Find in each row the word, the translation of which is given at the beginning of the series 

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Find in each row the word, the translation of which is given at the beginning of the series

1. деятельность — activator, activities, activation, activity, activist;

2. подобнымобразом, также — similarity, similar, simple, similarly;

3. такимобразом, так — so, then, thus, actually; 4. влиятьна... — to effect, to defect, to affect

Translate these sentences

1. Нервная и эндокринная системы координируют и стимулируют деятельность всего организма.

2. Эндокринные железы не имеют протоков и выделяют свой секрет непосредственно в кровь, которая разносит его по организму.

3. Снижение функции или понижение активности эндокринных желез вызывает изменение в работе всего организма.

4. Деятельность эндокринных желез взаимосвязана и регулируется гипофизом.

5. Нервная система контролирует работу эндокринных желез.


Instruction: Fill the blank

Growth hormone



Estrogen, progesterone



Regulates growth


Controls the metabolism rate

Controls calcium balance of the body

Controls growth and development of female reproductive system

Controls glucose level of the blood

Controls growth and development of male reproductive system

Controls the functioning of endocrine glands

Prepares body for emergency

It also brings about balanced growth


Glands Hormones Functions

Раздел 3.History of Medicine. ThePastSimpleTense / Историямедицины. Прошедшеепростоевремя

Тема 3.1.MedicineDevelopmentintheMiddleAges/ Развитиемедицинывсредниевека



Wordsforlearning healthy |ˈhɛlθi| Здоровьй, ill |ɪl| больной, illness |ɪlnəs| болезнь, broken bone |ˈbrəʊk(ə)n bəʊn|сломаная кость, plant |plɑːnt|растение, taste |teɪst|вкус, test |ˈtest| тест, safe |seɪf| безопасный, discover |dɪˈskʌvə| открывать, fever |ˈfiːvə| лихорадка, жар, medicine |ˈmɛds(ə)n|медицина,лекарство, sore skin |sɔː skɪn| раздражение кожи


Early Medicine

Early people were nomads (кочевники) – they didn't live in one place and traveled around to look for food. Early people were healthy, because they lived outdoors most of the time and they walked and ran a lot. They hunted animals and ate meat and plants when they were still fresh. Early nomads used mud to heal broken bones. If they broke an arm or a leg, they put wet mud on it. Then the mud became dry and hard, and it stopped the arm or leg moving so that the bone inside could heal.

Early people believed that they got ill because evil spirits were inside them. Many people had amulets – things that can bring luck. They hoped that their amulets could stop them being ill. People cared for each other when they were ill. A shaman was a man or woman who sang songs, danced, and did magic spells to make people well. Many people believed that these magic spells worked. Nowadays some people also visit shamans because they believe that a shaman can help them.  

When early people tasted plants to test which ones were safe to eat, they sometimes discovered plants that cured illness and fever. These plants were the first medicines. One of the oldest books about medicines made from plants was written in China more than four thousand years ago. Most early medicines were made from parts of plants such as flowers. People ate the plant parts or they made them into drinks. Sometimes they made the plant parts into lotions to put on their body. Nowadays many people also use medicines made from plants. For example, we use lotions made from aloe vera plants to make sore skin feel better.  


Answer the questions.

1. Why were early people healthy?

2. What did they eat?

3. How did early people heal broken bones?

4. Who was a shaman?

5. How did early people discover plants that cured illness and fever?

6. When was the first book about medicines made from plants written?

7. What are the lotions made from aloe vera plants used for?



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