Электронное декларирование – еще один шаг к проекту «Таможня будущего» 

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Электронное декларирование – еще один шаг к проекту «Таможня будущего»

С принятием Таможенного кодекса Таможенного союза важную роль играет применение современных информационных таможенных технологий при таможенном оформлении и таможенном контроле товаров и транспортных средств. Особая роль при этом отводится электронному декларированию с использованием сетей общего пользования «Интернет» (ЭД 2) и технологии удаленного выпуска товаров.

Центры электронного декларирования рассматриваются как основная составляющая модели таможни ближайшего будущего, где совершенствуется таможенное администрирование. На их основе возможно создание эффективной системы таможенного контроля при одновременном упрощении таможенных процедур и ускорении таможенных операций.

Exercise 22. Define the form of the Infinitive:

to manage; to be informed; to be improving; to have been shaping; to be investigated; must be trained; shall discuss; to have been taken; to be provided, must be facilitated; to have been introduced; is to be modernized.

Exercise 23. Form verbs using the suffix -en:

threat, wide, deep, broad, strength, length, sharp.

Exercise 24. Form verbs from the following nouns using the suffix -ize:

modern, system, victim, sympathy, patron, character, organ.

Exercise 25. Read and translate the following sentences form the text. Pay attention to the underlined words.

1. It must work toward improving trade facilitation.

2. Preparing for the future means adopting new approaches.

3. Agencies will continuously develop in the trading environment.

4. By sharing this information, Customs officers can work in more effective ways.

5. The staffing model must be flexible.

6. Becoming an agency of the future is an imperative.

Exercise 26. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to non-finite forms of the verb.

1.  Priority is now given to improving the quality of medical services.

2. The organization of rest and leisure, tourism, and excursion services will continue to be developed and improved.

3.  Work is the main sphere of human activity and it is important to go on enriching its content and making it more creative.

4. We can put into effect the vast and multifaceted programme for improving the people’s well-being only by expanding material production and making it more effective.

5. The principal factor in economic growth is increasing labour productivity.

6. It is necessary to ensure much higher growth.

Exercise 27. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to non-finite forms of the verb.

1. This question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Moscow.

2. The problem is too difficult to be settled without further consultation.

3. It is an important task to be done immediately.

4. It is a rule to be remembered.

5. He made the engine work at full speed.

6. I’ve just heard him say that it won't take them long to complete the work.

7. We expected him to publish his new book soon.

8. These baggage scanners are considered to be very effective.

9. She expected us to join this excursion.

10. Would you like them to carry your luggage upstairs?

11. We saw him come into the Customs hall.

12. Customs officers noticed them hide something in the suitcase.

13. They expect everybody to be ready by seven o’clock.

14. He saw the British tourists going through the Customs examination.

15. Customs officials watched passengers putting their baggage into X-ray scanner.

Exercise 28. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to non-finite forms of the verb.

1. I spent about ten minutes filling in the points of declaration.

2. Having looked through my declaration, the Customs officer asked me to show him my cash.

3. The Customs officer kept watch on passengers arriving from Bangkok.

4. He was arrested and identified as a smuggler from Ghana goingto Amsterdam.

5. Being intoxicated he was unable to drive his car safely.

6. The man suspectedof smuggling was travelling from Colombia to Barcelona.

7. A detector dog usedin the seizure proved to be of much help.

8. The money not declared and therefore concealed is liable to confiscation.

9. A well-trained Customs officer doesn’t need to see labels to know where garments originate.

10. The passenger showed me the pictures bought at a souvenir shop and presented a special permit.

11. We were tired and thirsty having been on duty since early morning, and it was a hot day.

12. The Customs officer looked at the bottom of the suitcase as though suspecting something.

13. Not knowing English well enough the passenger asked the Customs officer to help him.

14. (While) examining the imported car the Customs officer found 2 kg of amphetamine concealed in the door panels of the car.

15. Conducting mutual consultations and rendering mutual assistance with the aim of prevention of contraband is widely spread.

Exercise 29. Complete the sentences by adding if - clauses.

1. The Customs officers will be effective if ___________.

2. The staff will also be increasingly mobile if ___________.

3. Customs border management will improve security if ___________.

4. The right mix of modernization will allow agencies to achieve high performance if ___________.



applicable approach collaboration commitment confidence contributor core demand entity goal heritage imperative flexible performance streamline submission substantial treatment various workforce to achieve to adopt to anticipate to enable to facilitate to institute to predict to reduce to rely on to respond to shape to share применимый подход, подступ сотрудничество; участие, совместная работа обязательство уверенность участник, вкладчик, соучастник глубинная, внутренняя часть; суть, сущность вопрос, запрос, потребность организация, лицо, объект задача, цель наследие настоятельный, срочный; обязательный гибкий; мягкий, эластичный исполнение, выполнение; свершение направление представление существенный обработка различный, разный, разнообразный рабочая сила добиваться, достигать принимать, усваивать предвидеть давать возможность или право что-либо сделать облегчать, упрощать; содействовать учреждать прогнозировать ослаблять, понижать, сокращать, уменьшать надеяться, полагаться на кого / что-либо реагировать, отзываться формировать; делать по какому-либо образцу делить, распределять; делиться


Unit 6. 2 Changing Customs



In this Unit, you learn how to: - talk about Customs modernization - discuss advantages of biometric system at the Customs control - describe modern Customs technologies Grammar: The Infinitive Revision: -ing forms


Exercise 1. Which words from column A go with the words from column B?


identity cards range of services call centers employee free up measure surface area increase input issue площадь поверхности увеличивать; усиливать вводить информацию в компьютер выпускать, выдавать; издавать (газеты, книги) удостоверение личности ассортимент услуг центр телефонного обслуживания служащий; работающий по найму измерять, мерить; отмерять освобождать


Exercise 2. Give the opposites to the following words:

speedy, modern, sensitive, accurate, reduce, increased, recent, future, better, actively, more, faster, secure, input, inexpensive, thick, wide, long, available.

Consult the dictionary, if necessary (Antonym.com).

Exercise 3. Match the adjectives on the left to the nouns on the right. Consult the text.

modern electronic speedy biometric increased preliminary Internet-based value-added crime declaring identification prevention informing technologies attention identity cards service work


Exercise 4. Choose the phrases with the word “biometric”. Make the sentences of your own.


Exercise 5. Scan Text 1 for certain true/false information.

1. Process of modernization of Customs agencies provides slower service for travelers.

2. Biometrics increases security at airports.

3. Recognition via fingerprints is not accurate.

4. Iris recognition systems damage the eye.

5. Automated iris recognition systems were issued in 1998.

Exercise 6. Skim the text below to answer the following questions:

1. How do Customs Services help do business?

2. How can modern Customs technologies help Customs management?

3. What are examples of modernization of Customs agencies?

4. What is biometrics?

5. How can biometric technology improve Customs control?

6. Does the ePassport contain biometric information such as an iris scan or fingerprints?

7. Does the ePassport make border crossings faster?

Text 1

The Customs Modernization

Change is a continuous process, but in the last years the pace of change has led to extensive reform and modernization in the Customs community. Development of efficient and transparent Customs Services are among the important tools for reducing barriers to doing business.

Customs administrations extended their use of technologyto include items such as artificial intelligence, bar coding, document imaging.

Modern Customs technologies, electronic and Internet-based declaring, as well as preliminary informing are also actively developing. Thanks to the process of modernization of Customs agencies travelers receive better, speedier service.

Examples include:

· E-passports and e-visas using one or more forms of biometric identification (e.g., fingerprint, iris or face scanning) for easier travel.

· Electronic identity cards using one or more forms of biometric identification for a range of services, plus crime prevention.

· Call centers using voice recognition to increase the level of security in relation to the sensitivity of the transactions being handled.

In future biometric technologies at the Customs such as fingerprint identification, iris scanning and face recognition systems will play an increasing role in protecting citizens, customers and travelers. Identification becomes faster and more accurate, freeing up employees to do value-added work and reducing costs.

Biometrics has received increased attention since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. Governments around the world are increasingly turning to biometrics in an attempt to increase security at airports and border crossings, and to produce more secure identity documents.

It operates on three levels:

- a sensor takes an observation of the biometric characteristic;

- the system describes the observation mathematically and produces a biometric signature;

- the computer inputs the biometric signature into an algorithm and compares it to one or more biometric signatures stored in the system’s database.

Recognition via fingerprints is highly accurate and generally inexpensive. Hand geometry biometric recognition systems have been on the market since the 1980s, and are in use in hundreds of locations around the world. These systems measure and record the length, width, thickness, and surface area of an individual’s hand.

Automated iris recognition systems are relatively recent – the first patent for the algorithm was issued in 1994, and the first commercial products became available in 1995. One of the drawbacks of iris recognition systems is that they are not widely accepted by the public as a recognition tool largely because of fears that infrared light can damage the eye.

Exercise 7. Translate into English the following words and word-combinations:

распознавание; защищать граждан; попытки обеспечить безопасность; инструмент контроля; храниться в базе данных; чувствительный датчик; быть одобренным общественностью; более значительная роль; пересечение границы; расширять использование технологий; инфракрасные лучи; электронный паспорт; уровень; обращаться к; определение местоположения.

Exercise 8. Prepare 10 – 15 questions covering the information of Text 1.

Exercise 9. Scan Text 2 and comment on the goodness and weakness of the current technology at the Customs. Use this chart to structure your notes.

Technology Advantages Disadvantages
F acial R ecognition cheap technology requires camera equipment for user identification
Fingerprint very high accuracy, verification time is generally less than 5 seconds requires a lot of memory for the data to be stored, very expensive
Hand Geometry can be easily integrated into other devices or systems is not valid for arthritic person, since they cannot put the hand on the scanner properly
Password method    
Smart Cards    
The Digital Signature    

Text 2


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