Treatment for whooping cough 

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Treatment for whooping cough

Treatment for whooping cough varies, depending on your age and the severity of signs and symptoms.

When whooping cough is diagnosed early in older children, teenagers and adults, doctors usually prescribe bed rest along with an antibiotic such as azithromycin or erythromycin. Although antibiotics won't cure whooping cough, they can shorten the duration of the illness and they shorten the period of communicability. If there is a confirmed diagnosis but a slow response to antibiotic therapy, it may be necessary to take the antibiotic for at least two weeks and maybe longer.

If the illness has progressed to the point of severe coughing spells, antibiotics aren't as effective but may still be used. Unfortunately, not much is available in the way of symptom relief. Over-the-counter cough medicines, for instance, have little effect on whooping cough. A case of whooping cough usually resolves in six weeks but may last longer.

Almost all infants with whooping cough who are younger than 2 months, as well as many older babies, are admitted to the hospital to help decrease the risk of serious complications of the disease. Most babies treated for whooping cough overcome the condition without lasting effects, but the risk exists until the infection clears.

In the hospital, your child is likely to receive intravenous antibiotics to treat the infection and perhaps corticosteroid drugs, which help reduce lung inflammation. Sometimes a child's airway may also be suctioned to remove mucus that's blocking it. Your child's breathing will be carefully monitored in case extra oxygen is needed.

If your child can't keep down liquids or food, intravenous fluids may be necessary. In some cases, prescription sedatives will help your child rest. Your child will also be isolated from others to prevent the infection from spreading.


Новорожденный ребенок, обычный кашель, более продолжительный кашель, ребенок теряет вес, глубокий вдох, повторяющаяся рвота, осложнения на легкие.

Name the symptoms of whooping cough?

Тема 6.12.Ветрянаяоспа / Chickenpox

Level A

We learn the new words / Учимновыеслова

slight - слабый

Within a day – впределахсуток

Spot - пятно

Blister - волдырь

Get scabbed – покрыватьсякорками

Itching – зуд, чесотка

Scratch - царапать

We read / Мычитаем


The illness begins with fever, slight headache and listlessness. Within a day or two spots appear on the chest or back, which soon look like small blisters. Such new "crops" keep appearing for 2—3 days and older ones get scabbed over. There is a lot of itching and the child may scratch some of the blisters. Chickenpox is usually a mild disease and there is no particular treatment, except to keep the skin clean and use some soothening lotion for itching. The itching can also be relieved by bathing the child with a small quantity of soda 2—3 times a day. Antihistamine syrup to relieve itching should only be given under medical advice.

As in the case of measles, there is no point keeping the other children in the family away, as they have been exposed to the disease already and it is just as well for them to get it over with.


Скажите по-английски:

слабая головная боль, болезнь средней тяжести, чи­стая кожа, сыпь появляется на коже, облегчить зуд, мо­жет расцарапать.

Назовите симптомы ветряной оспы по-английски.

What should you know about communicable diseases?

Level B


macula — пятно

vesicle ['vesikl] — пузырек, везикула

 smallpox ['smo:lpoks] — ocna

 chickenpox – ветрянаяоспа

nephritis [ne'fraitis] — нефрит (заболевание почек),

encephalitis [en,sefo'laitis]— воспаление головного мозга (эн­цефалит)

scab - корка



Chickenpox is a very contagious disease of children. The disease occurs in epidemics, especially in children under the age13of ten years. Children of the first four years of life are the most susceptible. There is an incubation period of 14—21 days, most frequently 17 days.

The first symptoms are the following: a slight fever and sometimes pains in the back and legs. Almost at the same time (within twenty four hours) a characteristic eruption appears on different parts of the body. It is found very frequently on the scalp (the hairy part of the head).

The eruption consists of red maculas quickly progressing to papules and vesicles. Soon they become crusted. The brownish crusts dry up and fall off in two – three weeks. The child remains infectious until the scabs scale.

The number of vesicles is very variable. In a slight case there may only be eight or ten of the vesicles, but sometimes in severe cases their number may amount to six or seven hundred.

In the vast majority of cases there is no difficulty in making a diagnosis, but a doctor must learn how to differentiate it from other skin disorders especially from smallpox.

Chickenpox is one of the mildest of acute infectious diseases of children. Children remain feverish for 2 – 3 days, while new vesicles still appear and after that feel well. The recovery is usually complete. Complications are rare. Encephalitis may occur in uncommonly severe cases.

In the majority of cases no other treatment beyond isolation is required. The child should be kept in bed during the eruptive stage and as long as there is any fever. The lesions(повреждение) should be treated with a disinfective solution.


In pairs, discuss the questions:

1. What kind of disease is chickenpox?

2. What is its most characteristic symptom?

3. What age is affected by the disease?

4. Is the incubation period long?

5. What are the first symptoms?

6. When does the eruption appear?

7. What does the eruption consist of?

8. On what part of the body does the eruption appear?

9. How many vesicles may be on the skin?

10. What is the duration of this disease?

11. What treatment is required?

12. Is it difficult to make a diagnosis of the disease?

13. What must the doctor keep in mind making a diagnosis?

14. Is chickenpox usually a mild or severe disease?


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