How Big Is the Worldwide Smuggling Problem? 

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How Big Is the Worldwide Smuggling Problem?

Smuggling typically refers to the act of transporting some object into or out of a location in a way that is against the laws of that location.

There are many reasons to smuggle. For instance, the engaging in illegitimate trade, including drugs, illegal immigration or emigration, tax evasion, supplying contraband to a jail inmate, or the theft of the goods being smuggled. Smuggling is also caused by tax differentials, weak border controls, and import restrictions and bans.

There are a number of different ways in which this action can occur, and many different products that are liable to be smuggled from one location to another. This often involves narcotics or weapons. There is also a tremendous amount of human smuggling, or human trafficking, which occurs in an effort to avoid the immigration laws of various countries.

Human trafficking affects every country of the world, as countries of origin, transit or destination – or even a combination of all. Trafficking often occurs from less developed countries to more developed countries, where people are rendered vulnerable to trafficking by virtue of poverty, conflict or other conditions.

Many of the people smuggled through such trafficking operations are then forced by their smugglers into various forms of labor and their presence in the new area is illegal.

When those involved in smuggling are discovered, they typically face jail time and punitive fines, as well as the seizure of the goods being smuggled. While laws vary according to jurisdiction, individuals charged with drug possession usually face stiff penalties, which include property forfeiture, hefty fines and time in prison.

Exercise 8. Widen the idea of Text 1 adding two-three sentences more.

Exercise 9. Cover the Russian outline of the current legislation of the Russian Federation with a sheet of paper and translate the English outline into Russian. Then cover the English outline and translate the Russian text into English. Open the other variant of the text, line by line, to check yourself:

According to the Criminal Code of the RF, the word “contraband” means:   a) “The smuggling of cash and (or) monetary instruments” (Art. 200.1 of the Criminal Code.);   b) “The smuggling of alcohol and (or) tobacco products” (Art. 200.2 of the Criminal Code.);   c) “The smuggling of potent, toxic, poisonous, explosive, radioactive substances, radiation sources, nuclear materials, firearms or their main parts, explosives, ammunition, weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery, other weapons, other military equipment, as well as materials and equipment that can be used to create weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery, other weapons, other military equipment, as well as strategic goods and resources or cultural values or the most valuable wildlife and aquatic biological resources” (Art. 226.1 of the Criminal Code);   d) “The smuggling of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors or analogues of plants containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, or parts thereof, containing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, tools or equipment, are under special control and used for manufacture of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances“ (Art. 229.1 of the Criminal Code). Cогласно УК РФ, понятие «контрабанда» означает:     а) «Контрабанду наличных денежных средств и (или) денежных инструментов» (ст. 200.1 УК РФ);   б) «Контрабанду алкогольной продукции и (или) табачных изделий» (ст. 200.2 УК РФ);   в) «Контрабанду сильнодействующих, ядовитых, отравляющих, взрывчатых, радиоактивных веществ, радиационных источников, ядерных материалов, огнестрельного оружия или его основных частей, взрывных устройств, боеприпасов, оружия массового поражения, средств его доставки, иного вооружения, иной военной техники, а также материалов и оборудования, которые могут быть использованы при создании оружия массового поражения, средств его доставки, иного вооружения, иной военной техники, а равно стратегически важных товаров и ресурсов или культурных ценностей либо особо ценных диких животных и водных биологических ресурсов» (ст. 226.1 УК РФ);   г) «Контрабанду наркотических средств, психотропных веществ, их прекурсоров или аналогов, растений, содержащих наркотические средства, психотропные вещества или их прекурсоры, либо их частей, содержащих наркотические средства, психотропные вещества или их прекурсоры, инструментов или оборудования, находящихся под специальным контролем и используемых для изготовления наркотических средств или психотропных веществ» (ст. 229.1 УК РФ).


Exercise 10. Read Text 2 to give the English equivalents for:

аквалангист; страх травмировать себя; быстроходный катер; стекловолокно; предметы домашнего обихода; изобретательный; мясные консервы; собаки, натренированные на обнаружение наркотиков; книжный переплет; гроб (катафалк); бросить якорь; гигантский термит; цистерна, бак с двойным дном; пропитать рубашки и свитера (жидким) героином; замороженная рыба; приборная доска; разоблачить (раскрыть) преступников; стеклоочиститель.

Text 2

Drug Trafficking

Places of Concealment

Criminologists distinguish between personal and impersonal drug smuggling methods. In the first case, smugglers personally transport drugs across the border.

Capsules holding drugs are often swallowed and transported inside the stomach. Although this widespread smuggling method frequently kills the drug courier, the desire to make money is greater than the fear of personal injury or death.

In 2006, a record 320 capsules filled with over 330 grams of heroin was discovered in the stomach of an Australian woman.

Customs services have found that drugs are most often smuggled in suitcases and bags with false bottoms. Drugs are also transported inside various household items, vehicles or freight containers.

Drugs have been found inside car doors, engine compartments, dashboards, seats, specially equipped spare-tire wells, additional gas tanks, etc. Liquid drugs have also been found inside windshield-wiper fluid tanks.

Drugs are often concealed inside rest rooms and other public facilities on passenger trains and ships, making it difficult to expose the culprits.

In some cases, drugs are placed inside wooden furniture parts. Drugs are often hidden in clothes.

When drug couriers are not directly involved in transporting the drugs across the border, it is considered impersonal smuggling. In 1993, a 1,000-kg cocaine shipment was seized at the Torfyanovka Customs checkpoint of the Vyborg Customs house. The drugs were hidden inside cans and imported into Russia as canned meat purchased by a Russian company from a Colombian agricultural enterprise.

Drugs can also be mailed inside letters, packages and parcels.

Drugs have been discovered in frozen fish (inside the fish or in between the fish in a crate), shrimps, exported coffee bags, book bindings, crafts (both inside them and in crafts made with the addition of cocaine), in the form of resin inside false-bottom tanks, canned liquids, bottles of alcohol, etc.

Chemicals used in drug production are transported in boxes of fruit, vegetables and other essential items.

In the United States, border security was tightened following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, DC. Drug couriers have become more inventive in response. Smugglers use new methods, and they have also revived some long-forgotten methods, including using speedboats on the sea.

Drug smugglers in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean fasten metal drug containers to the bottom of cruise ships, where they are retrieved by scuba divers when the ships drop anchor at U.S. ports.

Smugglers from Mexico and Colombia soak shirts and sweaters in liquid heroin, dry them and pack them inside suitcases, allowing them to evade airport Customs officers and drug-sniffing dogs. Upon arrival in the United States, the heroin is washed off with water and turned back into powder.

Peruvian drug barons came up with one of the most unusual methods of smuggling their products across the border. They used giant Argentine termites to smuggle opium to a European heroin lab, which were ostensibly being sent to a biological institute in Germany. Each termite was covered with a thick layer of opium, which was so skillfully applied that the police had trouble finding the drug.

The crime rings in Palermo, Sicily, have their own unusual smuggling method. Police have repeatedly arrested drug runners transporting drugs in hearses.

Mexican Customs officers have uncovered an unusual method of smuggling cocaine across their border. Colombian smugglers tried to bring in a jeep with 13 parts made from a combination of fiberglass and cocaine. The contraband was exposed with the help of police informants and drug-sniffing dogs.

The police are now trying to find a way to extract cocaine from fiberglass. It appears that drug barons have invented a new process unknown to science.

Exercise 11. Re-read Text 2 as often as necessary to fill in the following table:

Personal drug smuggling methods   Impersonal drug smuggling methods

Exercise 1 2. Comprehension questions.

1. How do criminologists distinguish smuggling methods?

2. What unusual smuggling methods are mentioned in the article?

3. What are the new drug concealment places you have read about?

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps.

1. Customs services have found that drugs are most often smuggled in __________

2. Drugs are often concealed inside __________

3. Chemicals used in drug production are transported in ___________

4. Drugs have been discovered in ___________

Exercise 14. Summarize the information of Unit 1.1 to be ready to speak on:

- reasons for smuggling;

- human trafficking;

- places of concealment;

- notion of the word ‘smuggling’.


Use the following prompts as a plan: major global problem; different causes of smuggling; tremendous amount of human trafficking; personal drug trafficking methods; impersonal drug trafficking methods; terrorist attacks; drug couriers “inventions”; drug barons; police informants; drug-sniffing dogs.



Exercise 15. Practice the following formulas of agreement and disagreement in short dialogues about reasons and types of smuggling.

a) Yes, indeed; I agree with you; I am of the same opinion; You are quite right; There is no doubt about it;

b) I disagree with you (on that point); Oh, no! You are wrong; Nothing of the kind; I am afraid I can’t.

Exercise 16. Class discussion. How effective do you think are the measures taken by different countries for preventing drug smuggling?

Exercise 17. Prepare a presentation on one of the following points:

1. Main reasons for smuggling.

2. The illegal transportation of drugs.

3. The problem of human trafficking.

Use the following basic tips to make your presentation:


Structure Keep copies of any articles used and of your notes. Remember to consult them whenever you are writing essays, reports, presentations, letters etc... Practice   Practice beforehand in front of a mirror, with a recorder or in front of a friend.   Body Language   Smile, make eye contact, stand up straight & move around a bit. Don’t hide behind the podium!  
Notes & Handouts Have brief notes on postcard sized cards. Have a handout that the audience can take away afterwards.   Basic tips to make presentation   Speech Speak clearly, confidently, concisely & not too fast. Use every- day language rather than jargon.
PowerPoint Keep slides clean & simple. Don’t have lots of text on each slide. Use charts, diagrams & pictures   Interaction Build a rapport with your audience. Get them involved by asking & encouraging questions. Use humour if appropriate Nervousness It’s normal to be a bit nervous: this helps make you more energised. Preparation & practice will reduce nerves!


Exercise 18. Translate the following text into Russian:


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