Task 3. Choose the right answer. 

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Task 3. Choose the right answer.

1. Almost everything we do is governed by …

a) rules imposed by morality.

b) the courts.

c) some set of rules.


2. If we didn’t live in a structured society with other people …

a) we would simply do as we please.

b) we would simply do with little regard for others.

c) laws would not be necessary.


3. Laws against criminal conduct help …

a) to protect our property.

b) to take advantage of other individuals.

c) to safeguard our personal property and our lives.


4. We turn to the law …

a) to resolve disputes peacefully.

b) to decide who is the real owner.

c) to force people to keep their promises.


5. Another goal of the law is …

a) to protect certain basic individual rights and freedoms.

b) fairness.

c) to provide for benefits.


Lesson 6.

Plural Nouns.

1. В большинстве случаев множественное число существительных в английском языке (plural) образуется с помощью окончания -s.

House — houses Дом — дома
Driver — drivers Водитель — водители


2. Существительные на -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -ss - нужно прибавить -es

Box – boxes Коробка – коробки
Match – matches Матч – матчи


3. Существительные на согласную + y - y меняем на i и прибавляем –es.

City – cities Город – города
Baby — babies Малыш – малыши


4. Существительные на –o - нужно прибавить -es.

Hero – heroes Герой – герои
Volcano – volcanoes Вулкан – вулканы


photo – photos

piano – pianos

radio - radios

video - videos


5. Существительные на -f, -fe - нужно заменить -f или – fe на –v и прибавить es.

Wolf — wolves Волк – волки
Leaf – leaves Лист (растения) – листья

6. Особые случаи образования множественного числа в английском языке

Child – children Ребенок - дети
Woman – women Женщина - женщины
Man – men Мужчина – мужчины
Foot - feet Ступня - ступни
Tooth — teeth Зуб - зубы
Person - people Человек - люди
Aircraft – aircraft Воздушное судно, самолет – воздушные суда
analysis – analyses анализ – анализы
basis – bases базис, основа – основы
thesis – theses тезис, диссертация – тезисы, диссертации
alumnus – alumni Выпускник – выпускники
criterion – criteria критерий – критерии
phenomenon – phenomena феномен – феномены
curriculum –curricula программа (обучения) – программы
datum – data факт – факты, данные
medium – media способ, средство (связи) – средства (связи)

Task 1. Write the plurals.

1. a video – some ______________

2. a curriculum – two ______________

3. an aircraft – some ______________

4. a leaf – many ______________

5. a hero – many ______________

6. a foot – two ______________

7. a study – some ______________

8. a play – some ______________

9. a datum – many ______________

10. a city – a lot of ______________


Task 2. Write the correct plural noun.

1. These (person) _______________are going to take part in the conference.

2. The (woman) _______________ want to meet the manager.

3. My (foot) _______________ hurt.

4. The (student) _______________ are doing the exercise right now.

5. They sent some (man) _______________ to fix the problem.

6. Most (engineer) _______________ work outside the office.


Task 3. Change the nouns in brackets to plural:

Peter Olsen from Denmark is an amazing collector. He collects everything! Peter started his collection with toy 1. ___________ (car) and he now has 870 different 2. _________ (model). They fill two 3.______ (room) of his house. Then Peter began to collect 4.________ (clock) and 5._______ (watch). He is never late for 6.________ (meeting)! Peter has many collections but his favourite is probably his smallest: he owns 21 plastic Christmas 7.___________ (tree). Peter's two 8.___________ (child) think that their dad is great. Tomas, 9 years old, says, “Not many 9._______ (person) understand Dad but we do. Our house is full of 10.______ (box) and 11.__________ (shelf) but we don't mind.

Lesson 7.

Some Historical Facts about Police force


1. to keep public order – поддерживать общественный порядок

2. to prevent a crime – предотвратить преступление

3. a sense of insecurity – чувство незащищенности

4. notorious – пользующийся дурной славой

5. to pay rewards – давать денежное вознаграждение

6. to pass an act – принять законодательный акт


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