III. Find English equivalents. 

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III. Find English equivalents.

Давление,главный раздел, ток, напряжение, сопротивление, образовывать, электродвижущая сила, соединять,уравнение, параллельное соединение, постоянный ток, переменный ток,  величина, основывать.


  IV. Add necessary letter.


Elect-ical, pre-sure, res-stance, f-ow, electro-otive, fo-ce, sub-tance, su-cession, eq-ation, ter-inal.


V. Finish the sentences.

1. The main units in electrical engineering are…………

2. Current is that………..

3. The total pressure generated…………….

4. The opposition which a substance offers……………….

5. In a circuit in which a steady direct current is ……………

6. The unit of power is……………..

7. The practical unit of electrical energy is……………………



VI. Translate info English.

1. Материя состоит из атомов. 2. Атом состоит из положительно заряженного ядра и отрицательно заряженных электронов, движущихся вокруг ядра. 3. Электроны могут переходить от одного атома к другому. 4. Ток течет по проводникам, образуя электрическую цепь. 5. Студент должен знать такие термины, как ток, напряжение, Д.С. и сопротивление


VII. Use the verb in necessary Tense. Translate the sentences.

1. The main units in electrical engineering (to be) current, pressure or voltage, resistance, power and energy.

2. Current (to flow) along the conductors.

3. A current flows between two points when they (to be joined) by a conductor.

4. Substances having a small resistance, such as metals (to be called) conductors.

5. The unit of power (to be) the watt.

6. The kilowatt-hour (k.w.h)(to be known) as the practical unit of electrical energy.


VIII. Answer the next questions.


1. What is an ampere?

2. What is volt?

3. What is a watt?

4. What is the practical unit of electrical" energy?

5. What is electromotive force?

   6. What types of resistance connections do you know?








Цель: Введение и активизация лексики по теме «Разделы электричества».

Оборудование: комплект тестов, раздаточный материал, иллюстрации по теме.



I. Learn the next words.

A branch


To divide into

To store

To rub

To motion

The latter type

To be necessary

To maintain


To give up

To measure

To be used

To devise

To differ in

отрасль, раздел


разделять на




последний, второй из двух типов

быть необходимым

поддерживать, эксплуатировать


отказаться, терять, бросить



придумывать, изобретать

различаться в чем-либо


II. Read the text with a dictionary. Retell the text using the scheme and answer the questions.


Branches of Electricity

The study of electricity may be divided into three branches: magnetism, electrostatic, and electrodynamics. Magnetism is the property of the molecules of iron and some other substance to store energy in a field of force. Electrostatics is the study of electricity at rest. Electrodynamics is the study of electricity in motion or dynamic electricity. The electric current which flows through wires is a good example of the latter type of electricity.

This flow of electricity through a conductor is analogous to the flow of water through a pipe. A difference of pressure at the two ends of the pipe is necessary in order to maintain a flow of water. A difference of electric pressure is necessary to maintain a flow of electricity in a conductor. Different substances differ in electrical conductivity because of, the ease with which their atoms give up electrons. Electrical energy has intensity and quantity. Instruments have been devised which can be used to measure it in amperes and volts.


L В Magnetism

What is magnetism?

E R  
С A  
T N Electrostatics
R С  
I H  
С E Electrodynamics
I S  

                          What is magnetism?



             What is electrostatics?


             What is electrodynamics?



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