What is marketing ? Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть. 

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What is marketing ? Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

What is marketing? Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

Marketing is the process of studying needs and wants and satisfying those wants and needs by exchanging goods and services; this results in satisfied buyers and creates profits for sellers.

2. Key words. Завдання 2. Прочитайте запишить та вивчіть:

Marketing – маркетинг (вид людської діяльності, спрямованний на задоволення потреб шляхом обміну)

Marketing manager – керуючий по маркетингу (посадова особа фірми, яка займається аналізом маркетингової ситуації, запровадженням в життя планів та виконує контрольні функції)

Marketing mix- комплекс маркетингу

Product differentiation – позиціонування товару

Pricing – ціноутворення

Retail outlet – роздрібне торгове підприємство

Definitions of the key Terms. Завдання 3. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

Marketing – the process of planing and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.

Marketing manager – plans and executes the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

Marketing mix – the strategic combination of product decisions regarding packaging, pricing, distribution, credit, branding, service, complaint handling, and other marketing activities.

Four P’s of marketing – product, place, promotion and price.

Product differentiation – the creation of benefits and an image for a product that captures the imagination of the public and sets it apart from other, similar products.

Individual work. Завдання 8. Проведіть самостійний аналіз та підготуйтесь до дискусії на задану тематику.

Watch your local papers for evidence that firms are adopting a human orientation (that is, paying more attention to manager and employee satisfaction). For example, watch for references to company health programs, recreating programs, more flexible schedules (flextime), day-care programs, and so on.

Debate both sides of this statement: "Business people are in business to make profit; that is, and should be, their only objective."



The Marketing Concept. Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

A detailed examination of the business to assess what has happened over the previous years in certain key areas is an important element of business planning. It will involve considering the company's performance in such areas as selling, pricing, production, distribution and finance and administration.

2. Key words. Завдання 2. Прочитайте запишить та вивчіть:


Wants and needs – бажання та потреби

Demand – вимоги

Merchandise – товар, крам

Storage – зберігання

Distribution – розподіл

Emerge – виникати

Survive – виживати

Respond – задовольняти

Satisfaction – задоволення, вдоволення

Long – term – довгочасний, довгостроковий

Hire – наймати на работу

Quality – якість

Provide – забезпечувати

Goal – ціль

Individual work. Завдання 8. Проведіть самостійний аналіз та підготуйтесь до дискусії на задану тематику.

Talk to several people who work in marketing (for example, retailers, salespeople, marketing researcher, advertising people) and see how they enjoy their jobs. Which careers look best? Discuss your findings with the class.


Prepare a report.

Suggest alternative solutions.

Recommend a course of action.

Individual work. Завдання 8. Проведіть самостійний аналіз та підготуйтесь до дискусії на задану тематику.


1. What is the product of a college or university? Would it differ for different students and for different faculties? Think about it. Explain why.

Sales promotion techniques

Displays (store displays) Lotteries
Contests (“You may have won 1 million”) Audio – visual aids Catalogues
Samples (toothpaste, soap) Demonstrations
Coupons (10 per. off) Special events
Premiums (free glass when you buy a meal) Trading stamps
Shows (fashion shows) Portfolios for sales persons
Deals (price reductions) Rebates (refunds from producers)
Trade shows  
Bonuses (buy one, get one free)  


There are two ways to promote the movement of products from producers to the customers. The first is called a pushed strategy. In push strategy, the producer uses advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and all other promotional tools to convince wholesalers and retailers to stock and sell merchandise. If it works, consumers will then walk into the store, see the product and by it. The idea is to push the product down the distribution system to the stores. One example of the push strategy is to offer dealers one free case of beer or soda for every dozen cases they purchase.

A second strategy is called a pull strategy. In a pull strategy heavy advertising and sales promotion is directed toward consumers, if it works, consumer will go to the store and order the products. The store owner will order them from the wholesaler, who will order from the producer. Products are thus pulled down through the distribution system.



Word-of-mouth promotion encourages people to tell other people about products they have enjoyed. Word-of-mouth is one of the most effective marketers do not use to full effectiveness.

Anything that encourages people to talk favourably about an organization is effective word of mouth. Notice, for example, how stores use clowns, banners, music, fairs and other attention getting devices to create word of mouth. You can ask people to tell others about your product or even pay them to do so. Samples are another way to generate word of mouth. But the best way to generate word of mouth is to have a good product, provide good services, and keep customers happy.


Public relations (PR) is defined as a management function that evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or an organization with a public interest, and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.

Public relations is one department in an organization that has explicit responsibility for listening to the public. The second step in a good PR program, after listening, is the development of policies and procedures that are in the public interest. Public relations should not be just a promotional tool or a communications device; it should be an action-oriented department with the responsibility to adapt the organization to the public's wants and needs. The final step in a PR program is to take action to earn public understanding and acceptance. One does not earn understanding by bombarding the public with propaganda; one earns understanding by having programs and practices in the public interest and letting people know that you have them. It is not enough to act in the public interest; you must also inform people of that fact.


Publicity is one function of the public relations department. Publicity is any information about an individual, a product, or an organization that is distributed to the public through the media, and that is not paid for, or controlled by, the sponsor. You might prepare a publicity release describing the new product and how it works and send it to the various media. Release of the news about the new product will reach many potential buyers (and investors, distributors, and dealers), and you will be on your way to becoming a wealthy marketer.

Publicity is an effective complement to other tools of marketing promotion such as advertising, personnel selling, and sales promotion. Publicity often has several 'advantages over other marketing promotions, such as advertising. For example, publicity may reach people who would not read an advertising message. Publicity may be placed on the front page of the newspaper or in some other very prominent position. Perhaps the greatest advantage of publicity is its believability. When a newspaper or magazine publishes a story as news, the reader treats the story as news, and news is more believable than advertising. Of course, publicity is also much cheaper than advertising, because it is published free.

There are several disadvantages of publicity as well. The media do not have to publish a publicity release, and most are thrown away. Furthermore the story may be altered so that it is not so positive. There is a good publicity and bad publicity. Once a story has run, it is not likely to be repeated. Advertising, on the other hand, can be repeated as often as needed.


Personal selling  is the face – to – face presentation and promotion of products and services plus the searching out of prospects and follow up service. Effective selling is not simply a matter of persuading others to buy. In fact, it is more accurately described as helping others to satisfy their wants and needs. Selling can be an exciting, rewarding, challenging, professional, and enjoyable career.

                                                              Follow up

                                                     Close all

                                           Answer objections

                                 Make presentation


              Pre -approach


What the steps mean

Prospect   Pre approach     Approach   Make presentation Answer objections   Close sale   Follow - up This step involves researching potential buyers and choosing those most likely to buy. These people are called prospects. You may learn the names of prospects from customers, from surveys, from public records and so forth.  Before making sales call, the sales representative must do further research. As much as possible should be learned about the customer and his or her wants and needs. What products are they using now? Are they satisfied? Why or why not? Before a call, a salesperson should know the customer well and have a specific objective for the call. This is probably the most important step in “selling. "You don't have a second chance to make a good first impression". That is why the approach is so important. It involves learning] all about the prospect and his or her needs (including hobbies and so forth).  This is the actual demonstration or presentation of the product and its benefits to the prospect. This may involve audio-visual aids. Sometimes a prospect may question facts and figures and ask for more information. Often a sales representative must come back several times. The goal is to make sure that the customer is informed and committed to the purchase. You have to "ask for the sale" to finalize the sales process. "Would you like the red one or the green one?" "And when would you want delivery?" are examples of questions used to close the sale. The selling process isn't over until the product is delivered, installed, and working satisfactorily. The selling relationship often continues for years as the sales-person responds to customer requests and introduces new products over time. Selling is a matter of establishing relationships; not just selling goods and services.  

5. C omprehension questions. Завдання 5. Підготуйте письмові відповіді на питання:

1. What is the difference between marketing communication and promotion?

6. Who are the publics of an organization?

7. What does a marketing communication look like?

4. What is the difference between marketing intelligence and marketing research?

5. What do I need to know about advertising?

1.What makes promotion effective?

2.Why is publicity more effective then advertising?

3.What is publicity?

4.What is the secret of word of mouth promotion?

2. What are the sales promotion tools?

3. Is sales promotion the same as promotion?

4. What are the seven steps in the selling process?

6. Discussion questions. Завдання 6. Підготуйте коротку інформаціюб використовуючи запитання як план:

• Why should a firm's marketing department be concerned about marketing to its own employees?

• Can you name five different publics of a restaurant?

• What would you do if you were the marketing director of a firm that had major brands of regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee? How would you position your coffees?

• Would you develop different strategies for regular decaffeinated coffee? Why or why not?

7. G roup activities. Завдання 7. Підготуйтесь до бесіди, використайте задану ситуацію:

1. If your school (college) were to adopt a marketing; communication system, where would it begin? To whom should it" listen? How would it measure responsiveness? How would the students benefit? Discuss how schools (colleges) that are failing because of decreasing enrolment could benefit from an MCS.

1. Bring in samples of advertising to show how informative consumer advertising can be. Bring in other ads that are not so informative. Discuss both sets of ads with the class to see which are more effective in attracting consumer interest.

2. How would you go about generating word of mouth promotion for the following?

a.    An upcoming dance at school (college);

b.    A new restaurant in the area;

c. A great vacation spot;

d.    A microwave oven.

What is marketing? Завдання 1. Прочитайте та перекладіть.

Marketing is the process of studying needs and wants and satisfying those wants and needs by exchanging goods and services; this results in satisfied buyers and creates profits for sellers.

2. Key words. Завдання 2. Прочитайте запишить та вивчіть:

Marketing – маркетинг (вид людської діяльності, спрямованний на задоволення потреб шляхом обміну)

Marketing manager – керуючий по маркетингу (посадова особа фірми, яка займається аналізом маркетингової ситуації, запровадженням в життя планів та виконує контрольні функції)

Marketing mix- комплекс маркетингу

Product differentiation – позиціонування товару

Pricing – ціноутворення

Retail outlet – роздрібне торгове підприємство


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