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The driver took the writer from the station to the hotel.

Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму

Mark Twain (I — be) not only a famous writer but also a:amous humorist. He (2 – travel) a lot and (3 — make) speeches in different towns. During these speeches he always (4 – tell) funny stories.

Wherever he (5 — go) he (6— follow) by reporters who (7 — write) down everything he (8 -say). His stories (9 — tell) and (10 -- retell) and (11 -- pass) down from generation to generation. Once he (12 -  hear) a rumour that he (13 — be) dead and (14 -- rumours of my death greatly (15 — exaggerate)."

There (16 -- be) a lot of humorous stories (17---- connect) with the name of Mark Twain. Here (18 — be.) one of them.

Once Mark Twain and two of Ms friends (19 — sit) in a restaurant. One of the tr:enas (20 -- return) from a trip to the mountains. He (21 - say) that the air in the mountains (22 -  be) very clear. In many places the echo of a voice (23 — come) back live times stronger than the original voice. "That (24 — be) nothintg  (25 -- say) the second friend. "In  Colorado. in many

 Places the echo of a voice (26 speak) in the morning (27 — come) back in the afternoon.

Mark Twain (28 — laugh) and (29 — say), "The echoes which you (30 – tell)- us about (31 — be) very unusual. But in a small church in Hannibal where I (32 — be) born, there (33 -- be) an even more unusual echo. If someone (34 -- say) in a loud voice, "Good morning` How (35- he) ou?", the echo (36 — come) back after a moment very clearly, "I (37 — be) very well, thank you, and how (28 – be) you?"

Of coinse, Mark Twain'; friends not (39 -- believe) the story, but than (40— enjoy) it.

5.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. He is very honest, he never tells...lie

 a) - c) an, d) the.

2. Your hair... beautiful today.

 a) look, b) is looking, c) arc looking, d) looks.

3. I have no pen. I have nothing to write....

a) by, b) with. c) on, d) about.

4. Would you like... milk in your tea?

a) some. b) any, c) none, d) every.

5. I`m afraid  I can't tell you... about the accident.

a) many, b) much, c) little, d) a little.

6. There was an interesting film on TV yesterday,...?

a) was there, b) was it, c) wasn't there, d) wasn't it.

7. I... getting up very early.

a) am used to, b) used to, c) didn't use to, d) never used to.

8. They all have worked... at their English.

a) good, b) well, c) hard, d)hardly.

9. Kate is the... dancer in our class

a) good, b) better, c) best, d) best of all.

10. I can speak French. — So....

a) I can, b) can I, c) I can't, d) can't I.

11. The mother didn't let her daughter... late.

a) to stay out, b) stayed out, c) stay out, d) staying out.

12. You... do it now, you can do it tomorrow.

a) mustn't, I-9 needn't. c) can't, d) may not.  

13.Steve... English since he was 5 years old. al learns.

a) learns,b) learned, c) has been learning, (d) is learning.

14. How long... you... to drive a car? – For three years now

a) are able, b) were able, c) will be able, d) have been able.

15. She... to do the work immediately.

a) tells, b) told, c) was told, d) was telling.

16. We wanted to know if they... to the party. a) come, b) would come, c) came, d) have come.

17. If it's dark, you may... the light.

a) turn on, b) turn in, c) turn out, (d) turn off.


18. He is known.. from the trip.

a) to return, b) to be returned, c) to have returned, d) returned.

19.Can you tell me how far...? I can`t walk.

a) is,it b) it is c) it was d) was it

20. I haven`t taken my exam yet.-....

a) I haven`t too b) I also haven`t c) Neither have d) Neither have

Переведите на английский язык

1.Мы думали, что вы едете с нами

2. Она выглядит такой же молодой, как ее двадцатилетняя дочь.

3. Кто еще хочет сказать что-нибудь?

4. Они когда- то были друзьями.

5. К 11 часам гости ушли

Выберите правильный ответ.

1.A double-cieckcc is....

a) a train, b) a small plane, c) a hotel morn for two people, d) a bus

2. The common name for a toy bear in England is....

a) Alichael-bear, b) Tom-bear, c) Teddy-bear, d) Jack-bear.

3. The "Dynasty" is an American....

a) opera, b) soap opera, c) musical, d) documentary.

4. The Crown Jewels are in....

a) the Tower of London, b) Buckingham Palace, c) Westminster Palace, d) the British Museum.

5. St. Patrick is the patron of....

a) Wales, b) England, c) Ireland, d) Scotland.


Ключи к тестам

Test 1


1. He called him a model young man because he didn't smoke, of drink, or come home late: at night (neither smoked, nor drank,..;).

2. The conversation took place on the tram (in a train compartment).


When does he always go to bed?


1 — was, 2 — got, 3 — founds 4— put, 5 — climbed. 6 — was, 7 — went, 8-- saw, 9 do think, 10— are doing, 11 — asked, 12— ran, 13— got, 14— put, 15— gagged, 16— tried, 17— staring„ 18— heard, 19 — whispering, 20— is happening, 21— pulled, 22 — tied, 23—made, 24— said, 25— is, 26— shall take, 27— promise, 28— will not scream, 29 nodded, 30 - took, 31 - was, 32- asked, 33 - left, 34 - did, 35-ran, 36 rang, 37 — is, 38 ringing, 39 have had, 40 — is hidden..


1- d, 2- b, 3- c, 4- a, 5- a, 6- c, 7- d, 8- b, 9- a, io-c, 11- c, 12- b, 13-b, 14- c, 15- d,16-c, 1"1-c, 18 — c, 19-b, 20- c.


1. This film has been much spoken about lately. 2. What were you doing at this time yesterday? 3. Where did you have this dress made? 4. I don't know where he is either. 5. She asked wheie the nearest metro was.


1- d, 2-a, 3- c, 4-c,5-b



Test 2


1. He ordered it because the servant hadn't cleaned his boots.

2. No, he didn't.

2. Where did they put up?


1 — was going, 2 was, 3— wanted, 4 asked, 5 came, 6— sleep, 7 come, shall be, 9— said, 10— am, 1 1— agreed, 12— went, 13 — woke, 14— was, 15 — were walking, 16— was crying, 17— tried, 18— put, 19— went, 20— was talking, 21— went, 22 have come, 23— asked, 24— passed, 25— answered, 26 shouted, 27— didn't tell, 28 did you forget, 29 — had asked, 30 — was surprised, 31 arc, 32— asked, 33— came, 34 asked, 35— said, 36— continued, 37 — understand, 38 was shouting, 39 — fighting, 40 threw.


1- d, 2- c, 3- b, 4- a, 5- c, 6- a, 7- b, 8- a, 9 – d, 10-b, 11- d, 12-b, 13- d, 14- a, 15-b, 16- c, 17-b, 18- d, 1 9-d,20-b.


1. We seem to have met somewhere. 2. What are you going to do when you finish school? 3. We got hungry and stopped to have a snack. 4. She should read more literature in the original. 5. The TV set needs (wants) repairing.


1- b, 2- c. 3- d, 4- a, 5- d.

Test 3



l He was surprised that the cab driver had recognized him.

2. Conan Doyle's name on his luggage did.


Where did the driver take the writer from? –


1-was, 2— travelled. 3 — made, 4— told, 5 — went, 5 — was followed,/ — wrote, — nits saying (said), 9-- were told, 10— retold, 11 — passed, 12 — heard, 13 — was, 1A—remarked, 15 — are exaggerated, 16 — were, 17— connected, IS — is, 19 — were sittirw,,,20 had returned, 21— said, 22 was, 23— came, 24— is, 25— said, 26— spoken, 27— comes, 28— laughed, 29— said, 30 have told, 31— are, 32— was, 33 is, 34-- says, 35— arc,36 comes, 37— am, 38 are, 39 did not believe, 40— enjoyed.


1 - b, 2 - d, 3 - b, 4 - a, 5 - b, 6 - c, 7 - a, 8- c, 9- c, 10-b, 11- c, 12-b. 13-c,14-d.15- 16-1), 17-a, 18- c. 19-b,20-c.


1.We thought you were going with us. 2. She looks as young as her 20 year-old daughter. Who else wants to say something? 4. They used to he friends. 5. The guests had left by 11.


1- d, 2- c, 3- h 4- a, 5- c.



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