. The house, which is being built in our street, is a new theatre.

3. The problem, which is being discussed now, is very important.

4. We didn't like the equipment, which was being shown to us.

5. The text, which was being translated by us, was very difficult.

3. Change the complex sentences into simple ones using the
Objective Participial Constructions.

Model: I saw the children as they were running. I saw the children running.

1. I saw as he was working in the garden.

2. I noticed that they were waiting for somebody.

3. I heard as he was coming up the stairs.

4. The man watched as the children were playing hockey.

5. He watched as they were swimming across the river.

4. Write Participle of the following verbs.

a. Perfect Participle Active (to begin - having begun)

to translate, to finish, to take, to tell, to live, to leave, to buy, to say, to do, to break, to lose, to eat, to meet, to read.

b. Present Participle Passive (to build - being built)

to invite, to examine, to defeat, to check, to prepare, to show, to give, to discuss, to type, to write, to draw, to roll, to cast.

5. Choose the right Russian equivalent.

1.  Having finished the translation she typed it.
I. заканчивая; II. закончив; III. законченный

2.         The student being asked by the teacher is Smirnov.

I. которого спрашивают; II. спрошенный; III. спрашивая

3. Having been defeated, the enemy had to retreat.                              I. потерпев поражение; II. терпящий поражение

4. The problem being discussed now is very important.
I. обсуждая; II. обсуждаемая

5. Having read many books on the problem, he made an inter­
esting report.

I. читая; II. читающий; III. прочитав

6. The house being built in our street is a new school.
I. строящийся; II. построенный; III. построив

7.         Having been signed by both sides the treaty came into force




       I. подписавший; II. подписанный; III. подписав

8.    Having refused to accept the invitation he left the office.

       I. отказывая; II. отказав; III. отказавшись  

6. Use Participles instead of the subordinate clauses.

1. We didn't like the film, which was being shown to us. 2. The text, which was being translated by the students, was rather difficult. 3. After he had asked the doctor about the child he left. 4. When he had arranged everything he decided to take a rest. 5. As he had visited the town several times he refused to join our trip there. 6. When she was asked to express her opinion she didn't know what to say. 7. As I had never come across the word I decided to consult a dictionary.

7. Choose the right English equivalent.

1. (Сдав) all the examinations we decided to go on a tour.
I. passing; II. having passed; III. being passed

2. (Когда ему сказали) to stay he refused.
I. telling; II. having told; III. being told

3. (Закончив) the translation we gave it to the teacher.                      
I. having finished; II. finishing; III. being finished

4.       (Потеряв) the key I couldn't enter the room.

I. losing; II. being lost; III. having lost                                                 

5. The plant (строящийся) here will produce radio-sets.
I. building; II. having been built; III. being build

6.       (Оставшись) alone I decided to finish my work.

I. leaving; II. being left; III. having left                                             

7. (Получив) the telegram I hurried to meet my friend.
I. having received; II. receiving; III. being received

8. The letter (отправленное) today will be received in two days.
I. sending; II. being sent; III. having sent

9. (Сломанное) by the wind the tree was lying on the road.
I. breaking; II. roken; III. broken

10.     (Позавтракав) she went to the institute.                                 

I. having breakfast; II. having had breakfast.                            

8. Translate into English.

1. Мне нравятся все статьи, написанные этим ученым. 2. Вот завод, о котором так много говорят. 3. Я бы хотел, чтобы статью отпечатали сегодня. 4. Я не был на собрании, которое проводи­лось в университете. 5. Мы слышали, как декан выступал на соб-]



рании. 6. Я полагаю, что все будет сделано через несколько дней.
7. Так как день был теплый, мы открыли окно. 8. Когда ему дали
больше времени, он смог перевести статью. 9. Она сидела в крес­
ле, просматривая газеты.                                 ,*

9. Read, translate the text.


If you have to make a certain machine part, just get a drawing of the wanted part and indicate the material to be used. The rest will be performed by a cybernetic machine technologist and a programme -controlled lathe, everything beinmg done much quicker than by a most qualified worker.

A programme - controlled lathe does the job of a qualified turner, but it has to be supplied with a full programme of work. So far the pro­gramme is prepared by a qualified programming engineer. When de­veloped, the technology of a certain machine part is presented as a due sequence of all movements of the cutter and the value and directions of these movements. The programme is printed on a special card in the form of a digital code.

The work of a programming engineer is a process involving nu­merous calculations. The machine technologist proved to be able to do the function of a programming engineer perfectly well.

Task 1. Define the functions of the underlined words (Past In­definite, Participle II)


Герундий - это неличная форма глагола, соединяющая в себе свойства существительного и глагола. В этом отношении ге­рундий сходен с инфинитивом, но отличается от него тем, что пе­редает оттенок процесса действия.

В русском языке нет формы глагола, соответствующей анг­лийскому герундию.

Формы герундия совпадают с формами причастия.




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