Task 13. Answer the questions to the text above. 

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Task 13. Answer the questions to the text above.

1. How many people are over 60 nowadays?

2. What do “OAP” and “Senior Citizen” stand for?

3. What worries and problems do an increasing number of ageing people cause with economists and politicians?

4. Do people save money today?

5. Are people scared about getting old and not having enough money to live on? Why/why not?

6. How do people plan to survive financially when they retire?

7. In some countries the age of retirement is going up, isn’t it? Provide figures and statistics.

8. Why does Rosamund Irwin think that the baby boomers are guilty of great generational injustice? Do you agree with her?

9. Do you agree that young generation should be grateful that they have every prospect of living longer? Will they have to pay for this “luxury”?


Task 14. Hold a conference with your groupmates on environmental issues. Each of you represents a country. Discuss environmental problems you face in your country and ways of addressing them.


Task 15. Do research. Use the statement “To be old does not mean being ill” to compare senior citizens from different cultures and countries. What life do they lead after they retire? Do they retire from life as well? Use real examples, books and movies. Present your results in class.

UNIT XI Getting Around In Cities

Topical Vocabulary

To reduce traffic congestion Уменьшать заторы на дорогах
To introduce a high-quality light-rail system Вводить систему монорельсовой железной дороги
To make a journey by bus Совершать поездку на автобусе
To have traffic jam Иметь пробки на дорогах
To join/introduce a car-sharing scheme Вводить систему совместного использования одной машиной
To introduce charges Устанавливать, вводить плату
A multinational company Многонациональная компания
A lively area Оживлённый район
To offer cultural attractions Предлагать туристические достопримечательности
To create a cycle lane Сделать велосипедную дорожку
To rely on public transport Полагаться на общественный транспорт
To ban private cars Запрещать частные автомобили
To follow an example Следовать примеру
To solve a problem Решать проблему
To have a good bus service Иметь хорошее обслуживание автобусов
To provide a good public transport system Обеспечивать эффективную систему общественного транспорта


Task 1. Grammar time: put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of Conditional 2.

1. You (can) recognize my cousin if you (to meet) him again?

2. Where you (go) if you (to have) a holiday in winter?

3. What you (to like) to be if you (to be) not what you are.

4. You (can) describe a person if you (to see) him once?

5. If Walter (to insist), I (to join) them tomorrow.

6. If Dorothy (to be) more polite, she (to behave) like that.

7. If they (to be) here, they (may) help us.

8. If I (to know) her address, I (to write) her.

9. No, I don’t think Arthur (to be angry) with you if you (to play) a joke on him.

10. I (not to believe) you even if you (to show) me the letter.

Task 2 a) match a word from the box with one of the definitions below:    


to charge to integrate to escape    congestion



1) to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with smth else in this way –

2) the state of being crowded and full of traffic –

3) to get away from an unpleasant or dangerous situation; to avoid smth unpleasant or dangerous –

4) to ask an amount of money for goods or a service –


b) fill in the gaps with the words from the box in a) and translate these sentences into Russian.

1. Engineers are hoping network …………….. will become a thing of the past.

2. We won't ……………… you for delivery.

3. She managed ……………….. from the burning car.

4. The restaurant ………………… £20 for dinner.

5. She was lucky ……………. punishment.

6. The department has successfully ……………… new ideas into the traditional course structure.

7. He only ………………….ed me half price.

8. The results should be ………………….ed into the final report.

9. The pilot ……………. death by seconds.

10. What did they …………….. for the repairs?

11. Better public transport would help ease traffic …………………...

12. Do you think museums should …………………. for admission?



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