Составьте кластер, используя ключевые слова: school, teacher, pupils, classroom, subjects. 

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Составьте кластер, используя ключевые слова: school, teacher, pupils, classroom, subjects.

5. Прочитайте текст, переведите его и ответьте на вопросы.

School Life

My name is Mary, I am a pupil of the 11-th form. I study at school number 9. I would like to tell you about our school life. I go to school six days a week. Our classes start at 8.30 o'clock a. m. and last till 2 o'clock p.m. So we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study many different subjects: Russian, English, French, literatures, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, programming and computer sciences. Languages, literature and history are my favourite subjects. I make good marks in these subjects. The school year is divided into four terms, called quarters. It begins on the 1st of September known as a Day of knowledge and finishes in May. Each quarter is followed by holidays. Every pupil has a day-book where the teachers put down the marks, that pupil has earned at the class. During the classes pupils are to answer the teacher's questions, do some exercises, write sentences, count and read. The pupils are often called to the blackboard. After every lesson the teachers give us home assignment. At the next lesson the teachers check them up. To do good at school one should make home assignments regularly, be active at the lessons and spend at least two-three hours every day studying. I like studying. My favourite proverb is "Live and learn".

Vocabulary: Переведите слова на русский язык.

To last —

Programming —

Computer science —

Favourite —

To divide — разделять

Quarter — четверть

Day-book — дневник

To earn a mark for the answer —

Home assignment —

To check up —

Regularly —

Proverb —

Live and learn —

Questions: Ответьте на вопросы.

What school does Mary study at?

What time do the lessons begin and finish?

How many lessons a day do they have?

What subjects do they study at school?

What are Mary’s favourite subjects?

How many terms is the school year divided into?

When does the school year begin and finish?

What for does every pupil have a day-book?

What are pupils to do during the classes?

What do teachers give pupils after lessons?

What should pupils do to be good at school?

What is Mary’s favourite proverb?

6. Прочитайте текст, переведите его и ответьте на вопросы.

 The Subjects We Studied at School. My Favourite Subject

Let me introduce myself. I’m Kate Belova. Now I’m a student of teachers’ training college. I finished school 2 years ago. We did quite a lot of subjects at school. They were: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, Russian, English, Literature and others. Every teacher asked for equal and adequate attention to his subject and it was not an easy work to do. I knew that all the subjects were important, but still I was always indifferent to exact sciences. Since my childhood I have been fond of reading. My favourite subjects were Literature and languages. When I started studying English, the first thing I got interested in, was the different way to express one and the same idea in English and Russian. I wondered why if an Englishman is upset or gloomy he does not say: "I have a bad mood" like Russians do but says: "I feel blue". There is an infinite number of such things in any language. I read English books, tried to translate some articles from "Moscow News". Very often I borrowed English books from our school library. I spend a lot of time studying Grammar and doing exercises. At our English lessons we read quite a lot, but didn't talk much. So I and my friends decided to speak English among us. Very often I spoke English with my friends on the way home after classes.

Vocabulary: Переведите слова на русский язык.

Equal —

Adequate —

Attention —

Indifferent —

Exact sciences —

Express —

To upset —

Gloomy —

Infinite —

To translate —

To borrow —

Among —

Questions: Ответьте на вопросы.

What is Kate Belova?

Where does she study at?


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