We learn the new words / Мыучимновыеслова 

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We learn the new words / Мыучимновыеслова

with the naked eye – невооруженным глазом available - доступный
immune systems – иммунная система along with -наряду с
white blood cell - лейкоцит apply – применять
is оverwhelmed – охвачен, подавлен get rid of – избавиться от
сause – причина, вызывать, являться причиной harmlessly – безвредно
occur - происходить multiply - делиться


We read / Мычитаем


Antibiotics, sometimes known as antibacterials, are drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria. These are tiny organisms, too small to see with the naked eyes that sometimes cause illness in humans. Well-known illnesses caused by bacteria include tuberculosis, salmonella, syphilis and some forms of meningitis. However, many types of bacteria do not cause illness and live harmlessly on, and in the human body.

Our immune systems, with their antibodies and special white blood cells, can usually kill harmful bacteria before they multiply enough to cause symptoms. And even when symptoms do occur, the body can often fight off the infection. But sometimes the body is overwhelmed by a bacterial infection and needs help to get rid of it. This is where antibiotics come in. The very first antibiotic was penicillin and along with a family of related antibiotics (such as ampicillin, amoxicllin and benzylpenicillin) it is still widely used to treat many common infections. Now there are several other different kinds of antibiotics. All of them are only available on prescription.

Translate the words and words combination from English into Russian / Переведитесловаисловосочетания

a) To treat – to treat infections – to treat bacterial infections – are used to treat bacterial infections – Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections.

b) Available – to be available – to be available on prescription – This drug is available on prescription.

c) To apply – to be applied – Antibiotics may be applied – Antibiotics may be applied externally

d) The course – the course of treatment – to complete the course of treatment – to complete the course of treatment with antibiotics – It is important to complete the course of treatment with antibiotics.

Choose the correct answer / Выберитеправильныйответ

1) Which of these illnesses should not be treated with antibiotics?

a) tuberculosis

b) meningitis

c) cold

d) salmonella

2) The first antibiotic was

a) penicillin

b) ampicillin

с) amoxicllin

d) benzyl penicillin

True or false? / Верноилиневерно?

Bacteria are germs that cause colds and flu.

Different kinds of antibiotics are available on prescription

Level B


anthrax - сибирская язва coin - создавать (новые слова), вводить в обращение (новые термины)
evidence - свидетельства refinement - усовершенствование
cure - вылечить, исцелить yield - количество произведѐнного продукта
associate - коллега contribute - делать вклад
host - множество reliable - надежный
benefit - польза, выгода, зд. воздействие crude - сырой, незрелый
moldy - покрытый плесенью strain - штамм (культуры)


While our scientific knowledge of antibiotics has only recently been developed, the practical application of antibiotics has existed for centuries. The first known use was by the Chinese about 2,500 years ago. During this time, they discovered that applying the moldy curd of soybeans to infections had certain therapeutic benefits. It was so effective that it became a standard treatment. Evidence suggests that other cultures used antibiotic-type substances as therapeutic agents. The Sudanese-Nubian civilization used a type of tetracycline antibiotic as early as 350 A.D. In Europe during the Middle Ages, crude plant extracts and cheese curds were also used to fight infection. Although these cultures used antibiotics, the general principles of antibiotic action were not understood until the twentieth century.

The development of modern antibiotics depended on a few key individuals who demonstrated to the world that materials derived from microorganisms could be used to cure infectious diseases. One of the first pioneers in this field was Louis Pasteur. In 1877, he and an associate discovered that the growth of disease causing anthrax bacteria could be inhibited by saprophytic bacteria. They showed that large amounts of anthrax bacilli could be given to animals with no adverse effects as long as the saprophytic bacilli were also given. Over the next few years, other 10 observations supported the fact that some bacterially derived materials could prevent the growth of disease-causing bacteria.

Alexander Fleming made one of the most important contributions to the field of antibiotics. In London, in 1928, he observed the absence of bacterial growth near a contaminating mold (fungus) colony on one of his culture plates. As the mold was Penicillium notatum, he named the substance it secreted penicillin. The mold was grown in broth which then was found to possess antibacterial action against many common pathological organisms both in vitro (in the test tube) and in vivo (in the animal body). This led to the development of the first modern era antibiotic, penicillin. A few years later in 1932, a paper was published which suggested a method for treating infected wounds using a penicillin preparation. The early preparations extracted from the broth culture were grayish - brown, amorphous powders. Although these early samples of penicillin were functional, they were not reliable and further refinements were needed. These improvements came in the early 1940s when Howard Florey and associates discovered a new strain of Penicillium, which produced high yields of penicillin. This allowed large-scale production of penicillin, which helped launch the modern antibiotics industry.

After the discovery of penicillin, other antibiotics were sought. In 1939, work began on the isolation of potential antibiotic products from the soil bacteria streptomyces. It was around this time that the term antibiotic was introduced. The word antibiotic came from the word antibiosis (Gr. anti, "against"; bios, "life) a term coined in 1889 by Louis Pasteur's pupil Paul Vuillemin which means a process by which life could be used to destroy life. Selman Waxman and associates discovered streptomycin in 1944. Subsequent studies resulted in the discovery of a host of new, different antibiotics including actinomycin, streptothricin, and neomycin all produced by Streptomyces. Other antibiotics that have been discovered since include bacitracin, polymyxin, viomycin, chloramphenicol and tetracyclines. Since the 1970s, most new antibiotics have been synthetic modifications of naturally occurring antibiotics.

Read the text and find English equivalents for the following Russian word combinations:

бактерии, вызывающие сибирскую язву; в начале трехсот пятидесятых годов нашей эры; до тех пор, пока; другие наблюдения подтвердили тот факт, что; имело определенное лечебное действие; именно в это время; использовались для борьбы с инфекцией; многие распространенные патологические организмы; одним из первооткрывателей в этой области был; он и его коллега; открыли новый штамм; отсутствие роста бактерий; первые препараты, полученные из питательной среды; плесень выращивалась в бульоне; почвенные бактерии; привели к открытию; разработка современных антибиотиков; синтезированные разновидности; стало обычным способом лечения; это сделало возможным крупномасштабное производство.

Read the text and say if the following statements are:

a. true b. false c. there is no information in the text.

1. A new strain of Penicillium discovered in the early 1940s produced high yields of penicillin. 2. Alexander Fleming, Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain were awarded the Nobel Prize. 3. Antibiotics have some side-effects. 4. Early preparations extracted from the broth culture were not effective against pathogens. 5. New antibiotics are synthetic modifications of naturally occurring antibiotics. 6. Penicillin is produced by fermentation method. 7. Saprophytic bacteria caused anthrax diseases. 8. The practical application of antibiotics has begun in the early 1900s. 9. The term ―antibiotic‖ was coined in the early 1940s. 10. The word ―antibiotic‖ means against life.


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